

单词 情绪状态

See also:


state of mind

状态 n

state n
situation n
condition n


state of affairs

External sources (not reviewed)

作为补充措施,开展了关于保健、福利和老龄 化问题的问题调查,以了解老年人的人口学特性、健康状况 情绪状态。
To complement these activities, a survey on health, well-being and ageing was conducted to obtain demographic data on the characteristics, health and morale of older people.
日的关于提供法律援助的报告中他的笔迹后,笔迹专家得出结 论,在写字的时候,她儿子由于写字的手有伤以 情绪状态 可 能 不正常
After the examination of his handwriting text in the reports on provision of legal assistance dated 14 and 25 July 2000, the graphologist concluded that at the time of writing her son experienced significant difficulties in carrying out his
handwriting ability due to an injury of his writing hand, as well as due to
[...] possible unusual emotional state (fear, stress, etc.).
加州大学洛杉矶分校儿童精神病学家和精神科教授丹尼尔•西格尔(Daniel J. Siegel)曾说过:“从婴儿期开始,人们通过感受养育者 情绪状态 来 调 节自身 情绪状态。
Dr. Daniel J. Siegel[1] – child psychiatrist and clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine – said, “From
early infancy, it appears that
[...] our ability to regulate emotional states depends upon the [...]
experience of feeling that a significant
person in our life is simultaneously experiencing a similar state of mind.
参与者也可验证其应对此类不 可情况的就绪状态(通过交易方或在市场基础设施组织的测试中)。
Participants could also validate their readiness for such an unlikely situation (with counterparties or within a Market Infrastructure organised test).
目前态 已得 到控制,但是局势依然高度紧张,潜在的不情绪尚待解决。
The situation is now under control, but tensions are still high and the underlying grievances are yet to be addressed.
对中东和北非媒体的及时援助突出了本组织为紧急需求提供快速响应的准备绪 状态以及灵活性。
Prompt assistance to the media in the Middle East and North Africa highlighted the readiness and flexibility of the Organization to provide rapid responses to emerging needs.
轻度至中度抑郁症的典型状包括 情绪 变 化 ,力量缺乏,睡眠障碍,焦虑,食欲紊乱,注意力不集中,抗逆性差。
Typical symptoms of major depression of mild to moderate severity include mood changes, lack of [...]
energy, sleep problems,
anxiety, appetite disturbance, difficulty concentrating and poor stress tolerance.
2013 年的演习将在延期允许停机时间段 (ADW)(2013 年 4 月 20-21 日)进行,参与者将有机会测试 SWIFT 的主
[...] 要报文传送服务,演练对账程序,并验证其应对此类不可 情 况 的 就 绪状态 ( 通过交易方或在市场基础设施组织的 测试中)。
The 2013 exercise will take place during the extended Allowed Downtime Window (ADW) of 20-21 April 2013 and will provide the opportunity to participants to test again SWIFT’s main messaging services, practice reconciliation
procedures and validate readiness
[...] for such an unlikely situation (with counterparties [...]
or within a Market Infrastructure organised test).
容器可以对服务实现 Bean 的方法就绪(method ready)的实例进行池化,并将方法请求分派到处于方法 绪状态 的 任 何实例上。
A container may pool method ready instances of a Service Implementation Bean and dispatch a method request on any instance in a method ready state.
任职者还将就培训、检查和维 护提供指导,确保人员和装备保持高度的航空消防准备 绪状态。
The incumbent will also provide guidance and supervision in training, inspections and maintenance to ensure that personnel and equipment maintain a high state of aviation firefighting readiness.
显然,阿拉伯世界的普情绪是深 感沮丧,因为 安全理事会今年早些时候未能就以色列定居点这一 关键问题作出态,尽 管空前之多的国家成为了我国 代表团向安理会提出的决议草案(S/2011/24)的提案 国。
It is clear that the prevailing sentiment in the Arab world is one of deep frustration following the failure of this Council earlier this year to express [...]
itself on the critical issue of Israeli
