单词 | 惠而不费 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 惠而不费 —a kind act that costs nothingSee also:而不—rather than
瑞士和欧盟成员国签署的《双重征税协定》为红利、利息和 版权费提供的更优惠的税收政策不受 影 响。 gza.ch | Double Tax Treaties between Switzerland and EU member states with more favorable tax treatment of dividend, interest and royalty payments remain unaffected. gza.ch |
现有促进可再生能源项目的措施有:广泛的财 政和资金激励措施,包括软贷款,优 惠 关 税 ,免征 消费税, 免税期,以及加速折旧的收益。 undpcc.org | The promotional measures available to renewable energy projects comprise a wide range of fiscal and financial [...] incentives, including [...] soft loans, concessional customs duties, exemption from excise duty, tax holidays, [...]and accelerated depreciation benefits. undpcc.org |
1998年 5月,競諮會頒布《競爭政策綱領》,闡明政府競爭政策的目的 是提高經濟效益,促進自由貿易,從 而惠 及 消費者;此外,只有 在市場不健全 或歪變,限制了進入市場的機會或在市場內競逐的 機會,損害經濟效益或自由貿易,使香港的整體利益受損時,政 [...] 府才會採取行動。 legco.gov.hk | In May 1998, COMPAG promulgated a Statement on Competition Policy, articulating the objective of the Government's competition policy as to enhance [...] economic efficiency and [...] free flow of trade, thereby benefiting consumer welfare, with the Government taking [...]action only when [...]market imperfections or distortions limited market accessibility or market contestability, and impaired economic efficiency or free trade, to the detriment of the overall interest of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
巴黎邻近地区的办公用房对外租金在每平方米 650 至 900 欧 元之间,而且不包括 教科文组织在租金合同范围内向常驻代表团提供的许多额外服务和优 惠,如杂费和设 备、用具、电话设备、巴黎地区免收话费、邮件直接寄发、应要求提供保 养、24 小时的安全和保安服务等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Outside rental prices for offices in the adjacent Paris area are [...] situated [...] between €650 and €900/m2 , however, these prices do not cover a great number of additional services and advantages provided by UNESCO to permanent delegations [...]within the framework of the rental contracts, namely: charges and utilities, furniture, telephone [...]equipment and free calls for Paris area, direct mail delivery, maintenance on request and round-theclock security and safety service in place. unesdoc.unesco.org |
40 董事會可不時酌情延長任何指定的催繳時間,並可因居於香港以外其他地區 或董事會認為可獲得延長催繳時間的其他理由,對該等全部或任何股東延長 催繳時間,惟股東不得因恩惠及優 惠而 獲 得 任何延長催繳時間的權利。 cre8ir.com | 40 The Board may from time to time at its discretion extend the time fixed for any call, and may extend such time as to all or any of the members, whom by reason of residence outside Hong Kong or other cause the Board considers it reasonable to grant an extension to, but no member shall be entitled to any such extension as a matter of grace and favour. cre8ir.com |
亦有委員認為,為醫保計劃的保費提供扣稅 優 惠 , 而不 使用 該500億元為醫保計劃提供財務誘因,能同樣達致增加核准 [...] 醫保參與率的目的。 legco.gov.hk | There was also a view that offering a tax deduction [...] for the premiums, instead of making use of [...]the $50 billion to provide fiscal incentives [...]under HPS, could serve the same purpose of increasing the uptake of HPS Plans. legco.gov.hk |
地球问 题首脑会议确定的共同但有区别的责任原则不应停留在口头上,而应落实在行动 中,但现在的情形却往往是口惠而实 不 至 , 一方坚持该原则中共同的责任,而另 一方则坚持有区别的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Earth Summit principle of common but differentiated responsibilities needs to be honoured in practice rather than in rhetoric alone, as is too often the case at present, with one side insisting on the common and the other on the differentiated part of the principle. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长关于索马里沿海海盗的法律问题特别顾问杰克·兰先生在他的报告 中,提议在该区域第三国设立一个域外索马里反海盗法庭,作为该区域和国际支 助的协调中心,以协助加强索马里的法治 , 而 且 如 果设在坦桑尼亚阿鲁沙卢旺达 问题国际刑事法庭房地内的话,可作为一项 花 费不 多 的 迅捷措施(见 S/2011/30, 附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his report, Jack Lang, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Legal Issues Related to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, proposed the establishment of an extraterritorial Somali anti-piracy court in a third State in the region to act as a focal point for regional and international support to help strengthen the rule of law in [...] Somalia, as a swift and [...] inexpensive measure if located within the premises of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania (see S/2011/30, annex). daccess-ods.un.org |
但是, [...] 与会者一致同意并强烈要求教科文组织从正常计划预算中为多国和地区磋商提出 经 费 , 而不 是从 参与计划中拨款,因为这些磋商被看作教科文组织的主要工作的组成部分。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, participants unanimously and strongly agreed to urge UNESCO to fund cluster and [...] regional consultations from the regular [...] programme budget, instead of the Participation [...]Programme as these were considered [...]to be part and parcel of the core business of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
长期而言, 如果消耗臭层物质气候融资机制获得成功,那么目的是 将消耗臭层物质直接排放同遵守碳市场相联系,达到遵守碳市场为消耗臭层物质气 候 惠益 费用供资的状态。 multilateralfund.org | In the long term, if the ODS climate facility was successful, the aim was to link ODS direct emissions to the compliance carbon markets, and to arrive at a situation where compliance carbon markets financed ODS climate benefit costs. multilateralfund.org |
为 履行这项责任,服务提供商应采取某些措施,诸如确保其供水的水质安全、确保 正常供水、武歧视的经营、采取公平的程序处 理 不 付 费 时的断水情况,以及当人 们因无法付费而被断水会得不到最起码的基本用水时,不要掐断供水。 daccess-ods.un.org | To meet this responsibility, service providers should take certain measures, such as ensuring that the water they provide is of safe quality, [...] ensuring the [...] regularity of supply, not discriminating in their operations, adopting fair procedures in cases of disconnections due to non-payment and refraining from disconnections when people are unable to pay and the disconnection would leave them without access to minimum [...]essential levels of water. daccess-ods.un.org |
在討論過程中,委員並不認同香港啤酒聯盟的解釋,委員認為這項稅務 [...] 優惠應轉化為相應調低的零售價格,令消費者直接 受 惠 , 而不 應 用 於個別啤 酒品牌的市場營銷和推廣策略上。 legco.gov.hk | Members do not subscribe to the Hong Kong Beer Coalition's explanation. They hold that the duty concession should be translated into [...] reduction in retail prices for the direct [...] benefit of consumers, instead of being used in [...]the context of the marketing and promotional [...]strategies of individual beer brand names. legco.gov.hk |
虽然 在各国开信用证的费用不同,但作为一个经验法则,出口商可以估计,在大部分 发达国家中,开立和支付超过 100 000 美元的信用证的费用为 0.75%(各银行最低 收费不同),而在发展中国家,签发和商付费用可高达 1.5%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the cost of opening a letter of credit varies from country to country, as a rule of thumb, the exporter can estimate that, in most developed countries, the percentage cost for opening and paying a letter of credit will be [...] 0.75 per cent for [...] letters of credit in excess of $100,000 (minimums will vary from bank to bank); in developing countries, the issuing and negotiation cost can be upwards [...]of 1.5 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,尽 管极端贫困显著减少,但中等收入国家日均生 活 费不 到 1.25 美元的人口仍占全世界这类人口的 64%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet, despite notable reductions in extreme poverty, middle-income countries are still home to 64 [...] per cent of the world population [...]that lives on less than $1.25 per day. