

单词 情变

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这一点非常重要,因为一旦晚上休息不好,白天就会精神不济, 情变 得 急 躁,且难以集中精力学习。
This is important because without a quality rest every night you will lose energy, become more irritable and find it difficult to concentrate on your studies.
如果你不知道同样的事情,但过了一段时间,然后你实现机制,形成一支蜡烛 情变 得 更 容易。
Do not know if you're with the same thing, but after a while and then you realize the mechanism of formation of a candle things are getting easier.
如果有新的情变化,我们总是能够 帮助你。
We are always here to help if new problems arise”.
但是,情变得非 常吱吱作响时,帮派风被困在一个偏远的岛屿 - 他们很快发现他们的新的热带游乐场不一样冷清,因为它似乎。
But things get really squeaky when [...]
the gang winds up stranded on a remote island — and they soon discover their new tropical
playground is not as deserted as it seems.
如果没有足够强的驱动力,在那些原生平台上进行开发的话,那么随后紧密控制的应用程序开发和销售渠道会让 情变 得 更 糟糕。
If developing for native platforms weren’t enough of a drive-away force, their tightly controlled application deployment and sales channels make things even worse.
通过“棋盘”,可以直观的看到频率的 变情 况 , 而“表格”可使您对跳变过程中的每 个频率值一目了然。
The “Chess” provides a direct observation of the frequency hopping process while the “Table” visibly provides all the frequencies during the hopping process.
分析 不同区域的区域合作机制、一体化进程和体制的 变情 况 , 包括为应对全球危机的合 作机制的变情况。
Analyze the evolution of regional cooperation mechanisms and integration processes and [...]
institutions in the different regions,
including those in response to global crises.
对 CTC 和 CFC 代用品的全球市场变情况进 行调查,目的是为受惠公司提供其无法轻易获得的资 料。
The aim of the
[...] research into the evolution of global markets [...]
for alternatives to CTC and CFCs was to provide beneficiary
companies with supplementary information not easily available to them.
根据地质情况、构情况、蚀变情况 以及捡样的分析结果,千辉控股有限公司相信13602X许可证区域有望成为世界级的热液型多金属(银、金、铅、铜)矿床。
Based on geological, structural, and alteration mapping combined with assay results of grab samples THL believes License 13602X has the potential to be a world-class epithermal polymetallic ( Ag, Au, Pb, Cu) deposits.
使用遥感技术大大提高了世卫组织跟踪和直观观测地方性疫情爆发和流 行的实时变情况, 并绘制危害公共健康和重要公共健康基础设施的各因素的 [...]
The use of remote sensing has significantly advanced
the ability of WHO to track and visualize
[...] the real-time evolution of local outbreaks [...]
and epidemics and map the geographic
distribution of hazards to public health and critical public health infrastructure.
2008 年,人权高专办尼泊尔办事处针对和平进程的积极 变情 况 改 变 了 其方 案和活动的结构,更加着眼于被认为对于可持续地改进尼泊尔的人权保护极为重 要的以下三个方面:加强国家人权机构和民间社会,而重点是转让技能;有罪不 罚、法治和问责制;歧视和经济、社会和文化权利。
In 2008,
[...] OHCHR Nepal changed the structure of its programmes and activities in response to the positive evolution of the peace [...]
process, and increasingly
focused on three areas considered to be of primary importance in sustainably improving human rights protection in Nepal: strengthening national human rights institutions and civil society with a focus on the transfer of skills; impunity, rule of law and accountability; and discrimination and economic, social and cultural rights.
工作组承认,秘书处的调查 有助于澄清总框架的某些方面,有助于澄清条约规定的分布情况,以及这些规定 对于拟订引渡或起诉义务所具有的差别和相似性以及 变情 况。
It was recognized that the Secretariat Survey had helped to elucidate aspects of the general framework, had helped to clarify issues concerning the typology of treaty provisions, differences and similarities in the formulation of the obligation to extradite or prosecute in these provisions and their evolution, under the rubric “the legal bases of the obligation to extradite or prosecute” of the general framework.
(g) 建议中国政府和印度政府与世界银行合作,考虑文件
UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/12 第 14 和 15 段提出的建议,将第 15(b)段修改 为:“(b)对利用
[...] CTC 作原料所生产产品的全球市场的 变情 况 进 行市场调 查,以便支持研究努力和指导企业投资,同时顾及所有这些最终产品的生产 [...]
