散装油船最适于载运数量较大的单一品种油品,阀门打开可 以快速装运货物,较易实现平舱。 codexalimentarius.org | They are best suited for the carriage of single oils, in large volumes, where they can be loaded with valves open for fast receipt of the cargo and easier trim of the vessel. codexalimentarius.org |
中国最终站在了俄罗斯这一边,要求草案做出变动,这一 转变很可能是因为中国不愿被视为站在美国一边,共同对抗俄 罗斯和缅甸。 crisisgroup.org | China eventually joined Russia in asking for changes, possibly in order not to be seen as siding with the U.S. against Russia and Myanmar. crisisgroup.org |
如图所示将纸屑托盘滑入打印机。 resources.kodak.com | Slide the trim tray into the printer as shown. resources.kodak.com |
另 一方面, 推 行公司化 、 私营化或 股 份化, 最 根 本 的 目 的, 是 提 高 相关部门和机构 的 服 务成本效益 和质素,引 入 市场竞争机制, 避免与 民 争 利,为 官 僚 架 构 消 肿 , 合 理 使用公 共 资 源 。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, the basic purposes in implementing corporatization, privatization or demutualization are to enhance the cost efficiency and quality of the services of the relevant departments or organizations; to bring in a mechanism for market competition; to avoid competing with the people for gains; to trim down the bureaucratic structure; and to make reasonable use of public resources. legco.gov.hk |
依场景分割」是由程式自动完成 的,而 「多重修剪视讯」可让您控制要撷取哪些素材,以便更轻松地管理专案。 site.theimportsworld.com | While Split by Scene is automatically done by the program, Multi-trim Video gives you complete control over the clips you wish to extract, making it even easier for you to manage your project. site.theimportsworld.com |
执行局数据库使用技术资源信息管理(TRIM)软件整理、管理和保护 2001 年以来收集的资料,储存从安全理事会其他反恐机构以及伙伴组织(联合国毒品 和犯罪问题办公室、反恐执行工作队)获得的国家档案、报告和其他数据、执行 局与会员国之间持续互动式对话结果、执行局访问报告以及从诸如以下联合国其 他机构和主要伙伴国际机构收集并与之在保密情况下共享的资料:国际民航组 织、海关组织、海事组织、联合国人权事务高级专员办事处、国际刑警组织和国 际移民组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Executive Directorate’s database, which contains information gathered since 2001, holds country files, reports and other data compiled from the other Security Council counter-terrorism bodies and from partner organizations (e.g., UNODC, the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force), ongoing interactive dialogue between the Executive Directorate and each Member State, Executive Directorate visit reports and information collected from and shared confidentially by United Nations and other key international bodies, such as ICAO, WCO, IMO, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, INTERPOL and the International Organization for Migration. daccess-ods.un.org |
档案和记录管理股成功完成了 TRIM 电子文档和记录管理系统的升级。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Archives and Records Management Unit successfully completed an upgrade of the TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. daccess-ods.un.org |
对着一羣充满理想的学生,或如特首说的 应该充满理想的学生,大谈残酷的政治现实,说穿了,就是试图为他们洗脑, 要我们的下一代接受“现实”,即没有民主的现实,跟他一起“识时务”, 任由北京摆布。 legco.gov.hk | Speaking at length on the cruelty of the political reality to a group of students who have many aspirations, or who should have many aspirations as suggested by the Chief Executive, the Chief Executive was, in the final analysis, trying to brainwash them, making our next generation accept the "reality", that is, the reality of not having democracy, and join him to "trim the sail to the wind" and yield to the manipulation of Beijing. legco.gov.hk |
标题译文:在欧洲法院作出“汽车装饰件”裁决后在《布鲁塞尔条例 I》第 5(1)(b)条背景下交货地点的确定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Translation of title: Determination of the place of delivery in the context of Art. 5(1)(b) of the Brussels I Regulation after the European Court of Justice’s “Car Trim” decision. daccess-ods.un.org |
该防喘振控制阀具有可靠性高、控制精确、反应快速、调节便易等特点。这都是因为它采用了可消除突然泄露的高密封性能的石墨填料、可降低噪音和振动的 Whisper III 阀内件、加有垫圈的执行机构,Fisher FIELDVUE® DVC6000 系列 — PD 仪表,以及可以在减速可控、有效调节且最小超调的情况下提供快速冲程反应的优化数字式控制阀(ODV)。 emerson.com | Providing high reliability, tight control, fast stroking, and easy tuning, the anti-surge valve features a high-seal graphite packing to eliminate fugitive emissions, Whisper III trim to reduce noise and vibration, a cushioned actuator, Fisher FIELDVUE® DVC6000 Series-PD instrument, and Optimized Digital Valve (ODV) technology to provide fast stroking with controlled deceleration, high resolution, and minimal overshoot. emerson.com |
