

单词 悲天悯人

See also:


take pity on sb


celestial being
Man and Heaven

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,虽然机人或许 有不会感情用事的好处,但它们也不会有 悯 、 自责或同情,而这些感情往往适 当地调节并指导战斗员及其指挥官的行为。
In addition, while robots may have the benefit of not acting based on emotion, they also do not have [...]
the kind of sympathy, remorse
or empathy that often appropriately tempers and informs the conduct of fighters and their commanders.
人們都 清楚地強調這一點基礎Avestic道德神學,因為它標誌著一次關閉阿維斯塔系統的宿命系統,印度與氣質 天 生 的 悲 觀 情 緒。
It is well to
[...] emphasize this basis of Avestic moral theology, because it at once marks off the Avesta system from the fatalistic systems of India with their karma and innate pessimism.
正如我们在最近天的悲剧事 件中所看到的 那样,所有青人在表达他们的政治权利时都有可能 成为遭受侵害的目标。
All young
[...] people, as we have seen in the tragic events of recent days, can be targeted as they express [...]
their political rights.
首先,耶稣说:“我悯这众人,因 为他们同我在这里已经 天 , 也 没有吃的了。
Firstly, Jesus said: "I have compassion on the
[...] multitude, because they have now continued with Me for three days and have nothing to eat.
這種政人物的這種心 態,完全表露了我們天的悲哀。
The attitude of such kind of a politician has, in fact, laid bare our misery today.
绝食者勇敢 地呼吁关注以色列的一切非法和滥权行径以及非法的行政拘留做法,并敦促国际 社会采取行动,迫使占领国以色列停止这些 人悲 叹 的 做法并释放数以千计被非 人道地关押在监狱和拘留中心的巴勒斯坦平民,包括儿童、妇女和民选官员,由 于以色列日夜不停的逮捕行动,他们的人数每 天 都 在 增加。
The hunger strikers are bravely aiming to call attention to all of these illegal, abusive Israeli practices along with the illegal practice of administrative detention and to urge the international community to take action to compel Israel, the
occupying Power, to
[...] cease these deplorable practices and to release the thousands of Palestinian civilians, including children, women and elected officials, that it is inhumanely holding in captivity in its prisons and detention centres, and to whose ranks Israel continues to add every single day with its ongoing [...]
arrest campaign.
他的30张黑白照片拍摄于1976年和1983年间,这些照片意在捕捉生命力、能量和城市内的喧嚣,捕捉城市边缘生存 悲悯 和 美丽,以及富裕和赤贫之间强烈的差别,这只是孟买的真实生活。
Thirty black and white photographs shot between 1976 and 1983 capture the vitality, energy, and chaos of the city, the pathos and beauty of existing on the margins of society, as well as the intense disparity between wealth and abject poverty that is a simple fact of life in Mumbai.
没有长期的痛苦和悯,但 呆板的公平,将在这最后的判决为准”;地狱 天 堂 会 出现相反的对方的一个或另一个进入(二公共服务电子化七33起。
Not long-suffering and mercy, but rigid justice, will prevail in this Last Judgment"; Gehenna and Paradise will appear [...]
opposite each other for
the one or the other to enter (II Esd. vii. 33 et seq.).
据该hillelites,“谁倾斜丰盛的悯慈 悲 的 对 正义的规模”- a查看,显示(和贡克尔,“明镜先知以斯拉,”1900年,第15页),犹太教相信独立的神圣慈悲宝莲信仰(Tosef.
According to the Hillelites, "He who is
[...] plenteous in mercy inclines the scale of justice toward mercy"-a view which [...]
shows (against Gunkel,
"Der Prophet Ezra," 1900, p. 15) that Judaism believed in divine mercy independently of the Pauline faith (Tosef., Sanh. xiii. 3).
天恰巧是加悲惨事件一 周年,我们需要采取集体行动,表明我们无条件支持 巴勒斯坦事业,共同援助被剥夺权利 人 们。
Today, which coincides with the first anniversary of the tragic events in Gaza, we need to act collectively to demonstrate our unqualified support for the cause of Palestine [...] [...]
