

单词 恶事

恶事 ()

malicious deed



lit. good deeds do not go beyond the door, evil deeds spread a thousand miles
a good deed goes unnoticed, but scandal spreads fast [idiom.]


evil deeds spread a thousand miles (idiom); scandal spreads like wildfire

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

在这种背景下,我们与其他人一样感 到关切的是,恐怖团体可能会日益利用因特网来鼓吹 它们的恶事业和 进行它们的犯罪活动。
In that context, we share the concern that terrorist groups
may increasingly use the Internet, both in
[...] campaigning for their vicious cause and in pursuing their criminal activities.
骄傲不仅在基督徒弟兄姊妹之间制造障碍,而且是主所 恶的 事情之一(箴 6:16-17)。
Not only does pride create barriers between Christian brothers, but it is also
[...] one of those things that the Lord hates (Pr 6:16-17).
在 很大程度上,我们今天谈论的事——毒品、犯罪和恐 怖主义——在名称和工作上都是十分 恶 的 事 , 而我 们一些投身于教育、卫生、就业等崇高事业的同事似 乎都不愿与这些恶的事为伍
To a large extent, the matters we have been talking about today — drugs, crime and terrorism — are rather sinister, both in name and in logic, and some of our colleagues who deal with the very noble causes of education, health, employment and so forth resist, in a way, being associated with these sinister causes.
我公司总裁祝辰博士就“基于RFID和视频的城市防拥堵系统”在“物联网在智慧交通与智慧物流中的应用及发展论坛”上做重要报告,祝总在报告中就城市道路拥堵、交 恶 性 事 故 频发、车辆盗抢、假套车牌、非法营运车辆等引发的社会问题做深入阐述,一针见血的指出问题产生的根源及解决问题的关键,并把我公司的技术优势融合到需要解决的问题中。
Our company president's wish Chen, " based on the RFID and video City anti-blocking system " in the "Internet of things in the intelligent transportation and wisdom logistics application and Development Forum" made important report, I wish the total in the report on city road congestion, traffic accidents, vehicle theft malignant grab, false license plate cover, illegal operation of the vehicle and other social problems caused by doing in-depth pierce to the heart of the matter, pointed out the causes of the problems and the key to solve the problem, and my company's technical superiority is fused to the need to solve the problem of.
特别要提醒的是,如果在社区内发生了虐杀流浪猫的事件,一定要与社区的管理部门做 深入的沟通,重点是这样恶性事件 对 社区文明和谐氛围的不良影响,争取杜绝此类事件在 [...]
Please be specially reminded that if the killing of stray cat occurs in the community, in-depth communication must be made with the community management
department, emphasising the negative
[...] impacts of such a vicious incident on the civilized [...]
and harmonious atmosphere of the community,
in order to prevent recurrence of such incidents within the community.
由于生病、事件、事故等原因而出现生命危险或突然去世 ……可能会由于病恶化,事故等原因而身受重伤,最严重情况下甚至有死亡案例。
Being in critical condition or faced with sudden death due to illness, incidents or accidents ・・・There are possibilities of illnesses taking a turn for the worse, being seriously injured due to accidents, and in the worst case scenario, death.
事实上,正如所见,假定的 Coteba 公司服恶化 一事主要 是由于工作方法产生分歧所致,其根源没有明确表明与工程监理公司相 关。
In fact, as we have seen, the supposed deterioration in the services [...]
of Coteba was connected primarily with divergences
in working methods which did not originate exclusively with the ACA.
在 2007 月 6 月 13 日的信件中,总部处处长就 Coteba 公司提供的服恶化一事向 行政部门助理总干事提出申诉。
In an email dated 13
[...] June 2007, the Director of the Headquarters Division complained to the Assistant Director-General for Administration about the deterioration of the services [...]
provided by Coteba.
决定继续处理事,并 且,如果当地人权局 恶 化 , 按照 事 会 第 5/1 号决议采取适当措施。
Decides to remain
