

单词 情投意合

See also:




friendly regard



External sources (not reviewed)

Cornelius appears and fights Grundel until the two fall over the edge of the chasm, while Thumbelina reaches the end of the tunnel and scares her pursuers off with a landslide of jewelery.
Solo travellers are guaranteed to make friends as they meet like-minded passengers on a themed cruise or on a friendly group day out.
An arranged marriage, but the couple does notmind.
此外,工作组意投理司设立一个 P-2 风险析员和一 个 P-3 静态数据管理员,在其他工作人员费用项下核定总资源范围内安排(如表 3 所列)。
In addition, the working groupagreed to the establishmentby the InvestmentManagement Division of [...]
one P-2 Risk and Compliance
Implementation Analyst and one 1 P-3 Static Data Administrator, to be accommodated within the overall resources approved for other staff costs (as reflected in table 3).
指定会议或其他会议适用之委任代表文件须为通用之格式或董事会不时批准之规则之其他格式,惟有关文件能让股东可按示其代表在代表委任表格 适用之大会上就提呈表决之各项决议案投赞成或反对票,或如无作出指示或指示相 互矛盾,则代表可自行情投
14.11 Every instrument of proxy, whether
for a
[...] specified meeting or otherwise, shall be in common form orsuch other form that complieswith the Listing Rules as the Board may from time to time approve, provided that it shall enable a member, according to his intention, to instruct his proxy to vote in favour of or against (or in default [...]
instructions or in the event of conflicting instructions, to exercise his discretion in respect of) each resolution to be proposed at the meeting to which the form of proxy relates.
委员会审议了其第五十六届会议的临时议程草案,意合于第三次联 合国探索及和平利用外层空间会议(第三次外空会议)各项建议落项 目和关于空间与社会的项目。
The Committee
[...] considered the draft provisional agenda for its fifty-sixth session and agreed to consolidate the item on the implementation of the recommendations of [...]
the Third United Nations
Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III) and the item on space and society.
专家组成员科文组织执行局第181 届会议通过的决定(第181 EX 28 号决定) ,关于联合专家组所开展的总体活动,因此专家们强调,必须编写一 份文件,反映这些活动的合情以及到目前为止联合专家组完成的各项工 作。
The members of the Joint
[...] Expert Grouptook noteof the decision adopted by UNESCO’s Executive Board at its 181st session (Decision 181 EX Decision 28) as regards the overall activities undertaken by the Joint Expert Group; they, therefore, emphasized the need and the importance of preparing a document which presents a comprehensive overview of such activities [...]
and overall work
accomplished by the Joint Expert Group until now.
[...] 订案)投票。惟向股东发出供其委派受委代表出席将处理特别事务(根据公司细则第73 条之规定厘定)之股东特别大会或股东周年大会并於会上投票之任何表格,须可让股东 按示受委代表投票赞成或反对(或如没有指示则可就此情投处理任何有 关特别事务之各项决议案;及(ii)(除非当中载有相反规定)须於会议之任何续会上有效, 犹如与其有关会议同样有效。
The instrument appointing a proxy to vote at a general meeting shall: (i) be deemed to confer authority upon the proxy to vote on any resolution (or amendment thereto) put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit provided that any form issued to a member for use by him for appointing a proxy to attend and vote at a special meeting or at an annual general meeting at which special business (determined as provided in Bye-law 73) is to be transacted shall be such
as to enable the
[...] member, according to his intention, to instructthe proxy to vote in favour of or against (or, in default of instructions, to exercisehis discretion in respect of) [...]
each resolution dealing
with any such special business; and (ii) unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates.
双方都表示意 合并相互协助,应请求交流信息,范围涉及诸如涉嫌绑架、被捕人员详非法药物和被盗赃物等一系列广泛的犯罪问题。
Both sides demonstrateda willingnesstocooperate and assist each other by exchanging information in response to requests, covering a broad [...]
spectrum of such crime-related
issues as suspected abduction, details of apprehended persons, illegal drugs and stolen property.
今天我们汇聚于此,纪念为追求自己的伟大目标 而全心意投高工作的达格·哈马舍尔德 先生不幸逝世五十周年,此时此刻,我们必须再次下 定决心,以他的遗训为指导。
As we gather here today to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the tragic death of Dag
Hammarskjöld, who
[...] devoted himselfwholeheartedly tothe noble work carried out by the United Nationsin pursuit of [...]
his lofty goals, we must
renew our resolve to seek guidance from his legacy.
此举要求在内部和外部招工作人员填补空缺职位,部署和轮调 工作人员,进行必要的能力培训,建立和管理绩效审查制度以激励良好的工作表 现和学习并纠正不佳表现;在职业发展、情投方面提供辅导。
