

单词 情报资料

See also:

资料 pl

materials pl
details pl

资料 n

material n
disclosure n
resources pl
particulars pl
feedback n


profile (Internet)

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,本组织应鼓励“国家间合作……交换出版物”及其 情报资料 并 提 出“各 种国际合作办法以利于各国人民获得其他国家之印刷品与出版物”。
Furthermore, the Organization shall encourage “cooperation among nations …
in the exchange of publications”
[...] and other information materials and initiate “methods [...]
of international cooperation calculated
to give the people of all countries access to printed and published material produced by any of them”.
该中心负责收集、 分析和合成信息,包情报资料,以及时编写准确、全面和实用的综合分析,为 特派团任务的规划、决策和实施提供支持。
The Centre is responsible for gathering,
analysing and synthesizing
[...] information, including intelligence-related material with a view to preparing [...]
integrated analyses
that are timely, accurate, complete and useful, in supporting the planning, decision-making and implementation of the Mission’s mandate.
私营 军事和安保公司继续提供范围广泛的服务,其中包括:为在国际机构、政府部门
[...] 或私营实体中工作的军事和文职人员提供人身保护、场地安保和车队安保以及从 事治安和安全保护服务情报资料收 集 和分析、监狱私营管理、审问被拘留者和 [...]
Private military and security companies continue to provide a wide range of services, including personnel protection, site security and convoy security for military and civilian personnel working for international institutions, Governments or private entities,
as well as policing and security
[...] protection services, intelligence data collection [...]
and analysis, private administration
of prisons, interrogation of detainees and reportedly covert operations.
采取预防措施,及时收集业务 情报资料 , 以 防止和惩罚企图违反这些 禁令的行为
Takes preventive measures through the timely collection of
[...] operational and intelligence data to prevent [...]
and punish attempts at violating these bans
本组织的 另一个主要宗旨是通过出版物、艺术和科学物品及其 情报资料 的 交 换,维护、增进并传播 教育、科学和文化领域的知识。
Another of its main purposes is to maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge in the field of education, science and culture through exchange of publications, objects of artistic and scientific interests and other information materials.
中心的建立将有助于教科文组织实现《组织法》规定的宗旨和职能,尤其是协助教科 文组织“通过各种群众性交流工具,为增进各国人民之间相互认识与了解而协力工作”,
[...] “维护、增进及传播知识”,并鼓励“国家间在文化活动各个部门进行合作,包括……交换 出版物、艺术和科学物品及其 情报资料 ”。
The creation of ARC-WH will assist UNESCO to achieve the purposes and functions set out in its Constitution, in particular to assist UNESCO to “collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through all means of mass communication”, to “maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge” and to encourage “cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity,
including … the exchange of publications, objects of artistic and
[...] scientific interest and other materials of information”.
(a) 教科文组织《组织法》第一条指出:“本组织将通过下列办法维护、增进和传播 知识:保证对……世界遗产之保存与维护,并建议有关国家订立必要之国际公
[...] 约;鼓励国家间在文化活动各个部门进行合作,包括国际间交换在……文化领 域……之人士,交换出版物……及其 情报资料 ”。
(a) In Article I of the UNESCO Constitution it is stated that the Organization will “maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge; By assuring the conservation and protection of the world’s inheritance … and recommending to the nations concerned the necessary international conventions; By encouraging cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including the
international exchange of persons active in … culture and the exchange of
[...] publications … and other materials of information”.
(c) 资料管理产出:证据材料和信息来源索引,包括证人证言、录像带和录 音带、根据规则第 70 条提交情报资料、新 闻稿及其他可自由查阅的相关材料; 保管、控制和存储根据保管链程序提交的材料,包括去污和保存;软件系统和修 改计算机系统,检察官办公室数据库应用软件,包括电子披露系统、CaseMap、 制裁和电子法院软件包;所有工作人员培训课程
(c) Information management outputs: indexes of evidentiary material and
information sources,
[...] including witness statements, videotapes and audiotapes, intelligence material submitted under rule 70, and press and other relevant, freely accessible material; custody, [...]
control and storage
