

单词 惊弓之鸟

See also:


scare a bird into flight

External sources (not reviewed)

67 惊鸟绳是 系在绳上的下垂塑料,附在渔船靠近将绳放到水中的地方,以帮惊 吓鸟远离有钓饵的钩。
where the vessel places its fishing line in the water and help frighten birds away from the baited hooks.
我知道,警監會在發生 大量泄漏個人資料的案件後,可能變成了 弓之 鳥 , 甚至有很多顧慮、很多 意見。
I know that the massive leakage of personal information has scared the IPCC a very great deal, and many worries and opinions have been expressed.
2010 年,联合国收到来自民间社会团体、国家机关和安全部队以及美国驻伊拉克部队
[...] 的一致报告,伊拉克基地组织运营着一个 14 岁以下儿童的青年部,称为“天之鸟”(也称之为“ 天堂男童”或“天堂青年”),对军事、政府和平民目标发动 [...]
There have been consistent reports received in 2010 by the United Nations from civil society groups, national authorities and security forces, as well as the United States Forces in Iraq (USF-I), that Al-Qaida in Iraq
operates a youth wing for children under
[...] the age of 14 called “Birds of Paradise” (also referred [...]
to as “Paradise Boys” or “Youth
of Heaven”) to carry out suicide attacks against military, government and civilian targets.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因 之 间 的 tannaitic和救世主的来 之 前 的时间世界末日图 惊 人 的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis
in the Ḥasidean
[...] schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding [...]
the Messianic advent:
"In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
我还谴责据报伊拉克基地组织招募儿童作为自杀炸弹 手的做法,并呼吁立即解散天之鸟 组 织 ,要求公开宣布解散该组织。
I further condemn the reported practice by Al-Qaida in Iraq of recruiting children as
suicide bombers, and call for the immediate
[...] disbandment of the Birds of Paradise and request [...]
a public declaration to that effect.
如果在完成 合 併 後 , 我們討論了一段 長時 間 的 所 謂 可加可減 機 制,對於這間合併 的公司來 說 , 原 來 只 是 董 事局可 以考 慮 的 因之一, 並非一定 要跟從的 機 制,這 樣 便 出現一個 不 明 朗 的 因 素,亦 可 能 會 造 成 一 個 所 謂 “弓 手 " 的 現 象 。
If this so-called fare adjustment mechanism, which enables fares to increase or decrease and which we have discussed for a long time, is only one of the factors for the board of this merged corporation to consider after merger, not a obligatory mechanism, then an uncertainty has emerged, and it is also a so-called inconsistent act.
在前南斯拉夫、卢旺达和达尔富尔,在试图制止大规模屠 杀的措施无效之后,国际社会对暴力规 之 大 性 质 之 严 重 感到 惊。
In the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Darfur, after taking
ineffectual steps to halt widespread killings, the international
[...] community was horrified by the scale and nature of the violence.
在二十世纪七十年代和八十年代拉丁美洲国家所使用的安全措施与过去一个 世纪里其他地区,如非洲、亚洲、欧洲和中东所使用的安全措 之 间 可 以发惊 人的相似之外。
Striking similarities can be identified in the security measures of the 1970s and 1980s used in Latin American countries and, in the past century, in other regions, such as Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
People whose only crime was their attachment to their homeland were being forced to live in fear.
他必须抢厄尼(惊人的相似之处林 奎尼,是人类最主要的主角从一个沉睡的农民料理鼠王)的注视下,他面无表情的考官,一种凝胶状的一滴命名为B先生 [2]从内存中,斯图预计使用数组的成千上万的未标记的拨动开关用于此目的,和B先生没有给出提示(S)使用。
He must snatch a sleeping farmer named
[...] Ernie (who bears a striking resemblance to Linguini, [...]
the main human protagonist from Ratatouille)
under the watchful eye of his impassive examiner, a gelatinous blob named Mr. B.[2] Working from memory, Stu is expected to use an array of thousands of unlabeled toggle switches for this purpose, and Mr. B gives no hints of which one(s) to use.
我覺得政府變成了過分的弓之鳥, 使出“孫九招”,是停止興建居 屋,我已反對這做法,我認為可以繼續興建居屋,只不過應減少興建的數量, 每年可以只興建數千個單位作為調節。
I opine that the construction of HOS units should continue, but the number of units to be constructed should be reduced to only a few thousands per year.
伊拉克陆军一 名高级官员补充说,“天之鸟直接 负责招募 15 岁以下儿童,给他们洗脑,说服 他们开展自杀式行动;甚至欺骗他们,把爆炸物放在他们身上,并派他们去市场, [...]
A senior Iraq army
[...] official added that “the Birds of Paradise group was [...]
directly responsible for recruiting children under
15, brainwashing them, and convincing them to carry out suicide operations — or even deceiving them by placing explosives around their bodies, sending them to markets, and then blowing them up using a remote control”.
