单词 | 情感上 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 情感上 adverb —emotionally advExamples:(感情上) 使悲伤 v—affect v See also:情感 adj—emotional adj • affective adj 情感 n—emotions n • emotion n • feeling n 感情 n—emotion n • feeling n • feelings pl • affection n 感情—sensation • relationship (i.e. love affair) • likes and dislikes • deep affection for sb. or sth.
37条(b) [...] 款规定的情况之外,工作组表示严重担心,这段拘留经历将 会遗留下精神、生理和情感上的创伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Apart from finding a violation of article 37 (b) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Working [...] Group expresses serious concern about the [...] mental, physical, emotional and psychological [...]scars that this detention will have caused. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港 教師中心可以擔當更重要的角色,因應教師在生活和事業上各個階段的需要, 提供相關實質和情感上的支援,協助教師取得工作和生活上的平衡。 legco.gov.hk | The Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre could take up a more [...] prominent role in providing the pertinent [...] practical and empathic support to address [...]the needs of teachers at different stages [...]of their life and career so as to achieve better work-life balance. legco.gov.hk |
来自于亲密家人和朋 友的情感上和实 际上的支持能够帮助一个人去妥善地处理挑战和危机,如家人逝去、丢掉 [...] 工作,或照顾年迈双亲。 hongfook.ca | Emotional and practical support from [...] loved ones and peers can help an individual deal with a challenge or crisis, such as [...]the death of a family member, loss of a job or caring for an aging parent. hongfook.ca |
每位咨询师都受过专业的训练,可在求助者发生危机时、情绪低落或需要建议时提 供 情感上 的 支 持。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | They are trained to offer emotional support in times of crisis or when [...] callers may be feeling low or in need [...]of advice. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
电影摄影并不是简单抓取影像,它应该 是与影片在情感上的结合。 motion.kodak.com | It has to be considered [...] as part of the sensation of experiencing [...]a movie. motion.kodak.com |
而这项赞助活动,使Oris与爵士乐在 情感上 有 著密不可分的关系。 oris.ch | The sponsorship marks the [...] beginning of a strong emotional connection between [...]Oris and Jazz. oris.ch |
当电影结束后,乔治出来,和情感上 显 露 自己是梅里爱,回顾他的电影生涯。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When the film finishes, Georges [...] comes out, and emotionally reveals himself [...]to be Méliès, recalling his filmmaking career. seekcartoon.com |
这是一个正在中国进行辩论的问题,政府正在考虑修订新法,允许长者向法庭要求其儿女提供身体 和 情感上 的 照 顾。 amccsm.org | That is the question being debated across China as the government considers a new legal amendment [...] to allow elderly people to go to court to claim their right to be [...] physically and emotionally cared for by their [...]children. amccsm.org |
在随后的讨论中,与会者谈到经常受到忽视的《公约》第31 条必须加以解 [...] 决的问题,这一条款确认儿童享有休闲和游戏权,因为在紧急情况下游戏的作用 可以非常重要,可以帮助儿童克服 情感上 的 创 伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the discussion that followed, participants touched on the need to address the often neglected article 31 of the Convention, which recognized the child’s right to leisure and [...] play, because play could be very important in emergency situations and could help the [...] child recover from emotional trauma. daccess-ods.un.org |
战争和暴力如何影响您(財政上、 情感上 等 )? peaceoneday.org | How do war and violence affect [...] you (financially, emotionally, etc.)? peaceoneday.org |
我们从生理上、心理上和情感上都更 适合和适应生活在小群体中,让喜怒安乐、生老病死等等自然而然的发生,并遵循生命的节奏、季节的变换、昼夜的交替。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | We are physically, [...] psychologically, and emotionally programmed for a [...]much different lifestyle – more suited to live together [...]with a small number of people, to experience our feelings as natural tools of awareness, and to follow the rhythms of life, from the seasons, to the phases of the moon, to the acceptance of life and death. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
了解您的客户是否与您的品牌在 情感上 相 通 ,当提及您的品牌时触动他们的是什么情绪,以及他们所作的联想是否深入、是否真实。 siegelgale.cn | Learn whether your customers [...] are making an emotional connection to your [...]brand, which emotions are triggered when they think [...]of you and if the associations they make are deep and genuine. siegelgale.com |
我国代表团荣幸地参加安全理事会本次关于海地的 [...] 公开辩论会。海地在地理上是我国的近邻, 在 情感上 更是一个姐妹国家,因为我们非常熟悉海地人民所经 [...]历的无数苦难。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is an honour for my delegation to participate in this open debate of the Security Council on Haiti, a nation that is close to us in [...] geographical terms, but even more is a [...] sister nation in sentiment because its people [...]has been shaken by countless afflictions [...]that are all too familiar to us. daccess-ods.un.org |
纪录311”计划需要符合以下4个条件:1、和市政府将SMT界定为一个终生教育机构的政策相统一;2、可以在政府因地震受损而财政紧张的情况下运作;3、员工需要清楚了解项目策略以避免困惑;4、可以被正在经历紧急状态的市民 在 情感上 接 受。 shanghaibiennale.org | Can be run on a tight budget of the city government affected by the earthquake; 3. shanghaibiennale.org |
飘飘人信息架构团队,基于对用户的理解来设计了用例和信息流程,分析用户的心理认知以及对产品或是服务在行 为 上 、 情感上 的 表 现出的反馈,最终建立有关网站、程序或是其他数字服务的最佳的交互方式和架构。 peopeo.de | Peopeo user centered information architects, based on the [...] understanding about the users, design use cases and information flow, analysis of users’ cognitive [...] psychology, behavior, emotional reactions, design [...]the site maps, task [...]flow diagrams, build up the interactions and the architecture of the website, program or other digital services. peopeo.de |
这份带有血迹的手稿是在 1824 年 7 月 19 [...] 日奥古斯丁·德·伊图维德在墨西哥城遭到枪决后在他的腰带和衬衫之间发现的,这是一份伊图维德 在 情感上 为 其 公众事业做出的抗辩书。 wdl.org | This manuscript, tinged with blood and found between the sash and shirt of [...] Agustín de Iturbide after his execution by firing squad on July [...] 19, 1824, is an emotional defense of Iturbide’s [...]public career. wdl.org |
