

单词 患上

See also:

contract (a disease)
suffer (from illness)

External sources (not reviewed)

不 過,攝取過量脂肪則與一些嚴重的健康問題有關,如增 患上 心 臟 病、 肥胖症及某類癌症的風險。
Excessive fat intake, however, has been linked to major health problems, such as increased risks of heart disease, obesity and certain types of cancers.
通过保护肯尼亚儿童避患上脊髓 灰质炎,联合国儿童基金会正帮助他们获得更加美好的生活,同时也保护着非洲及其他地区的其他儿童。
By protecting the children of Kenya against polio, UNICEF is helping them achieve a better life, while also protecting other children in Africa and beyond.
實際上,每兩個澳洲人中,就有一個會在其一生中被診 患上 皮 膚 癌。
In fact, one in every two
[...] Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer [...]
at some point during their lifetime.
这 些措施亦可加强雇主和雇员对职业病和危害健康因素的认识,以及帮助他们采取 适当的预防措施,避免工作时受伤 患上 职 业 病。
These initiatives also enhance the knowledge of employers and employees on health hazards and
occupational diseases, and help them take suitable precautionary measures against
[...] work injuries and occupational diseases.
儘量減少您暴露在陽光的有害紫外線輻射(UVR)中的時間,您能防止皮膚 患上 皮 膚 癌。
By minimising your exposure to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet radiation (UVR), you can protect your skin and prevent the development of skin cancer.
這情況令人懷 疑,何以嘗試自殺的人數比率差不多等同經診 患上 抑 鬱症的人 數比率,以及何以香港人口當中有自殺念頭的人數比率遠高於被 診患上抑鬱症的人數比率。
One may question why the percentage of suicide attempt
almost equals the
[...] percentage of those diagnosed with depression and why the percentage of suicide ideation among our population is much higher than those diagnosed with depression.
醫學研究指出,過量進食高飽和脂肪食物會增加血液中壞膽固醇(低密度脂蛋白膽固醇 - LDL)及總膽固醇的含量,提患上冠 心 病之風險。
Research says increased intake of saturated fatty acids will increase the total
and bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein cholesterol or LDL
[...] cholesterol) and in turn increase cardiovascular risks.
只有获得安全、有营养的食物,那些生活贫穷、极 患上 长期 营养不良的人们,特别是妇女、儿童和老年人,才能改善健康和营养状况。
It is only through access to safe and nutritious food that those living in poverty and are most at risk of chronic malnutrition, in particular women, children and the elderly, can improve their health and nutrition status.
这种疾病也使大量儿患上贫血 症,是发育不良和生长迟缓的主要原因。
The disease also contributes greatly to anaemia among children — a major cause of poor growth and development.
按照委任代表文書的條款作出的表決,即使委託人在表決前去世 患上精 神 錯亂,或撤銷委任代表文書,或撤銷據以簽立委任代表文書的權限,該表決仍屬有 效;但如在行使該代表權的大會或續會或按股數投票表決開始之前至少兩(2)小時,本 公司的辦事處或過戶登記處(或召開大會通告或其他隨附文件內可能列明送交委任代 表文書的有關其他地點)已接獲前述去世 患上 精 神錯亂或撤銷等事情的書面提示, 則屬例外。
A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal, or revocation of the instrument of proxy or of the authority under which it was executed, provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity or revocation shall have been received by the Company at the Office or the Registration Office (or such other place as may be specified for the delivery of instruments of proxy in the notice convening the meeting or other document sent therewith) two (2) hours at least before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting, or the taking of the poll, at which the instrument of proxy is used.
据今日出席哈佛医学院全球健康与社会医学系(DGHSM)主持的“全球健康公平的长尾理论:解决世界最贫穷地区的十多亿人口的地方性非传染性疾病问题”(Long Tail of Global Health Equity:Tackling the
Endemic Non-Communicable Diseases of the Bottom
[...] Billion)大会的专家们称,由于对风湿性心脏病(RHD)缺乏足够的认识、倡导和政治支持,全球最贫穷国家的数十万儿童和青少 患上 了 风 湿性心脏病。
A severe lack of awareness, advocacy and political will means hundreds of thousands of children and young adults are victims of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in the world's poorest countries, according to experts presenting today at the "The Long Tail of Global Health Equity: Tackling the Endemic Non-Communicable Diseases of the Bottom Billion" conference hosted by the Harvard Medical School Department of Global Health and Social Medicine (DGHSM)The conference was organized by Partners In Health (PIH) in collaboration with Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), Harvard School of Public
Health (HSPH), The Global Taskforce on Expanding Access to Cancer
[...] Care & Control in Developing Countries, and the NCDAlliance
整體而言,這項調查的 結果顯示,冰塊樣本的質量令人滿意,消費者因食用零售點提供的冰塊患上腸道疾病的機會不大。
Overall, this survey showed that the microbiological quality of ice samples was satisfactory and the likelihood of enteric infection through the consumption of ice from food retail businesses was low.
二千名參加為期十年定期篩查的婦女中,一位婦女會從中獲 益,她因及早從乳房造影中發現癌症而避免 患上 乳 癌 而死亡.
benefit from screening, as she will avoid dying from breast cancer because the screening detected the cancer earlier.
2) 少喝软饮料:此外,最新研究(包括《肝脏病学》杂志2009年刊登的一项研究在内)显示,饮用软饮料(普通饮料和减肥饮品)是导致人 患上 酒 精 性脂肪肝的一个重要因素,并且不受其他风险因素的影响。
2) Consume less soft drinks: In addition, recent studies, including one published in 2009 in the Journal of Hepatology, have shown that soft-drink consumption (both regular and diet), to be a strong predictor of developing NAFLD, independent of other risk factors.