不得要求孕妇在高气压条件下工作,在存在风疹风险 弓 形 体 病风险的情 况下工作,也不可要她们做接触铅及其有毒化合物的工作、地下工作、夜班和人 [...]
Pregnant women may not be required to work in the conditions of high air pressure, in
the case of an existence of a risk of
[...] rubella, risk of toxoplasmosis, nor perform [...]
work with lead and its toxic compounds,
underground work, work at night, and manual moving of heavy objects.
文件S/2011/250 中所载报告的第 97 段指出, 2010
[...] 年收到来自许多方面的一致报告,称伊拉克境内 的基地组织部队运营着一个被称作“天 之鸟 ” 的分 支组织。
Paragraph 97 of the report contained in document S/2011/250 states that there were consistent reports from
many parties during 2010 that Al-Qaida forces in Iraq were managing a wing
[...] of its organization called “Birds of Paradise”.
結果, 香港的旅遊界和零售界一時間皆成為了 弓之 鳥。
The result was that the tourism industry and the retail sector in Hong Kong had become panic-stricken all of a sudden.
一项新的研究表明,一种极小的长着毛茸茸尾巴的动物是胎盘哺乳动物——其中不包括有袋类和蛋生哺乳动物——的最早祖先,它们生活在 鸟 类 恐 龙灭 之 后 的 时期。
A tiny, furry-tailed creature was the earliest ancestor of the
placental mammals
[...] -- a group excluding marsupials and egg-laying mammals [...]
-- and lived after the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs, a new study suggests.
鸟牌之前,Morgan 先生是位于俄亥俄州韦斯特莱克的 Scott Fetzer [...]
Company 的副总裁兼会计主任,并在位于俄亥俄州碧奇伍德的 Weatherhead Industries Inc 担任相同的职位。
Prior to joining Bird, Mr. Morgan was Vice [...]
President and Controller for Scott Fetzer Company in Westlake, Ohio and held
the same title for Weatherhead Industries Inc in Beachwood, Ohio.
當後面的列車的兩 個集弓經過 該兩區段時,重複而強大的短路直流電電流 的熱力逐漸令到電纜過熱。
The heat of the high short-circuiting direct current,
[...] repeated for two pantographs of the following [...]
train passing through the above overhead
line sections, gradually caused overheating of the contact wire.
新式和旧式的各种可憎 做法花之多令人震惊,其 中包括债役、农奴制、强迫劳动、童工和奴役、 贩卖人口和人体器官、性奴役、征募儿童兵、买卖儿童、强迫婚姻、买卖妻 [...]
The list of abhorrent practices,
[...] new and old, is now shockingly long, and includes [...]
debt bondage, serfdom, forced labour,
child labour and servitude, trafficking of persons and human organs, sexual slavery, the use of child soldiers, the sale of children, forced marriage and the sale of wives, and the exploitation of prostitution’.
此 舉難免令 人 有 “ 鳥弓藏”之歎! 當 局 現 時 提 出 的 市區重建目標 , 包括: (1) 改 善市區環境,重建殘 舊老 化 的地區;(2)妥 善 運 用 失 修 的 舊 區 土 地;(3)防 止市區老 化,促使樓宇維 修 ; (4)保 存 重建區內具歷史 、 文 化 及 建 築 價 值 的 建 築 物。
The objectives of urban renewal now proposed by the Administration include: (1) to improve the urban environment and redevelop dilapilated and run-down areas; (2) to achieve better use of land in dilapidated old built-up areas; (3) to prevent the decay of built-up areas by promoting building maintenance; and (4) to preserve buildings of historical, cultural or architectural interest in the urban renewal areas.
附近还有戈宾斯悬崖(Gobbins Cliffs),有着无数种类的鸟,同 样让 惊 叹。
Here you can take the loop around Islandmagee to Portmuck Harbour. Nearby are the Gobbins Cliffs,
[...] home to a breathtaking variety of seabirds.
这些非法武装团体实施有组织犯罪的范围、其实际经济实力、腐蚀主管当局 和国家机构的能力、与地方当局和地方势力网络的联系、对社会活动家的影响以 及令人惊的对平民实施暴力的程度,使其对法治构成了艰巨的挑战。
The scope of organized violence committed by these groups, their substantial economic power, capacity to corrupt authorities and State institutions, links with local authorities and local networks of influence, their impact on social actors and the alarming levels of violence against civilians make them a daunting challenge to the rule of law.
然後,局長才真的發現有些樓盤是沒有單價的,那些買樓的小 消費者真正的像弓之鳥, 又或像站在老虎面前的小羔羊,被一羣人圍着他 們,告訴他們每個單位要多少錢。
And only by then did the Secretary realize that there were really property projects selling flats without any price lists. Those ordinary consumers are really like frightened children or innocent goats before the tigers ― they are surrounded by a group of persons telling them how much each of those flats costs.