This requires: recruiting qualified staff internally and externally to fill vacant jobs, deploying and rotating staff, training in required competencies, establishing and managing a system of performance review that motivates good performance and learning and remedies poor performance; and counselling in career development,grievances etc.
大会敦促有关政府履行《无线电条例》规定的义务,但表示,不能认为在飞 机上开设广播电台,在未经另一国政府意情只对该国领土进行广播的做 法,线电条例》的规定。
The Conference urged the concerned Administrations to fulfil their obligations under the provisions of the Radio Regulations, but nonetheless expressed the view that a broadcasting station operating on board an aircraft and transmitting solely towards the
[...] [...] territory of another administration without its consent could not be considered as beingin conformity [...]
with the Radio Regulations.
[...] 适当时就会议上提呈的任何决议(或决议的修订)投票,惟发予股东供其委任代 表出席将处理任何特别事项(定义见细则第 73 条)的股东特别大会或股东周年大 会并於会上投票的任何文书,须使股东可根据示代成或反对(或 在并无指示情况下就此情投处理任何有关特别事项的每项决议;及(ii)於有 关会议的续会同样有效,除非有相反指示。
The instrument appointing a proxy to vote at a general meeting shall: (i) be deemed to confer authority upon the proxy to vote on any resolution (or amendment thereto) put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit provided that any form issued to a member for use by him for appointing a proxy to attend and vote at a special general meeting or at an annual general meeting at which special business (determined as provided in Bye-law 73) is to be transacted shall be such
as to enable the
[...] member, according to his intention, to instructthe proxyto vote in favour of or against (or, in default of instructions, to exercise his discretion in respect of) [...]
each resolution dealing
with any such special business; and (ii) unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates.
每份受委代表文据(不论供指定会议或其他会议使用)均须采用董事会可不 时批准的格式,惟发予股东供其委任受委代表出席将处理任何事项的股东特 别大会或股东周年大会并於会上投票的任何文据,须使股东可根据示受委代表投票赞成或反对(或在没有指示情况下就此情投处理任何 有关事项的每项决议案。
Every instrument of proxy, whether for a specified meeting or otherwise, shall be in such form as the Directors may from time to time approve, provided that any form issued to a shareholder for use by him for appointing a proxy to attend and vote at a special general meeting or at an annual general meeting at which any business is to be transacted shall be such as to
enable the shareholder, according to his intentions, toinstruct the proxy to vote in favour of or against (or, in default of instructions, to exercise his discretion in respect of) each resolution dealing with any such business.
股东及意投敬请注意,根 据收购守则规则18.3,要约人於作出本声明後将不得进一步提高经修订注销代价(除 收购守则规则18.3所准许的非常例外)。
Shareholdersand potential investorsshould beaware that, following the making of this statement, the Offeror will not be allowed to further increase the revised Cancellation Consideration as a result of Rule 18.3 of the Takeovers Code (save in whollyexceptional circumstancesaspermittedunder [...]
Rule 18.3 of the Takeovers Code).
[...] 票,投票方式与如彼为有关股份的登记持有人般无異,惟该人士须於其意投大会或续会(定)指定举行时间至少48小时前,令董事会信纳其有权登记 [...]
为有关股份的持有人,或董事会已於先前认可该人士在有关大会上就有关股份投票 的权利。
Any person entitled under Bye-Law 49 to be registered as a shareholder may vote at any general meeting in respect thereof in the same manner as if he were the registered holder of such shares provided that at least 48 hours before the time
of the holding of the
[...] meeting or adjourned meeting (asthe casemay be) at which he proposes to [...]
vote, he shall satisfy the
Directors of his right to be registered as the holder of such shares or the Directors shall have previously admitted his right to vote at such meeting in respect thereof.
在 2008 年 5 月 6 日和 7 日于德 黑兰举行的第二次三方部长级会议上,达成如下一(a)在各边界的商定 具体地点建立试点边界联络处;(b)在尊重国家主权基础上尽快开始基,并在 12 个月内至少开始一次行动;(c)制订根据《阿富汗和巴基斯坦 之间阿富汗过境贸易协定》和 1975 年阿富汗和伊朗伊斯兰共和国之间《关于国 际公路货运通行证制度下国际货运海关公约》3 对贸易实行管制的准则;(d)建立 一个合情划机构,以德黑兰为行动总部,能够为联合行动提供支助并在 离行动最近的各地设点。
At a second triangular ministerial conference held in
Tehran on 6 and 7 May
[...] 2008, it was agreed: (a) to create pilot border liaison officesat agreedspecific locations along each of the borders; (b) tocommence intelligence-based joint operations, respecting national sovereignty, as soon as possible and to start at least one operation within 12 months; (c) to formulate guidelines for controlling trade under the Afghan Transit Trade Agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan and the 1975 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets3 between Afghanistan and Iran (Islamic Republic of); and (d) to establish a joint intelligenceplanning cell in [...]
