

单词 惊吓

惊吓 verb

chill v

See also:


alarm n

be scared
be frightened

(interjection showing astonishment)
(interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut

External sources (not reviewed)

刚刚从动乱的利比亚归国的同事们,已身处平静安全的中国大陆,但那 惊吓 的 心 还是那么的不平静。
Although the colleagues just coming from Libya were already in the peaceful and safe mainland China, their frightened hearts were still unsettled.
67 惊鸟绳是系在绳上的下垂塑料,附在渔船靠近将绳放到水中的地方,以帮惊 吓鸟远离有钓饵的钩。
where the vessel places its fishing line in the
[...] water and help frighten birds away from [...]
the baited hooks.
惊吓后感 受强烈是完全正常的,不应该压制住这些感觉。
Feeling intense emotions after a shock is absolutely normal, and those feelings should not be suppressed.
[...] 调了多个要点,包括有必要为儿童提供有效表达意见的环境,避免其 惊吓 (例 如 ,由于实行过于正式的法院诉讼程序使其受惊),委员会建议尽可能在所有诉 [...]
In the general comment, the Committee emphasized a number of points, including the importance of providing an environment
in which the child can be heard
[...] effectively and not be intimidated (for example, through [...]
the use of overly formal court proceedings),
and the Committee’s recommendation that wherever possible, the child be given the opportunity to be directly heard in any proceedings rather than through a representative.
本法的目的是在坚持严格尊重人权的同时,防止、调查、惩罚和铲除其 中所述各种犯罪行为以及所有其他行为,包括对它们的资助和相关活动,这些犯 罪行为通过其犯罪方式、所采用的手段和方法,表明要对人员的身心完整、特别 是大量或重要物质财富、民主体制、国家安全或国际和平造成直接威胁,从而导 致民众惊吓、担心和恐惧
The purpose of the Act is, while upholding strict respect for human rights, to prevent, investigate, punish and eradicate the crimes described therein, along with all acts, including their financing and related activities, that, by virtue of the manner in which they are performed and the means and methods employed, demonstrate the intention to cause alarm, fear or terror in the population by posing an imminent threat to the life or physical or psychological integrity of persons, particularly significant or important material goods, the democratic system, State security or international peace
由于占领国以色列继续对平民采取军事行动,继续封锁加沙,不让人员和货 物、包括人道主义人员和重要人道主义物资(其中包括急需的粮食、药品和燃料) 进出加沙地带并在加沙地带通行,对平民进行集体惩罚,因此巴勒斯坦平民普遍 陷入苦难和遭惊吓,加 沙地带的人间惨剧和人道主义灾难在进一步加深,不结 盟运动再次对此深表关切。
The Non-Aligned Movement once again expresses its grave concern at the widespread suffering and trauma being visited upon the Palestinian civilian population and at the deepening human tragedy and humanitarian disaster unfolding in the Gaza Strip as a result of the continuing military actions by Israel, the occupying Power, against the civilian population as well as its ongoing blockade of Gaza, obstructing the movement of persons and goods, including of humanitarian personnel and vital humanitarian supplies, including of desperately needed food, medicines, and fuel, into, out of and throughout the Gaza Strip in collective punishment of the civilian population.
第二申诉人受惊吓,与 她的妹妹离开埃及,到阿曼找她们 的父母。
The second complainant was terrified and left Egypt with her younger sister to their parents in Oman.
如果创伤幸存者似乎没有取得任何进展、未能 惊吓 中 恢复过来(通常是由于人们遭受过既往创伤事件),看看您是否能带来更多的人(朋友、家人、牧师)为他们提供帮助,同时您应当鼓励他们去寻求专业的治疗。
If the trauma survivor doesn’t seem to be making any progress toward recovering from the shock (usually because the person has suffered a previous traumatic event), see if you can bring in more support resources (friends, family, clergy) as you encourage them to seek professional therapy.
车里的其他人受袭惊吓不知 所措是可以理解的,但作为车里的主要 安保专业人员,人们本期待他在这个关键的时刻发挥领导作用。
It is understandable that others in the vehicle would be overwhelmed by the shock of the attack, but as the lead security professional in the vehicle, he would have been expected to provide leadership at that critical moment.
