

单词 悖逆



See also:

be contrary to
go against

go against



External sources (not reviewed)

不少的解经家将以色列人悖逆归咎於在他们 当中的「闲杂人」(不论他们真正是谁) ,就如其中一位是 这样说:「这些闲杂人就好似今天教会中没有真正悔改的 教友一样,像昔日一般,是輭弱和分裂的源头(参民数记 11:4-6) 。
Many commentators blamed these other people (whoever they were) for many of the troubles of the Israelites in the wilderness, as one of them says, “These ‘other people’ similar to unconverted church members in the present age, were a source of weakness and division then as now (cp. Number 11:4-6).
However I would imagine that Paul is referring to appropriate effort rather than necessarily to actual achievement, else God himself would not qualify for such a position as He himself says, "I have nourished and brought up children, And they have rebelled against Me.
[...] 达国家产品实行简单和透明的原产地规则,但其他严重的贸易障碍依然存在,包 括贸易组织规则和义务的非关税壁垒,还有就是供应方面的制约因素, [...]
Some countries have or made considerable efforts to implement simple and transparent rules of origin for least developed country products, but other serious obstacles to trade
remain, including non-tariff barriers that are
[...] inconsistentwith World Trade Organization [...]
rules and obligations and supply-side
constraints, in particular lack of infrastructure and modern technologies and energy deficiency.
欧洲安全与合作 组织(欧安组织)驻波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那特派团和联合国开发计划署欢迎该决 定,因为波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那最近向亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆的武器出口违反了波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那对欧安组织常规武器转让原则的承诺,并与欧洲联盟理事会 共同立场 2008/944/CFSP
The mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United Nations Development Programme welcomed the decision in the light of the recent weapons exports by Bosnia and Herzegovina to Armenia and Azerbaijan in breach of the Bosnia and Herzegovina commitments to the OSCE Principles Governing Conventional Arms Transfers, and in conflict with the European Union Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP.
国内法院并不认为不可能在申请中心程 序内部评估公约》第七条待遇的风险。
The domestic courts did not consider that it was impossible to assess the risk of treatment contrary to article 7 of the Covenant within the application centre procedure.
摩尔多瓦:全球经济和金融危机的影响,使摩尔多瓦处于在社会经济发展方面经历负 增长的危险,人们日益担心形在实现千年发展目标方面尤其如此。
Moldova: The impact of the global economic and financial crisis places Moldova at risk of experiencing negative performance in its socio-economic development with an increasing fear of reversal in particular with regard to the MDGs.
如果在没有拆卸整个枪体的情况下卸下喷嘴 (4),要避免损坏针头 (6),则完 全旋转液体调整旋钮 (11),以在重新装配 [...]
To avoid damage to the needle (6) if the nozzle (4) is removed without full gun
disassembly, turn the fluid adjustment knob
[...] (11) fully counterclockwise toremove [...]
pressure from the needle before reassembling the nozzle.
这位代表最后说,南美洲国家联盟反对联合王国在群岛举行军事演习,这地区通过完全和平的方式解决争端的政策(见 A/C.4/66/SR.5)。
The representative concluded by saying that UNASUR rejected the United Kingdom’s conduct of military exercises in the Islands, which ran counter to the region’s policy of seeking to resolve the dispute by exclusively peaceful means (see A/C.4/66/SR.5).
目前已提交委员会的一份 文件(A/C.5/63/3/Add.1)载有秘书处工作人员的意 见,但它实际上包含了管理层和工作人员代表两方 面的意见,其中一些人甚至根本不属于秘书处,这 一点会第 35/213 号决议和工作人员条例第 8.2 条的规定,也体现出围绕这一问题所采用的欺诈 伎俩。
One of the documents currently before the committee (A/C.5/63/3/Add.1) was presented as containing the views of Secretariat staff, but in fact it contained views of both management and staff representatives, some of whom were not even part of the Secretariat, as required by General Assembly resolution 35/213 and regulation 8.2 of the Staff Regulations.
厄立特里亚不愿意赞同在伊加特的大伞下进行的入侵和统治,不愿意成为对 索马里人民采取的和真理的暴行的当事方。
For its part, Eritrea is not willing to endorse invasion and domination under the umbrella of IGAD and be party to the atrocities perpetrated against the Somali people in contravention of justice and truth.
由于这种的现象出现,三个账户的余额数量之高异乎寻常,为此还需要去做枯燥乏味的账目 暂计工作。