也可存在于合成纤维、纺织品和服装饰品、油漆、油墨、装饰 物、 塑料制品和金属部件中。 afirm-group.com | It is also associated with synthetic fibers, accessories for textiles and clothing, paints, inks, trims, plastics, and metal components. afirm-group.com |
平治designo的可选择配备包括精致木材或石质饰边、华美真皮车厢及特选车身油漆,让您轻易塑造出独特的个人风格,您亦可随意组合配搭,达至和谐的整体效果。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The designo options for your Mercedes-Benz include fine wood or stone trim, exquisite leather upholstery and select exterior paint finishes, all of which can be used to create individual highlights or combined to form a harmonious whole. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
若您将动作套用到覆叠素 材,请拖曳修剪控点來设定暂停时间长度。 site.theimportsworld.com | If you applied motion to the overlay clip, drag the Trim handles to set the Pause Duration. site.theimportsworld.com |
在 7 月 1 日第 17 次会议上,理事会听取了以下挪威代表的介绍:负责国际 发展问题的国务秘书 Ingrid Fiskaa;妇女和发展论坛的 Mette Moberg;挪威工 会联合会的 Lise Sundnes 和挪威企业联合会的 Svein Oppegaard。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also at its 17th meeting, on 1 July, the Council heard presentations by the representatives of Norway, Ingrid Fiskaa, Secretary of State for International Development; Mette Moberg, Forum for Women and Development; Trine Lise Sundnes, Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions; and Svein Oppegaard, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise. daccess-ods.un.org |
每个小组每周可以审查最多 15 个小时的庭审记录,包括审查记录、统一每个语言版本的编辑内容,对编辑内容 进行记录和更新相关的 TRIM 记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each team is capable of reviewing up to 15 hours of trial proceedings per week, which includes the review of the records, the harmonization of the redactions made in each language version, the logging of redactions made, and the updating of the relevant TRIM records. daccess-ods.un.org |
在认识到有必要建立一个统一的、能为原始设备制造商不断增长的需求提供全面支持和个性化解决方案的公司之后,Trim Systems开始努力整合成为一个可在不同市场和地区提供全面产品系列、良好品牌声誉和尖端技术的综合性公司。 bksv.cn | Recognising the need for a unified company that could more fully support the increasing demands of original equipment manufacturers and provide custom solutions to them, Trim Systems set out to be an integrated company that could offer comprehensive product lines, reputable brand names and leading edge technology in diverse markets and locations. bksv.com |
警告:清理和修剪你的数据库,然后执行备份!我有一些麻烦,主要是因为输入我的数据库表中有一些垃圾(如很长的,未使用的,记录)遗留下来的一些旧的神秘插件和不能做什么是正确的进口回来,直到我摆脱内容该垃圾。 technologeeko.com | Warning: clean up and trim your database before performing the backup! I’ve had some troubles importing my database mostly because some tables had garbage (like very long, unused, records) left over mysteriously by some old plug-ins and couldn’t do it right importing back the contents until I’ve got rid of that garbage. technologeeko.com |
象硒(Se)和钡(Ba)一类的金属可见于合成纤维、纺织品和 服装的饰品、油漆、油墨、装饰物、塑料制品和金属组成部分。 afirm-group.com | Metals like Selenium (Se) and Barium (Ba) may be associated with synthetic fibers, accessories for textiles and clothing, paints, inks, trims, plastics, and metal components. afirm-group.com |
另外,可选配AMG 碳纤维饰边或亮黑钢琴漆饰边,包括亮黑钢琴漆的中央控制台,镶有碳纤维饰边的车门和仪表板的下半部份,令车厢倍添高贵。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Optional trim elements in AMG carbon-fibre trim or in high gloss, piano lacquer black look emphasise the high quality of the interior; the center console is in black piano lacquer look, doors and the lower part of the upper dashboard are in carbon-fibre trim. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
专家祖技术的生漆,他发现用於制造弗勒里耶植入拨号出色的作品的艺术价值的清醒和细腻的奥拓车型LUC XP超薄。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Specialist ancestral techniques of Urushi, he realized for the Manufacture Fleurier implanted dials exceptional works-of-art valued by the sober and delicate trim models ultra-thin LUC XP. en.horloger-paris.com |
