单词 | 情有独钟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 独有—solely personally own possess solely 有情—be in love sentient beings (Buddhism)
黑者魔战-天使白BLACK Element COMBAT WHITE】独特的两侧白化线条设计理念,其黑白交间颜色象徵中国古代阴阳哲学里的和谐与平衡,但整体视感观却有别黑色系不过却继承着黑者魔战-BLACK Element的优良血脉,相信会是玩家情有独钟的高阶电竞雷射滑鼠新选择。 ttesports.com.tw | The BLACK Element COMBAT WHITE design concept is unique in its white body-line stripes at both sides of the mouse, and obtrusively standing-out when both the scroll wheel and light pipes are glowing. ttesports.fr |
董事会辖下委员会拥有充足资源以履行其职责,并可在提出合理要求後於适当情况下寻求独立专业意见,有关费用由本公司支付。 equitynet.com.hk | The Board committees are provided with sufficient resources to discharge their duties and, upon [...] reasonable request, are [...] able toseek independentprofessional advice in appropriatecircumstances,atthe Company’s [...]expenses. equitynet.com.hk |
他的房子口径的“家”萧邦制造创造了一个收集决定性的男性设计,模型对男人的要求很高,充满激情的高级钟表的机械运动和独特的自然。 zh.horloger-paris.com | To house calibres his "house" Chopard Manufacture has created a collection of shows decidedly masculine [...] design, models dedicated to men [...] demanding,passionate Haute Horlogerie and the exclusivenature of the [...]mechanical movements. en.horloger-paris.com |
本通函旨在向股东提供(i)股份拆细及更改每手买卖单位以及重选本公司董事的进一步 资料;(ii)香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则(「上市规则」)规定的说明函件;及(iii)有关 本公司将予宣派的末期股息的进一步资料,以及所有其他合理所需的资料,以便彼等就投票 赞成或反对本通函所述的决议案作出知情决定,而(其中包括)有关决议案将提呈於二零一 一年五月二十三日(星期一)下午二时正假座香港金钟道万豪酒店三楼Queensway及Victoria 宴会厅举行的本公司股东周年大会(「股东周年大会」)处理。 cre8ir.com | This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room, Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel,Queensway,Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’). cre8ir.com |
公司自成立以来,RAYMOND WEIL根植於世界的艺术和文化,特别是通过其馆藏(帕西法尔瓦格纳,威尔第的“纳布科”,莫扎特唐璜“等)的名称,并有长期合作关系特权与音乐的世界:国际艺术家,着名的音乐活动的合作夥伴创造独特的钟表... zh.horloger-paris.com | Since its inception, RAYMOND WEIL is rooted in the world of Art and Culture in particular through the names of its collections (Parsifal Wagner, Verdi's [...] Nabucco, [...] Mozart don giovanni ... etc) and has longstanding relationships privileged with the world of music: creatingunique timepieces for international artists, [...]partner [...]of prestigious musical events ... en.horloger-paris.com |
(a) 除 下 文 (b) 分 段 所 载之情况外 ,独立股东及独立购股 权持有人(视乎情况而定 ) 或 其 各 自 代 理 作 为 其 各 自 代 表 所 提 交之收 购 建 [...] 议 接 纳 书 为 不 可 撤 销 及 不 得 撤 回 。 cigyangtzeports.com | (a) Acceptance of the Offers tendered [...] by the Independent [...] Shareholders and the Independent Optionholders, asthe case may be, or by their respective agent(s) on their respective [...]behalves shall [...]be irrevocable and cannot be withdrawn, except in the circumstances set out in subparagraph (b) below. cigyangtzeports.com |
倘若大会由股东要求召开,而在大会指定举行时间十五分钟内仍未有足够法 定人數,有关会议将予解散,但在其他情况下则会延後至下周之同日举行,会议 时间及地点将由董事会决定;倘若在续会上,大会指定举行时间十五分钟内仍未 能有足够法定人數,亲身出席之一名或多名股东可构成法定人數并可以处理会议 [...] 事务。 comnet-telecom.hk | If within fifteen minutes from the timeappointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the [...] requisition of members, shall be dissolved, butin any other caseit shall stand adjourned to the same day in the [...]next week and at such time and place as shall be decided by the Board, and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within fifteen minutes from the time appointed for holding the meeting, the member or members present in person shall be a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called. comnet-telecom.hk |