and to rally to the assistance of those who have been deprived of their rights.
从英勇的杜桑·卢维杜尔领导的独立运动 所遭到的镇压,到列强进行政治和军事干预 悲 剧, 以及众天灾人祸, 海地继续面临过去留下的梦魇及 消除贫困和实现其发展权的同样令人生畏的挑战。
From the suppression of the independence movement led by
the heroic Toussaint
[...] Louverture to the tragedies of the political and military intervention of various Powers and the many natural and human disasters, [...]
Haiti continues to
face the demons of its past and the equally daunting challenge of eradicating poverty and achieving its right to development.
除了这悲剧,今天还存在另一悲 剧 : 在以色 列监狱中的 11 000 名巴勒斯坦囚徒,他们中一人 是立法委员会的当选成员。
Beyond this tragedy, another tragedy exists today: that of the 11,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, some of them elected members of the [...]
Legislative Council.
它们选择 传递给我们区域各民族——事实上给世界各民族—
[...] —呼吁结束侵略的任何讯息将重申并强调这一事实, 即联合国将不会忽视天我们人民的 悲 剧 , 不会允许 中东沦为流血、极端主义、暴力和新仇恨循环的受害 者。
Any message they choose to send to the peoples of our region — indeed, to all peoples of the world — calling for an end to the aggression will reiterate and underscore the
fact that the United Nations will
[...] not ignore the tragedy of our people today or allow the [...]
Middle East to fall victim to a
cycle of bloodshed, extremism, violence and new hatred.
作出 这个承诺不是出于悯和施舍,而是基于团结、正义以及认识到我们为了实现共 同繁荣和安全而彼此依赖的程度不断在提高。
This promise is not based on pity or charity, but on solidarity, justice and the recognition that we are increasingly dependent on one another for our shared prosperity and security.
从基督教的文献中关 于好撒玛利亚人的比喻以及“热爱你的邻居”或“不要伤害你的邻居”的戒律, 到伊斯兰教普世兄弟的概念和佛教经书所述的 悯 与 仁 爱之心的核心精髓,团结 的根本价值囊括人类善 良与诚意的实例,是社会所有各阶层,包括国际社会, 人类及其生态环境生存的根本。
Ranging from the parable of the good Samaritan and commandment of “love thy neighbour” or “do not harm thy neighbour” in Christian literature to the concept of universal brotherhood in Islam and the central tenets of compassion and loving kindness in Buddhist scriptures, the seminal value of solidarity encapsulates the power of human goodness and goodwill, essential for the survival of society at all levels, including the international community, humanity and its ecological habitat.2 41.
德高望重的卡塔叶坤僧侣已经接受过照顾 HIV 病毒携带者的专门培训,他把这个培训同佛教教义中的 悯 心 相 结合,帮助这些需要帮助 人。
Venerable Monk Khun Khat has received special training to support people living with HIV, combining it with the central Buddhist practice of compassion and helping those in need.
因此,我要请你花时间,再次好好阅读前 天 的 内 容及代祷事项,而且不只是为它们祷告之後就忘却,而是要以真正的 悯 去 接 纳文中所提及的一两个或更多问题和相关 人。
May I therefore ask you to take time to read through the six sections and their prayer topics again, and not just to pray for them and forget, but to embrace with real compassion one or two or more of the issues and people raised.
人民 不需要悯,也 不需要施舍;他们需要的是创造就业机会和创造收入的手段。
Africa’s people need neither pity nor charity; they need the tools to create jobs and generate incomes.
也许,当耶稣被赶出这个地方的时后,他让这个人留下来作为他恩典和 悯 的 见 证 人 , 这些概念当地的人似乎没能看到。
Perhaps as Jesus was cast out of the
land, he left this man behind as a
[...] witness of his grace and mercy, concepts of which [...]
the towns people may have overlooked.
