单词 | 悠闲 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 悠闲 —ease悠悠 —unhurriedless common: pensive • long drawn out • remote in time or space • a great number (of events) • preposterous See also:悠—leisurely • swing • pensive • remote in time or space • long or drawn out 闲—free time • be unoccupied • unoccupied • stay idle • enclosure • not busy
凯库拉毛伊青年旅舍以其轻松悠闲的 住宿氛围而闻名,宾客可以在户外庭院或是搭有藤架的BBQ烧烤区域休闲娱乐,或是在舒适的休息室观看电影。 cn.yha.co.nz | The YHA Kaikoura Maui backpackers is known for its laid-back atmosphere and we encourage our guests to relax in our courtyard/pergola BBQ area or watch movies in our cosy lounge room. yha.co.nz |
湖心岛是北美最大的无车郊外社区,也是进行自行车,滚轴溜冰,沙滩排球 和 悠闲 漫 步 等休闲活动的绝佳地点。 shangri-la.com | Home to the largest car-free urban community in North America, Toronto Islands are a popular recreational area for bicycling, rollerblading, beach volleyball and beautiful views of Toronto. shangri-la.com |
悠闲生活 方式、优质的生活水平、创新精神以及热情友好的民众,让昆士兰成为澳大利亚最受青睐的生活、工作和学习场所之一。 australiachina.com.au | A relaxed lifestyle, high standard of living, a spirit of innovation, and warm and friendly people make Queensland one of Australia’s most attractive places to live, work and study. australiachina.com.au |
2006年,他们成为M-ON!电视节目的嘉宾主 持,在节目中开辟新的独立环节而成常规节 目“悠闲散步的小導”。 nipponproject.com | They are also frequent guests on the TV show Make on the Holiday (M-ON), and was offered a mini corner on the show called “Bura-lead” in 2006. nipponproject.com |
更多的字符,典型的普罗旺斯物业位于这里,让您放松身心,享 受 悠闲 , 宁 静的环境是比较安静的。 leapfrog-properties.com | More character, typically Provencal property is located here and is relatively quiet allowing you to relax and enjoy the laid back, peaceful surroundings. leapfrog-properties.com |
您可随时亲临我们为您专设的「优越」理财中心,在舒 适 悠闲 的 环境中,与您的客户经理商谈个人财务及理财事宜。 hangseng.com.cn | You can visit our Prestige Banking Centre at any time and discuss your financial plans with your Prestige Banking Manager in a comfortable and relaxing environment. hangseng.com.cn |
在班戈尔的Pickie家庭游乐园,传统的海边游戏活动常年举行,当孩子们在这里的探险乐园玩得津津有味时,家长则可以在露天酒 吧 悠闲 自 得 地自斟自饮。 discoverireland.com | The Pickie Family Fun Park in Bangor, which year-round offers traditional seaside fun and games, means the kids can enjoy all the fun of the adventure park, while parents can enjoy a leisurely drink on the patio bar. discoverireland.com |
不论是自然爱好者、历史迷、还是简单追寻阳光 和 悠闲 的 游 客,莫塞尔湾都会令人心醉。 msccruises.com.cn | Mossel Bay will appeal to all passengers, from nature-lovers to families, history buffs and those simply seeking sun and relaxation. msccruises.com.au |
专柜的设计概念是为顾客营造一个舒适宽敞的时尚购物空间,贯彻CLINIQUE的专业国际品牌形象,让顾客享受 更 悠闲 的 购 物乐趣。 sogo.com.hk | This full-service counter provides a comprehensive array of CLINIQUE’s skin care and cosmetics repertoire. It has been designed to [...] offer a contemporary yet cosy and comfortable space, in which customers are invited to [...] browse and shop at their leisure. sogo.com.hk |
两个在拉赛波里 (Raasepori) 附近,建于十七世纪的铸铁村镇,现时已是夏季的旅游胜地,当中满是优美景物、艺术设计品味、古董怀旧风情和雅 致 悠闲 旅 馆。 visitfinland.com | Built in the 17th century near the coastal town of Raasepori, two former ironwork villages now offer summer travellers a delightful selection of quaint scenery, art, design, antiques and idyllic accommodation. visitfinland.com |
赫尔辛基的节奏是悠闲、慵 懒的;同时地,也是活泼而且积极的。 visitfinland.com | Yet the wealth of Art Nouveau buildings around the country and its capital is just as remarkable. visitfinland.com |
但是想象一下,你有一个由作者创建没有索引的PDF格式的书,它是什么大的灾难!有了这个方便的书签功能,可以处理 更 悠闲。 cn.anypdftools.com | But imagine you have a PDF book with no index created by the author, what a big disaster it is! resource.anypdftools.com |
4间卧室的财产出售地段的平均价格将耗资205K和225K欧元之间,这是比较便宜的沿海度假胜地和受益于自己 的 悠闲 野 趣。 leapfrog-properties.com | The average price of a 4 bedroom property for sale in Lot will cost between 205k and 225k Euros which is cheap compared with the coastal resorts and benefiting from a laid back rustic charm of its own. leapfrog-properties.com |