of material submitted under chainof-custody procedures, including decontamination and preservation; software systems and modifications to computer systems, and database applications for the Office of the Prosecutor, including the Electronic Disclosure System, CaseMap, Sanction and e-Court software packages; and training courses for all staff
调查过程表明,Khatkovsky 先生受聘于亚美尼亚国家安全局(前国家安全委员会),并在如何组织轰炸阿塞拜
[...] 疆交通设施以及通信和重大服务设施以及在俄罗斯联邦境内收 情报资料 和实 施恐怖主义行为方面得到了详细指示。
The investigation process revealed that Mr. Khatkovsky had been recruited by the Directorate for National Security (the former State Security Committee) of Armenia and provided with detailed instructions on how to organize the bombing of transportation and communications
facilities and vital services in
[...] Azerbaijan, gather intelligence information and commit [...]
terrorist acts in the territory of the Russian Federation.
组织法》:联合国教科文组织《组织法》第一条规定:“通过世界各国人 民间教育、科学
及文化联系,促进实现联合国组织据以建立并为其宪章所宣告之国际和平与人类共同福利之宗 旨”,并有鉴于此,本组织应当促进“维护、增进及传播知识,(…)鼓励国家间在文化活动各个部
[...] 门进行合作,(…)国际间交换(…)出版物、艺术及科学物品及其 情报资料 ; 提出各种国际合 作办法以利于各国人民获得其他国家之印刷品与出版物”。
Article 1 of UNESCO’s Constitution provides that the purpose of the Organization “is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture” and that to realize that purpose the Organization will “maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge (…) by encouraging cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, (…) the international exchange (…) of publications, objects of
artistic and scientific
[...] interest and other materials of information; by [...]
initiating methods of international cooperation calculated
to give the people of all countries access to the printed and published materials produced by any of them”.
对于类似信件、截获情报资料、会 议记录等文件,规则 154 规定,只要其证明价值未实质性地低于确保公平审判的必要性就可采纳作为证 据。
Rule 154 provides that documents such as letters, intercepts and minutes of meetings may be admitted into evidence, provided that their probative value is not substantially outweighed by the need to ensure a fair trial.
[...] 尔维亚国民、团体或个人或邻国人员前往阿拉伯利比亚民众国参加该国 武装冲突的相关行动情报资料及信
Takes preventive measures through the collection of relevant operational and intelligence data and information on the intention, preparation and conduct of activities to organize possible dispatches of its nationals, groups or
individuals, or persons from its neighbourhood to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to take part
[...] in armed conflicts in that country
应会员之请求,与之协作开展各种教育活动; 建立国家间之协作以促进实现不分种族、性别及任何 经济或社会区别均享有平等的受教育机会之理想; 推荐最适合于培育世界儿童担负自由责任之教育方 法; c) 通过下列办法维护、增进及传播知识; 保证对图书、艺术作品及历史和科学文物等世界遗产
之保存与维护,并建议有关国家订立必要之国际公 约;鼓励国家间在文化活动各个部门进行合作,包括 国际间交换在教育、科学及文化领域中积极从事活动
[...] 之人士,交换出版物、艺术及科学珍品及其 情报资 料; 提出各种国际合作办法以利于各国人民获得其他国家 [...]
By encouraging cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including the international exchange of persons active in the fields of education, science and
culture and the exchange of publications, objects of artistic and scientific
[...] interest and other materials of information
3 月 14 日和 15 日,刚果民主共和国和乌干达军事情报局局长和国防参谋长 在金沙萨举行会议,并在会后发表了联合公报,其中建议加强合作,共享关于上 帝军情报资料。
On 14 and 15 March, the Chiefs of Military Intelligence and the Chiefs of Defence Staff of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda met in Kinshasa,
following which they
[...] issued a joint communiqué, recommending strengthened cooperation regarding information and intelligence-sharing on LRA.
情报交换 ,中国获得了其他国家提供的类 资料 , 并 根据 这资料审查出口申请。
In exchange, China also received similar information from other countries and reviewed the applications for export based on the information.
2009 年初联合王国向题为“第一和第二个铲除殖民主义国际十年宣布以来通 过的各项非殖民化决议的执情况” 的秘书 报 告 (A /64/70)提 资料 , 其 中的 结论认为,“蒙特塞拉特重建工作已在 2009 年初被列为比宪法审查会谈更优先的 事项”。
Earlier in 2009, information provided by the United Kingdom for inclusion in the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Implementation of decolonization resolutions adopted since the declaration of the First and Second International Decades for the Eradication of Colonialism” (A/64/70) concluded that “work on the redevelopment of Montserrat had by early 2009 taken priority over the constitutional review talks”.