(g) To recommend that the Governments of China and India, in cooperation with the World Bank, consider the recommendations presented in paragraphs 14 and 15 of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/12, amending subparagraph 15(b) to
read as follows: “(b) Conducting market
[...] research into the evolution of global markets [...]
for products made using CTC as feedstock
to complement the research efforts and guide the investment of enterprises taking into consideration all environmental effects of manufacturing such end-products, including interlinkages between ozone layer depletion and climate change”.
生育率的未来变情况仍 是一个主要的未知因素,不 过,恢复生育率是能够改善该国人口现状甚至有望遏制人口减少的一个独特选 择。
The future evolution of fertility [...]
continues to be a major unknown factor, but its recovery is the unique option capable
of leading to an improvement of the country's demographic situation and, potentially, to curbing demographic decline.
秘书长关于联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员 会成员以及增加成员所涉经费问题的报告(A/66/524) 按区域集团叙述了成员变情况, 并对将来发生的 任何变化拟议客观标准和指标。
The report of the Secretary-General on membership of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the
Effects of Atomic
[...] Radiation and the financial implications of increased membership (A/66/524) described the evolution of the membership [...]
by regional group
and proposed objective criteria and indicators for any future changes.
2009 年版载列的指标涵盖 1990 年至 2008
[...] 年,使用户得以研究人口趋势和人 口动态之间的相互关系、资源供应 变情 况 、 环境影响和发展效果。
The indicators included in the 2009 edition cover the period 1990-2008, and allow users to examine
the interrelationships between population
[...] trends and dynamics, changes in the availability [...]
of resources, impact on the environment
and the effect of development.
秘书处提出的分类方法旨在用比较的方法概述这类条款的内容及其在公约 实践中的变情况, 将含有这类条款的公约分为四类:(a) [...]
1929 年《取缔伪造货 币国际公约》及沿用同一模式的其他公约;(b) 1949 年日内瓦四公约和 1977 年 第一附加议定书;(c)
关于引渡的区域性公约;以及(d)《关于制止非法劫持航 空器的公约》(1970 年《海牙公约》)及沿用同一模式的其他公约。
The typology proposed by the Secretariat, with a view
to providing a comparative overview of the
[...] content and evolution of the relevant [...]
provisions in conventional practice, divides
the conventions including such provisions into four categories: (a) the 1929 International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency and other conventions following the same model; (b) the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the 1977 Additional Protocol I; (c) regional conventions on extradition; and (d) the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (1970 Hague Convention) and other conventions following the same model.
[...] 为,安全理事会应对索马里的危机进行一次全面调查,从其根源直至其 变情 况, 以便找到持久解决办法,制止有罪不罚的现象。
Eritrea maintains that the Security Council ought to launch a comprehensive investigation of the
crisis in Somalia from its origins through
[...] its truncated evolution with a view [...]
to finding a durable solution and ending impunity.
墨西哥代表团以新鲜水果和蔬菜规范委员会的主席身份发言,提出如果要在新鲜 水果和蔬菜规范委员会下届会议上讨论职权范围问题,食典委秘书处应准备一份背景 文件,介绍该问题的变情况以 及新鲜水果和蔬菜规范委员会与联合国欧洲经济委员 会之间的联系,以协助新鲜水果和蔬菜规范委员会作出明智的决定。
The Delegation of Mexico, speaking as Chair of the Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, requested that, if the Terms of Reference were to be discussed at the next session of the CCFFV, the Codex Secretariat should prepare a background document on the history and linkages between the CCFFV and the UNECE in order to assist the Committee to make an informed decision.
美国临床肿瘤协会(R)和国家综合癌症网(R)建议对所有确诊为急性髓细胞白血病的患者进行FLT3突变测试,诊断FL T3 突 变情 况 成为急性髓细胞白血病确诊病人的标准治疗步骤。
The American Society of Clinical Oncology(R) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network(R) recommend testing for the FLT3 mutation in all patients diagnosed with AML -- determination of FLT3 mutation status has become a standard of care for patients diagnosed with AML.
