单词 | 您想 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 您想 verb —you want v
此外,假定您想要扫描仪检测页面是否为彩色,然后 根据检测结果输出彩色或黑白影像。 graphics.kodak.com | In addition, you want the scanner to [...] detect whether the page is color or not, and then output either a color or black and white image based on that. graphics.kodak.com |
或者您想不想學習 更多個人修飾的知識,比如理髮和美容? studyinaustralia.gov.au | Or do you want to learn more about personal grooming such as hairdressing and beauty therapy? studyinaustralia.gov.au |
如果您想要了 解更多相关信息以及关于Yahoo!并没有通过此项信息了解您的选择,请发送邮件到Email与我们联系。 clarinsusa.com | If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by Yahoo! clarinsusa.com |
如 果您想编写 自己的远程控制应用程序,可以免费从 VXCO 照明系统免费索取所需的控制指令。 dmx512.ch | If you would like to write your own remote control application, you can request the needed control commands from VXCO Lighting Systems free of charge. dmx512.ch |
即使您没有与设备连接时,Jabra TAG 也能提供娱乐,它可以轻松快速地调 到 您想 要 的 电台。 jabra.cn | Even when you aren’t connected to a device, Jabra TAG can still provide the entertainment – it’s quick and easy to [...] tune in to the stations you want. jabra.com |
如果您在我们的产品库中没有找到 您想 要 的产品,您可以向我们索取数据表,我们将通过电子邮件发送给您。 wacker.com | For products not contained in our internet product portal, you can request data sheets here, which we will send you by e-mail. wacker.com |
若尚未對所選資料進行備份,或完整備份存檔太舊 而 您想 建 立 一個新 的主要備份檔案,請選擇完整備份。 seagate.com | If you have not backed up the selected data yet, or the full archive is old and you want to create a new master backup file, choose full backup. seagate.com |
您可以打开每个部分以了解如何使用这些功能或搜 索 您想 要 了 解的功能。 support.dell.com | You can open each section to find out how to use the features or search for [...] the feature you want to know about. support.dell.com |
如果您想了解 更多空气污染对人体健康的影响,请与圣西睿智医生或其他北京和睦家医院全科医生预约咨询,电话(010) [...] 5927 7500。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | To learn more about air pollution’s [...] effect on health or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Saint Cyr or another Family [...]Medicine physician, please contact the BJU Family Medicine Department at (010) 5927 7500. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果您想要将 外接 USB 硬盘驱动器用于台式机,使用一条短电缆将该驱动器连接至背面的连 接器通常会确保最可靠的运行,降低了在备份/恢复期间出现数据传输错误的机会。 seagate.com | If you plan to use an external USB hard drive with your desktop PC, [...] connecting the drive to a rear connector using a short [...]cable will usually provide the most reliable operation, reducing the chance of data transfer errors during backup/recovery. seagate.com |
如果您想要高品質 的影像,您可以儲存成未經壓縮的 AVI 檔案格式,或者如果您想要使檔案 變小,也可以選取任何您想要的編碼器來壓縮檔案。 avermedia.eu | It can be saved in uncompressed form if you want high quality video, or compressed using any of the available codecs if you want to minimize the file size. avermedia.eu |
此选项对 于下列情境很有用:您已经知道发生了重张进纸的状况 , 您想 允 许 该 状况发生,但又不想对整个文档关闭传感器 (示例状况:3 英寸大小 的粘贴便条)。 graphics.kodak.com | This option is useful when you have a known multifeed situation that you want to allow, but do not want to have the sensor off for the entire document (e.g., 3-inch “sticky” note). graphics.kodak.com |
如果您想在牛 群中维持良好的牛蹄健康,却不花太多的时间, 重新设计的利拉伐AFB1000正是您需要的。 delaval.cn | If you want to maintain good [...] hoof health in your herd without it taking too much time, the redesigned DeLaval AFB1000 delivers what you need. delaval.com |
若您想获得 高品质的教育和体验美好的生活方式,澳大利亚定会让您如愿以偿。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | So if you want a quality education and a good lifestyle, Australia’s the place to be. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