同样的,对 于这班非法入境的无证劳工,他们迷失在伦敦的大城市里,没有身份,没 人 要 知道 他们的存在,没人愿意帮助他们,但是神的恩典和 悯 却 要 临到他们。
Similarly, this group of illegal workers who are lost in London, they are without identity, no one wants to know or care about their existence and no one is willing to help.
耶稣的人是有怜悯、热 忱的、愿为城市流泪并委身于十字架。
The men of Jesus are compassionate, passionate, with tears for cities and committed to the cross.
Markku Niskala 2006年12月12 日对日内瓦论坛报的记者说:“目前这场危 机完全被人们所忽视:没有人前来帮助这些绝望 人 ; 甚 至没有一个组织收集数 据,以报道这场天都在发生悲剧 ”
As Markku Niskala, Secretary-General of the International Federation of the Red Cross told the Tribune de Genève on 12 December 2006, “this crisis is being completely ignored: not only does no one
come to the help of
[...] these desperate people, there is no organization that even compiles statistics to record this daily tragedy.
與 上一次 科技革 命相比
,資訊科技對 人 類 社 會的影響, 可 說 是 來 得 更
[...] 快 、 更 深 和更廣,如果上一次 科技革 命人 類 社 會 出 現過一悲 劇 , 今 天 的議案辯論  ─   打 破 數 碼 隔 膜 , 便 是 [...]
要避免令鬧 劇 發生。
As compared with the last technological reform, IT had faster, deeper and wider impacts on human society.
[...] the last technological reform caused a tragedy to human society, the motion debate [...]
today on bridging the digital divide is intended to avoid a farce.
人是頗 為 悲 觀 的,我天已說 了很多, 今 天在這裏 並不想再 重 複 。
I am rather pessimistic about the whole issue but since I [...]
spoke at length on this subject yesterday, I am not going to repeat myself today.
我继续哭 泣悲伤,而且好天中除 了他们硬塞进我嘴里 的东西外,什么都不吃
I cried and grieved continually; and for several days I did not eat anything [...]
but what they forced into my mouth.
即使在艰苦斗争中,南非解放运动树立 人 性 怜 悯 和 团 结的道德观,远远 超越了反抗种族隔离社会制度的狭隘范畴。
Even in the midst of bitter struggle, the liberation movement of South Africa developed moral values of human compassion and solidarity far beyond the narrow confines of its opposition to the apartheid social system.
请补充说明《刑法典》第130、第132和133 条关于受悯、绝 望或其他重 要的社会或道德价值之动机所支配而作出的 人 行 为 ,以及应受 人 之 请 求的人行为
Please provide additional information on articles 130, 132 and
133 of the Criminal
[...] Code on homicides motivated by compassion, desperation or other relevant social and moral grounds and homicide at the request of the victim (ibid., para. 36).
關於永續的遠見並不新奇,但以設計為導向的遠見卻不常見,理論上,永續與未來性、遺緒、長期思維等概念相當契合,不過「未來論壇」成員梅登(Peter Madden)指出,「對於推動永續之因,主要論述卻多充滿負面意涵,充斥 天 啟 、 灰暗 悲 觀 、反成長精神,阻 人 們 仔細傾聽,也成為多數人眼前的障礙」,但對於永續生活有何助益,我們卻未提供令人期盼的畫面。
While sustainability theoretically fits neatly with concepts such as futurity, legacy or long-term thinking, one problem that Forum for the Future’s Peter Madden notes is that: “Our main narrative is fundamentally overwhelmingly negative – apocalyptic, doom and gloom.
最近的一个例子是 2012 年 3 月 23 日阿塞拜疆共和国常驻代表的信(A/66/764S/2012/204),其内容完全符合一个 悲 的 著 名原则: 天 大 的谣言只要重复千人们也会相信”。
The latest example of this is the letter from the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 23 March 2012
[...] [...] (A/66/764-S/2012/204), drafted in full compliance with the lamentably wellknown principle: “If you tell a big [...]
enough lie and you keep repeating it, in the end
people will start believing it”.




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