单词 | 恶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 恶—fierceless common: loathe ugly slander 恶adjective—coarseadjExamples:善有善报,恶有恶报,若然不报时晨未到—Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time 二恶英pl—dioxinspl 厌恶n—aversionn disgustn
在过去数年间,多个旧区进行了若干个高密 度发展项目,致使情况进一步恶化。 procommons.org.hk | The situation might further deteriorate due to high density development in the old districts in the near future. procommons.org.hk |
这些高光谱数据 能协助气象学家提供更佳的天气预报、更准确的恶劣天气和不稳定大气预测;并提高对 风暴位置及动向的追踪,分析飓风和台风强度,让民众提前疏散,加强对性命和财产的保 护。 asiasat.com | This hyperspectral data will enable meteorologists to provide better daily forecasts, predict severe weather and atmospheric instability more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation of lives and property. asiasat.com |
倘任何人士出於恶意或 为私利而作出举报,公司保留权利 对其采取适当行动,包括交由执法部门处理及追讨因虚报行为而蒙受的任何损失或 损害。 swirepacific.com | If a person makes a false reportmaliciously or for personal gain, the Company reserves the right to take appropriate action against that person, including to law enforcement authorities and to recover any loss or damage as a result of the false report. swirepacific.com |
为了保护水质,转向的海堤形成弧形以 提供顺滑的海岸线,目的是避免急弯,改善所形成的小内 湾的潮水流向,以免污染物及漂浮垃圾积聚,否则会导致 水质恶劣、发出异味和有碍观瞻。 devb.gov.hk | The return seawall is curved to provide a smooth shoreline, also for water quality reasons; this is in order to avoid sharp corners and to enhance tidal flows through the small embayed area that is created, so that pollutants and flotsam are not trapped, which would otherwise give rise to adverse water quality, odour and unsightliness. devb.gov.hk |
结合与仪器一起开发并拥 有专利之演算及数据处理技术结构,GMW 感应器将提供更完备之天气预测(对龙卷 风、飓风及台风等恶劣天气之预测尤其出色)及用於建立气候模型的数据。 asiasat.com | Together with the proprietary algorithms and data processing architecture which have been developed with the instrument, the GMW Sensor will provide greatly improved weather forecasting (and in particular for severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons) and data for climate modeling. asiasat.com |
9. 衣着 任何人如被公司的任何受雇人认为其衣着或衣服会弄污或破坏公司的任何船只或公司的 码头的座位或装置,或会弄污或破坏其他乘客的衣着或衣服的,又或任何人如被公司的 任何受雇人认为会因任何其他适当的理由令乘客感到厌恶的,均不得进入公司的任何码 头或乘搭公司的任何船只;而公司的受雇人可藉给予任何上述理由而阻止任何该等人士 进入公司的任何码头或乘搭公司的任何船只。 starferry.com.hk | No person whose dress or clothing may in the opinion of any servant of the Company soil or damage the seats or fittings of any of the Company's vessels or of the Company's piers or the dress or clothing of any other passenger, and no person who in the opinion of any servant of the Company may for any other appropriate reason be offensive to passengers shall enter upon any of the Company's piers or travel in any of the Company's vessels, and it shall be lawful for any servant of the Company to prevent any such person from so doing by giving any of the aforesaid reasons therefor. starferry.com.hk |
这一基本思想的拜火教是,自年初以来,那里已经存在的良好的精神(胡马自达或Ormazd )和精神的罪恶(Ahriman )谁是在永久的冲突,人的灵魂的伟大目标的战争。 mb-soft.com | The fundamental idea of Zoroastrianism is that since the beginning, there has existed [...] a spirit of good (Ahura Mazda or Ormazd) [...] and a spirit of evil (Ahriman) who [...]are in perpetual conflict, with the soul of [...]man as the great object of the war. mb-soft.com |
如 被 控 [...] 人 指 称 曾 投 诉 受到恶待,但 专 责 小 组 成 [...]员 的 书 陎 纪 录 却 没 有 记 录 此 事 , 法 官 便 可 以 聆 听 专 责 小 组 成 员 所 主 持 的 会 见 的 录 音 带 , 以 裁 定 [...]该 项 指 称 事 实 上 有 否 向 专 责 小 组 成 员 作 出 。 hkreform.gov.hk | If the accused alleges that he did [...] make a complaint of mistreatment which [...]does not appear on the panelist's written record [...]the judge may listen to the tape recording of the panelist interview to determine whether any such allegation was in fact made to the panelist. hkreform.gov.hk |