大会第六十四届会议续会重申各国承诺建立监测机制,对《关于非洲发展需 求的政治宣言》所载各项与非洲发展有关的承诺采取后续行动;重申对落实非洲 发展新伙伴关系的充分支持,以及对充分执行关于非洲发展需求的政治宣言的承 诺,并请秘书长根据各国政府、联合国系统各组织以及新伙伴关系的其他利益攸 关方提供资料,就本决议的执情 况 向大会第六十五届会议提交一份全 报告 (第 64/258 号决议)。
At its resumed sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly reaffirmed the commitment by all States to establish a monitoring mechanism to follow up on all commitments related to the development of Africa, as contained in the political declaration on Africa’s development needs; reaffirmed its full support for the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, and its commitment to the full implementation of the political declaration on Africa’s development needs; and requested the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive report on the implementation of the resolution to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the basis of inputs from Governments, organizations of the United Nations system and other stakeholders in the New Partnership (resolution 64/258).
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补资料 中说 ,合规检查团的一条经验教训是,无论合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事资历或 实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials [...]
at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
委员会还提请缔约国注意建议11、13、16、19和27 段,并请缔约国的下 次定报告提供详情资料,阐明为落实这些建议所采取的具体措施。
The Committee also wishes to draw the attention of the State party to the particular importance of recommendations 11, 13, 16, 19 and 27 and
requests the State party to provide
[...] detailed information in its next periodic report on concrete measures [...]
taken to implement these recommendations.
安全理事会吁请尚未提交关于第 1540 (2004)号决议执行情况的第一报告的 国家提报告,鼓励所有国家酌情或在接获 1540 委员 会的要求时,提供更多的执情况 资料。
The Security Council calls upon States that have
not yet done so to
[...] submit a first report on implementation of resolution 1540 (2004), and encourages all States to provide, when appropriate or upon the request of the 1540 Committee, additional implementation [...]
委员会请缔约国在下次定期报告中提 资料 , 说 明 报 告的 家庭暴力案件的数量和性质、定情 况 、 对肇事者实施的惩处,以及为家庭暴力 受害者提供的援助和康复措施。
The Committee requests the State
party to include in its
[...] next periodic report available information on the number and nature of reported cases of domestic violence, [...]
on the conviction,
and the sanctions imposed on perpetrators, as well as any assistance and rehabilitation measures provided to victims of domestic violence.
不 同的体制之间在实质性条款方面的程序性差异、缺乏保密安全保障、机构之间的 合作缺乏统一性、释放机资料的法 律障碍、对来自合作努力的证据的受理限 制、所交流情报受到提供这情报 的 竞 争管理机构的减损或泄露的风险等,只 是其中的几项而已。
Procedural divergences in substantive provisions among different regimes, the lack of confidentiality safeguards, the lack of uniformity in cooperation between agencies, legal hindrances to release confidential data, restrictions on the admissibility of evidence deriving from cooperation efforts and the risk that information exchanged is impaired or compromised by the competition authority providing it are just a few.
[...] 1533(2004)号决议设立了本委员会,以便除其他外,开展以下 工作:(a) 请各国提供关于其实施军火禁运 资料 ; (b) 对据称违禁行为情报 进行 审查并采取适当行动;(c) 向安理会汇报加强军火禁运效力的方法;(d) [...]
审 议被发现违反安理会第
1493(2003)号决议所规定措施者的名单,以期就未来可能 采取的措施向安理会提出建议;(e) 接收各国根据第 1493(2003)号决议第 21 段 发出的事先通知,并在必要时决定所应采取的任何行动。
By its resolution 1533 (2004), the Security Council established the Committee to undertake, inter alia, the following tasks: (a) to seek information from States regarding actions taken by them to implement the arms embargo; (b) to examine, and take appropriate
action on, information
[...] concerning alleged violations; (c) to report to the Council on ways to strengthen [...]
the effectiveness of
the arms embargo; (d) to consider a list of those found to have violated the measures imposed by the Council in its resolution 1493 (2003) with a view to submitting recommendations to the Council for possible future measures; and (e) to receive notifications in advance from States made under paragraph 21 of resolution 1493 (2003) and to decide, if need be, upon any action to be taken.
