

单词 恰当地

See also:

当地 n

ground n

当地 adv

locally adv

当地 v

locals v

External sources (not reviewed)

这种方法要求 计划和活动的结果在中期规划 恰当地 联 系 起来。
Such an approach requires that the results from programmes and activities be linked together judiciously during the medium-term.
他的全面报告(S/2011/805)为今天 的辩论恰当地定了 基调,为改进联合国与非洲联盟 之间伙伴关系提出了具体建议,因此很切合现实。
His comprehensive report
[...] (S/2011/805), which appropriately sets the tone for [...]
today’s debate, is pertinent for its concrete
proposals for improving the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union.
执行主任的目标是与土著组织 和其他主要团体合作,以期使无法律约束力文书 恰当地 把 土著人民的森林问题 纳入其中。
The goal of the Executive Director was to collaborate with indigenous
organizations and other major groups in order
[...] to achieve more appropriate recognition of [...]
indigenous peoples’ forest issues in the
non-legally binding instrument.
(c) 采取有效措施,打击司法领域的腐败,制定妥善的法律援助方案恰 当地遴选 、培训足够的法官、检察官和律师,并予以适当薪酬
justice, establishing proper legal aid programmes and having judges, prosecutors and lawyers adequately and in sufficient numbers selected, trained and remunerated
根据《联合国财务条例》第十二条及该条例附件的规 定,审计委员会向大会提交了关于审计结果的报告,并就财务报表是 恰当地 反映 了所记录会计事项、这些会计事项是否符合《财务条例》和立法授权、是否公正地 体现了所报各项活动在财政期结束时的财务状况等问题提出了意见。
Under the provisions of article XII of the Financial Regulations of the United Nations and the annex thereto, the Board submits reports to the Assembly on the results of its audits and issues opinions as to whether the financial statements properly reflect the recorded transactions and whether those transactions were in accordance with the Financial Regulations and legislative authority and present fairly the financial position as at the end of the financial period of each of the activities reported on.
据认为有必要确定定义, 以便恰当地确定 本条款草案的适用范围,正如第 1 条所说的,而与此同时又不会 无意地处理其他严重事件,例如政治和经济危机,这些危机也可能破坏社会的运 转。
It was considered necessary to delimit the definition so as to properly capture [...]
the scope of application of the draft articles,
as established in article 1, while not, for example, inadvertently also dealing with other serious events, such as political and economic crises, which may also undermine the functioning of society.
鉴于(a) 美国的保留已在严格意义上作了特定解释,即在防扩散斗争 中,对于必须高温才能消除生物毒素和防止给普通民众带来毁灭性后果的设 施,要使用燃烧武器来对付其中的生物武器或其他类似成分;(b)
美国提具 的保留绝不是为了使任何人逃避在选择攻击手段和方法时尽可能小心谨慎,
[...] 避免和无论如何尽可能减少意外造成的平民人命损失、平民受伤和平民财产 受损的义务;(c) 《议定书》的目的和宗旨恰当地解 释 为是保护平民免受 使用燃烧武器造成的连带损失;联合王国将不反对这项保留,因为这项保留 没有违背《议定书》的目的和宗旨。
On the basis that (a) the United States reservation is correctly interpreted as a narrow reservation focused on the use of incendiary weapons against biological weapons, or similar counter-proliferation, facilities that require high heat to eliminate the biotoxins, in the interests of preventing potentially disastrous consequences for the civilian population, (b) the United States reservation is not otherwise intended to detract from the obligation to take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimising incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects, and (c) the
object and purpose of the
[...] Protocol can properly be said to be to protect civilians from the collateral damage associated with the use of incendiary [...]
weapons, the
United Kingdom would not object to the reservation as contrary to the object and purpose of the Protocol.69 36.
[...] 会议讨论内罗毕的施工问题,以确保委员会的审议得恰当地记录
Unfortunately, it was necessary to discuss the
construction in Nairobi in a formal meeting in order to ensure that the Committee’s
[...] deliberations were properly recorded.
这一要求符合双重考虑:一是要确保打算拟定的新文件不涉及现有文 件已经覆盖的领域,二是注意使该文件与现有的整个法律环境尤其与世贸组织有关法律文恰当地融为一体(参见本附录第 11 段所列世界和地区性的强制性和非强制性的现有有关国 际文件清单)。