David认为,“给员工一个情感上的理 由,驱动他们每天来上班,令他们除了自身工作所得外,还能感受到更有意义和深远的体验,就是一个伟大公司与好公司的区别所在。 siegelgale.cn | David believes that [...] "giving employees an emotionally based reason to [...]come to work every day, to make them feel part of something [...]meaningful and larger than themselves, is the difference between good companies and great companies. siegelgale.com |
人们深信,对土地的归属感也是社会经 济 上 、 感情上 和 政 治上的归属 感。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is a strong belief that belongingness to land is [...] also socioeconomical, emotional and political. daccess-ods.un.org |
境内流离失所者和难民等所有冲突受害者将有权获得有关冲突带来的伤 害和损失的经济赔偿,包括死亡、人身伤害、精神 和 感情上 的 痛苦及经济损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | All victims of conflict, including IDPs and refugees, shall have the right to financial compensation for the harm [...] and losses they have [...] incurred as a result of the conflict, including loss of lives, physical injury, mental and emotional suffering and economic losses. daccess-ods.un.org |
当你走在这座楼里及其他的一切,以及这里的人,可 以 感 觉 到 这是个令人兴奋的地方,从你们正在做的 事 情上 来 讲 ,而且也是一个很棒的工作的地方。 embassyusa.cn | You can sense as you walk in the architecture and everything else, and the people here, what an exciting [...] place this is in terms of what you’re [...]doing, but also a great place to work. eng.embassyusa.cn |
雖然有人認為 道歉也沒有用,但我真的希望大家可以從心出發,說出人 在 感情上 應有 的說話。 legco.gov.hk | Some people may think that an apology is useless, but I really think that we should speak from our hearts and say what is proper. legco.gov.hk |
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最可能发 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现 长期严重的敌对局面,特别是在乡村和城 市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出 感情 激 动的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是没有反应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe [...] long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular villages and urban localities; (b) an emotional response of members of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 雖然善用人力資源和保持公務員職位的吸引力 符合某方面的公眾利益,但有時可能與其他方 面的公眾利益有衝突,例如避免實際或潛在的 利益衝突,或避免有“延取報酬"之嫌 等情 況。 舉例來說,假如一名在任職政府期間曾負 責規管私營醫療機構的前首長級專科醫生離職 後申請加入私家醫院工作,當局拒絕其申請可 避免出現實際、潛在或觀感上的利 益衝突,但 或許有違善用有限人力資源的方針。 legco.gov.hk | (a) While gainful use of human resources and maintaining the attractiveness of the civil service as a career are some aspects of the public interest, they may sometimes be at variance with [...] other aspects of the [...] public interest, such as avoidance of real or potential conflict of interest, avoidance of suspicion of ‘deferred reward’, etc. For example, rejecting an application from a former directorate civil servant – who is a medical specialist and was responsible for [...]the regulation of [...]the private medical sector during his government service – to take up post-service work in a private hospital may be in accordance with the objective of avoiding real, potential or perceived conflict of interest, but it may be at variance with the objective of gainful use of limited human resources. legco.gov.hk |
尽管对教科文组织预算外活动开展的 情 况 总 体 上感 到 满意,但专家委员会指出,‘质 量’方面的情况,尤其是取得的结果和预算外活动与正常预算活动之间相互关系方面的情况 介绍得还不够。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While overall satisfaction was expressed concerning developments in UNESCO’s extrabudgetary activities, it was noted that information on the “qualitative” aspects were still insufficient, notably with regard to the results obtained and the interrelationship between extrabudgetary activities and those funded from the regular budget. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2009年2月23 日由代表亲自做出决定,申诉人如回到 索马里不会有个人危险,但他是对加拿大公众的一种威胁,人道主义 和 感情上的 艰难轻于对公众的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author’s case was then referred to the Minister’s Delegate at National Headquarters of the Ministry of Public Safety, who determined, on 23 February 2009, that he would not be at personal risk if returned to Somalia and that he represented a danger to the public in Canada and that humanitarian and compassionate hardships did not outweigh the danger to the public. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏 感 , 所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human [...] rights issues and the [...] government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very [...]low and it has been [...]very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在充分考虑受助人群各方面需求的基 础 上 ( 情感 、 物 质、教育需求等),爱心协 会帮助处于困境或遭到遗弃的人们,尤其是孩子们,通过重塑自我重新融入社会, [...] 起到了联系街道、家庭和当地组织的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Working in close solidarity, they cater to all aspects [...] of the person—emotional, physical, and educational—so [...]that vulnerable people in [...]distress or the excluded, in particular children, can rebuild and reintegrate into the social fabric, and in so doing seek to bridge the gap between the street, families and local structures. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 能够在感情上和专业上保持超脱,同时在必要时表现出所需的投入; (f) 能够把注意力放在解决问题上而不是放在双方,反过来,能够对谈判进 行引导,让各方注重问题,而不是彼此 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) The ability to focus on problem solving and not the parties, and in turn, guide the discussions so that the parties focus on the problem(s) and issues, not each other;(g) Is knowledgeable about the subject area that concerns the mediation daccess-ods.un.org |