

单词 情商



adult shop


emotional quotient (EQ)
emotional IQ

External sources (not reviewed)

主席女士,雖然我們這次 的 調查工 作 時間很緊 迫 , 但我覺得在 立法會, 憑 我們一直以來所得 的經驗 , 我 相 信 由我們組成 一個委 員會,定能情 商 在 有 限 的 時間內 , 進行這項工 作 的 。
Madam President, although our inquiry will have to be conducted against a very tight schedule, I still think that with all the experience we have, the select committee formed by us will certainly be able to complete its task within the limited time available.
业内领先的情商业银 行KIT Capital、业务重点位于中东和北非(MENA)地区的企业金融和投资专业公司MNA [...]
Partners以及美国早期风险投资公司River Road Ventures今天宣布合并,成立KCP Capital。
KIT Capital, an
[...] entrepreneur-led special situations merchant bank, MNA Partners, [...]
a boutique corporate finance and investment
firm focused on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and River Road Ventures, a US-based early stage venture capital firm, today announced their merger and the resulting formation of KCP Capital.
在第2 次会议上,特设工作组主席报告了与缔约方的 商情 况 ,通过磋商, 缔约方在议程和组织事项问题上达成了谅解。
At its 2nd meeting, the Chair of the AWG-LCA
[...] reported on his consultations with Parties, [...]
which had resulted in an understanding
among Parties on the agenda and the organization of work.
请秘书长根据这些商情况的 结果及其它,召开一 次不限成员名额高级别会议,评价和商定彻底消除核武器的路线图,包 [...]
Based, inter alia, on the
[...] outcome of these consultations, the Secretary-General [...]
is invited to convene an open-ended high-level
meeting to take stock and agree on a road map for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, including by means of a universal, legal instrument.
继早前荣获国际电商情举办的读者最满意分销商后, 我们再一次得到业界的认同, [...]
After achieving
[...] "Reader's Satisfied Distributor" held by International [...]
Electronic Information, our company has been recognized
in the industry again, and successfully awarded "2005 Outstanding Technical Support Prize" by Fiberhome.
在制定最后选民名单的整个过程中,我认真监测了各方之间的 商情 况 , 审 查和分析了商定的程序,密切跟踪了这些程序的执行情况,并优先与所有国家机 [...]
构、民间社会和负责管理选举过程的利益关系方,包括政治行为方、调解人和国 际伙伴开展了协商和对话。
Throughout the process leading to the establishment of the final
voters list, I closely
[...] monitored the consultations among the parties, [...]
examined and analysed the procedures agreed upon, closely followed the implementation
of those procedures, and gave priority to consultation and dialogue with all the national institutions, civil society and stakeholders responsible for managing the electoral process, including political actors, the Facilitator and international partners.
履行 机构还注意到就《公约》缔约方会议第十八届会议和《议定书》缔约方会议第八 届会议的主办问题正在进行的商情 况 ,希望早日收到磋商的结果,以期在《公 约》缔约方会议第十六届会议上就此事作出决定。
The SBI also noted the ongoing consultations with regard to hosting COP 18 and CMP 8, and looked forward to receiving the results of these consultations, with a view to a decision being taken at COP 16 on this matter.
在此基础上,根据分销商在中国市场上的影响程度,我们筛选出60名参与调查的分销商作为候选者,邀请《国际电 商情 》 的 读者对分销商的技术支持、物流服务、公司信誉、供货能力、产品价格、产品质量、财务支持、服务灵活性及电子商务能力等9个要素的重要性进行衡量,并对有过交易的候选分销商这9个要素逐项评分,同时选出自己最满意的分销商。
Basing on this, according to the influence of distributors in Chinese market, we have selected 60 distributors as candidates, and invited “ESM-China” readers to evaluate 9 aspects of distributor: technical support, logistic service, corporation credit, supplying capacity, product price, product quality, financial support, service flexibility and e-commerce ability, and graded the candidates and select the most satisfied distributor.
在多边裁军重要性日增的背景下,并在裁军谈判会议为确立 2011 年工作计 划所作集中努力的基础上,为求 2012
年会议及早开始实质性工作,本会议请现 任主席和下任主席在休会期间进行磋商,并在可能的情况下提出建议,其中应考
[...] 虑到过去、现在和未来的所有有关提案,包括作为裁军谈判会议文件提交的有关 提案,以及提出的看法和进行的讨论,并力求将 商情 况 酌 情随时告知本会议所 有成员。
With the growing importance of multilateral disarmament, and building on the focused efforts in the Conference on Disarmament to establish a programme of work for the 2011 session, and with a view to early commencement of substantive work during its 2012 session, the Conference requested the current President and the incoming President to conduct consultations during the intersessional period and, if possible, make recommendations taking into account all relevant proposals, past, present and future, including those submitted as documents of the Conference on Disarmament, views presented and
