单词 | 恰巧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 恰巧—by coincidenceless common: unexpectedly fortunately 恰恰adverb—justadv恰恰—exactly precisely See also:恰adv—justadv 恰—exactly 巧—skillful timely opportunely as it happens 巧adv—coincidentallyadv
今天上午的成员磋商明显地表明,上述要求大多 与联合国的战略重点和相对优势恰巧吻合。 daccess-ods.un.org | As became apparent in this morning’s membership consultations, many of those [...] requirements coincide with the United [...]Nations strategic focus and comparative advantages. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿巴斯主席和内塔尼亚胡总理几周前在联合国 所作的发言(见 [...] A/66/PV.19)在许多方面不同,但双方恰巧都表示需要恢复谈判,都支持两国解决方案,以 [...]及都表示渴望和平、全面地解决持续已久的以巴冲 突。 daccess-ods.un.org | The statements delivered by President Abbas and by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the United Nations a few weeks ago [...] (see A/66/PV.19) were different in many [...] ways, but they coincided in theirshared [...]expression of the need to return to negotiations, [...]of support for a two-State solution and of desire for a peaceful and comprehensive resolution of the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 13.9°C 的温度下,饱和值(100% 饱和度)恰巧是10 毫克氧气/公升。 oase-livingwater.com | At a temperature of 13.9°C the saturation value (100% saturation) is exactly 10 mg of oxygen per litre. oase-livingwater.com |
20 年前,我国成为本组织会员,当时恰巧赶上加 入人们所说的里约进程这一运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Twenty years ago my country gained membership in the Organization, just in time to become a part of the movement known as the Rio process. daccess-ods.un.org |
恰巧有传媒报导,中央和特区政府可能接受民主党提出的「一人两票」修订方案,民研计划於是便趁机增加一条意见题目,测试巿民的反应,为各界人仕提供适时的参考资料。 hkupop.hku.hk | POP therefore took this opportunity to add one more question to the survey, in order to test people's reaction, and also to provide timely data for public consumption. hkupop.hku.hk |
原来老板运用了事先炒过的黄面,带有咸味的黄面,配上薄薄的蛋,味道 恰巧好。 4tern.com | The chef fried the noodle before wrapping it. The minor salty taste of the noodle mix evenly with the egg. 4tern.com |
此次辩论恰巧是在非洲联盟宣布的非洲和平与 安全年开始后举行的。 daccess-ods.un.org | This debate is coming right on the heels of the commencement of the Year of Peace and Security in Africa, as declared by the African Union. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天恰巧是加沙悲惨事件一 周年,我们需要采取集体行动,表明我们无条件支持 [...] 巴勒斯坦事业,共同援助被剥夺权利的人们。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today, which coincides with thefirst [...] anniversary of the tragic events in Gaza, we need to act collectively to demonstrate [...]our unqualified support for the cause of Palestine and to rally to the assistance of those who have been deprived of their rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
其实一直没有计划在海外开店,只是 恰巧碰上好的位置,才开始构思。 think-silly.com | I was not planning to open a store abroad, but only started thinking about the idea when I saw the right space. think-silly.com |
SIWA,纸和,恰巧便是日本传统和纸(WASHI)的倒转版本;2008年下旬才诞生的SIWA,便是带着颠覆传统的意味而来。 think-silly.com | Non-existent until end of 2008, SIWA brings a sense of avant-garde into paper-making. think-silly.com |
来自芬兰的Harri Pietila印象深刻的表示︰很讶异看到整体团队如此的专心一致;在这里没有一件事是 恰巧发生的。 oris.ch | Harri Pietilä, from Finland, commented on the impressive attention to detail that is required: “it is amazing to see the dedication of the whole team. oris.ch |
松岛亦是韩国第一座符合LEED绿建筑标准的社区,所有建筑物皆符合或超越环保要求,社区内四成面积为绿地,拥有占地100英亩的中央公园,规模与纽约相当,松岛并非周围满是摩天大厦的寻常大城市,也 恰巧是座绿色圣地。 thisbigcity.net | Most impressive though is that Songdo happens to be the first LEED Neighborhood in South Korea, and all of its buildings either meet or exceed LEED standards. thisbigcity.net |
在 Mu`ddamiyah,一武装恐怖团伙向执法部队开火,导致两位平民(生于 1981 年的 Nadir Adnan al-Qazaz 和生于 1985 年的 Yassir Salim al-Shaghury)死亡, 这两人当时恰巧乘牌照号为 221744(大马士革农村省)的皮卡车经过。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Mu`ddamiyah, an armed terrorist group that was firing on law enforcement forces killed two civilians, Nadir Adnan al-Qazaz (born 1981) and Yassir Salim alShaghury (born 1985), who happened to be passing in a pick-up vehicle, licence plate No. 221744 (Rif Dimashq). daccess-ods.un.org |