

单词 恰恰

External sources (not reviewed)

在信息转入新系统时 数据库的准确性至关重要,并且工程问题需要得考虑,以便确保在引入 系统时正确记录工程活动。
The accuracy of the database when information is transferred to the new system is vital and engineering issues need to be properly taken into account to ensure that engineering activity is properly recorded under the system when it is introduced.
(d) 就股份选择权已被正式行使的股份(「已行使选择权股份」) 而言,有关股息(或已获授选择权的该部份股息)不得以股份 支付,而为了取代及支付该股息,须基於上文所厘订的配发基 准向已正式行使前述股份选择权的股东以入账列为缴足的方式 配发股份,而就此而言,董事会可按其决定把本公司可供分派 溢利的任何部分或本公司储备账的任何部分(包括任何特别账 户、股份溢价账及资本赎回资金)拨充资本并加以应用,金额 相当於按有关基准配发的股份面值总额,有关金额将悉數用作 缴足将按有关基准配发及分发予已行使选择权股份承配人目股份。
(d) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu and in satisfaction thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the members who have duly exercised the said share election on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Directors shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the profits of the Company available for distribution or any part of any of the Company’s reserve accounts (including any special account, share premium account and capital redemption reserve fund) as the Directors may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares to be allotted on such basis and apply the same in paying up in full the appropriate number of shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the allottees of the elected shares onsuch basis.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
审核工作亦包括评估董事所采用的会计 政策是所作的会计估计是否合理,以及评估财务报表的整体呈列方式。
An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
在计算管理费用方面,教科文组织 将继续执行重实际的政策,与联合国系统的合作伙伴磋商,以便就征收管理费用达成一致, 从而避免当前“压价竞争”以及捐助者利用这种竞争施加压力要求降低管理开支的 趋势。
UNESCO will continue its policy of realism in terms of the calculation of overhead rates, and will pursue consultations with United Nations system partners so that a common approach may be agreed upon concerning the levying of overhead charges, thus avoiding the current trends towards unseemly “price-undercutting competition” and the potential exploitation of such practices by donors to increase pressure for lower overheads.
该制度与社会达成的协恰恰导致的额外革新(例如:要不是专利制度的话,救命药可能就不存在了)所产生的额外 社会收益要超过了产品的额外成本。
The bargain with society is precisely that the benefits to society generated by the extra innovation induced (for example, a lifesaving drug which might not exist but for the patent system) should exceed the extra cost of the product.
董 事 认 为,估 价 技 术 产 生 的 估 计 公 允 价 值 及 相 关 变 动,并 已 分 别 计 入 合 并 资 产 负 债 表 和 综 合 权 益 变 动 表,是 合
[...] 理 的 且 它 们 是 资 产 负 债 表 日价 值。
The directors believe that the estimated fair values resulting from the valuation technique, which are recorded in the consolidated balance sheet, and the related changes in fair values, which are
recorded in the consolidated equity, are reasonable, and that they
[...] are the mostappropriate valuesat the [...]
balance sheet date.
还是关于英文本,尽管不涉及以前文本使用的术语,因为以前文本不曾出 现这一术语,但我们认为第二 B.3 节的标题使用了一个形容词:也许 删除“实质性”一词,该语句可取得同样令人满意的效果。
Still on the subject of the English version, though not in relation to a term used in the previous texts, since it does not appear in them, we feel that an unfortunate adjective is used in the heading of section II B.3: perhaps the phrase would be equally satisfactory with the deletion of the word “substantive”.
资产管理一直 不是优先事项,反映于以下方面:缺乏对相关特派团资产事务人员的指导和咨询 意见,造成工程资产数据库错误;未能查明储存过量、储存呆滞或陈旧的情况; 缺行动确保储存得到正当管理;缺乏对编纂和分类工作的支助,从而无 法确保资产说明前后一致,并且无法确保在数据库中对这些资产的记录统一。
Asset management has not been a priority, demonstrated by the lack of guidance and advice provided to relevant mission asset personnel, resulting in engineering asset database errors, lackof identification of excess stock, slow moving or obsolete stock and appropriate action to ensure the stocks are properly managed, and lack of support with codification and classification to ensure a consistent description of assets, thus ensuring homogenous recording of the assets in the database.
根据人体(包括初生婴儿及婴儿)的新陈代 谢,现时欧洲食品安全局为双酚A所订每日每公斤体重0.05毫克的每日摄入上限属因此无需更改有关上限。
The current daily intake limit of 0.05 mg per kg of body weight set by the European Food Safety Authority was found acceptable with the human, including newborns and infants, metabolism.
[...] 的意识见解,应鼓励讨论并使食典委努力改善法典体系并作决定,确保法典标 准、导则和其他建议仍然是国际食品贸易食品安全的基准,粮农组织与这些组织的对话 [...]