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外,秘书处预计随着该系统在更多的部厅使用,每个服务 受 惠 者 的 费用 会降低。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the [...] Secretariat expects the cost per service recipient [...]to decrease as the system is deployed to additional offices and departments. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,所提 到的程序目的是防止资产离散和浪 费而不 是 清 算或重组债务人财产;法院意欲 防止的损害是对投资人的损害而不是对所有债权人的损害;对破产管理人赋予 [...] 的权力和规定的义务是汇集和保全资产而不是清算或分配资产;破产管理人没 有权力分配债务人资产。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, where the recited purpose [...] of the proceedings was to prevent [...] dissipation and waste, rather than to liquidate [...]or reorganize the debtors’ estates; where [...]the detriment that the court was concerned to prevent was detriment to investors rather to all creditors; where the powers conferred and duties imposed on the insolvency representative were to gather in and preserve assets, not to liquidate or distribute them; and where the insolvency representative had no power to distribute the assets of the debtor. daccess-ods.un.org |
这就包括需要向法院的调查工作提供必要的经 费,而不仅仅 是将负担推到国际刑事法院缔约国的身上。 daccess-ods.un.org | This would include providing the funding necessary for [...] court investigations rather than simply placing [...]burden on the ICC States parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
在各国 海关和 CFCFA 成员间进行了调查,初步的反馈信息是:新的过境文 件 不 清 晰 ,造成多斯托克 过境点的大量延误(FIATA 标准需要考虑新的贸易单据,CFCFA 的培训需要包括新的“关税 联盟”程序和单证);“关税联盟”边境的延误增加,特别是来自非关税联盟国家的车辆;哈萨 克斯坦 – 俄罗斯跨境速度大幅度提高;更高的关税导致运输者将货物分装为 50 公斤的包装; 俄罗斯 – 白俄罗斯边境有歧视性收费,而且有 可能是受到了“关税联盟”的推动,来自中国需要 入境司机的签证申请费用很高,而且需要提前很长时间申请。 cfcfa.net | A quick survey among customs agencies and CFCFA members was done and initial impressions indicate: lack of clarity in new transit document resulted in long queues in Dostyk BCP (FIATA standards will need to consider the new TD and training for CFCFA should include new CU procedures and documents); delays at the CU borders have increased, especially for vehicles from non-CU member countries; much quicker crossing of the Kazakhstan-Russia border; higher tariffs have resulted in transporters breaking cargo to 50kgs parcels; discriminatory payments on the RussianBelarusian border; and, possibly motivated by the CU, visas for drivers entering from the PRC are costly and issuance requires application well in advance. cfcfa.net |
可是由於條例並未明確定義融資租賃行 為是否屬於銷售,因此企業通過融資租賃方式購置的設 備極有可能享受不到增值稅抵扣的優 惠 ; 而 目 前 很多大 企業亦因為增值稅問題未明,而對將要展開的項目暫且 觀望。 cflg.com.hk | Many of the big corporation is taking the “wait and see” approach and lots of projects are on hold until things get resolved. cflg.com.hk |
内部司法理事会保留在其上一次报告(A/66/158)第 12 段中所述看法,即如 [...] 修订争议法庭规约,以提供预算定为全职法官费用的 75%的两名半职法官的经费, 而不是预 算定为全职法官的 50%的两名半职法官的经费,就可能无需增设一名半 [...]职法官。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Internal Justice Council maintains the view expressed in paragraph 12 of its previous report (A/66/158) that the need for an additional half-time judge might be avoided if the statute of the Dispute Tribunal were to be amended to provide for two [...] part-time judges budgeted at 75 [...] per cent of the cost of a full-time judge, instead of two half-time [...]judges budgeted at 50 per [...]cent of the cost of a full-time judge. daccess-ods.un.org |
如客戶於推廣期內新開立 [...] / 提升至優越理財,並符合優越理財之迎新優惠要求, 本行將按照當時優越理財之優惠計算所得之迎新 優 惠 , 而 有 關 之優進理財 優惠 將不適用。 hangseng.com | If customer newly opens/upgrades to Prestige Banking during the Promotion Period and fulfills the welcome offers requirement of Prestige Banking, entitlement [...] to welcome offers will be based on Prestige Banking, [...] and the relevant offers of Preferred Banking will not be applicable. hangseng.com |
