单词 | 悸栗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 悸栗 —tremble with fearSee also:悸—palpitate 栗 n—chestnut n 栗—trembling • surname Li
发病症状包括疲劳,体重下降,心脏 心 悸 , 失眠,焦虑,脱发。 cn.iherb.com | Symptoms include fatigue, [...] weight loss, heart palpitations, insomnia, anxiety [...]and hair loss. iherb.com |
在地中海VERSANT,绵羊和牛的饲养和奶酪是主要的职业,而大量 的 栗 子 出口从塞文山脉。 leapfrog-properties.com | On the Mediterranean versant, sheep and [...] cattle-rearing and cheesemaking are the chief occupations while [...] large quantities of chestnuts are exported from [...]the Cevennes. leapfrog-properties.com |
Beta 抑制剂 [...] 为一种药物,可抑制人体因忧虑所产生的生理反应,如心跳加速、 心 悸 和 颤 抖等。 hsbc.com.hk | Beta blockers are drugs that block some of our body's physiological response to anxiety, such as [...] increased heart rate, palpitation and tremor. hsbc.com.hk |
马栗树提 取物是娇韵诗独家配方的抗污染复合物(Anti-Pollution [...] Complex)的原料之一。 clarinsusa.com | Horse Chestnut extract is one of [...] the ingredients in Clarins exclusive "Anti-Pollution" Complex. clarinsusa.com |
由於對法國大革命時期雅各賓(Jacobin)的統治 猶有餘悸﹐上層階級的人民經常將民主與「亂民或平民政治」或「人 民大眾的暴政」混為一談。 hkahe.com | Owing to the excesses of Jacobin rule during the French Revolution, this idea was associated in the minds of the upper classes with “mob or plebeian rule” or “tyrannical rule by the majority”. hkahe.com |
巨型红杉、矮小的红铜栗子和 灌木丛与一大堆在杜鹃花和木兰花争抢空间。 discoverireland.com | Giant Sequoias, dwarf copper chestnuts and a bewildering [...] array of shrubs jostle for space amongst azaleas, magnolia and rhododendrons. discoverireland.com |
讓我們認真想一想,我們所需要的百分比是否可以靠再 生能源或其他方法來填補,而不需要火中 取 栗 , 採用一個這麼危險的 方法。 legco.gov.hk | We should think seriously whether the percentage of nuclear power required can be met by electricity generated by renewable energy or other methods [...] rather than such a dangerous approach, which may be described by a Chinese [...] saying as "getting chestnuts from the fire". legco.gov.hk |
明亮、悸動、感性而光芒四射,Trésor in Love是一首愛的讚歌。 aster.com.hk | Discover Lancôme’s newest fragrance sensation that captures the spirit of the first moment of love. aster.com.hk |
钩大胆地块采取报复后,小飞侠切断他的手,但他心有 余 悸 鳄 鱼吃到达现在捕他希望品尝更多。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Hook boldly plots to take revenge upon Peter Pan for cutting off his hand, but he trembles when the crocodile that ate it arrives; it now stalks him hoping to taste more. seekcartoon.com |
俄罗斯哲学家Ivan Shmelev称它为“俄罗斯伟大的悸动”。 project-syndicate.org | The Russian philosopher Ivan Shmelev named it “the great beating of Russia. project-syndicate.org |
科学研究表明,石栗树精 油中存在欧米茄3和6(必需脂肪酸),因其保湿、舒缓功效及重建和对抗自由基活性的能力而被用于化妆品中。 clarinsusa.com | Scientific research revealed the presence of Omega 3 and 6 (essential fatty acids) recognized in comsetics for their hydrating and soothing properties but also for their restructuring and anti-free radical ability. clarinsusa.com |