discussions held, and to endeavour to keep the membership of the Conference
[...] informed, as appropriate, of their consultations.
有关政策选择的决定应当在同少 数群体有实际意义的商情况下 作出,应当是透明的,应当得到显现出当前不平 [...]
Decisions on policy choices should be made
[...] in meaningful consultation with minority [...]
groups, be transparent and be supported
by disaggregated data demonstrating existing inequalities.
国际金属加商情-中东 及非洲版》与中东拥有20多年资深经验的FZLLC国际贸易杂志出版商合作,杂志以英文出版,全年6期,电子与印刷版共送达15,287名经资格认证的读者。
Through a strategic partnership between Ringier Trade Media and Gutenberg Publishing FZ LLC – an international trade publisher with over 20 years of publishing experience and leadership operations in the Middle East, the magazine is published 6x a year in English, print and digital e - magazine reach a qualified controlled readership of 15,287 manufacturing decision makers.
在第4 次会议上,Plume 女士报告了联络小组的商情况。
At the 4th meeting, Ms. Plume reported on the
[...] contact group’s consultations.
慧聪网成立于1992年,经过18年发展,已经成为国内领先的B2B电子商务服务提供商,依 托其核心互联网产品买卖通以及雄厚的传统营销渠道–慧 商情 广 告 与中国资讯大全、研究院行业分析报告为客户提供线上、线下的全方位服务,这种优势互补,纵 横立体的架构,已成为中国B2B行业的典范,对电子商务的发展具有革命性影响。
Hui Cong network was established in 1992, after 18 years of development, has become a leading B2B electronic commerce service provider, relying on its core Internet products and strong tradition of trading through marketing channels - Hui Cong Business Advertisement and information Daquan, Research Institute of Industry Analysis Report to provide customers with online and offline full-service, this complementary, vertical and horizontal three-dimensional structure, has become a model of B2B industry, the development of the revolutionary impact of e-commerce.
Kranjc 先生在第2 次会议上通报了商情况,并告知代表们各区域集团没 有就特设工作组主席、副主席和报告的人选达成一致。
Mr. Kranjc provided an update on the consultations at the 2nd [...]
meeting and informed delegates that agreement had not been
reached among the regional groups on the nominees for Chair, Vice-Chair and Rapporteur of the AWG-KP.
欢迎裁军谈判会议决定请现任主席和下任主席在闭会期间进行磋商,并 在可能的情况下提出建议,其中应考虑到包括作为裁军谈判会议文件提交的各项
[...] 提案在内的过去、现在和今后提出的所有相关提案以及所提出的看法和所进行的 讨论,并力求将商情况酌 情随时告知谈判会议全体成员
Welcomes the decision of the Conference on Disarmament to request the current President and the incoming President to conduct consultations during the intersessional period and, if possible, make recommendations, taking into account all relevant proposals, past, present and future, including those submitted as documents of the Conference on Disarmament, views presented and
discussions held, and to endeavour to keep the membership of the Conference
[...] informed, as appropriate, of their consultations
在同次会议上,副主席菲力泊·辛提报告了就商定结论草案文本进行的非正 式商情况。
At the same meeting, the Vice-Chair, Filippo Cinti reported on
[...] the informal consultations held on the text of the draft agreed conclusions.
獨立非執行董事確定上述關連交易乃基於以 情 況下簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及日常業務過程中訂立;(乙)按正 商 業 條 款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 本公司股東整體利益的條款訂立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions
were entered into (a)
[...] in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable [...]
to the Group than terms
available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
[...] 号决议和第12/119 号决定提交,是关于商情况 的更新,着重介绍讨论的主要内容。
The present report, which is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 14/4 and decision 12/119,
[...] is an update on the consultations.
工发组织代表报告商情况说 ,考虑到该国政府刚成立,且氟氯烃-141b 还 用于制冷维修行业的清洗,不适用于氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,该国政府目前还无法发出禁令。
Reporting on his consultations, the representative [...]
of UNIDO said the Government was not in a position to issue a ban at
present, considering that the Government was new and HCFC-141b was also used in the refrigeration servicing sector for flushing, which was not covered by the HPMP.
委员会请缔约国下次定期报告列入资料,阐明缔约国政府业已和正在就土著 人民传统生活居住地上的所有工业和其它项目的 商情 况。
The Committee requests the State party to include in its next periodic report information about consultations that were and are being conducted by the Government of the State party concerning industrial and other projects in all the territories where indigenous peoples traditionally live.
政府會 繼續密切關注雙方的商情況, 以期在電子艙單系統正式投入服務前,收費 問題可獲得圓滿解決。
