

单词 情报局



US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA

See also:


(spy) intelligence

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,根据指控的详细程度,专家们认为,可以相信在泰国存在中 情报局 黑点 ,并呼吁泰国当局对此事进行独立调查。
In the light of the detailed nature of the allegations, however, the
experts believe it
[...] credible that a CIA black site existed in Thailand, and calls on the domestic authorities to launch an [...]
independent investigation into the matter.
(e) 专家组已收到可靠报告称,有一名
[...] Helog 公司的飞行员,虽是外国国民, 却持有科特迪瓦国情报局(国土 警戒局)的证件。
(e) The Group has received reliable reports that one of Helog A. G.’s pilots, while a
foreign national, carries a card of the
[...] Ivorian domestic intelligence agency (Direction [...]
de la surveillance du territoire).
2011 年,首次针对恐怖主义罪行的审前调查启动,由芬兰国家调查局和芬兰 安情报局联合开展。
In 2011, the first pretrial investigation concerning terrorist offences had been
initiated, conducted jointly by the
[...] Finnish National Bureau of Investigation and the Finnish Security Intelligence Service.
情报局设立 了自身的秘密拘留设施以审讯 所谓“高价值被拘留者”。
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established [...]
its own secret detention facilities to interrogate so-called “high value detainees”.
几天前,波萨达·卡里略斯先生在以西班牙语接 受 CNN 采访时承认他是中情报局的特 工,并吹嘘他 在几个拉丁美洲国家搞过无数次政治暗杀。
A few days ago, Mr. Posada Carriles admitted in an interview on CNN in
[...] Spanish to being a CIA agent and boasted [...]
of having carried out numerous political
assassinations in several Latin American countries.
虽然其中一些指控没有其他来 源可以证实,但是专家们强调,被拘留者分别提供的许多具体指控具有一致性,
[...] 表明约旦、埃及、摩洛哥、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、巴基斯坦、埃塞俄比亚和吉布 提也是代理拘留地,它们替中 情报局 关 押 被拘留者。
While several of these allegations cannot be backed up by other sources, the experts wish to underscore that the consistency of many of the detailed allegations provided separately by detainees adds weight to the inclusion of Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, the Syrian Arab
Republic, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Djibouti as proxy detention facilities where detainees
[...] have been held on behalf of the CIA.
他们的供词以及国家元首关于被告人为中 情报局 特 务 和摩 萨德特务的指称被视为本案的基础。
The confession and the contention of the Head of State that the
[...] accused worked as CIA and Mossad agents [...]
were considered to be the basis of the case.
报告没有发现证据表明国家安全部向总统、总理或其他政治领导人报告了在这两 处与中情报局合作的目的和内容。
The report also found that there was no evidence that the SSD had informed the President, the Prime
Minister or other political leaders of the purposes and contents of its
[...] cooperation with the CIA regarding these two [...]
对所有那些一直关注这个恐怖分子罪恶历史及其勾结美国历届政府、联邦调 查局和美国中情报局对古 巴发动肮脏战争的人们来说,此事再次证明他一贯得 到美国当局的支持和庇护。
For all who have followed this terrorist’s sinister career and his ties to successive United
States Administrations,
[...] the Federal Bureau of Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency in his [...]
dirty war against Cuba,
this is yet further proof of the support and protection that the United States authorities have traditionally extended to him.
在这一点上,不清楚该设施是由中 情报局 还 是 由联合特种作战司令部控 制 的。
At this point, it is unclear whether this
[...] facility was run by the CIA or the Joint Special [...]
Operations Command.
然后,他被带到伊斯 兰堡某个看起来像军营的地方,他在那里被关了一个月,与外界没有 任何接触,见不到律师或红十字委员会工作人员,并在附近的一个房 屋内受到自称为中情报局官员的美国官员盘问,还有一次受到军情 六处的英国情报人员盘问。
He was then moved to a place in Islamabad, which looked like a barracks, where he was held incommunicado for one month without access to a lawyer or ICRC, and was interrogated in a nearby house by American officers, who identified themselves as CIA, and, on one occasion, by a British agent from MI-6.