As a result of this anomaly, three accounts have abnormally high balances, thus necessitating painstaking work to clear the accounts.
相互关联的多重全球危机和挑战,如粮食不安全加剧、不稳 定的能源和初级商品价格以及全球金融和经济危机,部最不发达国家多 年来取得的发展成果。
Multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity prices, and the global financial and economic crisis partly reverseddevelopment gains that least developed countries achieved over the years.
正如一位发展中国家的代表所说的, 在协调过程中存在一个要求多数国家以少数国家的法律为标准
Even where new examiners have been appointed, it is still unlikely that the patent system will satisfy the demands for quick and relatively inexpensive delivery of high quality patents.
由于一致认为《担保交易指南》与贸 易法委员会关于电子商务的各项法规的指导原则并行此工作组还审议 了在担保权登记处方面使用电子通信所产生的某些问题,目的是确保有关登记 的案文也同《担保交易指南》一样与这些原则保持一致(A/CN.9/714,第 34-47 段)。
Having agreed that the Secured Transactions Guide was consistent with the guiding principles of UNCITRAL texts on e-commerce, the Working Group also considered certain issues arising from the use of electronic communications in security rights registries to ensure that, like the Secured Transactions Guide, the text on registration would also be consistent with those principles (A/CN.9/714, paras. 34-47).
多民族玻利维亚国没有颁布实施限制与包括兄弟的古巴共和国在内的任何 国家贸易的任何法律或措施,因为这些法律或措施会第 64/6 号决议的 宗旨。
Accordingly, the Plurinational State of Bolivia has not enacted any laws or applied any measures that restrict trade with any country, including the fraternal Republic of Cuba, as they would be contrary to the purposes of General Assembly resolution 64/6.
总干事认为,删除艾滋病病毒/艾滋病研究与预防的内容都将31C/4 第 74 段规 定的教科文组织的总战略。
The Director-General is of the opinion that deletion of any reference to HIV/AIDS research and prevention would contradict UNESCO’s overall strategy as outlined in paragraph 74 of document 31 C/4.
严重关切在一些情况中,国家安全和反恐怖主义立法及其他措施被错误地用 于对付人权维护者,或者以际法的方式妨碍他们的工作与安全
Gravely concerned that, in some instances, national security and counter-terrorism legislation and other measures have been misused to target human rights defenders or have hindered their work and safety in a manner contrary to international law
委员会强烈建 议,一旦完成法律审查,一旦有关的法案作为法律通过,新的法律将取代所有公约》的相关立法。
The Committee strongly recommends that, once the legal review is finalized and the concerned Bills are adopted as laws, the new laws supersede all relevant legislation that is not in conformity with the Convention.
当时设立的习 惯和宗教法庭是在殖民统治下民众可用的唯一正式的司法体系,其宗旨是运用习 惯法和穆斯林法解决有关婚姻、家庭事务以及个人地位,与普通法院并行
The customary and sharia courts therefore constituted a single formal legal system available to the populations under colonization that aimed to apply customary and Islamic laws to resolve differences involving marriage, family affairs and personal status in parallel with ordinary courts.
多米尼加共和国在《联合国宪章》和其他国际法准则的基础上,依照支持国 家间合作与交流关系的准则和原则,发展国际关系,因此没有颁布实施任何些准则和原则的法律。
The Dominican Republic abides, in its international relations, by the international norms and principles governing cooperation and trade among nations, underpinned by the Charter of the United Nations and the other norms of international law.
凡董事作出书面法定声明,声明某股份已根据本章程细则正式被没收,并注明没收时间,针对声 称对该股份拥有与没收益的人士,该声明为其所述事实的确切凭证,而该项声明连同经 加盖印章的股份拥有权证明交付给股份买家或承配人後,即构成有效的股份所有权,股份的新持 有人须获解除对有关购买或配发之前所作出的一切催缴的责任,也没有义务确定购买款项的去 向,他对股份的所有权也不会因为与股份没收、出售,重新配发或处置程序相关或有关的任何作 为、不作为或违规情况而受到影响。
A statutory declaration in writing by a Director that a share has been duly forfeited in pursuance of these Articles and stating the time when it was forfeited shall, as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share adversely to the forfeiture thereof, be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated and such declaration together with a certificate of proprietorship of the share under the Seal delivered to a purchaser or allottee thereof shall constitute a good title to the share and the new holder thereof shall be discharged from all calls made prior to such purchase or allotment and shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money nor shall his title to the share be affected by any act, omission or irregularity relating to or connected with the proceedings in reference to the forfeiture, sale, re-allotment or disposal of the share.