(2) 法 律 应 协 助 执 法 人 员 断 定 一 项 据 报、声 称 或 怀 疑 发 生 的 刑 事 违 反 法 律 行 为 是 否 [...] 确 有 发 生 和 是 由 何 人 触 犯 々 换 言 之 , 法 律 应 协 助 [...] 执 法 人 员 区 分 虚 构、恶意或错 误 的 投 诉 与 确 [...]有 实 据 的 投 诉 , 以 及 区 分 无 辜 受 疑 人 与 真 正 罪 犯 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (2) That the law should assist law enforcement officers in their efforts to determine whether or not a reported, alleged or suspected criminal breach of the law has in fact been [...] committed and by whom; in other words, to [...] separate the fictitious malicious or [...]mistaken complaint from the genuine complaint, [...]and to distinguish the innocent suspect from the actual culprit. hkreform.gov.hk |
凭证机构自上次稽核检视後所发生的重大安全稽 核纪录应加以检视,并且对任何可能之恶意活 动应进 一步调查。 epki.com.tw | Inspect the major security audit logs since last CA audit inspection and conduct further investigation of any possible vicious activities. epki.com.tw |
(4) 对於注册中心之硬体和软体,必须在初次 使用时检查是否有恶意程式码并定期扫 瞄。 epki.com.tw | (4) Hardware and software used in the RA must be inspected for viciousprograms before using it the first time and regularly scan the program. epki.com.tw |
作品元素包括怀旧东洋色彩(蜷川经常自称是1913年成立,由全女班组成的「宝塚歌剧团」的宣传大员;首出执导长片《恶女花魁》发生在江户时代)、盛开的花卉(《ACID [...] BLOOM》一书花了三年时间拍摄花朵)和彩色的金鱼群(走访上海、香港及泰国等地搜罗影像)。 think-silly.com | Her consistent use of nostalgic Japanese elements, (She is a self-claimed PR for [...] Takarazuka Revue, a all-girl theatre [...] established in 1913; ‘Sakuran’, thefirst feature [...]film produced by Ninagawa is set in [...]Edo period) floral in full bloom, (she spent three years photographing flowers for her photography title ‘Acid Bloom’) and multi-colour goldfish (She took images of them in various places such as Shanghai, Hong Kong and Thailand). think-silly.com |
在所有地区,高收入的「少数幸运儿」所受的影响较少,故 仍然追求舒适的生活模式,但在面对可能失业、加税及信贷状况恶化的情况下,普罗大众现时均需要节约开支。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | In all regions, the high-income “happy few” are less affected and aim at a comfortable life style, but the majority of citizens have to be selective in their spending now as possible unemployment looms, taxes rise and credit conditions worsen. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
又谈室内空间,是与每个人日常生活关系最密切的环境,相对於外在环境极度恶化的情况下,室内空间成为个人所能掌握的最後防线,它具有相当程度的生活表徵和期望,除了满足机能需求与作为个人的象徵符号外,同时也是一种因时/因地而生的空间表现(表情是也);在个人化(或内在化) 与因时/地制寸的情况下,设计师得以参与室内空间Programming / Designing完整过程,因此命题Ordering与设计Designing之间,可以有更敏锐而深入的契合,甚至启发使用者(业主)思考自身定位与外在环境(社会)的互动关系。 officedesignhk.com | Also on Interior space is most closely each person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the external environment worsen the situation, interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable representation of life and hope, in addition to meet the functional needs of and as a personal symbol, the same time is also a result of time / space due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can be involved in Interior Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more sensitive and deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about their own position and the external environment (social) interaction. officedesignhk.com |
本款硬碟机,基於坚固、耐用及具备恶劣环境保护功能等考量因素,而采用业界最严格的设计标准,因此,对於需要利用超大容量建置免 DVD 航导系统及提供高品质娱乐服务的汽车制造商、系统制造商及售後市场公司而言,这款硬碟机将是首选产品。 seagate.com | With the industry's most stringent design for ruggedness, durability and protection from hostile environments, the drive will be an ideal choice to deliver the massive capacity needed for auto makers, system manufacturers and aftermarket companies to create DVD-free navigation systems and high-quality car entertainment services. seagate.com |
防止已知漏洞入侵、恶意软 体、间谍软体和恶意URL,同时 对具有高针对性和以前未知的恶意软体进行流量分析并自动提供保护。 media.paloaltonetworks.com | Prevent known vulnerability exploits, malware, spyware, malicious URLs while analyzing traffic for, and automatically delivering protection against highly targeted and previously unknown malware. media.paloaltonetworks.com |
若磁碟机损坏或系统遭到病毒或恶意软 体攻击,则您可轻松快捷地还原备份资料,而无需花费 数小时或数天时间尝试从头建立磁碟机的资料和应用程式。 seagate.com | Should your disc drive become damaged or your system attacked by a virus or malware, you can restore the back-up data quickly and easily, eliminating hours or days of work trying to rebuild your disc drive's data and applications from scratch. seagate.com |