他認為,政府當局應確 保若擴大計劃的涵蓋範圍,會令學生直接 受 惠 , 而不是 供院校償還興建校園建築物以提供副學位課程的債務。 legco.gov.hk | He was of the view that the Administration should ensure that such an extension, if made, would benefit the students direct and not for the institutions to repay debts in relation to the construction of campus buildings for sub-degree programmes. legco.gov.hk |
统筹使用资金成功地减少了捐助方和 受 惠 方 的手 续 费 ,增 加了透明度和着重点,刚果民主共和国就是一个范例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pooled funding has been quite successful in [...] reducing transaction costs for donors and recipients, [...]and in increasing transparency [...]and focus, for example, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
Acronis 提供的資料保護和災難復原解決方案 不 但 在價格方面非常 優 惠 , 而 且 易於使用,可輕鬆跨越實體、虛擬和雲端環境,所有這些優勢再加上其全面而有競爭力的通路體系,Acronis 在全球市場上取得了重大進展,而其通路合作夥伴也從中受益匪淺。 acronis.com.tw | By offering affordable, easy to use data protection and disaster-recovery solutions across physical, virtual and cloud-based environments, married with a comprehensive and competitive channel program, Acronis is well-positioned to make key inroads in the global market and to make its channel partners successful with it. acronis.eu |
稍 後 ,民主黨 [...] 的其他同 事會就 這方面再作 深 入 的 闡 述 , 但我們希望如果有租 金 優惠的 話 , 便 要 確 保這些在 承 包 商 下 的 個別商戶能 夠 受 惠 而不要被那些承 包 商 中間剝 削 。 legco.gov.hk | Other Members of the Democratic Party will elaborate on this further later on, but if rent concession is indeed offered, we hope that it will be ensured that individual [...] commercial tenants [...] operating under single-operators can benefit from it, and that single-operators will not cash in on this. legco.gov.hk |
全世界 40%的人口每天生活费不足 2 美元,其 收入只占全球收入的 5%,而 在 每天生活费不足 1 美元的人口中,农村人 口占四分之三。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 40 per cent of the world’s population living on less than US$ 2 a day account for 5 percent of global income, while rural areas account for three out of every four people living on less than $1 a day. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行委员会还 注意到,在国家方案的框架内,亚美尼亚为管 制 不 同 行 业的氟氯烃 消 费而 采 取 了重大的步骤,并 将与海关密切合作应付非法贸易,同时还将提高技术员对于回收技术和做法的认识,以期利用在 编制氟氯化碳淘汰方案时积累的经验。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee also noted that within the framework of the Country Programme, Armenia has taken significant steps to control the HCFC consumption in different sectors and that illegal trade will further be pursued in close collaboration with customs, as well as awareness-raising for technicians on recovery and recycling techniques and practices, with a view to use the gained experience in the CFC phase-out programme. multilateralfund.org |
鑒於香港經濟持續低迷,失業率高達5.3%,同時消費物價指數已 連續3年下滑,通縮日益惡化,而本港 各類公共交通服務的收費依 然高企,交通費佔了市民生活開支一個甚大的比例,本會促請政 府與各公共交通機構磋商,鼓勵各機構因應其個別營運情況,調 低收費或提供優惠給乘 客,以減輕市民負擔。 legco.gov.hk | That, as Hong Kong's economy remains in the doldrums with the unemployment rate rising to 5.3%, the Consumer Price Index falling for three consecutive years, and [...] the worsening [...] deflationary situation, while the fares of various public transport services remain high, and transport expenses account for a large proportion of the public's living expenses, this Council urges the Government to discuss with various public transport operators and encourage them to take account of their respective operating conditions and reduce their fares or offer concessions to passengers, [...]thereby alleviating the burden on the public. legco.gov.hk |