香 港 有 一 个 多 种 语 言 皆 通 用 的 商 业 社 会 , 而 且 广 泛 使 用 个 人 、 合 夥 以 及 刻 有 营 业 名 称 的 图 章 , 即 使 有 这 些 特殊情况,但 我 们 并 无 得 悉 香 港 在 图 章 的 使 用 方 面 有 任 何 值 得 关 注的独 有问题, 我 们 也 不 察 觉 到 有 这 方 面 的 问 题 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Notwithstanding the special circumstances of the multi-lingual community in Hong Kong, and the widespread use of individual, partnership and tradingname chops, we have neither been advised, nor can we see,any problems local to Hong Kong which merit special attention as far as the use of chops is concerned. hkreform.gov.hk |
监於这些古树名木本身的独特 情况(例如树身大、树龄高、属珍贵或罕有品种等),在保育这些树木时通常需要 特别留意和花较多功夫。 devb.gov.hk | Due to the special circumstances of the OVTs(e.g. large size, old age, belonging to precious [...] or rare species, etc.), their preservation would generally require more attention and efforts. devb.gov.hk |
根据本章程细则向任何股东交付或发送的任何通告或文件,即使有关股东当 时已身故而不論本公司是否知悉其身故,亦被视为已就该股东单独或与其他 人士共同持有的任何登记股份正式送达,直至其他人士取代该股东登记成为 股份持有人或聯名持有人为止,而就本章程细则的所有情况而言,上述通告 的送达将被视为已向该股东的遗产代理人及聯同该股东持有任何有关股份 的所有人士(如有)充份送达有关通告或文件。 sinolifegroup.com | Any notice or document delivered or sent to any member in pursuance of these Articles, shall notwithstanding [...] that such member be [...] then deceased and whether ornotthe Company has notice of his death be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof, and such service shall for allpurposes of [...]these Articles be deemed [...]a sufficient service of such notice or document on his personal representatives and all persons (if any) jointly interested with him in any such shares. sinolifegroup.com |
载有(其中包括)长江制衣非豁免持续关连交易之详情连同独立董事委员会、独 立 财务 顾 问 之意 见 及 股 东特 别 大 会(乃 就 批 准长 江 制 衣非 豁 免 持 续关 连 交易 而 召开)之通告之通函,将尽快於本公布刊发後十五个工作天内寄发予长江制衣之 股东。 ygmtrading.com | A circular [...] containing, amongother things, details of the Yangtzekiang Garment Non-exempt Continuing Connected Transactions together with the advice of the independent board committee, the independent financial [...]adviser and a notice [...]of the EGM to be convened for the purpose of approving the Yangtzekiang Garment Non-exempt Continuing Connected Transactions will be despatched to the shareholders of Yangtzekiang Garment, as soon as practicable within 15 business days after the publication of this announcement. ygmtrading.com |
一份载有(其中包括)收购事项的进一步详情、独立董事委员会的意见及独立财务顾问对《买 卖协议》及据此拟进行交易的条款所提供的推荐建议、该地盘的物业估值报告,以及召开股 东特别大会通告的通函,预期将不迟於二零一零年七月十二日寄发予股东。 ifn.com.hk | A circular containing, among other things, further information on the Acquisition, the advice of the Independent Board Committee and the recommendations of the independent financial adviser regarding the terms of the SPA and the transactions contemplated thereunder, the property valuation report of the Site and a notice convening the EGM is expected to be despatched to the Shareholders by no later than 12 July 2010. ifn.com.hk |
由於每幢歷史建筑及每个歷史地点的情况 独特,业主的意愿也各有不同,为达致上述政策目的而提供的经济诱因,将会按 每宗个案的个别情况考虑。 devb.gov.hk | The requisite economic incentives to [...] achieve the policy objective hasto be considered on a [...] case-by-case basis, given the unique circumstancesof each historic building and [...]site [...]as well as the wish of the owner concerned. devb.gov.hk |
然而,由於本集团在物业发展方面有丰富经验,本集团有能力在与会德丰集团各不相涉的情况下独立经营其物业发展业务。 wharfholdings.com | However, the [...] Group itself hasadequate experience in property development and is therefore capable of carrying on its property development business independentlyof the Wheelock Group. wharfholdings.com |