The Government will continue to closely monitor the discussion between both sides, with a view to resolving the fee issue before the EMAN service is launched.
这还要考虑到在确定实施和实现各项战略性计 划目标的跨部门战略时,部门内和部门间的内部 商情 况。
It will also be based on an internal process of consultation within and between sectors, defining intersectoral strategies for the pursuit and implementation of the various strategic programme objectives.
主席提议在本届会议 期间就这个事项进行磋商并在稍后汇报 商情 况。
The President proposed to undertake consultations on this matter and report back later in the session.
通过决定 166 EX/3.5.1,执行局审议了关于教科文组织对信息社会问题世界首脑会议 (WSIS)(日内瓦, 2003 年和突尼斯,2005 年)的贡献的文件 166
EX/19,“……鼓励总 干事继续促使非政府组织和民间社会积极参与信息社会问题世界首脑会议(WSIS)的全过
[...] 程;并请总干事向执行局第一六七届会议报告为召开信息社会问题世界首脑会议而进行的商情况和 提出的建议,并向其第一六九届会议报告日内瓦首脑会议的结果。
By 166 EX/Decision 3.5.1, the Executive Board, having examined document 166 EX/19 on UNESCO’s contribution to the World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva, 2003 and Tunis, 2005), “… encourages the Director-General to continue to involve non-governmental organizations and civil society closely in the WSIS process; and requests the
Director-General to report to it at its 167th
[...] sessions on the consultations made and the [...]
recommendations prepared for the WSIS, and
at its 169th session on the results of the Summit meeting in Geneva.
3 次会议上,Calvo 先生报告了联合联络小组的商情 况。
At the 3rd meeting, Mr. Calvo reported on the joint
[...] contact group’s consultations.
根據政府統計處進行的按年經濟統計調查結果可編製多種統計指標,用以分析香港各經濟行業的 商情 況 及 表現。
A wide range of statistical indicators can be compiled from the results of annual economic surveys conducted by the
Census and Statistics Department
[...] for analysing the business situation and performance [...]
of various economic sectors in Hong Kong.
在 7 月 27 日第 46 次会议上,理事会代理副主席朱里·塞轮塔尔(爱沙尼
[...] 亚)就关于发展政策委员会第十三届会议的报告(E/2011/33 和 Corr.1)所载建议 的商情况作了发言。
At the 46th meeting, on 27 July, Acting Vice-President of the Council Jüri Seilenthal (Estonia) made a statement with regard to consultations on the
recommendations contained in the report of the
[...] Committee for Development Policy on its [...]
thirteenth session (E/2011/33 and Corr.1).
我们每天通过公司数据库管理着全球超过40个国家,5000个贸易伙伴的百万条电子元器件产品信息;我们与美国、德国、芬兰、英国、意大利、日本、韩国、新加坡、台湾、香港以及中国大陆地区等地的各大原厂和代理商有着紧密的贸易往来,库存信息共享;我们与国际电 商情 , EE Times,Electronic Buyer’s [...]
Every day, we manage millions of line items from more than 5000 business partners in over 40 countries through our company’s database; we have close business contacts and share information with big manufacturers and agents from the United States, Germany, Finland, Britain, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the mainland China; We perform real-time interaction with
the industry news organizations,
[...] such as Global Sources, EE Times, Electronic [...]
Buyer’s News, to obtain the most valuable market
information; we also posses: worldwide logistics network for accurate and quick logistics service; ISO9001:2008 certification of quality management for the arrival of “Zero Defect” goods; state-of-the-art anti-static constant temperature and humidity storage environment to ensure the safe storage of goods and the timely shipping to meet customer demands.
Ÿ 请秘书长在国别局势报告中把保护平民作为报告中的具体内容;要求在 与联合国国家工作队商情况下,拟订针对具体特派团的促进保护平民 [...]
战略和行动计划,并且考虑到境内流离失所者和难民、妇女、儿童、老 年人和残疾人等不同人口群体的需求。
Ÿ Request that reports of the Secretary-General on country specific situations include the protection of civilians as a specific aspect of the
report; and request the development of mission-specific strategies and plans
[...] of action, in consultation with United Nations [...]
country teams, for
enhancing the protection of civilians and that takes into account the needs of different population groups, including internally displaced persons and refugees, women, children, older persons and persons with disabilities.
全球領先的全套互連產品供應商Molex公司宣佈贏得《中國電 商情 》 雜 誌2012年度編輯選擇獎的最具競爭力連接器產品獎。
Molex Incorporated has been declared the winner of The Most Competitive Connector Product in China in 2012 Award, one of the six award categories in the China Electronic Market 2012 Editor's Choice Awards.




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