池畔吧供应可口小吃与冰镇沙冰,供您在炎热的午 后 悠闲 舒 适 地享用,令您Pool Bar停留的每一天都如假日般惬意。 shangri-la.com | Enjoy a snack or an ice-cold smoothie in the tropical afternoon air as you relax and unwind. shangri-la.com |
我们可以开始期待在泳池边消磨时光或是与家人一起在海滩上野餐 的 悠闲 日 子。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | We can start to look forward to lazy days relaxing next to [...] the pool or enjoying a day picnicking [...]on the beach with family. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
这里拥有 400 座城堡,却只有一条国家高速公路,所以您必须 以 悠闲 的 步 伐游览。 visitbritain.com | With 400 castles, yet only one official motorway, you have to take things at a gentle pace. visitbritain.com |
你会发现在这些墨尔本俱乐部每一种音乐的氛围,从非洲 - 古巴爵士,从电动悠闲气氛。 zh.melbournehotel.com | You'll find every kind of music and vibe at these Melbourne clubs, from jazz to Afro-Cuban, and atmospheres from laid-back to electric. melbournehotel.com |
你可在冬日悠闲地坐在温暖的炉火旁,或亲自弹一首钢琴或吉他曲。 cn.yha.co.nz | In winter relax in front of the roaring log fire or [...] take turns making music on the piano or guitar. yha.co.nz |
如果我可以悠闲的创 作,我一辈子也不会去画人人看得懂的东西。 shanghaibiennale.org | I was fed up with it, so at the end it turned rather strange and dragged in a load of irrelevant stuff. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们已经得到了解决 45 分钟,然后世界开始悠闲地猜 测明年的迭代, 让我们花一点时间,我们已经深入到有什么变化之间现在和我们最后一次在这里. igo2fix.co.uk | We’ve got around 45 minutes before the world begins idly speculating about next year’s iteration, so let’s spend what little time we have delving into what’s changed between now and the last time we were here. igo2fix.co.uk |
它使人 们得以享受不同生活节奏带来的快乐——时 而 悠闲 自 得 ,时而步 履匆匆,任何时候都充满了人文气息。 starbucks.com.br | It’s about enjoyment at the speed of life— sometimes slow and savored, sometimes faster. starbucks.com.br |
阳光明媚的德文郡(Devon)犹如海滩上的浓缩奶油和新鲜蟹肉三明治,又如码头旁的苹果汁;在这里,可以感受海上冲浪课程,在崎岖的达特穆尔(Dartmoor)野营, 或 悠闲 驱 车 欣赏乡间小道沿途的绵延青翠田野美景。 visitbritain.com | Sunny Devon is clotted cream, fresh crab sandwiches on the beach and cider on the quayside; it's a salty [...] surfing lesson, camping wild on rugged Dartmoor [...] and driving leisurely down country [...]lanes with green fields rolling on both sides. visitbritain.com |
回到马来西亚“学校和上课的正常生活中,Kian Hou非常怀念和朋友们一起度过的这个穿过西澳大利亚西南部 的 悠闲 公 路 之旅。 australia.com | Now back to his normal routine of “school and lectures” in Malaysia, Kian Hou is nostalgic for the relaxed road trip he shared with his friends through Western Australia’s south-west. australia.com |
住宿含早餐特惠 预订住宿含早餐特惠,体验 [...] Fairmont Singapore 酒店的典雅豪华,享受悠闲的新 加坡周末之旅。 fairmont.cn | Bed & Breakfast Package [...] Spend a leisurely weekend exploring Singapore [...]while enjoying the elegance of the Fairmont Singapore [...]with the hotel's Bed & Breakfast package. fairmont.com |
充满浓郁中国北方风情的 Lunar 8 悦餐厅可为宾客提供悠闲而雅 致的就餐氛围,可令客人霎时陶醉于馥郁香气和迷人月光打造而成的完美意境中。 fairmont.cn | Lunar 8, the casual yet sophisticated, Northern Chinese dining venue immediately entrances visitors with decadent aromas and moon-lit allure. fairmont.com |
是悠闲 的结 构和非密集,让人们放松和谈论上帝。 lcgchurch.org.uk | The structure is laid back and non-intensive allowing people to relax and talk about God at the same time. lcgchurch.org.uk |
在Dylan贵宾室悠闲谈话 时,Panjapol先生表示:「感谢你们!这是一个令人难忘的人生体验,整个展览会充满新鲜惊奇感,而且还能比其它人更早欣赏到Oris全新系列腕表。 oris.ch | The whole fair is amazing and it was great to see the new Oris collection before everyone else. oris.ch |
通风宽大的设计、屋顶高、平面宽敞、布置方正的桌椅,Lion [...] 就满足了最爱挑选的食客,其原因是这里的空间非常轻松,对劳动繁忙的食客带来一 种 悠闲 娱 乐 的感觉。 vnnavi.com.vn | With a spacious design, high ceilings, large area and orderly arranged furniture, Lion can possibly satisfy the [...] most demanding customers for its creating [...] a scene which brings a completely [...]comfortable feeling for guests so they can [...]relax here after a day hard working day. vnnavi.com.vn |