这些问题包括:残疾、无法工作和 为病人和弱者提供医护,以及使人更容 患上 非 传染 性疾病的文化、教育、环境、城市化和就业方面的社 会风险因素。
These include disabilities, the inability to work and the provision of care for the ill and the vulnerable, as well as the social risk factors linked to culture, education, environment, urbanization and employment, all of which increase susceptibility to developing NCDs.
在做了彻底的身体检查之后,奥黛丽的医生怀疑 患上 了 甲 状腺功能低下(或甲状腺功能机能减退),并要求她做甲状腺功能检查。
After a thorough physical exam, her doctor suspected Audrey may have an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, and ordered thyroid function tests.
有两 名被拘留的人表示,由于缺少日照,他们 患上 了 皮 肤病。
Two of the
[...] detainees were suffering from skin conditions [...]
caused by the lack of sunlight.
高風險」個人指因過去的病歷、家庭歷史或 健康有關的行為(例如吸煙或濫用酒精)而很 大可患上重病者。
A "high-risk" individual is someone who has a high likelihood of having a serious illness, because of past medical history, family history or health-related behavior, such as smoking or alcohol abuse.
患 上 癡 呆 症 的 風 險 隨 着 年 歲 而 增 加 , 而 這 種 病 的 初 期 病 徵 是 不 易 察 覺 的 , 但 足 以 損 害 患 者 妥 當 地 履 行 陪 審 員 職 務 的 能 力 。
The risk of dementia increases with age and the early stages of this may be difficult to detect, but it would be sufficient to impair the individual's ability to function properly as a juror.
申請人被診患上的糖尿病的類別 (1 型糖尿病患者比 2 型糖尿病患者顯示較高的額外死亡率)。
The type of diabetes the applicant was diagnosed with having (Type 1 diabetics usually show higher relative extra mortality rates than Type 2 diabetics).
3 保障金額只賠償予由保單繕發日期或此保障之最近期的生效日期(以 較後者為準)起計30日患上的疾病,但若於保單繕發日期或此保障之 最近期的生效日期(以較後者為準)後遭受意外而入院,則可獲得即時 保 障。
3 Benefits are only payable with respect to illness that commences 30 days after the later of the Issue Date or the latest Commencement Date of this cover, whereas immediate coverage is provided for any injury caused by accident which occurs after the later of the Issue Date or the latest Commencement Date of this cover.
多項醫學研究亦顯示若能將膽固醇降低10%,可減 患上 心 臟 病的機會達30%。
Studies have shown that if the cholesterol level is reduced by 10%,
[...] the chance of developing heart disease [...]
will be reduced by 30%.
他指出,他在被关押期患上了肺 结核,这 就表明了他在刚果民主共和国的困难境遇。
He notes that he contracted tuberculosis during his detention, which attests to the difficulties he endured in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
通过CLIA认证的基因测试、全外显子组或全基因组测序、各种有针对性的试验以及关键的生物信息、分析工具和解释性指导方针的结合,将能够 患上 罕 见的、原因不明的疾病或复杂疾病的患者提供及时、明确的诊断。
The combination of CLIA-validated genetic testing, whole exome or whole genome sequencing and broad targeted assays, along with critical bioinformatics, analytic tools, and interpretative
guidelines will contribute to timely
[...] definitive diagnoses for patients with rare, unexplained [...]
diseases or complex diseases; in
essence, this integration will speed delivery of genomic test results and improve patient care.
醫學研究指出,如代替飽和脂肪進食,有助降低壞膽固醇,更能提高好膽固醇(高密度脂蛋白膽固醇 - HDL)的水平,有助減患上冠心 病之風險。
Research says if replacing saturated fatty acids with monounsaturated fatty acids can help to reduce bad cholesterol level and increase good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or HDL cholesterol) level.
懷孕的女士:較患上缺鐵 性貧血,因為體內所貯存的鐵須用以提供母親增加的血容量,同時為成長中的胎兒提供血紅素。
Greater risk of iron deficiency anaemia [...]
because their iron stores have to serve the increased blood volume of the mother
as well as be a source of hemoglobin for the growing fetus
2009 年(掌握覆盖率数据的最近一年),在儿童死亡率高的发展中国家中,所 有 6-59 个月大的目标儿童中有
[...] 71%通过补充辅食,得到了充分保护,可免 患上 维生素 A 缺乏症。
In 2009 (the latest year for which coverage data are available), 71 per cent of all targeted children aged 6-59 months in
developing countries with high child mortality rates were
[...] fully protected against vitamin A deficiency [...]
through supplementation.
市民一旦不患上危疾 時,所需保障除了住院和醫療費用外,還有長期護理和跟進治療的開支, [...]
In addition to hospitalisation and [...]
medical costs, long-term care expenses during the recovery period as well as loss of
income due to treatment for sickness─ while still having the responsibility of shouldering household expenses - must be taken into consideration.
凡委任代表或法團正式授權代表作出的表決或要求按股數表決,即使委託人在表決前去世 患上 精神 錯亂,或撤銷委任代表或授權,或藉以進行表決或要求按股數表決的股份已經轉讓,該表決 仍屬有效,但以辦事處並未於進行表決或要求按股數表決的股東大會或續會或(倘若股數表決與 股東大會或續會非同日進行)指定進行股數表決時間開始之前,接獲有關去世、精神錯亂、撤銷 或轉讓等情況的書面提示為限。
A vote given or poll demanded by a proxy or a duly authorised representative of a corporation shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or authorisation or transfer of the share by virtue of which the vote is given or the poll demanded provided that no intimation in writing of the death insanity revocation or transfer shall have been received at the Office before the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the vote is given or poll demanded or (in the case of a poll not taken on the same day as the meeting or adjourned meeting) the time appointed for taking the poll.




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