单词 | 悲 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 悲adjective—sadadj悲noun—sadnessngriefn悲—sorrowExamples:悲歌—dirge stirring strains 假慈悲—sham benevolence 悲痛n—griefn sorrown sadnessn
谈到也门近来的可悲事件,阿尔及利亚重申其支持该国的安全、稳定与统一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Referring to the recent painful events in Yemen, Algeria reaffirmed its support for the country’s security, stability and unity. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,我们可以毫无疑问地肯定,它为使人们认识这一人类悲惨的历史提供了独一无二的机 会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Nevertheless, it can certainly be affirmed that it afforded a unique opportunity to raise [...] awarenessof thissad chapter ofhuman [...]history. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除了为过去的悲剧事件伸张正 义以外,将重点致力于民族和解的迫切需要,以便为柬埔寨人民建立持久和平、 [...] 民主和繁荣。 daccess-ods.un.org | While obtaining [...] justice for the tragicevents ofthe past, [...]emphasis would be placed on the compelling need for national [...]reconciliation in order to build durable peace, democracy and prosperity for the Cambodian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到海地所遭受的悲剧的严峻程度,我们支持 秘书长的呼吁,即国际社会继续向海地提供全面支 [...] 助,直到该国国力得到全面恢复为止。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bearing in mind [...] the scope of the tragedy that hashit Haiti, [...]we support the Secretary-General’s call on the international [...]community to continue to give comprehensive support to that State until full restoration of Haiti’s national potential. daccess-ods.un.org |
正值叙利亚危机进入第三个年头之际,联合国儿童基金会通讯员普里扬卡.普鲁第报道愈演愈烈的悲剧致使叙利亚濒临即将因战争失去一代人的边缘。 unicef.org | As crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic enters its third year, [...] UNICEF correspodent Priyanka Pruthi reports on [...] the growing tragedythat has put [...]a country at the brink of losing a generation to war. unicef.org |
许多泰国政治 分析人士和观察人士对前景持悲观态度,他们认为 不管选举结果如何,反独联或者民盟支持者总有一 [...] 方将会重回街头抗议。 crisisgroup.org | Many analysts and observers of Thai [...] politics arepessimistic and predict that [...]either UDD or PAD supporters will soon return [...]to the streets, whatever the outcome of the polls. crisisgroup.org |
个别受害者的悲剧阻碍了其整个群体的福祉、发展 和权利的享受,而且必须在更广泛的公共服务和促 进发展的背景下处理个别受害者的悲剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tragedy oftheindividual victims hindered the well-being, development and enjoyment of rights of their entire communities, and must be addressed in the larger context of public services [...][...] and the promotion of development. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,条例规定了禁止任何在过去 操纵宗教、造成“国家悲剧”的人从事政治活动的政治措施,并宣布不受理任何 [...] 对共和国防卫和安全部队(包括所有部门)成员所采取的保护人员和财产、扞卫国 家以及保护共和国机构所采取的行动进行的个人或集体诉讼。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the ordinance prescribes political [...] measures, such as a ban on holding political office [...] for any person who exploited religion [...]in the past in a way that contributed to [...]the “national tragedy”, and establishes the inadmissibility of any proceedings brought against individuals or groups who are members of any branch of Algeria’s defence and security forces for actions undertaken to protect persons and property, safeguard the nation and preserve its institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们在悲叹不幸事件发生之余,要积极想出预防惨剧发生的方法,避免有 [...] 更多儿童遭受不必要的虐待及无辜丧命。 legco.gov.hk | Besides lamenting these unfortunate [...] incidents, we should also take positive actions to devise ways to prevent these tragedies [...]so that no more children will be abused and killed. legco.gov.hk |