55 这个问题在公共机构中尤为重要,例如,当一所大学希望获取另一所大学的专利技术用作 研究用途时,有些人认为这,因为这两所大学都是公立大学。
55In the public sector, these are seen as a problem particularly, for example, when one university wishes to access the patented technology of another for research, which some see as perverse when both are publicly funded.
认为特别适用于土着人民的人权标准不适用“指导原 则”,没有任何合理理由,且这样做将指导原则”在导言段落中所作的 规定,即这些原则应“以非歧视性方式”加以执行,尤其应关注弱势或边缘化群 体的权利和需要。
There is no sound reason to exclude the human rights standards that apply specifically to indigenous peoples from the application of the Guiding Principles, and to do so would be contrary to the injunction, found among the Guiding Principles’ introductory paragraphs, that they should be applied “in a non-discriminatory manner”, with particular attention to the rights and needs of groups that are vulnerable or marginalized.
我们大家都认为存在着一象,那就是非 洲只生产很少的武器,但却受到非法贩运军火的困 扰。由此而导致的后果包括,由于暴力而出现大规模 侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的行为,儿童兵和非 法贩运小武器和轻武器现象,还有在非洲大陆某些地 区存在恐怖主义网络和海盗等各种各样的、无穷无尽 的现象。
We all agree on the paradox that the African continent produces few weapons but is beset by the scourge of the illicit arms traffic, the consequences of which range from massive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law due to violence to the phenomenon of child soldiers and the traffic in small arms and light weapons, as well as to an almost endless list of such phenomena as terrorist networks and piracy in certain areas of the continent.
(c) 青少年司法制度在儿童违法方面公约》的条款,而且从事有 关违法儿童工作的法官和其他专业人员对青少年司法缺乏专业知识。
(c) The juvenile justice system is not in compliance with the provisions of the Convention regarding children in conflict with the law, and there is lack of specialization in juvenile justice among the judges and other professionals working with children in conflict with the law.
(d) 加紧努力审查和改革限制基本自由和际标准的立法和法律条 款;为结束审查确定明确、有时限的目标日期;确认需要紧急审查的优先立法, 包括先前已确认的条款;考虑建立一个法律改革委员会,促进加速审查现有的法 律,使它们完全符合相关的国际人权标准
(d) Accelerate efforts for the review and reform of legislation and legal provisions that limit fundamental freedoms and contravene international standards; establish clear, time-bound target dates for the conclusion of the review; identify priority legislation for urgent review, including those provisions previously identified; and consider establishing a law reform commission to facilitate the accelerated review of existing laws and bring them into full compliance with relevant international human rights standards
此外,个别缔约国所作的就核问题向非缔约国实施 技术援助出口的条款明显存在双重标准,这条约》和 1995 年审议与延期大会通过的第 2 号决 定——决定明文规定,新的核材料转让供应安排应 当要求接受机构的全面保障监督以及不再获取核武 器或其他核爆炸装置的国际上具有法定约束力的承 诺。
Moreover, the provision by certain exporting States of technical assistance on nuclear issues to non-States parties indicated the existence of double standards and was in contravention with the Treaty and decision 2 adopted at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference, which stipulated that new supply arrangements for the transfer of nuclear materials should require acceptance of the Agency’s full-scope safeguards and internationally legally binding commitments not to acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
这种做法的危险在于,国家建—即将治理进程设计为提供援助的机制, 以及相伴而生的各自为政和缺乏战略问题——将更加突出;当前全球金融和经济 危机情况下的备选方案不会得到探讨,越来越多的资源将被国际协调过程所消 耗,而非用于可列入国家方案的援助。
The dangers of this approach are that the paradox of State-building — designing governance processes as aid-delivery mechanisms, with the accompanying fragmentation and lack of strategy — will grow more pronounced; alternatives under current conditions of global financial and economic crisis will not be explored; and an increasing number of resources will be consumed by the international coordination process rather than by country-programmable aid.




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