This request responded to two concerns: to ensure that a new instrument would not relate to a field already covered by existing instruments, and that it would be fully in harmony with the overall legal environment, in particular that of the World Trade Organization (WTO) (see paragraph 11 of this appendix for the list of relevant binding and non-binding, regional and global international instruments).
[...] 2007 年的提案,但他们认为,这是因为该提恰当地维护了其他国际法律制度,包括国际人道主义法的现有规定。
Several delegations reiterated their support for the
Coordinator’s 2007 proposal, however, since in
[...] their view, it appropriately preserved other [...]
international legal regimes, including
existing rules of international humanitarian law.
(i) 登记册内每项宣称根据任何该等被销毁的文件而作出的登 记乃正式恰当地作出;及
(i) that every entry in the register purporting to be made on the basis of any such documents so destroyed was duly and properly made; and
[...] 写的初始文本是一项平衡的实质性文件 恰当地 反映了《各国审议从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和 [...]
轻武器非法贸易的行动纲领》执行情况第四次双年度 会议期间取得的重要进展。
The delegation of Mexico believed that, as prepared by its authors, the original text of the draft omnibus
resolution was a balanced and
[...] substantive document that adequately reflected the [...]
major progress made during the Fourth
Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.
下列国家不是欧 洲共同体国家/司法管辖区,但是也实施 了欧洲共同体的指令,包括恰当地实 施了边框的要求:根西岛,冰岛,泽西 岛,列支敦士登,挪威,瑞士。
The following non-EC countries/jurisdictions have also implemented the EC Directive, and have done so properly in terms of the border: Guernsey, Iceland, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.
西塞罗在其著作《论法律》中写道,“可 恰当地 说 , 法官是有声的法律, 而法律则是无声的法官”。
(it can rightly be said that a judge is the speaking law, whereas the law is a mute judge).
一位学恰当地指出:“1949 年,按照战争中所得的经验,问题不在于防止 敌国平民受到大规模驱逐,而是防止他们遭受拘留或强迫劳动等可能将他们变为 [...]
As was rightly noted by one author, “In 1949, on the [...]
basis of experience in the war, the concern was to protect enemy civilians
not so much from mass expulsion as from internment or forced labour, which could turn them into virtual hostages.
安理会理所当然能够 从进一步依靠这些办事处上获益,这不仅能如联合王 国常驻代恰当地指出 的那样,增加就正在出现的冲 突举行会议的次数,而且能使这些会议更加有用和有 效。
The Council would of course benefit from further relying on such offices, not merely to increase the number of meetings it holds on emerging conflicts — as the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom aptly pointed out — but also to make those meetings more useful and effective.
例如,方案可着重于对母亲或照顾者的培训,使其理解他们孩子的发展需要, 恰当地 回 答或建议父亲怎样才能在儿童的生活中变得更加主动的方式方法。
For example, programmes can focus on training mothers or caregivers to
understand their children's development
[...] and to respond appropriately or suggest ways [...]
for fathers to become more active in the lives of their children.
此外,沿着海岸度假村春天的海岸被称为“科特迪瓦德玉” 恰当地 命 名 后,其翠绿寻找海。
Further down the coast more resorts spring up on the coast known as “cote de Jade”, aptly named after its Jade green looking sea.
人权事务高级专员在答复中也表示,秘书 恰当地 注意 到这些关切,并鉴于以往类似性质的事件,告知该非政府组织,其行为不符 [...]
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,
too, in response acknowledged that the
[...] Secretariat had taken due note of those [...]
concerns, and based on previous incidents
of a similar nature, informed the concerned non-governmental organization that its conduct was not consistent with the rules and practices for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the Council.
(g) 第3款(丁) 项,理由是:法庭指派的律师仅探访过他一次,且没 恰当 地为他辩护。
(g) Paragraph 3 (d), on the grounds that the court-appointed lawyer visited him only once and did not defend him properly.
(a) 《教育法的执行条例》(第73/2005号法) 允许学校以材料资源不足为由
[...] 常现象;此外,要求具有特殊教育需求的儿童的家长为其子女在主流环境中接受 教育提供额外的费用,恰当地将责 任从国家转嫁到家长身上,迫使家长为其子 女在免费的公共学校接受教育提供资金