The FAO Representative shared the opinion of the Commission on the conclusions but noted that the document presented views of knowledgeable independent consultants making provocative conclusions which should stimulate discussions and enable the
Commission to work towards improving the
[...] Codex systemand take appropriate decisions [...]
to ensure that Codex standards, guidelines
and other recommendations remain the benchmarks for food safety for international food trade, and that the dialogue between FAO and these organizations should be based on Codex work.
他们还建议把这些专题/战略有 效地纳入本组织的各项计划中,特别是通过(a)高协调,(b)对项目仔细评估— 关注诸如以下的问题:跨学科行动,与直接相关群体的伙伴关系,尊重人人都享有的平等尊 严,与贫困作斗争中的文化因素,以及吸收非政府组织参与教科文组织活动的制定、实施和 评估,(c)以真正的跨学科精神对各重大计划内的横向专题之间的联系做出更清晰的表 述,(d)(一些非政府组织认为)减少高质量/影响大的项目数量,以保证其影响更大、知 名度更高,(e)加强与非政府组织的伙伴关系,特别是通过在一些消除贫困项目中的直接 合作。
They also recommend the effective integration of these themes/strategies into the Organization’s programmes, in particular through (a) adequate highlevel coordination; (b) the careful evaluation of projects – paying attention to issues such as multidisciplinary action, partnerships with populations directly concerned, the respect for the equal dignity of each human being, the cultural dimension of the fight against poverty, and the association of NGOs with the formulation, implementation and evaluation of UNESCO’s activities; (c) a clearer articulation of cross-cutting projects within the major programmes in a spirit of true interdisciplinarity; (d) (for some NGOs) a smaller number of high-quality/high-impact projects, to ensure greater impact and visibility; (e) greater partnership with NGOs, in particular through explicit partnership in some projects of poverty eradication.
分地分析当前的危机,以便从中 吸取教训,并很好地利用它所提供的机遇。
The current crisis had to be properly analysed in order to draw lessons from it and make good use of the opportunity it presented.
因素(其中包括)(i)选定之可资比较公司之平均EV/EBITDA比率;及(ii)选定 之可资比较公司之平均EV/EBITDA比率之折让而厘定;及(b)为符合市场惯 例额外之市场流通性折让,吾等认为采用市场法(包括天锻比率之基准及市场
[...] 流通性折让)对天津天锻之全部股权之市值(增资前)进行估值乃
Based on our discussions with the Valuer, taking into account that (a) the Tianduan Ratio adopted by the Valuer was determined by reference to, amongst other factors, (i) the average EV/EBITDA Ratio of the Selected Comparables; and (ii) a discount to the average EV/EBITDA Ratio of the Selected Comparables; and (b) the additional marketability discount being in line with market practice, we consider the adoption of the market approach, including the basis of the Tianduan Ratio and the marketability discount,
to value the market value of the entire equity interest in Tianjin Tianduan (before Capital
[...] Increase)to beappropriate.
Regretfully, the perpetrators and the international community had not dealt with this issue adequately.
(F) 若本公司或其任何附属公司以任何方式修订任何股份或借 贷资本随附的权利,以致将有关股份或借贷资本全部或部 份兑换或可兑换为普通股,或附带可购买普通股的任何权 利,本公司须委任认可商人银行,考虑对换股价作出任何 调整是而若认可商人银行核实任何有关调整举,则换股价须相应调整。
(F) If the Company or any of its subsidiaries shall in any way modify the rights attached to any share or loan capital so as wholly or partly to convert or make convertible such share or loan capital into, or attach thereto any rights to acquire, Ordinary Shares, the Company shall appoint an approved merchant bank to consider whether any adjustment to the Conversion Price is appropriate (and if such approved merchant bank shall certify that any such adjustment is appropriate the Conversion Price shall be adjusted accordingly).
上周散发给安理会的拉苏勒外长的来信(见 S/2011/118)调了联合国近年来在支持阿富汗的持久 和平、安全和发展等方面所做的工作。
Foreign Minister Rassoul’s letter, circulated to the Council last week (see S/2011/118), rightly highlights United Nations work in recent years in support of lasting peace, security and development in Afghanistan.
Texas Instruments (TI) Business Development Manager Han Gan in their analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is preciselythe LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .
审 计 工 作 还 包 括 评 价 管 理 层 选 用 会 计 政 策和 作 出 会 计 估 计 的 合 理 性,以 及 评 价 财 务 报 表 的 总 体 列 报。
An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting polices used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
医生 说,即使医院没有对特定型号的美敦力起搏器进行检查的必要设备,也可以通过 普通的手机进行远程检查,手机可以将任何美敦力心脏起搏器与位于别处测设备相连。
The doctor added that even if the hospital did not have the necessary equipment to perform a check-up on a specific Medtronic model, it would be possible to do so by remote interrogation using an ordinary mobile phone, which would connect any Medtronic pacemaker to appropriate testing equipment located elsewhere.