不论您想从自己的汽艇跳入水中还是坐在皮船上乘风破浪-爱尔兰都为您准备好了。 discoverireland.com | And whether you want to dash through [...] pristine waters on your very own jet-ski or ride the rapids in a kayak – Ireland’s got it sorted. discoverireland.com |
如果您想选择一个所显示文件夹中没有的文件,请使用对话框浏览到正确的文件夹。 glunz-jensen.com | If you want to choose a file [...] that is not in the folder shown, use the dialogue box to navigate to the correct folder. glunz-jensen.com |
如果購買的產品有遙控器,只需重覆按遙控器上的「睡眠」鍵,直到出 現 您想 要的 休眠或待命的選項。 avermedia.eu | If the product you purchase with a remote control, you can press the Sleep button repeatedly on the remote control. avermedia.eu |
无论您想让塑 料具有闪亮的金属效果,还是想增强塑料的导热性能,我们都能提供完美的产品来满足塑料行业几乎所有的需求。 eckart.com.cn | Whether you want to achieve [...] brilliant metallic effects in plastics or increase the plastics' thermal conductivity - we have [...]the perfect product for nearly all the plastics industry's requirements. eckart.net |
选择您想要发 送文件的目标已配对设备。 sonimtech.com | Select the paired device [...] to which you want to send the file. sonimtech.com |
谁有时间将您想记住 的所有东西键入您的手机? jabra.cn | Who has time to tap everything you're trying to remember into your phone? jabra.com |
如果您想要设 置补偿,而又想避免变压器上的电压过高(例如在负载异常高的 情况下),可以将 Z 补偿极限值设置为以预期电压水平值为基准的电压最大允许升高值。 highvolt.de | To set a compensation value, but nevertheless avoid the voltage in the transformer becoming too high (e.g. with exceptionally high loading), then a limit can be set for the maximum permitted voltage increase in relation to the desired value. highvolt.de |
从列表中选择“新建键盘标入”,然后单 击 您想 在 其上放置对象的标 签。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Select New Keyboard Input from the list and click on the [...] label where you want to position [...]the object. nicelabel.com |
在插入图片的对话框中,找到包含 您想 要 插 入图片的文件夹,然后单击图片文件即可。 evget.com | In the Insert Picture dialog box, locate the folder that contains [...] the picture you want to insert, and [...]then click the picture file. evget.com |
您的要求應當包 括 (1) 您想要限制的資訊;(2) 您是否想對 我 們使用或揭露資訊的方式、或以上兩者皆 做出限制;以及 (3) 您希望這項限制適用於 誰,例如限制向您的配偶揭露資訊。 healthywayla.org | In your request, you must tell us (1) what information you want to limit; (2) whether you want to limit our use, disclosure or both; and (3) to whom you want the limits to apply, for example, disclosures to your spouse. healthywayla.org |
或是,您想要 我 們承保超過平時會承保的藥量(顆數等等)。 lacare.org | Or you may want us to cover more [...] of a drug (number of pills, etc.) than we normally will cover. lacare.org |
若您想开始 开发自己的程序,在这里您会找到有关MQL4编程语言的完整描述以及数百篇各方面的相关文章。 activtrades.cn | If you wish to start developing [...] your own programs, you will find a full description of the language and hundreds of articles [...]on various aspects of MQL4 programming. activtrades.co.uk |
滚动 至您想要输 入的字母或符号,按下菜单键选择。 sonimtech.com | Scroll to the alphabet or letter and press the menu key to select. sonimtech.com |
这里甚至是图书馆也拥有自己的酒吧,所以无论 是 您想 在 早上品尝一杯卡布奇诺,在游泳后来一杯鸡尾酒,还是餐后小酌,甚至是接触迪斯科疯狂后的口渴,您永远就在理想的场地旁边。 msccruises.com.cn | So whether you want to savour a cappuccino [...] in the morning, sip a cocktail after your swim, enjoy an aperitif before dinner, [...]or quench your thirst between dances in the disco, you’re never far from the ideal venue. msccruises.com.eg |
为了一次性选择多个或者全部的灯具,在按下 SHIFT 按键的同时单击您想添加的第一个和最后一个等级,然 [...] 后在按下鼠标右键的同时拖放至右侧的阵列窗口上。 dmx512.ch | In order to select multiple or all [...] fixtures at once, click on the first and the [...] last fixture you wish to add while holding [...]down the SHIFT key, and then drag over [...]to the matrix window on the right while holding down the right mouse button. dmx512.ch |