[...] seized of the matter and to take appropriate measures, in accordance with Council resolution 5/1, if the human rights situation on the ground deteriorates.
由于其言辞的内容与语气特别恶意, 人权事会主 席不得不打断并制止其继续发言。
Both the substance and the tone of the language were so
objectionable that even the
[...] President of the Human Rights Council had to intervene and [...]
stop the speaker from delivering his statement
这位代表逐条提出了一 模一样的指控。他的发言清楚证明,存在着政治上的 不良居心恶意以及歪事实、 误导大家的企图。
In political bad faith and will, and
[...] an attempt to distort facts and mislead everyone.
索伦,Gylfie,暮光之城和挖掘机很荣幸的最新监护人的Ga'Hoole,索伦总结,并指出这是一个守护者的永恒的责任“补破了,强的弱,战胜一切 恶 的 故 事。
Soren, Gylfie, Twilight and Digger are honored as the latest Guardians of Ga’Hoole, with Soren concluding the
story by noting that it is a Guardian’s everlasting duty to “Mend the broken, make strong the
[...] weak, and vanquish all evil.
各项其他刑法也可成为提出这种起诉的依据(例如,18 U.S.C. § 35(b)(禁 止关于影响汽车、铁路或航运的爆炸物或破坏性装置的恶作剧);18
U.S.C. § 844(e)(关于建筑物炸弹威胁的恶作剧);18 U.S.C. § 876(威胁通信的邮寄物); 18 U.S.C. §
[...] 1001(提供重大虚假陈述);49 U.S.C. § 46507(关于劫持飞事 件的恶作剧))。
A variety of other criminal statutes also may provide the basis for such prosecutions (e.g., 18 U.S.C. § 35(b) (prohibiting hoaxes concerning explosive or destructive devices when they impact motor vehicles, railroads, or shipping); 18 U.S.C. § 844(e) (hoaxes concerning bomb threats to buildings); 18 U.S.C. § 876 (mailing threatening
communications); 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (providing material false statements); 49
[...] U.S.C. § 46507 (hoaxes related to aircraft [...]
鉴于加沙地带日恶化的军事局势 和以色列的持续侵略,包括其大规模陆上 行动,我谨随函转交阿拉伯埃及共和国胡斯尼·穆巴拉克总统昨天即 [...]
2009 年 1 月 6 日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫与法国总统联合举行的新闻记者招待会上的发言(见附 件)。
In the light of the deteriorating military situation in [...]
the Gaza Strip and the continuous Israeli aggression, including
the massive land operation, I have the honour to transmit herewith the statement delivered by President Hosni Mubarek, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, at the joint press conference with the President of France yesterday, 6 January 2009, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt (see annex).
他还声称,他孩子们的心理状况在听说母亲死亡 事 后 已 经 恶 化。
He also claimed that his children’s
[...] psychological state had deteriorated since they [...]
had learned of their mother’s death.
现任联合国人权高级专员将某些此事件描述为恶毒的 反犹太行为,是对会议核心原 则的违背。
The current United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights had
[...] described some of those events as virulent anti-Semitic [...]
behaviour and a betrayal of the
core principles of the Conference.
正如秘书长的报告(S/2010/463)中所描述的那 样,阿富汗的安全局恶化,安全事 件 与去年相比增 加了 69%,削弱了平民百姓对阿富汗机构的信心,破 坏国际社会和联合国在当地的努力。
The deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan, as described in the report of the
[...] Secretary-General (S/2010/463), which reflects a 69 per cent increase in security incidents compared to last [...]
year, saps the confidence
of the civilian population in their institutions and undermines the efforts of the international community and the United Nations on the ground.
由于整个 2010 年冲突激化,人道主义和安全局势进一 恶 化 , 人道主事务协 调厅估计,索马里南部获得援助组织援助的机会降低达到 2006 年以来的 最低点。
As a result of the intensification of the conflict throughout 2010, the humanitarian and
security situations have
