

单词 情绪上

情绪上 noun, plural ()

emotional needs pl

See also:

情绪 n

emo n
feeling n
spirit n


state of mind

mental state

External sources (not reviewed)

最后,长期服务工作 人员不断离职,对留下的人造 情绪上 的 消 极影响。
Finally, continuous departures of long-serving staff impact the morale of those left behind.
他们明白他们的梦想得 以实现的方法不是通过情感情绪上 的 幻 想,而是通过具体了解他们的状况。
They see that the way to accomplish their dreams is not
[...] through sentimental, emotional fantasizing [...]
but through a concrete understanding of their situation.
这对印度年轻情绪上的影 响会比较深刻。
The impact on the sentiment of Young India [...]
will be deep.
生活给机体带来了持续不断的身体 情绪上 的 压力,无论这种压力是来自于失业、接触了某些化学物质,或是过度的阳光曝晒。
Life places constant
[...] physical and emotional stress on the [...]
body, whether it’s job loss, exposure to certain chemicals, or excessive sun exposure.
父母通常可以帮助自己的孩子采取适当方法来处理这 情绪上 的 问 题。
Parents can usually help their children
[...] handle these feelings in appropriate ways.
看到她们在身体情绪上都有 长进,我们觉得非常喜乐,但是我们也祷告,希望她们能够认识天上的父。
It is wonderful to see them make progress
[...] physically and emotionally, but we also pray [...]
that they will come to know their Heavenly Father.
堂区牧民工作者、义工领袖,宜协助牧者,组合有类似背景的家庭,成立小团体,俾能以同行者身分 情绪上 支 援 上述家庭。
Pastoral workers/leaders of parish volunteers should assist the pastors in setting
up small groups with similar family backgrounds,
[...] so as to give emotional support and be [...]
companions to the above families.
第一个错误投资资金承诺或任何其他方式 情绪上 受 到 影响的:不管它可能看起来是矛盾的,你应该只投资于股票不需要钱。
First mistake: Investing
[...] money committed or emotionally compromised in [...]
any other way: however much it may seem contradictory
you should only invest in stocks that do not need money.
同 时 还展⽰了对⽓候的探索,比较了直播 的卫星图片和以前的记录,让⽓候变化明确显⽰出来, 并情绪上感同⾝受。
A climate expedition was also presented
which compared live satellite pictures with old recordings, making climate change
[...] clearly visible and emotionally tangible.
AMENPAPA: 所有的人(特别是那些在创意产业的人,如时装业)不管是从精神上还 情绪上 来 说 ,都有一种不同类别的不安全感,。
AMENPAPA: All people (and especially those
in creative industries, such as fashion) suffer from different kind insecurities if
[...] not mental and emotional deviations.
对于“忠诚的一方”,除给予以上合适的援助外,还应着眼 情绪上 的 支持,好能为心灵的创伤带来治疗。
Other than the assistance mentioned above, the "faithful party"
[...] should be given emotional support, so that [...]
his/her wounds may be healed.
但是马尔 代夫也不能允许复仇情绪占上风, 不能允许将其依然很脆弱的民主过渡置于危 险境地。
However, Maldives also could not allow sentiments of revenge to take hold and put at risk its still-fragile democratic transition.
8冲 突是身体致残的主要原因,而战争创伤则导致精神 情绪上 的 困 扰:阿富汗经历 了 20 年的战争,留下众多残疾人。残疾人往往被社会埋没,在战争情况下,这 可能是致命的:冲突结束后,残疾人可能发现他们的情况变得更糟,因为提供照 顾者不在了,缺乏无障碍住房,辅助设备,可获得食物、水、卫生、信息和通信 技术以及基础设施。
There are more conflicts in the world today than ever before, and wars tend to last longer.8 Conflict is a major cause of physical disabilities, and the trauma of war causes mental and emotional disturbances: Afghanistan has experienced 20 years of war, which left many disabled.8 Persons with disabilities are often made invisible by society and this can be lethal in a situation of war: in the aftermath of a conflict, persons with disabilities may find their situation exacerbated by the loss of caretakers, and the lack of accessible housing, aids and accessible food, water, sanitation, information and communications technology and infrastructure.9
在巴拉卡的 Nsabimana 中校立即命 令所有下属部队返回上,因为他对专家组说,刚果(金)武装部队内“反卢旺达”情绪升级
Nsabimana, based in Baraka, immediately ordered all of his
units to return to
[...] the town, owing to what he stated to the Group as an escalation of “anti-Rwandophone” sentiments within FARDC.
精神上无行为能力的证人可由其他人陪同下在法 上作 供,以缓和减少他们的恐情绪。
The mentally incapacitated witnesses can also be accompanied by other persons when giving testimony in court to ease their fear.
韦英用这种纪录片式但又做作的方式,让黑白的色调减少了画 上情绪 的 强 度。
Gillian Wearing uses black and white
[...] film to reduce the emotional power of the images [...]
in favour of a documentary and artificial effect.
每位咨询师都受过专业的训练,可在求助者发生危机时 情绪 低 落或需要建议时提 情 感 上 的 支 持。
They are trained to offer emotional support in times of crisis or when [...]