允许友好嗅探和一些追逐,但是如果您的幼犬似乎受 惊吓 或 其 他狗狗态度恶劣,则应把爱犬拉回。
Allow cordial sniffing and some play, but back off if
[...] your puppy seems intimidated or if the other [...]
parties have poor manners.
发现猫被关在诱捕笼中之后, 一定要注意不惊吓到猫 ,让它尽快平静下来。可在诱捕笼上罩住一大块布,猫在 黑暗的环境里会很快安静下来。
Once the cat is trapped you can cover the cage with thick dark cloth, this will calm the cat down and reduce the stress of the situation.
当在驾驶路上遇上了牛羊群时,第一要缓慢车速,接着别以车喇 惊吓 动 物
If you encounter a herd of sheep or cow are crossing the road.
德克萨斯州的Word输出相结合的策略和极限德州博彩举行怀旧政治与大脑破坏你的字像拼字 惊吓 最 爱玩文字游戏!基于极限举行怀旧政治,适用相同的风格,但踢球的是,没有打牌,只信牌! 尽量让最有价值的文字(最多5个字母)1 2瓷砖和瓷砖的表显示,初步绘制通过...
Texas Word Out combines the strategy and betting of Limit Texas Hold 'Em with the brain-busting word play of your favorite word games like Scrabble and Boggle!
b16) 宠物模式:在该模式下,闪光灯、AF补助光及操作音都将关闭,以免使宠物受 惊吓。
b16) Pet mode: The flash, AF auxiliary light, and operation sounds are turned off in this mode, to avoid frightening a pet.
[...] 作出骚扰行为,因为并无证据显示一名合理的人在顾及所有情况后,会预期原告 人会因被告人所作出的行为而感到受冒犯、侮辱 惊吓。
Further, the Plaintiff failed to prove harassment against the Defendant since there was no evidence to show that a reasonable person knowing all the
circumstances would have anticipated that the Plaintiff would be
[...] offended, humiliated or intimidated by the Defendant’s [...]
我在想,我惊吓世界,使它分 为不同宗教族裔群体,这样做对不对。
I wonder if we are doing right in frightening the world into religious ethnicities.
此外,不安全 人工流产造成多达 500 万妇女和女孩承受短期和长期的伤害,其中包括出血、脓 毒症(感染)、阴道、子宫及腹腔器官受损、腹膜炎、生殖道感染、盆腔炎以及慢 性骨盆疼痛、受惊吓及不育。
In addition, up to 5 million women and girls suffer short- and long-term injuries due to the consequences of unsafe abortions, including haemorrhage; sepsis (infection); trauma to the vagina, uterus and abdominal organs; peritonitis; reproductive tract infection; pelvic inflammatory disease and chronic pelvic pain; shock and infertility.
教孩子允许幼犬靠近他们,即使最小的孩子也可能 惊吓 到 小 动物。
Instruct kids to allow the pup to come to them, as even the smallest child can spook a young animal.
内部监督事务厅关于西非和布尼亚的报告表明了在查明有关行为人方面的 困难,因为受害者通常是受惊吓而 且 受教育程度不高的少女和儿童,很难指认 出侵犯她们的外国人。
The reports of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on West Africa and Bunia indicate the difficulty of identifying perpetrators because victims are often frightened, poorly educated young women and children who have difficulty in identifying their foreign assailants.
最好的是,翻转猫咪拥有比其他苹果游戏更多的可爱俏皮猫咪动画和双关语以及时尚的爵士游戏配音!翻转猫咪也同时拥有能让朋友及路 惊吓 得 逼 真猫咪叫声。
Best of all, Pussy Flip has more cat-based puns than most other iPhone games AND a funky jazz soundtrack!
该法 只有六条,将恐怖主义的定义扩大为“ 个人或组织以破坏安全、稳定或民族团 结,恐吓、威胁惊吓公众或为达到恐怖主义目标而制造恐慌为目的,对其他个 人、一群人、群体,或政府或非政府组织实施的任何犯罪行为
The Act, which consists of only six articles, expands the definition of terrorism to include “any criminal act carried out by an individual or an organized group which targets an individual, a group of individuals, a group, or a governmental or non-governmental institution and which damages public or private property for the purpose of undermining security, stability or national unity, of terrorizing, intimidating or frightening the public or of creating panic in pursuance of terrorist objectives”.
缔约国应当采取一切适当措施,确保在其管辖下的个人不会因为根据本议定 书与委员会联络而受到任何形式的不当待遇或 吓。
A State Party shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that individuals under its
jurisdiction are not subjected to any form of
[...] ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence [...]
of communicating with the Committee
pursuant to the present Protocol.
[...] 的保护需求是国家警察部队无法提供的,无法提供的原因不仅是缺乏足够资源, 而且还因为警察往往参与暴力、吓 和 腐 败行为,是造成缺乏公共安全的一个主 要原因。
Often, private security companies have been called upon to fulfil protection needs that the national police forces have been unable to provide, not only because of a lack of sufficient resources but also because
the police are often a major source of public insecurity, taking
[...] part in violence, intimidation and acts of corruption.
国家 尤其应当确保法律援助提供人能够不受 吓 、 阻 碍、骚扰或不正当干扰地行使 其所有专业职能;能够在本国及国外自由和完全保密地旅行、与其客户进行协 [...]
商和会晤,并且能自由地接触关于起诉的档案及其他相关档案;并且不会因为 根据公认的职业责任、标准和道德而采取的行动遭到或被威胁遭到起诉或行
In particular, States should ensure that legal aid providers are able
to perform all of their professional
[...] functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment [...]
or improper interference; are
able to travel, to consult and meet with their clients freely and in full confidentiality both within their own country and abroad, and to freely access prosecution and other relevant files; and do not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.
这些非法武装团体实施有组织犯罪的范围、其实际经济实力、腐蚀主管当局 和国家机构的能力、与地方当局和地方势力网络的联系、对社会活动家的影响以 及令人惊的对平民实施暴力的程度,使其对法治构成了艰巨的挑战。
The scope of organized violence committed by these groups, their substantial economic power, capacity to corrupt authorities and State institutions, links with local authorities and local networks of influence, their impact on social actors and the alarming levels of violence against civilians make them a daunting challenge to the rule of law.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图 惊 人 的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking
resemblance between the tannaitic and the
[...] apocalyptic picture of the time preceding [...]
the Messianic advent: "In the last days
false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
本法院不应沉溺于对发表咨询意见机会的斟酌,我感到 惊 的 是 ,本法 院竟在本咨询意见(第 [...]
29 至 48 段)中,如此关注这一问题,以至于挑出种种技术 问题(在 36 和 39 段中,关于安全理事会和大会各自的作用和职能),并逃避仔细 审议科索沃严重人道主义危机的事实背景(参见下文),在本咨询程序的书面和口
It is not for the Court to indulge in an
appreciation of the opportunity of an Advisory Opinion,
[...] and it is surprising to me that [...]
the Court should dispense so much attention
to this issue in the present Advisory Opinion (paragraphs 29-48), to the point of singling out technicalities (in paragraphs 36 and 39, as to the respective roles and faculties of the Security Council and the General Assembly) and of eluding a careful consideration of the factual background (cf. infra) of the grave humanitarian crisis in Kosovo, brought to its attention by several participants in the course of the written and oral phases of the present advisory proceedings.
常设论坛重申关于论坛第三届会议的报告(E/2004/43-E/C.19/2004/23) 第 12 段所载的建议,要求国际移民组织、人权高专办、妇女署、儿基会、联合 国难民事务高级专员办事处、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室和劳工组织定期向常 设论坛提交报告,说明本单位在处理土著移民妇女和女孩所面临的各种问题,包 括国内和跨国贩卖这一令人惊的趋 势方面所取得的进展。
The Permanent Forum reiterates the recommendation contained in paragraph 12 of the report on its third session (E/2004/43-E/C.19/2004/23) and requests that the International Organization for Migration, OHCHR, UN-Women, UNICEF, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and ILO report periodically to the Permanent Forum on their progress in addressing the problems faced by indigenous migrant women and girls, including the alarming trend of trafficking within and across national and international borders.




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