如在指定的会议时间之後十五分钟内,未有法定人数出席,而该 会议是应股东的请求书而召开的,该会议即应解散;惟如属其他情况,该会议应延期至下星期的同一日及於董事所决定的时间及 地点举行;如在指定的续会举行时间之後十五分钟内,未有法定人数出席,则亲自出席的股东或其代表或受委代表(若本公司仅 有一名股东),或亲身(或(如股东为法团)由其获妥为授权的代 表)或委派代表出席及有权投票的股东即构成法定人数并可处理 召开会议所处理的事项。 chinaallaccess.com | If within fifteen minutesfrom the time appointed forthe meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of shareholders, shall be dissolved, but in anyother caseit shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week and at such time and place as shall be decided by the Directors, and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within fifteenminutes from the time [...] appointedfor holding the meeting, the shareholder [...]or his representative or proxy present (if the Company has only one shareholder), or the shareholders present in person (or, in the case of a shareholder being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative) or by proxy and entitled to vote shall be a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called. chinaallaccess.com |
在没有设定时钟的情况下拍摄时,将无法记录正 确的日期。 us.leica-camera.com | When taking pictures, it will not be possible to record the correct date without setting the clock. en.leica-camera.com |
独立非执行董事确定上述关连交易乃基於以下情况下签订:(甲)在本集团一般及日常业务过程中订立;(乙)按正常商业条款或按不逊於本集团提供予独立第三方或由独立第三方提供的条款订立;及(丙)根据规管该等交易的相关协议,按公平合理且符合 本公司股东整体利益的条款订立。 asiasat.com | The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; [...] and (c) in accordance [...]with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole. asiasat.com |
其独特的分钟外圈和小时内圈排列方式,令人联想到IWC万国表制作精密导航腕表的悠久传统。 iwc.com | The unusual division into an external chapter ring and an inner hour circle harks back to IWC’s long tradition in the manufacture of deck watches. iwc.com |
载有(其中包括)(i)已续期的转发器主协议、建议交易及建议上限详情;(ii)独立董事委员会函件;(iii)独立财务顾问就已续期的转发器主协议之条款、建议交易及 建议上限致独立董事委员会及独立股东之意见函件;及(iv)股东特别大会通告之通 函,将於二零一二年九月二十七日或之前寄发予股东。 asiasat.com | A circular [...] containing, amongother things, (i) details of the Renewed Transponder Master Agreement, the Proposed Transactions and the Proposed Caps; (ii) a letter from the Independent [...]Board Committee; (iii) [...]a letter of advice of the independent financial adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders in relation to the terms of the Renewed Transponder Master Agreement, the Proposed Transactions and the Proposed Caps; and (iv) a notice of the SGM will be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 27 September 2012. asiasat.com |
(3) 倘属任何股份之联名登记持有人,其中任何一名持有人均可亲自或委派代表於任何股东大 会上就所持股份投票,犹如彼为单独持有股份,惟倘超过一名联名持有人亲自或委派代表 出席任何会议,则只有在股东名册上就有关股份排名首位之与会人士方有权就所持股份投 票。 equitynet.com.hk | (3) Where there are joint registered holders of any Share, any one of such persons may vote at any meting, either personally or by proxy, in respect of such Shares as if he is solely entitled thereto, but ifmore than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting personally or by proxy, that one the said persons so present whose name stands first in the register of members in respect of such Share shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof. equitynet.com.hk |
董事会主席(如有)或倘彼缺席或拒绝主持有关大会,则副主席(如有) [...] 将主持每次股东大会,或倘无有关的主席或副主席,或倘有关的主席或副主席并无於 任何股东大会指定举行大会时间之後十五分钟内出席,或该两位有关人士皆拒绝主持 大会,则出席的董事会成员须在与会的董事中推选一人担任主席,或倘无董事出席或 如全部出席的董事会成员均拒绝主持股东大会或倘其中选出的主席选择退任主持股 [...][...]东大会的职务,则当时出席的股东须在与会的股东中选出一人担任主席。 asiasat.com | The Chairman (if any) of the Board or, if he is absent or declines to take the chair at such meeting, the Deputy Chairman (if any) shall take the chair at every general meeting, or, if there be no such [...] Chairman or Deputy [...] Chairman, or, if at any generalmeeting neither of such Chairman or Deputy Chairman is present within fifteen minutesafter the time [...]appointed for holding [...]such meeting, or both such persons decline to take the chair at such meeting, the Board present shall choose one of their number as Chairman, and if no Director be present, or if all the Board present decline to take the chair, or if the Chairman chosen shall retire from the chair, then the members present shall choose one of their own number to be Chairman. asiasat.com |