煤炭需求及价格取决於许多本公司控制范围以外的因素,包括全球对钢铁及钢铁产品的需求、能否取得具 [...] 竞争力的煤炭供应、国际汇率以及蒙古、中华人民共和国(「中国」)及世界其它地区的政治及经济状况、较 正常天气状况温和或恶劣的天气状况,以及主要产煤地区的生产成本。 southgobi.com | Coal demand and price are determined by numerous factors beyond the Company’s control, including the international demand for steel and steel products, the availability of competitive coal supplies, international exchange rates, political and economic conditions in Mongolia, the People’s Republic of [...] China (the “PRC”) and elsewhere in the [...] world, milder or more severe than normal [...]weather conditions, and production costs [...]in major coal producing regions. southgobi.com |
当使用者在公司网路之外时,smart Connect 提供针对网页型恶意程式的防护,减少系统受到感染及当 使用者回到办公室後将恶意程 式带回到网路中的风险。 symanteccloud.com | Smart Connect provides protection against Web-borne malwarewhen users are outside of the corporate network, reducing the risk of a system becoming compromised and bringing malware back into the network upon the user returning to the office. symanteccloud.com |
如果这一切都成功在五十年代,像甘斯布明智的,这是一个伟大的罪恶,但 也一个勤奋的人。 zh.horloger-paris.com | If all this succeeds in fifties-like Gainsbourg wise, is that [...] it is a great evil, but also a hard worker. en.horloger-paris.com |
因长期恶劣天气导致本公司项目受损或营运出现延误,可能对本公司的业务及经营业 绩造成重大不利影响。 southgobi.com | Any damages to the Company’s projects or delays in its operations caused by prolonged periods of severe weather could materially and adversely affect its business and results of operations. southgobi.com |
跨越全部连接埠上所有应用程式的政策式 SSL 解密可保护您免受在 SSL 加密的应用程式中移动的恶意软体侵害。 media.paloaltonetworks.com | Policy-based SSL decryption across any application on any port protects you against malware moving across SSL encrypted applications. media.paloaltonetworks.com |
该 等 可 观 察 数 据 包 括 但 不 限 於 本 集 团 内 债 务 人之付款 状况恶化,以 及 与 本 集 团 内 资 产 拖 欠 情 况 有 关 联 之 国 家 或 当 地 经 济 状 况 出 现 不 利 变 动 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Such observable data includes but is not limited to adverse changes in the payment status of debtors in the group and, national or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on the assets in the Group. cigyangtzeports.com |
最典型的例子,如利用虚假身份发放欺骗的电子邮件或用钓鱼网站去欺骗用戸,从而获得他们的信任;又或者会利用有趣的话题或流行的新闻做主题,使收件者放下戒心打开受恶意程式感染的附件,或者点击有问题的网络连结。 hkcert.org | Typical examples of social engineering are spoofing the identity email sender or web sites (phishing) to gain trust, and using interesting subject or popular news so that people are more likely to open an infected attachment or clicking a deceptive URL link. hkcert.org |
然而,如果隧道升至海 床以上,该方式即不适合,因为外露的隧道将面临被船 只、船锚等碰撞的风险,隧道结构在恶劣的海洋环境中将 会更容易退化,而且在海床以上的隧道结构也会令船舶无 法靠近岸边。 devb.gov.hk | However, this form of construction is not suitable where the tunnel level rises above seabed level, as the exposed tunnel section would then be at risk of damage from ship impact, anchors, etc, the tunnel structure would be more susceptible to degradation in the aggressive marine environment, and the protrusion of the tunnel structure above the seabed would restrict marine access to the shoreline. devb.gov.hk |
台湾大哥大在过去的一年中,不畏全球金融海 啸肆虐、民间消费力道萎缩的恶劣环境,在全 体同仁齐心戮力下,多项营运指标皆优於主要 竞争对手,交出亮丽的成绩单! corp.taiwanmobile.com | In spite of the global financial crisis and weak domestic private consumption, Taiwan Mobile (“TWM” or “the Company”) delivered satisfactory results last year, surpassing its peers in various key performance indexes. english.taiwanmobile.com |
透过采用这种针对性的疗法,患者平均肿瘤恶化的 时间(TTP)是136 天,接受了T细胞注射疗法的患者存活时间中位数是523天,相反,没有接受T细胞注射疗法的患者存活时间中位数的只有220天。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | By offering such targeted treatment, the mean time to progression (TTP) for these cancer patients was 136 days, and the median overall survival of the patients who received the T-cell infusion was 523 days compared to 220 days for those who did not receive the T-cell infusion. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |