单词 | 惊叹不已 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 惊叹不已 —exclaim in astonishmentExamples:对...惊叹不已 v—wonder v See also:惊叹 n—marvel n • awe n • wonder n 惊叹—exclaim in admiration • a gasp of surprise 不已—endlessly • incessantly 已不 adv—no longer adv
他们富于创造力和想象力的设计如同一股清新的和风,以其出色的独创性让 人 惊叹不已。 hk.ashford.com | Their innovative and imaginative styling is a breath of fresh air that keeps wowing us with their impressive ingenuity. ashford.com |
IWC万国表博物馆珍藏着公司历史上各个时期最精美、最复杂最迷人的表款,令众多参观 者 惊叹不已。 iwc.com | A source of wonderment to the IWC Museum’s many visitors, the [...] most beautiful, complicated and fascinating models from every phase in the [...] company’s past are, in a sense, his children. iwc.com |
当冯先生在几分钟内把一个素色的面团变成栩栩如生的熊猫和鹦鹉时,同学 都 惊叹不已。 ycis-bj.com | Students were impressed by the Chinese folk art as Mr. Feng made a vivid panda and a lifelike parrot from plain-looking coloured dough within just a few minutes. ycis-bj.com |
在活动期间采访我公司的家入先生对点群测量表现功 能 惊叹不已。 forum8.co.jp | Mr. Ieiri from the Ieiri laboratory who had [...] commented on FORUM8 [...] during the event was surprised by the ability to [...]replicate data through the use of point cloud measurement. forum8.co.jp |
他的早期作品,由于其近乎照片的完美令 人 惊叹不已。 swatch.com | His early works subsequently stunned those whom [...] saw them, such was their almost-photographic perfection. swatch.com |
我每天都与众多人才共事;每当我与来自其它地区的同事交流时,他们的才能总会让 我 惊叹不已。 softtek.com | There is a lot of talent among the people with whom I [...] work day-to-day, and I [...] never cease to surprise myself of this when I communicate with people from [...]other Softtek geographies. softtek.com |
而Vito在第一圈飞行中就展现了高水平的驾驶技术位居前列,其纯熟的操控技巧也令在场的观 众 惊叹不已。 oris.ch | He impressed the crowds with his ability and adapted his flying perfectly to the conditions. oris.ch |
参观结束后,孟加拉记者团观看了现代肿瘤微创之旅系列的视频,向肿瘤科首席专家彭晓赤主任提出癌症治疗技术的相关问题,对广州现代肿瘤医院的微创治疗纷纷表 示 惊叹不已。 asiancancer.com | After that, the Bangladeshi media delegation watched a series of videos about the minimally invasive therapy of modern oncology, got the answers relevant to cancer treatment and technology from Dr. Peng, and expressed their admiration to the minimally invasive therapy of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. asiancancer.com |
巴登一符腾堡会让人想到到许多在思想、文化和 [...] 体育等方面作出卓越成就的人,他们的影响远远超出了巴 [...] 登一符腾堡州。其中有1984至1994年任联邦德国总统的里查 德·魏茨泽克;荣获德国书商协会和平奖的作家马丁·瓦 尔茨;国际巴赫学院的创始人及指挥家赫尔姆德·里林; 许多年来一直担任斯图加特芭蕾舞团团长的世界顶级芭蕾 舞家玛西亚·海迪;还有两位网球传奇人物斯德菲·格拉 芙和波立斯·贝克尔;罗兰·爱莫里西则是一位令好莱坞 精英惊叹不已的导 演;还有德国足球队的前任和现任教练 约根·克林斯曼和约儿西姆·勒夫。 bw-i.de | The ideas, work and cultural or athletic achievements of numerous individuals from all walks of life have made them famous well beyond the bounds of Baden-Württemberg: Richard von Weizsäcker, Germany’s president from 1984 to 1994; Martin Walser, a contemporary writer who has been awarded the Peace Prize of the German book trade; Helmuth Rilling, conductor and founder of the International Bach [...] Academy; Marcia Haydée, [...] world-famous prima ballerina and long-time director of the Stuttgart Ballet; the two tennis legends, Steffi Graf and Boris Becker; Roland Emmerich, a film director who wowed Hollywood’s elite. bw-i.de |
我们既对该机构 引入知识产权保护时的热情感到震惊 , 也为他们改变研究领域的传统开放式文化的自觉努 力而赞叹不已。 iprcommission.org | We were struck both by the vigour with which intellectual property protection was being introduced, and by the conscious effort being made to change the traditionally open culture of research. iprcommission.org |
这里的一个必到之处就是气势恢弘的穆森登教堂(Mussenden Temple)——它位于悬崖边,让人不由心 生 惊叹。 discoverireland.com | A must-see on any visit has to be the breathtaking Mussenden Temple, an awe-inspiring spot perched on the edge of a cliff edge. discoverireland.com |
这里有着令人惊叹的自 然风景,如大堡礁和茂密的雨林,因此, 毫 不 奇 怪 ,绝大多数定居点和旅游景点都集中在这个狭长的海滨地带。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | It's no surprise that most of the settlements and tourist attractions are concentrated in this narrow [...] coastal strip, which has [...]some amazing natural features such as the Great Barrier Reef and lush rainforests. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
步入当地村落时,纯真的传统房屋建筑定将让您 赞 叹不已 , 令 您充分体验民俗村落丰富多彩的文化风情。 shangri-la.com | Experience the rich culture of the village tribes as you enter [...] their homes and marvel at the ingenious [...]architecture of the traditional houses. shangri-la.com |
都伯林景色醉人,海岸线更是让人赞 叹不已 , 浩斯头径(Howth Head)对所有人来说,都是一个不容错过的远足路径。 discoverireland.com | With stunning views over Dublin City and its mesmerising coastline, Howth Head is a must-do walk for all abilities. discoverireland.com |
我们还有很长的路要走,但是我们自己还有我们 的多边和双边合作伙伴都为我们如此迅速地摆脱危 机、并成功地改善我们的经济状况而 惊 讶 不已。 daccess-ods.un.org | We still have a long way to go, but we, and our multilateral and [...] bilateral partners, [...] have all been surprised at how quickly we have emerged and [...]managed to improve our economic situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在非洲,粮食危机已经达到惊人的 程度 ; 不 仅索马里需要紧急援助,萨赫勒国家也在一定程度上需要 紧急援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Africa, the [...] food crisis had reached dramatic proportions; urgent assistance was needed not only in Somalia [...]but also, to a [...]lesser extent, in the countries of the Sahel. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人惊讶的倒是在已发表 的文章中,涉及教育的 不到10%。 unesdoc.unesco.org | More unexpectedly, on the other hand, education figures in less than 10% of the published articles. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 所有这些讨论中,令我感到鼓舞的是,我发现大家有 一个一致的观点:我们都对利比里亚自 2003 年战事 结束以来取得的诸多成就感到惊叹, 但 是,所有人都 充分认识到,利比里亚面临的这些挑战仍然非常艰 巨,而且归根结底,我们不能认为任何事情都是理所 当然的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In all those discussions, I was encouraged to find a convergence of opinion: we all marvelled at how Liberia has achieved so much since the end of the fighting in 2003, but all realized fully just how breathtaking the challenges confronting Liberia still are, and that, ultimately, we take nothing for granted. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有来宾均对当晚展出的铂金腕表赞 叹不已 , 尤 其是Patrimony Contemporaine腕表,更获得了本年度最佳经典男士腕表的殊荣。 vacheron-constantin.com | The platinum watches on display were admired by all those present, particularly the Patrimony Contemporaine, which received this year the award for Best Classical Men's Watch of the year. vacheron-constantin.com |
我遗憾地通知你,由于占领国以色列得寸进尺地违反国际人道主义法和人权 法,被以色列非法监禁和关押的巴勒斯坦政治犯继续身处险境,他们 本 已 令 人悲 叹的生活条件不断恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | I regret to inform you that the situation of Palestinian political prisoners illegally imprisoned and detained by Israel, the occupying Power, continues to be grave, and the already deplorable conditions in which [...] they are being held [...] continue to deteriorate, owing to escalating Israeli violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界对以色列持续不断地谈论战争感到 震 惊不 已。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world is absolutely shocked at Israel’s ongoing talk of war. daccess-ods.un.org |
对历史有兴趣的公众和专家可能会发现或再发现丘吉尔、罗斯福和戴 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音乐爱好者可以欣赏莫扎特、贝多芬或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 [...] 家可以钻研梵高、高更、马蒂斯或马格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦和贝索的原始 计算稿,或者是巴斯德和居里夫人的工作成果;文学爱好者可以观赏他们曾经读过的作品的 [...] 原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、左拉或萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可 能惊 叹地发现可兰经章节或旧约的词句。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The public and experts with a passion for history may discover or rediscover letters written by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music lovers may admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin; artists may delve into the letters of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte; scientists may discover Einstein’s and Besso’s original calculations, or the works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of [...] Zola or Sartre and poems by Verlaine, and [...] theologians may marvel at a surah of the [...]Koran or a verse of the Old Testament. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果您知道具备上述性能的Bubber橡皮泥竟然有约95%的成分是硬质玻璃珠,您一定 会 惊 讶 不已。 wacker.com | These properties come as a surprise when you consider [...] that some 95 percent of Bubber is hard glass beads. wacker.com |
在克里特岛(Crete)克诺索斯(Knossos)的废墟中,雅典卫城的遗迹依然可以看到,希 腊 不 仅 是 一个令 人 惊叹 的 大 考古场,这里气氛特别的教堂,风景如画的村庄、山区和海岸线,更让希腊成为了全球旅游的热点。 hihostels.com | From the Acropolis at Athens to the ruins of Knossos in Crete, Greece boasts a wealth of stunning archaeological remains as well as atmospheric churches, picturesque villages, and mountains and sea shores. hihostels.com |
惊叹号表示一般警告,危险符号表 示特定于程序的风险。 graco.com | The exclamation point symbol [...] alerts you to a general warning and the hazard symbols refer to procedure-specific risks. graco.com |
会议同意《教科文组织组织法》具有持久的现实意义,一位代表 “ 惊叹 ” 于 这部六十 年前制定的《组织法》所使用的语言 不 仅 称 得上“优美”,而且“准确无误”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The meeting agreed on the abiding relevance of UNESCO’s [...] Constitution, one delegate expressing [...] “awe” that it was written six decades ago in language she described as not only “beautiful”, but “correct”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
惊叹号标志表示一般性警告,而各种危险标志则表示与 特定的操作过程有关的危险。 gww.graco.com | The exclamation point symbol [...] alerts you to a general warning and the hazard symbols refer to procedure-specific risks. gww.graco.com |
大白鲨”Greg Norman与旭宝宋矿满董事长进行了亲切的交流和暂短的会晤,对旭宝高尔夫球场别具特色的石狮和曲线曼妙的场地动线 赞 叹不已 , 当 得知旭宝高尔夫俱乐部7次承办VOLVO中国公开赛时,对俱乐部对于中国高尔夫的发展所做的贡献表示赞赏和认同,对宋矿满董事长为推动中国高尔夫事业的发展中作出的不懈努力表示肯定,并期待下次有机会与旭宝俱乐部及会员展开更多更广泛的交流。 silport.com.cn | Greg Norman had a cordial talk with Beta and showed his praise to the characteristic stone lions on each hole and the marvelous design of the course and when he got to know that Silport was the home of the VOLVO China Open and be the venue for 7 times, Norman appreciated and said Beta really did great contribution on the China Golf and he also show his expect to have more communications with Silport in the future. silport.com.cn |
首先是我们全球各地兢兢业业的卓越团队:我们的技师在日本、英国和美国的实验室以令 人 惊叹 的 速 度构建复杂的设备制造商车桥和变速箱测试环境并以出色的精度完成测试;我们的工程师在您能想象到的最严酷的环境中进行现场试验,以检验新款Anglamol添加剂的性能;我们的科学家迅速研发出新产品,以满足客户和设备制造商的需求;我们的全球制造、销售和营销人员时刻以满足客户的产品需求为第一要务。 cn.drivelinenews.com | First is our remarkable team in action all over the world: our technicians in our laboratories in Japan, England and the United States [...] who set up complicated OEM axle and [...] gearbox testing with amazing speed and run them [...]with remarkable precision; our engineers [...]running field trials in some of the harshest environments you can think of to test new Anglamol additives; our scientists who create new products rapidly to meet the needs of our customers and OEMs; and our global manufacturing, sales and marketing personnel who are keenly focused on meeting our customer’s product needs. drivelinenews.com |
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂 、 惊叹 于 宏 伟的市政厅建筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。 discoverireland.com | This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of things to do, too – you can [...] check out where great ships like the [...] Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally [...]impressive City Hall and Queen’s [...]University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores. discoverireland.com |