然而,他们认为,需要澄清在奥巴马就职时是否有 被拘留者被关押在中情报局在伊 拉克和阿富汗的“黑点”或被关押在其他地 [...]
They believe, however, that clarification is required as to whether
[...] detainees were held in CIA “black sites” [...]
in Iraq and Afghanistan or elsewhere when
President Obama took office, and, if so, what happened to the detainees who were held at that time.
瑞典一向未参与所谓提供或以任何其他方式利用瑞典领土作为美国中 情报 局或其他任何政府情报和安全机构飞机过境的领土。
Sweden has not been involved in so-called renditions or any other use of Swedish
territory as a transit territory for
[...] flights by the CIA or any other government intelligence and security [...]
agency of the USA.
美利坚合众国通过 中情报局分设 在世界各地的中心犯下了杀戮、虐 待和其他暴行,导致现任政府声名狼藉,这在最近 的选举中都有所反映;它抨击人权理事会,但又惧 [...]
The disrepute in which the current administration had fallen because [...]
of the killings, torture and other atrocities perpetrated
by the United States of America in centres operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) around the world had been reflected in the recent election; it criticized the Human Rights Council but feared to allow it to examine its own human rights record.
申诉人没有解释来自“国情报局” 的 内部行政文 件如何到了他的手里。
The complainant does not
[...] explain how internal administration documents from “the National Intelligence Agency” came into [...]
his hands.
他仍然被剥夺自由,目前被关押在军 情报局 的设施中。
He remains deprived of his liberty and is currently being held in the facilities
[...] of the Military Intelligence Directorate.
美国中情报局在规划、提供后勤 支助、招募和训练雇佣军方面发挥了领导作用, 以便实施由美国政府主导的恐怖主义行为—— [...]
纵火,爆炸,从事各类破坏,劫持飞机、船只和 古巴公民,袭击我国政府办事处并杀害外交官, 用机关枪扫射数十个设施,多次企图结束主要革
命领导人的生命,特别是制定和执行数百项矛头 对准总司令的计划和行动”。
The United States Central Intelligence Agency played a leading [...]
role in planning, providing logistical support, recruiting
and training mercenaries to carry out terrorist acts under the aegis of the Government of that country — arson, bombings, sabotage of every type, the seizing of aircraft, ships and Cuban citizens, attacks against our Government offices and killings of diplomats, machine gunning of dozens of facilities, many attempts to put an end to the lives of the principal leaders of the Revolution, and particularly hundreds of plans and actions targeting the Commander-in-chief”.
被拘留者的虐待指控表明,在许多情况下, 他们在中情报局方案 的关押期间遭受的虐待单独或合并起来则构成酷刑。
The allegations of ill-treatment of the detainees indicate that, in many cases, the ill-treatment to which they were subjected while held in the CIA program, either singly, or in combination, constituted torture.
情报局似乎通常参 与逮捕和转移囚犯,以及向外国监狱关押的人员提问。
The CIA appears to have been [...]
generally involved in the capture and transfer of prisoners, as well as in providing questions
for those held in foreign prisons.
除了 2009 年提供的资料外(见 A/64/161,第 96
[...] 至 107 段),瑞士说,新的《民用情报联邦法》于 2008 年 10 月 3 日生效,使 各民用情报处归属于同一部门,还并入一个单一的单位,即联 情报局。
In addition to the information provided in 2009 (see A/64/161, paras. 96-107), Switzerland indicated that the new Federal Act on Civil Information had come into force on 3 October 2008, subordinating the civil
intelligence services to the same
[...] department and merging them under a single unit, the Intelligence Service of the Confederation.
另一个国家指出,防止煽动行为的主要责任属于国家军队及军 情报局 , 并 且指 出,该国领土上的难民营构成了特别的挑战。
Another State noted that the main responsibility for
prevention was vested in the national
[...] army and its intelligence directorate and noted that [...]
the presence of refugee camps on