福伊特还可提供其他相关组件,如绳轮(PrevoRope绳轮)、用于扫描架或修边装置的缩回装置(PrevoRope缩回装置)以及引纸绳测速仪。 voith.com | Components such as rope sheaves (PrevoRope Sheaves), rope retraction devices (PrevoRope Retraction Unit) for scanners or edge trims, and rope speed measurement devices are also available. voith.com |
但是,不少部委 工作表现很差,不可接受,将采取一系列行动:首先, 将精简政府,裁减所有非必要和荣誉性职位,根据各 种迹象,这已经成为一个迫切需要;其次,在部委一 级调整部委数目;第三,进行一次专业评估,以改变 一些部委副部长、顾问和局长人数;第四,在百日计 划结果基础上继续和加快监测与评价进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, as the performance of quite a few ministries was weak and at an unacceptable level, a series of actions will be adopted: first, trim the Government and all non-essential and honorary positions, which had become an urgent need, according to all indicators; secondly, at the ministerial level, a change in the number of ministries; thirdly, conduct a professional evaluation aimed at implementing changes in the staff of a number of ministries at the level of deputy ministers, advisers and general directors; and fourthly, continue the process of monitoring and evaluation from the point reached by the 100-day initiative, at an accelerated pace. daccess-ods.un.org |
当中包括车厢座椅采用清新的皮革与织物,人造皮配以织物的车门饰边,黑色人造皮的仪表板与灰色的膝部垫。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | These include a new, high-quality interior package in crystal grey, comprising a fresh leather/fabric com-bination for the seats, an imitation leather/fabric mix for the door trims and black imitation leather for the instrument panel in combination with a grey knee pad. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
您可以对图像进⾏重复剪裁,但是图像每次经过再压缩后,其质量 都会有所下降。 ricoh.com | While you can trim an image repeatedly, the image is recompressed each time and there will be some decline in image quality. ricoh.com |
在字符串形态中,空白也是一个有效的字符,但是如果字符串中出现空白字符时,容易在判断或对比数据是发生错误,在Excel中您可以使用Trim函数清除字符串中的空白。 oapdf.com | Patterns in the string, the blank is a valid character, but if a blank string of characters, it is easy to judge, or in contrast to data is an error in Excel, you can use the Trim function to remove the empty string. oapdf.com |
声学和热学实验室的目标是测试隔声装置、内饰件、汽车顶蓬和地板产品等系统和部件,具体研究新材料的隔声及吸声特性。 bksv.cn | The Acoustics and Thermal Lab’s objective is to test systems and components such as barrier, interior trim, headliners and flooring products, where they investigate new materials’ insulation and absorption properties. bksv.com |
拥有着高达720匹马力的动力输出,配以全新的以高性能为导向设计的前脸与尾部,加之独特的漆面和内饰,使这款Aventador成为兰博基尼历史上最无可比拟的车型之一。 lamborghini.com | With its output increased to 720 hp, its new performance-oriented front and rear design, the special paintwork and unique interior trim, this Aventador is one of the most exclusive models ever produced in the history of Lamborghini. lamborghini.com |
Veeco 的多功能 ADS 160 高级切削系统适用于晶片分割/裁切、行切片、切削、曲切应用场合,它提高了薄膜磁头 (TFMH) 晶片切削的产量和精度。 veeco.com.cn | Targeted at wafer split/trim, row slice, dice, relief cut applications, Veeco's Optium ADS 160 Advanced Dicing System boosts the productivity and precision of dicing processes for thin film magnetic head (TFMH) wafers. veeco.com |
注: 视频Converser提供智能的视频编辑功能,如裁剪(切断电影的黑边),裁剪(TRIM你最喜爱的视频片段转换),等,你可以DIY你的视频前WMV,MPEG转换。 daniusoft.com | Note: Video Converser provides smart video editing functions like Cropping (cut off the black edge of movie), Clipping (trim your favorite segment of video to convert), etc, you can DIY your video before WMV to MPEG Conversion. daniusoft.com |
一项调查结果显示,超过七成於过去一年曾改变食物选择的受访白领人士表示早、午两餐最重要的是饮食均衡及营养充足;约两成半受访者表示要减少两餐开支,而有超过一成半受访者表示为悭钱宁愿不吃午餐而转食较便宜的下午茶餐。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to a recent survey, over 70% white-collars who changed their food choices over the past year said it was important to maintain balanced and healthy diets for breakfast and lunch, while about 25% said they need to trim their meal expenditure, and 16% said they would skip lunch and shift to the cheaper afternoon tea menus instead. hkupop.hku.hk |