Tehran with operational
headquarters, capable of supporting joint operations and located in those areas closest to action.
强调指出,在作出和评价各种债务假设时,包括在评估国内公共和私人 债务时,需要加强信息共享、提高透明度和采用客观标准,以确保实现各项发展 目标,确认信用评级机构在提供信息方面具有重要作用,包括评估公司和主权风 险,不妨鼓励各国实行着重解决合投短期关切而非长期发展需要的政策, 为此,请秘书长对信用评级机构进行一次多方利益攸关者特别协商,以改善建模 风险和继续进行监测,并在编写关于本决议执报告时,说明对信用评级 机构的监
the need to increase information-sharing, transparency and the use of objective criteria in the construction and evaluation of debt scenarios, including an assessment of domestic public and private debt, in order to ensure the achievement of development goals, recognizes that credit-rating agencies play a significant role in the provision of information, including the assessment of corporate and sovereign risks, and may encourage countries to pursue policies
focused on short-term concerns of portfolio investors rather than intheir long-term development needs, and in this regard requests the Secretary-General to conduct a special multi-stakeholders consultation on credit-rating agencies with a view to improving their modelling risk and to continue to monitor and report upon the oversight of credit-rating agencies when preparing his report on the implementation of the present resolution
(3)如与选择时关之所有其他因素,均位於被选择之法律所属国以外之 其他国家时,该其他国家不应受当事合意之法律规定之适用,不受当事人 选择之影响。
(3) Where all other elements
[...] relevant to thesituation at the time of the choice are located in a State other than the State whose law has been chosen, the choice of the parties shall not prejudice the application of provisions of the law of thatother [...]
State which cannot be derogated from by agreement.
The combination of the serial ports andIDP means thatSHARC processors can support up to 20 stereo I2 channels, providing up to 40 channels of audio (which is important as the number of speakers and input [...]
sources is increasing in audio applications).
此外,理事会请秘书长继续监测该决议的执尤其要意合一体化安排,促使联合国系统各个组织所从事的援助活动达到最大效 率,并就此向经济及社会理事会 [...]
2011 年实质性会议提出报告。
In addition, the Council requested the
Secretary-General to follow up on
[...] the implementation of the resolution, paying particular attentionto cooperation [...]
and integration arrangements
for maximizing the efficiency of the assistance activities undertaken by various organizations of the United Nations system, and to report thereon to the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of 2011.
[...] 3分部的条文须向本公司作出披露,或直接或间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股本有关的购股权),而该等股本附有权利可於任在本集团 任何其他成员公司的股东大会
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or
options in respect of
[...] such capital, carrying rights to vote inall circumstancesat general meetings of any other [...]
member of the Group.
The illuminations glistened in harmony with the floats' light devices and the performing teams' unique costumes. Resplendent with the artists' passionate andinteractive performance, the parade together constituted a dazzling picture and infused a bustling and jubilant atmosphere, showing the harmonious festivity of Spring Festival.
(vi) 於投资者认购协议日期及截至投资者完成日,投资者及本公司的声明及 保证於所有重大方面为真实正确,犹如该等声明及保证乃於当时作出(惟 於特定日期作出的声明及保证除外,其在该特定日期将为真实正确),而 投资者及本公司於所有重大方面已经履行、达致及合投认购协议 规定投资者及本公司须於投资完成日或以前履行、达致及符合的契诺、 协议及条件。
(vi) representations and warranties of the Investor and the Company being true and correct in all material respects as of the date of the Investor Subscription Agreement and as of the Investor Closing Date as though made at that time (except for representations and warranties that speak as of a specific date, which will be true and correct as of such specified date), and theInvestor and the Company having performed, satisfied andcompliedinallmaterialrespectswith the covenants, agreements and conditions required by theInvestor Subscription Agreement to be performed, satisfied or complied with by Investor and the Company at or prior to the Investor Closing Date.
Edward-Auguste Piguet将他对商业的情投所建立伴关系,提供了成立企业所需的初始投资,而走过一个世纪后,品牌依旧挂着他的名字,并延续着他所留下的宝贵传承。
Edward Auguste Piguet brought a penchant for
business to the founding partnership,
[...] providing theinitial investment to establish the company [...]
that, a century later, still
carries his name and his legacy.




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