论坛在审议该项目时,面前有“土著人民和 森林问题国际专家组会报告”(E/C.19/2011/5),“各国就处理土著问题常设论 坛各项建议情况提供的资料”(E /C.19/2011/8),“主题为‘跟踪评估促进土著 人权利情况的指标、机制和数据’的国际技术专家会议 报 告” (E/C.19/2011/11),“研究土著人民与公司问题以审查有关公司和土著人民的现 行机制和政策并确定良好做法”(E/C.19/2011/12)和“联合国土著问题常设论坛 秘书处编写的分析报告:经济和社会发展,环境及自由、事先和知情同意” (E/C.19/2011/13)。
For its consideration of the item, the
Forum had before it the
[...] documents entitled “Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on Indigenous Peoples and Forests” (E/C.19/2011/5), “Information from States on addressing the recommendations of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues” (E/C.19/2011/8), “Report of the international technical expert meeting on the theme ‘Keeping track: indicators, mechanisms and data for assessing the implementation of indigenous [...]
peoples’ rights’”
(E/C.19/2011/11), “Study on indigenous peoples and corporations to examine existing mechanisms and policies related to corporations and indigenous peoples and to identify good practices” (E/C.19/2011/12) and “Analysis prepared by the secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: economic and social development, the environment and free, prior and informed consent” (E/C.19/2011/13).
要求受教育权利问题特别报告员与各国政府、联合国机构和方案、民间 社会和联合国其他任务执行机构等所有相关利益攸关方密切合作,在其提交大会 第六十六届会议的下次临时报告中列入紧 情 况 中 教育权 报 告 的最 新 资料 ,以 便明确紧情况中受教育权利方面的差距和余留挑战。
Requests the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, including Governments, United Nations agencies and programmes, civil society and other relevant United Nations mandate holders, to include in his next interim report to the General Assembly
at its sixtysixth session an
[...] update to his report on the right to education in emergencies, in order to identify gaps and remaining challenges in ensuring the right to education in emergency situations.
联邦调查局已成立专门从事反恐工作的新业务部门,其中包括负责管理和共 享威胁信息、24 小时运作的反恐观察处和国家联合反恐工作队;负责统一制止资 助恐怖主义工作的制资助恐 怖主义行动科;负责研判海外 料情报 价 值 的研判 证据工作队;负责在任何需要的地方提供反恐专业知识的可部署“飞队”;负责 帮助识别恐怖分子并将其挡在美国门外的恐怖分子识别中心和外国恐怖分子追 [...]
These include the 24-hour Counterterrorism Watch and the National Joint Terrorism Task Force to manage and share threat information; the Terrorism Financing Operation Section to
centralize efforts to
[...] stop terrorist financing; evidence exploitation squads to exploit material found overseas for intelligence value; deployable [...]
“Fly Teams” to
lend counter-terrorism expertise wherever it is needed; and the Terrorist Screening Center and Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force to help identify terrorists and keep them out of the United States.
大会在第 64/110 号决议中请秘书长根据各国政府和秘书处提交 资料 ,报 告该决议的执情况,特别是第 3、5 和 9 段的执行情况,以及执行中的任何实 际问题。
In its resolution 64/110, the General
Assembly requested the
[...] Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the resolution, in particular with respect to [...]
paragraphs 3, 5 and
9, as well as any practical problems in its implementation, on the basis of information received from Governments and the Secretariat.
报告应进一步突出关于列入计划的各种活动的成功、经验和挑战,介 绍国情况的任何变化并提供其他相 资料 。 报 告 还 应包括相对于以往呈交 的年度付款计划的任何变化的资料以及调整的理由,例如拖延、按照本协定 第 7 款之规定在执行付款期间运用资金重新分配方面的灵活性,或其他变 化。
The report should also include information about and justification for any changes vis-à-vis the previously submitted tranche plan, such as delays, uses of the flexibility for reallocation of funds during implementation of a tranche, as provided for in paragraph 7 of this Agreement, or other changes.
资源调动处处长介绍了关于会员国和其他捐助方的捐款和 2010 年及其后 年份收入预测情况报告(D P/FPA/2010/18),并提供了有关人口基金 资情 况的资料。
The Chief, Resource Mobilization Branch (RMB), introduced the Report on contributions by Member States and others to UNFPA
and revenue
[...] projections for 2010 and future years (DP/FPA/2010/18) and provided an update on the UNFPA funding situation.




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