its territory posed a particular challenge.
罗马尼亚议会调查委员会的报告:关于罗马尼亚境内是否存在若干中 情报局 羁 押 中心或若干 中情报局雇用 的飞行或飞机的陈述的调查。
Report of the inquiring committee of investigation on the statements regarding the existence of some CIA imprisonment centers or of some flights or aircraft hired by CIA on the territory of Romania of the Parliament of Romania.
波萨达·卡里略斯于 2005 年 5 月 16 日在迈阿密
[...] 举行新闻发布会,他大声指出,国务院甚至没有找他, 因为他是中情报局的特工,美国政府没有逮捕他的 理由。
Once Posada Carriles called a news conference in Miami on 16 May 2005, at which he boasted that the State Department was not even
looking for him because he was an agent
[...] of the Central Intelligence Agency, the United [...]
States Government had no other option than to arrest him.
波 斯尼亚和 黑 塞哥维那、加拿 大、克罗地 亚 、 格鲁吉 亚 、 印 度尼西亚、 肯 尼亚、前南 斯拉夫 的 马 其 顿 共和国、巴 基 斯坦和大不 列 颠 及 北 爱 尔 兰 联合王 国 等 国或是提供情报,或是对某 一个人进行初步拿 获,然
后 将 其 转移到 阿 富汗、 埃 及、埃塞俄比亚 、 约 旦 、 巴 基 斯坦、 摩洛哥、 沙 特 阿拉 伯、也门、叙利 亚、
[...] 泰国、乌兹别克斯坦境内的(大多数秘密不宣的)拘留中心或中情报局的某个秘密拘留中心(通 常称为“黑点”)。
States such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Georgia, Indonesia, Kenya, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Pakistan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have provided intelligence or have conducted the initial seizure of an individual before he was transferred to (mostly unacknowledged) detention centres in Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi
Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Thailand, Uzbekistan,
[...] or to one of the CIA covert detention [...]
centres, often referred to as “black sites”.
(a) 关于巴基斯坦军队、三情报局或所 谓的实权派的评论和意见只是委员 会成员的看法,不代表经核证的基于事实或证据的认定,在国家和(或)国际组织 [...]
的实践中既不应构成先例,亦不能为这方面的某种政治立场提供可信的依据; (b) 巴基斯坦政府坚持认为,报告所列任何评论、意见或调查结果,除了与
莫赫塔马·贝娜齐尔·布托遇刺事实和案情直接有关者外,均不应被视为已认定 了与巴基斯坦外交政策中任何事项有关的任何事实,也不应影响到巴基斯坦政府 的任何一贯立场
(b) The Government of Pakistan maintains
that any comments, observations or
[...] findings given in the report in respect of all [...]
matters except those that are directly
relevant to the facts and circumstances of the assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto shall not be viewed as having determined any fact that relates to any matter of foreign policy of Pakistan, neither shall it have the effect of influencing any position that the Government of Pakistan has been adhering hitherto
[...] (该政权推翻了以布托女士父亲为首的民选政府,后来处决了他);三 情报局最 初 在冷战和 1980 年代的反苏战争中,后来在支持克什米尔叛乱分子的过程中, [...]
The development of these organizations and the spread of Islamist extremism, which marginalized secular democratizing forces, was promoted during the General Zia ul Haq military regime (which overthrew the civilian government headed
by Ms. Bhutto’s father and later executed
[...] him); the ISI cultivated these relationships, [...]
initially in the context of the Cold
War and the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s and later in support of Kashmiri insurgents.
2007 年 10 月 16
[...] 日,布托女士从迪拜致函穆沙拉夫将军,指出 3 人对她的 安全构成威胁:㈠ 刺杀时担情报局局长的 Ejaz Shah 准将(退役);㈡ 三情 报局前局长 Hamid Gul 将军(退役);㈢ 2007 年 11 月 22 日前担任遮普省首席部 [...]
On 16 October 2007, Ms. Bhutto, writing from Dubai to General Musharraf, identified three people she considered a threat to her
security: (i) Brigadier
[...] (ret) Ejaz Shah, Director General of the Intelligence Bureau at the time of the assassination, (ii) [...]
General (ret) Hamid
Gul, a former Director General of the ISI, and (iii) Mr. Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, Chief Minister of Punjab until 22 November 2007.




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