(a) The Executive Ordinance of the Education Act (Act No. 73/2005 Coll.) allows schools to refuse to provide integrated education on the basis of insufficient material resources, which results in de facto exclusion of children with disabilities from mainstream schools remaining the norm; furthermore, parents of children with special educational needs are required to contribute to the extra cost of providing
their child with education in a
[...] mainstream environment, inappropriately transferring the onus [...]
from the State to parents to fund
their children's education in a free public school
如果某压缩机机组的压力变化超过了设定临界值,或者某台空调开始比平常消耗更多的电量,或者店内员工 恰当地 改 变 了设备的设置,Emerson 员工都可以迅速地通知超市管理者,在效率受到影响或甚至设备发生故障之前进行维修或调节。
If the pressure changes in a rack compressor beyond set thresholds, if an air conditioning unit begins
consuming more power than normal, or if
[...] store employees inappropriately change equipment [...]
settings, Emerson staff can immediately
notify supermarket management, allowing repairs or adjustments to be made before efficiency takes a hit or, even worse, equipment fails.
各代表团吁请该组织在总部、区域和国家各级积极推行两性平等问题主流 化,以确保适当的资金并将两性平等问题 恰当地 融 入 年度报告中。
Delegations called upon the organization to actively pursue the mainstreaming of gender issues at
the headquarters, regional and country
[...] levels, to ensure appropriate funding, and [...]
to better integrate gender issues in the annual report.
Most of his works are more aptly considered actions rather than objects.
通过共同参与,可以恰当地解释 三个委 员会的工作和任务的区别,但专家组认为,他们现在更加熟悉彼此的工作,从资 [...]
While joint
[...] participation allows a proper explanation of [...]
the distinctions between the work and mandates of the three Committees,
the expert groups agree that as they are now far more familiar with each other’s work, it makes more sense in resource terms to have one expert group speak for all three groups.
它们或许基础雄厚、结构严谨、备受尊重,并且曾在过去几个 世纪中产生了杰出的研究成果,但是现在它们已是“昨日黄花”。 研究趋势有起有落恰当地说, 某些国家的研究趋势可能要 比其它国家更显得突出一些。
Although they may be very well grounded, highly structured and highly regarded research disciplines that have produced outstanding research outcomes over the last few hundred years, they may have “gone out of fashion.
除非另有说明,可拷贝、打印和下载网站内容,供个人学习、研究和教学所用,或者供非商业性产品或服务所用,但必 恰当地 说 明 粮农组织为信息来源及版权所有者,且不得以任何方式宣称或暗示粮农组织认可用户的观点、产品或服务。
Except where otherwise indicated, content may be copied, printed and downloaded for private study, research and teaching purposes, or for use in
non-commercial products or
[...] services, provided that appropriate acknowledgement of [...]
FAO as the source and copyright holder
is given and that FAO's endorsement of users' views, products or services is not stated or implied in any way.
我认为,这些财务报表从所有重大方 恰当地 反 映 了联合国工业发展组织截至 2007 [...]
年 12 月 31 日的财 务状况,并表明于当时终止的时期的业务活动结果和现金流动情况符合联合国系统会计标准。
In my opinion, these financial
[...] statements present fairly, in all material [...]
respects, the financial position of the United
Nations Industrial Development Organization as at 31 December 2007 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the period then ended in accordance with the United Nations System Accounting Standards.
a. 损伤有一个好的预后(预计损伤可以全面恢复) b. 你有处理此问题的资源 c. 这只狗处于痛苦的时间相对短暂,可以用药物进行缓解 d. 狗的主人愿意而且能够在它的恢复期 恰当地 照 料它 确保能够找出狗的腿骨折的原因。
a. the injury has a good prognosis (a full recovery can be expected) b. you have the resources to manage the problem c. the period during which the dog is in pain will be relatively brief and can be alleviated with drugs d. the owner is willing and able to properly care for the dog during its recovery
许多工厂的所有者和经营者都没有意识到压缩空气系统在成本节约方面的巨大潜力,也没有意识到 恰当地 监 控 和维护压缩空气系统会带来的潜在风险。
Many operators are not aware of the
potential saving opportunities in costs and the hidden risks by not monitoring and
[...] maintaining the system appropriately.




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