[...] deteriorated further, with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimating [...]
that access for aid organizations
in southern Somalia was at its lowest point since 2006.
如果没有切实 有效的保留工作人员措施,情况将会更 恶 化 , 安全 事 会 应 对以下情况有所预 料,即由于减员的直接后果,估计结案日期今后还要进一步订正。
Without practical and effective
staff retention measures, the
[...] situation will worsen, and the Security Council should expect [...]
to see further revised estimates
in the future as a direct result of staff attrition.
这些作品指向即将与超自然干预上帝在人 事 务 和 邪 恶 的 失 败似乎不可阻挡的进步。
These works point to the imminent and supernatural intervention
[...] of God in human affairs and the defeat of the seemingly irresistible progress of evil.
梅淼,广州现代肿瘤医院肿瘤科医师,长期 事恶 性 肿瘤放化疗和免疫治疗基础研究工作,并具有丰富的临床实践经验。
Pang Anneng, oncologic surgeon of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou with rich clinical experience, has successfully relieved many patients from pain.
一个严格的礼仪纯度方面,甚至超越的犹太法利赛人,产生了一个purifactory仪式,如洗澡,用清水洒无尽的继承,与骨灰或牛粪,水sippings,呼吸镇压抹黑 - 所有事的性质和恶的有效缓解。
A scrupulous regard for ceremonial purity, surpassing even that of the Jewish Pharisee, gave rise to an endless succession of purifactory rites, such as baths, sprinkling
with water, smearing
[...] with ashes or cow-dung, sippings of water, suppressions [...]
of breath--all sacramental in character and efficacious for the remission of sin.
347 161. 按照若干国家立法,损害善良风俗的驱逐适用于从事如下活动社团成员的外 国人:贩运人口;348
或毒品;349 损害或威胁国家或公共道德;350 犯“道德卑鄙” 行为;351 严重损害善良风俗;352 违反善良风俗行为;353 非善良风俗;354 生活于
[...] 道德败坏环境;355 不能过一种尊严生活;356 意图事罪恶的商业剥削行为。
According to the legislation of some States, expulsion on grounds of morality may apply to an alien who is a member of an organization that engages in human trafficking348 or drugs;349 harms or threatens national or public morality;350 commits a crime of moral turpitude;351 gravely offends morals;352 engages in immoral conduct353 or is not of good moral character;354 operates in a
morally inferior environment;355 is unable to lead a respectable
[...] life;356 or intends to engage in commercialized [...]
vice.357 162.
族群隔事态的进一恶化— —特别是再加上剥夺 罗兴亚人的其他基本权利——将会使缓解紧张局势 和促进族群和谐难上加难。
Any increased segregation of communities, particularly if accompanied by the denial of other fundamental rights to the Rohingya population, would make it exceedingly hard to address the underlying tensions and promote communal harmony.
承认特别报告员在确定等同灭绝种族和危害人类罪或战争罪的法外处 决、即决处决或任意处决案件方面的重要作用,敦促他与联合国人权事务高级专
[...] 员,并酌情与秘书长防止灭绝种族问题特别顾问协作,以处理性质极其严重或早 期行动可防事态进一步恶化的法外处决、即决处决或任意处决事件
Acknowledges the important role of the Special Rapporteur in identifying cases where extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions could amount to genocide and crimes against humanity or war crimes, and urges him to collaborate with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and, as appropriate, the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, in addressing situations of extrajudicial, summary or
arbitrary executions that are of particularly serious concern or in which
[...] early action might prevent further deterioration
事态恶化、 并由有关当局提出申请,可由武装 力量配合民政管理部门共同完成对公民的保护任务。
Under article 2 of Act No. 2/1985 of 21 January 1985 on civilian protection competence in this area lies with the civil administration of State and, when the seriousness of the situation so requires, the armed forces.




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