settlements, even though the draft resolution (S/2011/24) that my delegation had presented to the Council had been sponsored by an unprecedented number of States.
让雇主了解您期盼进入其公司工作的积 情绪 , 并 以良好 态 度 开 始工作,是至关重要的。
It's really important to let the
[...] employer know that you are looking forward to working with [...]
them and will ensure you get off to a good start in the role.
公发司与伊拉克政府和开发署合作,举行了一次评估伊拉克电子政务就情 况的能力建设会议,举办了一次用于电子政务自我评价的电子政务 绪状态 衡量 和评价工具讲习班,并列出了一项电子政务发展战略提纲。
In collaboration with the Government of Iraq and UNDP, the Division delivered a capacity-building session to assess the e-government readiness of Iraq, a METER workshop of e-government self-evaluation, and outlined a strategy for e-government development.
国际水文计划第六阶段战略计划(2002 至 2007 年)已经完成了第五年的工作,在报告期间在 不同领域内取得了重大进展:扩大了干旱和半旱地区发展信息全球网(G-WADI);2006 年 11 月在古 巴成功举办了水资源易变性、变化过程、分析和影响问题第五次 FRIEND(根据国际试验和网络数据 系列确定水状态)世 界会议;开放多条合作渠道,进一步加强同全球环境基金的联系;就重点城 市水资源管理问题、包括紧情况下地下水管理在内的地下水管理、共有水资源管理、生态水文学 以及水资源历史和文化等问题多次举办讲习班和培训活动。
The implementation of the sixth phase of IHP (2002-2007) completed its fifth year, and significant progress was made in different fields during the period reported: G-WADI, the global network on information for development in arid and semi-arid zones was expanded; a successful Fifth FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) World Conference on Water Resources Variability, Processes, Analyses and Impacts took place in Cuba in November 2006; links to the Global Environment Facility were further strengthened with a number of cooperation lines opened; numerous workshops and training activities were held on key urban water management issues; groundwater management, including groundwater for emergency situations; shared water management; ecohydrology; and water history and culture.
继续加强文化间交流的本领或能力,将有助于在以 状态 中 继 续开展有关各方之间的 对话:它不是战争而是有如与移民或边界附近地区有关的冲 情态 , 它常常会使文化差异成 为关系破裂的一个因素,从而使人种变成了对立和分化的重要因素。
The continued strengthening of intercultural communication skills or abilities will be conducive to the continued development of
dialogue between
[...] stakeholders outside the context of war but in situations of conflict related to migratory processes, cross-border or other situations that highlight the perception of cultural [...]
as a factor of disruption, with ethnic factors seen as significant elements of opposition and differentiation.
容器通过调用实例上特定于容器/bean 的生命周期方法来通知服务实现 Bean 实例它将被从方法绪状态删除
The container notifies a Service Implementation Bean instance that it is about to be removed from Method Ready state by calling container/bean specific life cycle methods on the instance.
其它症状包括处事紊乱情绪类症状 ( 例如抑郁),细微和不易察觉的认知类症状(例如记 忆力衰退,无法集中注意力等)。
Other symptoms can include
[...] being disorganized, mood-type symptoms such [...]
as depression, and subtle cognitive-type symptoms,
such as memory and concentration difficulties.
根据系统管理员设置的不同,有可能仅显示“站内信的 情 ” 页 面,查 状态 确 认站内信既视为已 确认。
The system administrator can set all such messages to be automatically
[...] acknowledged if the user displays the Messages details screen.
环境规划署表示,它将“帮助编制使之恢复履约状态的行动计划(如 果缔约方的大会有要求)并帮助其恢复履 状态 ” , 除其它 情 以 外,它还将“帮助实施 新建立的许可证制度”,并将其作为履约协助方案的一项特别倡议。
UNEP indicated that it would provide "Assistance in the preparation of the Action Plan to return to compliance (when required by MOP) and in returning to Compliance" and "Assistance on the implementation of the newly established licensing system" inter alia as part of CAP's special initiatives.