ICD 最重要但也希望是最少出現的任務就是提早發 現可危及性命的心悸或是 心室顫動,也就是醫學家 所說的快速性心律失常,並且藉由強大的電子脈衝 制止它。 biotronik.com | The most important and, fortunately, least frequently required task of the ICD is the early detection of life-threatening rapid heartbeats or even cardiac fibrillation – which physicians refer to as tachyarrhythmias – and to terminate these by applying strong electrical impulses. biotronik.com |
常見的副作用包括注意力難以集中、肌肉無力、視力模糊、排尿困難、便秘、 心 悸 等。 hsbc.com.hk | Adverse effects of antihistamines include confusion, muscle weakness, blurred vision, urinary retention, [...] constipation, and palpitation. hsbc.com.hk |
當我們對於 SARS 仍 是 猶 有 餘悸, 大 家 還 在 說 它 千 萬 不要再來 的 時 候 , 誰 料 又 要面對來 勢 洶洶的 禽流感。 legco.gov.hk | While we are still reeling from the aftermath of the SARS outbreak, praying there will not be a resurgence of SARS, unexpectedly, we have to face a raging outbreak of avian flu. legco.gov.hk |
們難免會想起國商銀行倒閉事件;當時有些存戶失去差不多畢生積蓄,實在令㆟ 猶有餘悸。 legco.gov.hk | One cannot help but remember with shivers the failure of BCCHK when depositors in some cases stood to lose almost all their life savings. legco.gov.hk |
主 治 脾 胃 虛 寒 引 起 的 胃 脘 痛 、 下 痢 、 [...] 虛 勞 發 熱 、 心 氣 不 足 之 心 悸 、 四 肢 疼 痛 、 夢 遺 等 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach [...] causing abdominal pain or [...] diarrhea,consumptive fever, palpitation caused by Qi deficiency [...]of heart, generalized pain of limbs and wet dream. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
巴司機 罷工事件帶來的交通混亂令㆟餘悸猶 在。 legco.gov.hk | The confusion caused by the CMB strike crisis cannot be easily forgotten. legco.gov.hk |
在經歷了1997年金融風暴和SARS的慘痛教訓後,市民可以說 餘悸 猶在 ,面對即將來臨的金融海嘯,施政報告是這樣形容的:“今次金融 海嘯是全球金融危機,破壞力的深度與廣度,遠超過1997年的亞洲金融 危機,復元期亦會較長和艱巨。 legco.gov.hk | With regard to the fast approaching financial tsunami, the policy address said this: "The financial tsunami we now face is a global crisis. legco.gov.hk |
在實行最低工資時,“飯鐘錢”及有薪休息日已令許多僱主超出預 算,商界猶有餘悸。 legco.gov.hk | In the course of implementation, "wages for meal hours" and paid rest days have knocked many employers off balance in budgeting. legco.gov.hk |
这次宣传活动提醒我们:当时世界对惨烈的二次大战犹有 余 悸 , 《世界人权宣言》是第一个肯定目前大家视为理所当然的人的固有尊严和人人平等的全球性文件。 un.org | The campaign reminds us that in a world still reeling from the horrors of the Second World War, the Declaration was the first global statement of what we now take for granted -- the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings. un.org |
當 時 他們每 天 都 生 活 在 無 奈、無 助 和 [...] 恐懼中,時 至 今 天 , 他們每 當 想 起當天 的 情 景 , 仍然猶 有餘悸 , 這已成 為他們永 遠無法 磨滅的 痛 苦 經 歷 和回憶 。 legco.gov.hk | They lived each day of the outbreak in desperation, helplessness and fear. legco.gov.hk |
安迪‧華荷》(Lot 1504) 表現過度的傷感,這裡也同樣流露出微妙的困惑情緒,閃現於幻彩的藍紫色圓環 的 悸 動 中 ,貫徹弘對建構時髦的媚俗藝術的執迷。 christies.com | The rose sits beneath the Venus, versatile in its symbolism, pertinent as an ancient symbol of Venus and also of Marian association. Virtually imitating the interior of a Cathedral where the Christ typically appears as a judge in its arrangement surrounded by roses; Hong eloquently places Christ in the upper center of the rose and the Venus to represent the world of salvation offered. christies.com |