欣见秘书长展现领导才能确保联合国系统迅速应对这一悲惨事件,赞扬秘书 处人道主义事务协调厅发挥协调作用,协助海地政府确保国际社会对这一人道主 [...] 义紧急情况做出协调一致的反应 daccess-ods.un.org | Welcoming the leadership of the Secretary-General in [...] ensuring a speedy response by the United Nations [...] systemto thetragic events,and commending [...]the Office for the Coordination of [...]Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat for its coordinating role in supporting the Government of Haiti in ensuring a coherent international response to the humanitarian emergency daccess-ods.un.org |
我们具有深刻的道德信念,让我们请求最为仁爱和慈悲的上帝加强我 们共同的政治意愿,以便使得我们能确定什么是正确和正义的,确保我们今世后 代能够有一个更加美好和安全的世界。 daccess-ods.un.org | But as people of faith, let us also ask the most loving, merciful and compassionate God to strengthen our collective political will so that we may decide to do what is right and just and thus ensure a better and safer world for all present and future generations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们向受到这场悲剧影响的人,也向所有的中国人民,表示衷心的同情。 embassyusa.cn | To those [...] affected by this tragedyand to all the [...]people of China, we send our heartfelt sympathies. eng.embassyusa.cn |
约旦对安全理事会的真诚与和密集的努力寄予厚 [...] 望,并赞赏埃及的倡议。该倡议可推动在结束这一悲惨局势方面取得进展,为兄弟的巴勒斯坦人民提供援 [...]助,减轻他们的苦难,恢复认真谈判,以实现两国解 决办法——这是确保该地区安全与稳定的唯一途径。 daccess-ods.un.org | Jordan has great hopes for the sincere and extensive efforts of the Security Council and appreciates the Egyptian initiative, which [...] should serve as an incentive to make progress [...] in endingthistragic situation, by [...]providing humanitarian assistance to the brotherly [...]Palestinian people, alleviating their suffering and returning to serious negotiations in order to achieve the two-State solution, which is the only way to ensure security and stability in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
关注在许多国家涉及在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的争端 和冲突十分频繁和严重,往往产生悲惨后果,并关注他们受冲突影响往往特别严 [...] 重,他们的人权遭到侵犯,而且特别容易因人口转移、难民流动以及强迫迁移等 因素而流离失所 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing concern at the frequency and severity of disputes and conflicts involving persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and [...] linguistic minorities in many countries [...] and theiroften tragic consequences, [...]and that they often suffer disproportionately [...]from the effects of conflict resulting in the violation of their human rights and are particularly vulnerable to displacement through, inter alia, population transfers, refugee flows and forced relocation daccess-ods.un.org |
重要的是,我们应该继续寻求合理、公平和合乎㆟道的方法, 手结束越南船 民的㆟间悲剧,他们成千㆖万涌来香港,试图在㆞球的另㆒边展开新生活,但实际㆖ [...] 却没有被收容的希望。 legco.gov.hk | It is important that we should continue to look for a [...] sensible, fair and humane way to begin [...] to solve the human tragedyof those who have [...]come in their thousands to Hong Kong from [...]Vietnam trying -- with no real hope of being accepted -- to seek a new life on the other side of the world. legco.gov.hk |
采取严谨尊重照顾你,我们成功捕获后,当我们进入酒店套房马德里和告别一个难忘的微笑感觉带有一个诺言的回报却非常小悲伤。 instantworldbooking.com | Take care of you with Conscientiousness respect, we feel with success when we capture [...] a unforgettable smile upon entering Inn Suites Madrid and the farewell [...] comes with a littlesadness of a promise return. instantworldbooking.com |
作为人類我们不得不面对的挫折就是每当我 [...] 们怀疑自身的存在时,我们会意識到生命将会在某时刻 终结,而问题是如何充分利用我们所剩余的时间來将这场悲剧演到最好。 osagegallery.com | The frustration of being human is that whenever we question our existence, we realize [...] life will cease at some point; and the question is how to make the [...] best out of this tragedy withthe remaining [...]time left. osagegallery.com |