开展了为青年提供工作机会的旅游活动,诸如 徒步旅行导游和当地特鸟观看活动,这些活动有可能被私营部门的旅游计划所接受。
Tourism activities to provide work for young people include development of hiking trails and local birdwatching groups, which are likely to be accepted in the tourism programme of the private sector.
Children4Change”已经获得马来西亚国 弓 箭 手 、残奥会银牌得主海斯英.萨那卫(Hasihin Sanawi)和马来西亚最流行儿童电视动画节目主持人优宾和宜宾(Upin & Ipin)双胞胎的支持。
Children4Change has mobilized the support of Malaysia’s national archer and Paralympic silver medalist Hasihin Sanawi and Malaysia’s most popular children’s television cartoon twins Upin & Ipin.
法医检查确认了以下伤情:脑挫伤、脸部刮 伤、右弓受伤 、右肾受伤以及身体存在伤痕。
The forensic medical examination attested the following injuries: brain contusion, facial abrasions, contused wound on the right supraorbital ridge, contusion of the right kidney and bruises on the body.
[...] 章,從而聯想到中央正在干預香港的“高度自治”,這確實是杞人憂天, 亦有弓蛇影之嫌。
Some Members are concerned about an article published by an official of the Liaison Office during his
study in Beijing, which led them to think that the Central Authorities
[...] interfere in Hong Kong's "high degree [...]
of autonomy".
1764年5月23日)“星团,在一架普通3英尺 [焦距 ]的望远镜中呈现出星云形状;但在极好的仪器中,能看到它是由大量的小 [暗 ]恒星组成的;星团附近有颗相当明亮的恒星,被一团非常暗的光晕包围;按照Flamsteed命名法,这是人马座的9号恒星 [人马座9 ], 是颗7等星:这个星团呈现出拉长的形状,沿东北-西南方向伸长,介于人马 弓 和 蛇 夫的 之 间。
(May 23, 1764) `A cluster which appears in the shape of a nebula when observed with an ordinary telescope of 3 feet [FL]; but with an excellent instrument one perceives nothing but a large quantity of small [faint] stars; near this cluster is a fairly bright star, surrounded by a very faint glow: this is the ninth star of Sagittarius, of seventh magnitude, according to Flamsteed [9 Sgr]: this cluster appears
in elongated shape, which extends from North-East
[...] to South-West, between the arc of Sagittarius & the foot [...]
of Ophiuchus.
研究人员、行业专家和政府机构确认,可再生能源技术最常见的环境影响 能包括:海流速度减缓,利用海浪能或潮汐能使海浪高度降低;建造活动以及海
[...] 磁场导致鱼类和哺乳动物死亡或行为发生变化;鱼类、哺乳动物 鸟 类 的行动、 摄食、产卵和迁移路线受干扰,使其可能受伤、被缠绕或可能受引诱或离开水面; [...]
Researchers, industry experts and government agencies recognize that the most common environmental impacts of renewable energy technologies may include reduction of the velocity of marine currents and decrease in the heights of waves resulting from extraction of wave or tidal energy; alteration of benthic habitats and sediment transport or deposition by the construction activities and the continuous presence of marine renewable energy devices; killings or change in the behaviour of fish and mammals from noise and electromagnetic fields; interference with the movement,
feeding, spawning and migration paths
[...] of fish, mammals and birds, which may get hurt [...]
or entangled or may be attracted or hauled
out; and release of toxic chemicals as a result of accidental spills and leaks or the accumulation of metals or organic compounds.
也与那些在这个充满灾难时代仍然经常与巴勒斯坦人合作的人们举行了重要会谈,参 加会谈的组织有:佩雷斯和平中心(特拉维夫);犹太人和阿拉伯人和平中心(Givat Haviva),该中心是 2001
年教科文组织和平教育奖的得主;哈大沙医学中心的儿科病房学 校(耶路撒冷),该学校为以色列的犹太人及阿拉伯人和巴勒斯坦的孩子提供医疗和住院期
[...] 间的学习;耶路撒冷以色列研究学院,该学院与也设在耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦和平和合作中心 (IPCC)建立了姊妹学校的关系鸟类 迁 移研究国际中心(莱特龙)。
As for those cooperating regularly with Palestinians in spite of the inauspicious times, key meetings were held with: the Peres Center for Peace (Tel Aviv); the Jewish-Arab Centre for Peace (Givat Haviva), winner of the 2001 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education; the School of Pediatric Wards at the Hadassah Medical Center (Jerusalem) which provides medical and inhospital schooling to Israeli Jews and Arabs, as well as to Palestinian children; the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, twinned with the Palestinian International Peace and
Cooperation Centre (IPCC), also based in Jerusalem; and the International Centre
[...] for the Study of Bird Migration (Latrun).




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