callers may be feeling low or in need of advice.
提交人还回顾指出,她的家庭生活迄今一直以财政无保障 情绪 不 稳 为标 志,孩子们无上学,从而剥夺了他们根据《公约》第十七条和第二十三条第1 款应该享有的受教育的权利以及家庭权利受到保护的权利。
The author also recalls that her family life has
to date been marked by
[...] financial and emotional uncertainty, and that the children have been prevented from attending school, [...]
thereby denying them their
right to education, and their family rights protected under article 17 and article 23, paragraph 1, of the Covenant.
政府的自情绪表明缺乏结 束人民苦难的政治意愿。
The complacency of the Government revealed the lack of political will to put an end to the suffering of the population.
让 200 多万人长 久呆在境内流离失所者营地内,必然会造成人们在一 定程上情绪激化 并导致某种极端主义行为。
One cannot permanently keep over 2 million people in IDP camps without experiencing some radicalization of the population and some extremism.
包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领 上 的 局 势依然极其危急,因为占领 国以色列继续违反包括人道主义法和人权法在内的国际法,导致方方面面的局势 持续恶化,包括以色列占领下的巴勒斯坦人民继续遭受苦难,并进一步加深绝情绪,加剧紧张局势。
The situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, remains extremely critical as Israel, the occupying Power, persists with its
[...] violations of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, causing the continued deterioration of the situation in all aspects, including the continued suffering of the Palestinian people under its occupation, and further deepening despair and inflaming heightened tensions.
本文件概述了《2010 年亚洲及太平洋经济社会概览》的各项主要研究结 果。《2010 年概览》中探讨了目前这一复杂的环境,并为避 上述 V 型反弹致 使我们滋生盲目自情绪,扼 要阐述了连贯划一的区域政策议程的各项内容。
This document summarizes the key findings of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2010 which explores that complex environment and—lest the V-shaped rebound induce complacency—outlines the elements of a coherent regional policy agenda.
在医疗保健领域,毛里塔尼亚与世界卫生组织里 昂办事处和世卫组织驻努瓦克肖特分局合作开展的 一项研究显示出如下结果:接受调查的个人中 35%患
[...] 有至少一种精神疾病,20%的人患有焦虑症,19%的人情绪问题 ,2.4%的人表现出某种精神问题。
In the field of mental health care, a study in Mauritania carried out in cooperation with the World Health Organization Lyon office and the WHO bureau in Nouakchott showed the following results: 35 per cent of individuals sampled had at least one mental
problem, 20 per cent had problems with anxiety,
[...] 19 per cent had mood problems, and [...]
2.4 per cent showed some psychotic problems.
刑法典》界定了下列方面的责任:实施恐怖主义犯罪,挑起民族、种 族、宗教或地区间敌情绪,获 取、保存、转交和邮寄极端主义材料以进行传 播、编制和散布,以及故意使用极端主义组织标志和工具。
The Criminal Code defines responsibility for crimes of a terrorist nature, the instigation of national, racial, religious or inter-confessional hatred, the acquisition, possession, transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to disseminating or preparing to disseminate them, and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations.
国际社会需要加强合作、增强全球 难民保护制度的应急反应能力、还需防止其被滥用, 而且个别国家还必须通过消除一切形式的种族歧视 和仇情绪、保护难民权利、不断改善难民的生活条 件来帮助难民。
The international community needed to improve cooperation and enhance the emergency response capacity of the global refugee protection system, as well as prevent its abuse, and individual countries should assist refugees by discouraging all forms of racial discrimination and xenophobia, protecting their rights and continuing to improve their living conditions.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或 上 代 表 該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易上市的 股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於 情 況 下 董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share
certificates representing
[...] such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from [...]
time to time determine.
显然,阿拉伯世界的普情绪是深 感沮丧,因为 安全理事会今年早些时候未能就以色列定居点这一 [...]
关键问题作出表态,尽管空前之多的国家成为了我国 代表团向安理会提出的决议草案(S/2011/24)的提案 国。
It is clear that
[...] the prevailing sentiment in the Arab world [...]
is one of deep frustration following the failure of this Council
earlier this year to express itself on the critical issue of Israeli settlements, even though the draft resolution (S/2011/24) that my delegation had presented to the Council had been sponsored by an unprecedented number of States.




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