在进行这样的审查时,国家和国际组织应对维护多边条约的完整性这一目标 给予特别注意,并在必要时,尤其是根据其国内法自从提出保留以来的 变情 况,考虑各项保留是否仍然有用。
In such a review, States and international organizations should devote special attention to the aim of preserving the integrity of multilateral treaties and, where relevant, consider the usefulness of retaining the reservations, in particular in relation to developments in their internal law since the reservations were formulated.
[...] 的代表向理事会简单介绍了近期开展的联合活动,着重介绍了可能加强合作的领域,诸如气候变化 和变情况下的缺水领域。
The representative of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) briefed the Council on recent joint activities and highlighted areas
for the potential strengthening of cooperation, such as the area of water scarcity
[...] under climate change and variability.
所反映的那样,与会者重申,贸发会议应该继续发挥重要作用,监测分析 危机后全球经济的变情况以 及国际贸易体系的未来前景、各种不同的发展政策 [...]
Participants reaffirmed, as reflected in the President’s Summary (TD/B/57/8), that UNCTAD should continue to
play an important role in monitoring and
[...] analyzing the evolution of the post-crisis [...]
global economy and the future of the
international trading system, the different development policy options, and supporting developing countries in post-crisis growth strategies and proactive trade policy.
评估团的评估结果,包括执行局有关次区域恐怖主义威胁 变情况 的 评估,已作为第 2017(2011)号决议所要求评估的一部分提交给安全理事会关于 [...]
利比亚的第 1970(2011)号决议所设委员会。
The mission’s findings, including those of the Executive
[...] Directorate on the evolution of the terrorist [...]
threat to the subregion, were transmitted
to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1970 (2011) concerning Libya as part of the assessment requested pursuant to resolution 2017 (2011).
关于大会工作安排问题,文件中建议将各委员会的会议安排在届会第 一阶段举行,而总政策辩论则在保持现有形式 变情 况 下 安排到届会结尾阶段进行。
Concerning the organization of work of the General Conference, it was recommended that the commissions and committees should meet in the first part of the session and that the general policy debate, in its current form, should take place at the end of the session.
报告第一部分概述了住房政策的 变情 况 ,着重介绍了公共住房补贴方案, 其中提到当前的可承受价格住房危机―― 在居住在美国的人口中越来越多的人在 评估可承受住房时遇到严重挑战。
It refers to the context of the current affordable housing crisis – with a growing proportion of people living in the United States facing serious challenges in accessing affordable housing.
[...] 月举行的贸易和发展委员会会议提出了两项重要且 相关的议题,即评估国际贸易体制的 变情 况 和 增强该体制对发展和经济复苏的 贡献,以及发展中国家融入全球供应链,包括通过其出口产品增值。
Delegates felt that the Trade and Development Commission, which took place in June 2011, brought up two very
interesting and relevant issues, namely the
[...] assessment of the evolution of the international [...]
trading system and the enhancement
of its contribution to development and economic recovery, as well as the integration of developing countries in global supply chains, including through adding value to their exports.
邀请 邀请 邀请
[...] 邀请联合国贸易和发展会议按照其任务规定,从发展角度监测和评估国 际贸易体系的变情况和 国际贸易的趋势,特别要分析发展中国家关切的问题, [...]
更加着重强调实际解决办法,并进行政策分析,与所有相关利益攸关方合作,通 过技术援助活动等途径支持发展中国家建立国家生产能力和国际竞争力
the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to continue, in
accordance with its mandate, to monitor
[...] and assess the evolution of the international [...]
trading system and of trends in international
trade from a development perspective, and in particular to analyse issues of concern to developing countries, placing greater emphasis on practical solutions, to undertake policy analysis, to work with all relevant stakeholders and to support developing countries in building productive national capacities and international competitiveness, including through technical assistance activities
卫生和植物卫生协定委员会于 2011 年 3 月同意将采取五项行动,以确定与卫生
[...] 和植物卫生协定相关的私立标准的讨论范围,并促进那些关注与卫生和植物卫 生协定相关的私立标准变情况的各实体交流信息。
The five proposed actions, agreed by the SPS Committee in March 2011 to define the scope of the discussions on SPS-related private standards
and promote information exchange among various entities with a
[...] stake in the evolution of SPS-related [...]
private standards.




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