更令人遗憾的是,这些言论在会议一开始就 出现了,而会议的目恰恰击不容忍行为。因 此,新西兰在对该决定草案进行表决时投了弃权票, 但并不赞成《德班审查会议结果文件》的精神,今 后会依据每份决议草案在打击种族主义和不容忍行 为方面各自的功绩对其进行审查。
The delegation of New Zealand had therefore abstained from voting on the draft decision, but nonetheless did not oppose the spirit of the Review Conference outcome document, and would consider each future draft resolution based on its respective merits in the area of combating racism and intolerance.
(b) 即使「本合约」有其他条文规定,「「生」有权於任何时间於知会「马会」後暂时终止任何「专用卡」之使用或於获得「马会」同 意下终止使用任何「专用卡」而毋须事先通知「会员」,除非「「生」获任何不时适用之法例、法院命令、规则、指引及/或守则 所容许或要求而毋须就暂时终止或终止「专用卡」作出该等知会或同意,或「计划」经已终止,或「「生」合理地认为暂时终止或 终止该「专用卡」对维护「会员」、「马会」及/或「「生」之利益及
(b) Notwithstanding any provisions in these Terms, Hang Seng may upon notification to the Club suspend and with the Club’s consent terminate any Card at any time without prior notice to the Cardmember except that such notification or consent is not required where Hang Seng is allowed or required by any law, court orders, rules, guidelines and/or codes applicable from time to time to suspend or terminate any Card or where the Programme is terminated or where Hang Seng is of the reasonable opinion that suspension or termination of any Card is appropriate in the circumstances to protect the interest of the Cardmember, the Club and/or Hang Seng.
同样,西班牙通过《全国城堡、教堂、寺院和修道院、工业遗产和世界遗产城市 计划》,可以运用适当的方法,有计划地落实有效的遗产保护政策,从而达到以方式对历史遗产进行保留的目的。
Along the same lines, the national plans for castles, abbeys, monasteries and convents, industrial heritage and World Heritage Cities have made it possible to carry out, in a well-planned manner and with the right methodology, an effective conservation policy that ensures that heritage sites are conserved as appropriately as possible.
在 Mweso、、Kilolirwe、卡鲁巴 和 Kabati 以前由平行警察控制的检查站,兵变分子对每辆运输木材、木炭或食 品的卡车至少征税 50 美元,每辆摩托车每周征税 2 美元。
At checkpoints previously controlled by the parallel police atMweso,Kitchanga, Kilolirwe, Karuba and Kabati, the mutineers imposed a tax of at least $50 per truck transporting wood, charcoal or food items and a $2 tax weekly per motorcycle.
吾等计划及执行工作时,以取得吾等认为必要的资料及解释为目标,藉以获得充分的 凭证,合理确保未经审核备考财务资料已由 贵公司董事按所列基准妥为编制,且该等基准 与 贵集团之会计政策一致,而所作调整对根据上市规则第4章第29(1)段披露的未经审核备 考财务资料而言
We planned and performed our work so as to obtain the information and explanations we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the unaudited pro forma financial information has been properly compiled by the directors of the Company on the basis stated, that such basis is consistent with the accounting policies of the Group and that the adjustments are appropriate for the purpose of the unaudited pro forma financial information as disclosed pursuant to paragraph 29(1) of Chapter 4 of the Listing Rules.
此外,执行支助股定期收到专门用于向受害人提供援助 咨询服务数量不菲的财政支助,这或许是出于对执行支助股所拥有的向根据国情 申请已达成受害人援助协定的缔约国提供咨询分的专业技能的认可。
In addition, the ISU has regularly received significant financial support that is earmarked for providing victim assistance advisory services, perhaps in recognition of the niche expertise developed by the ISU in advising States Parties on applying, in their national contexts, the victim assistance understandings they have agreed to.
我们对使用 347 型的祈祷是: 选择使用 347 型的工程师将会知道,在线路板上有 X 种对热敏感成分或零件,其所要求的 最高回流顶温不能高于 230 摄氏度,很希望线路板组装能以最有效的模式来进行 回流。
Our prayer for the utilization of 347 is that the engineer who chooses it will know that he/she has X number of sensitive components on board which require a peak reflow of not more than 230 degree Celsius and will like the board assembly to be reflowed in the bestoptimum modes within the oven.
有两名参议员提出了一份有关此案的决议,从而为调查铺平了 道路,提交人也正是利用这份报告来提出此次申诉的,但该报告本恰恰, 不能指控缔约国参与了剥夺提交人之子生命权和获得有效补救权的密谋。
The fact that two Senators filed a resolution on the case, which paved the way for the investigation and the very same report, of which the authors avail themselves for the present complaint, is in itself an indication that the State party cannot be accused of conspiracy to deprive the authors’ son of his right to life and his right to an effective remedy.




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