后勤基地 的任务是保持储存中设备的业务 绪状态 、 库 存的维护、财产控制和问责。
UNLB is tasked with maintaining operational readiness of equipment in storage, maintenance of the stocks, property control and accountability.
非经常出版物:有关下列问题的国家研究:公共行政能力和人力资源开发;电子政务, 包括移动政务和政府的知识管理;发展管理,尤其重视公民参与和利用信息和通信技 术;评价和评估关于在冲突后重组公共行政的工具包;评价和评估电子政务 绪状态 的衡量和评价工具;评价和评估通过公民参与进行危机管理的工具包
(ii) Non-recurrent publications: country studies on public administration capacity and human resource development; electronic government, including mobile government, electronic governance and knowledge management in government; development management, with particular emphasis on citizen engagement and the use of information and communications technology; assessment and evaluation of a toolkit on reconstructing public administration after conflict; assessment and evaluation of METER; assessment and evaluation of a toolkit on crisis-management through citizen engagement
政府的自情绪表明缺乏结 束人民苦难的政治意愿。
The complacency of the Government revealed the lack of political will to put an end to the suffering of the population.
委员会还鼓励缔约国和国际伙伴交流和传播最大限度地减少经济情况对儿 童受教育权的负面影响方面的经验教训,以提高应急准 状态 , 以 免紧 情 况下 受教育权再遭侵犯。
States parties and international partners are also encouraged by the Committee to share and disseminate lessons learned about minimizing the negative impact of emergency situations on children’s right to education, with a view to
achieving better preparedness and avoiding the recurrence of
[...] violation of the right to education in emergency situations.
由于竹类生物量通常在数年内进入稳 状态 , 因 此,在基 线情景下 ,可假定这些散生竹类群落地上和地下生物质碳库的碳储量变化为零。
However, as bamboo trees usually achieves steady-state in a few years, changes in carbon stock of above-ground and below-ground biomass of existing bamboo trees may be conservatively assumed to be zero for all strata in the baseline scenario.
[...] 对话,在已有成绩的基础上再接再厉,确定未来的标杆,以消除往往使本组织无 法尽早或尽可能有效地开展行动的自 情绪 和 麻 木不 态 度。
Although the issue continues to generate controversy, it is crucial to keep the dialogue going, building on what has been achieved and
setting markers for the future in order to
[...] erase the complacency and cynicism that has often [...]
prevented the United Nations from
acting as early or effectively as it should.
按照既定的先例,法院指出,“战 争的爆发并不一定暂停或废除条约的规定”――注意提到的是“条约的规定”, 而不是“条约”――尽管这样的规定当然不符合存在战 状态 的 情况 ( Karnuth 案,第29段) ,或者总统或国会可能制定了与执行全部或部分条约(Techt 案,第 29段) 不一致的政策。
Following established precedent, the Court stated that “the outbreak of war does not necessarily suspend or abrogate treaty provisions” — note the reference to “treaty provisions” rather than to “treaties” — though such a provision may of course be incompatible with the existence of a state of war (Karnuth case, paragraph 29), or the President or the Congress may have formulated a policy inconsistent with the enforcement of all or part of the treaty (Techt case, paragraph 29).
刑法典》界定了下列方面的责任:实施恐怖主义犯罪,挑起民族、种 族、宗教或地区间敌情绪,获 取、保存、转交和邮寄极端主义材料以进行传 播、编制和散布,以及故意使用极端主义组织标志和工具。
The Criminal Code defines responsibility for crimes of a terrorist nature, the instigation of national, racial, religious or inter-confessional hatred, the acquisition, possession, transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to disseminating or preparing to disseminate them, and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations.




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