他的30张黑白照片拍摄于1976年和1983年间,这些照片意在捕捉生命力、能量和城市内的喧嚣,捕捉城市边缘生存的悲悯和美丽,以及富裕和赤贫之间强烈的差别,这只是孟买的真实生活。 shanghaibiennale.org | Thirty black and white photographs shot between 1976 and 1983 capture the vitality, energy, and chaos of the city, the pathos and beauty of existing on the margins of society, as well as the intense disparity between wealth and abject poverty that is a simple fact of life in Mumbai. shanghaibiennale.org |
因此,南共市成员国及其 联系国对即将召开的禁止杀伤人员地雷公约缔约国 [...] 会议第二届审议大会将关注受害者需要表示欢迎, 受害者遭受的悲剧是幸存者的身心不能承受的,阻 碍受影响社区的安宁、发展和权利的享受。 daccess-ods.un.org | The MERCOSUR States members and associated States therefore applauded the fact that the forthcoming Second Review Conference of the States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine [...] Ban Convention would focus on the needs of [...] victims,whose tragedy transcended the [...]survivors’ physical and psychological condition, [...]and hindering the well-being, development and enjoyment of rights of the affected communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
1995 年,安理会请秘书长成立一个布隆迪问题国际调查委员会,调查 1993 年 10 月布隆迪总统遇刺及随后的大屠杀,并建议采取措施,把杀人负责者绳之以法, 以防止悲剧重演,消除有罪不罚现象,在布隆迪促进民族和解。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1995 the Council asked the Secretary-General to establish an international commission of inquiry for Burundi, with a mandate to investigate the assassination of the President of Burundi in October 1993 and the massacres which followed as well as to recommend measures to bring to justice persons responsible for the killings, to prevent any repetition and to eradicate impunity and promote national reconciliation in Burundi. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这个不稳定、经济动荡 和充满暴力的时代﹐我们看着 这群青年男女﹐就像看着我们 的未來﹐祝愿他们能带着对一 切有情增长的智慧、慈悲和宽容離开我们的寺庙。 azbt.us | In this time of uncertainty, economic unrest and violence, we look at these young men and women as our future and hope when they left our Temple they took with them a little more wisdom, compassion and tolerance for all sentient beings. azbt.us |
遗憾的是,即便我们不得不面对永远失去可爱和无辜儿童的巨大悲痛,我们至今 仍怀念其中一些儿童的微笑,本协会仍然每天向患病儿童提供必要支助,并同他 [...] 们一道继续与病魔斗争,以期让他们重拾笑容。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if we unfortunately have [...] to facewith immense sadness theloss ofadorable [...]and innocent children for ever and we still [...]miss the smiles of some of them to this day, the Association continues every day to provide necessary support to sick children and keeps up the struggle at their side in order to give them back their smiles. daccess-ods.un.org |
可悲的是9.11事件过去多年后,仍有多起重大恐怖袭击发生,包括2003年8月对联合国驻巴格达总部,2004年3月对马德里的四起通勤列车,2004年5月对沙特阿拉伯铝拜尔西方人的办公室和公寓楼,2005年7月对伦敦地铁,2005年10月对巴厘岛的一个海滨区和购物中心,2008年11月对孟买的多个地点,2009年7月对雅加达万豪和丽思卡尔顿酒店,以及2010年3月对莫斯科地铁等恐怖袭击,这里仅列出了少数几个。 un.org | Sadly,major terrorist assaults [...] have continued over the years since 9-11 — including attacks on UN headquarters in Baghdad [...](August 2003), on four commuter trains in Madrid (March 2004), on an office and an apartment block used by Westerners in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia (May 2004), the London Underground (July 2005), a seaside area and shopping hub in Bali (October 2005), multiple sites in Mumbai (November 2008), the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta (July 2009), and the Moscow Metro (March 2010), to name only a few. un.org |
谨随函转递厄立特里亚国外交部长奥斯曼·萨利赫给你的一封信(见附件), 事关最近五名外国旅游者在埃塞俄比亚北部被杀害这一令人痛惜的事件以及 [...] 2012 年 1 月 18 日埃塞俄比亚给你的信中对这些悲剧事件的蓄意歪曲。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to forward a letter from Osman Saleh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea, addressed to you (see annex), in connection with the recent deplorable killing of five foreign tourists in [...] northern Ethiopia and the deliberate [...] misrepresentation of thetragic events in a letter [...]sent to you on 18 January 2012 by Ethiopia. daccess-ods.un.org |