单词 | 悠哉悠哉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 悠哉悠哉—free and unconstrained [idiom.]leisurely and carefreeSee also:悠悠—unhurried remote in time or space long drawn out preposterous lasting for ages a great number (of events)
木村拓哉FANS天地,含影音下载,音乐图片,还有木村拓哉的新闻和评论。 business-china.com | Wooden village developingah FANS world, contains video and music downloads, music picture, [...] but has wood village developing ah news and commentary. business-china.com |
更多的非法做法包括:通过驱逐巴勒斯坦居民改 变耶路撒冷的人口组成和法律地位;根据建造一个有 20 个住房单元组成的新定居点的计划拆毁位于东耶 路撒冷的历史悠久的牧羊人酒店,该计划威胁到巴勒 斯坦领土的地理连续性和任何未来巴勒斯坦国的生 存能力;耶路撒冷市政府最近通过了一项在东耶路撒 冷周围建造 124 个新住房单元的计划;耶路撒冷规划 委员会最近宣布了规定在被占领的西岸被吞并的土 地上为犹太定居者再建造 1 400 个住房单元的新计 划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Additional illegal practices include changing the demographic composition and legal status of Jerusalem by expelling Palestinian inhabitants; the destruction of the historic Shepherd Hotel in East Jerusalem under a plan to construct a new settlement of 20 housing units, which threatens the geographic contiguity of the Palestinian territories and the viability of any future Palestinian State; the recent adoption by the municipal Government of Jerusalem of a plan to build 124 new housing units around East Jerusalem; and the recent announcement by the Jerusalem planning commission of a new plan providing for the construction of a further 1,400 housing units for Jewish settlers in annexed land in the occupied West Bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,有悠久传统的综合稻田养鱼系统的一些国家正在重新 重点关注复杂稻田生态系统在生物多样性养护中的作用,例 如日本的里山风景行动。 fao.org | In addition, some countries with a long tradition in integrated rice–fish systems are giving renewed attention to the complex rice ecosystem with a focus on its role in biodiversity conservation, as in the Japanese satoyama landscape initiative. fao.org |
最能说明阿塞拜疆对舒什的亚美尼亚民众和该市的亚美尼亚遗产的态度的 是,有数百年悠久历史的 Saint Ghazanchetsots 大教堂被阿塞拜疆军队当做存 放向亚美尼亚民众发射的导弹的仓库。 daccess-ods.un.org | The attitude of Azerbaijan towards the Armenian population of Shushi and the Armenian heritage of the town is best illustrated by the fact that the centuries-old Saint Ghazanchetsots Cathedral was turned by the Azerbaijani forces into a warehouse for missiles fired at the Armenian population. daccess-ods.un.org |
本校医工学研究科的佐藤正明教授,工学研究科助理研究员坂元尚哉,工学研究科在校研究生、日本学术振兴会特别研究员值木洋辅等组成的研究小组,在模拟血流中成功的观测到血流接触面的内皮细胞横断图像,并且在世界上首次成功观测到次变化过程。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Professor Masaaki Sato at Graduate School of [...] Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University, [...] Assistant ProfessorNaoya Sakamoto at Graduate [...]School of Engineering, Tohoku University [...]and Yosuke Ueki, Doctoral student at Tohoku University and Fellow at Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), has successfully visualized cross-section images of endothelial cells (ECs) in real time. tohoku.ac.jp |
毫无疑问,这些setter是框架所需的样板代码,如果不使用构造器注入也能避免这一点岂不美哉? infoq.com | Wouldn’t it be nice if they could be avoided without the need to use Constructor injection everywhere? infoq.com |
彼此呼喊说:“圣哉!圣哉!圣哉!万军之耶和华,他的荣光充满全地 sallee.info | And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. sallee.info |
东京大学生产技术研究所的佐藤琢哉(Sato takuya)助教、黑田和男(Kuroda [...] Kazuo)教授(当时,现在是宇都宫大学特任教授、东京大学名誉教授)、志村努(Shimura Tsutomu)教授等人的研究小组,共同与东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的齐藤英治教授等人、乌克兰科学学院的鲍里斯•伊万诺夫总经理,只通过对磁石照射光脉冲使其发生磁波,并通过改变了光点的形状成功控制了波的传播方向。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by [...] AssistantProfessorTakuya Sato, Professor [...]Emeritus Kazuo Kuroda, and Professor Tsutomu Shimura [...]of the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo in cooperation with Professor Eiji Saitoh et al. of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University along with Director Boris Ivanov of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine succeeded in the emission of magnetic waves (spin waves) through exposing magnets to light pulses and was also able to directionally control the spin waves by changing the shape of the light spot. tohoku.ac.jp |
重要展览有:2010年「纯真年代」,上海;2009年「美哉.崔芙丝蒂」,台北;2009年「涓滴理论」,赫尔辛基。 ravenelart.com | He has held the exhibitions such as 2010 "Stay Real Forever", Shanghai; 2009 "Travesty Paragon", Taipei; 2009 "Trickle-down Theory", Helsinki. ravenelart.com |
3.展览的展览——集中再现原研哉策划举办过的5个展览会(SENSEWARE、Re Design、HAPTIC、FILING/macaroni、中国项目“北京奥运会”/“北京前门”/“成都知美术馆”等)。 vantageshanghai.com | Exhibiting the Exhibition – a concentrated reproduction of the original plans from five of Kenya Hara’s previous exhibitions (SENSEWARE, Re Design, HAPTIC, FILING/Macaroni, China projects: “Beijing Olympics”, “Beijing Qian Men”, “Chengdu Art Museum”, and so on). vantageshanghai.com |
提摩太前书 3:16 大哉!敬虔的奥秘,无人不以为然:就是神在肉身显现,被圣灵称义(或作“在灵性称义”),被天使看见,被传于外邦,被世人信服,被接在荣耀里。 bcbsr.com | 1Tim 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory. bcbsr.com |
东北大研究生院医学系研究科的虫明元教授,松坂义哉助教等的研究小组发现了脑前额区内侧行为控制相关的新区域。 tohoku.ac.jp | The research group led by Professor Hajime Mushiake andAssistant Professor Yoshiya Matsuzaka has discovered a new region involved in regulation of actions in the medial prefrontal cortex of primate brain. tohoku.ac.jp |