

单词 恰好

恰恰 ()




it's just right
it's just perfect

See also:


just adv


External sources (not reviewed)

Jabra CONNECT 应用程序和统一通信优恰好是由 拥有 150 多年业务通信经验的世界领先免提通信公司开发的这些技术的最新发展。
The Jabra CONNECT app and
[...] UC optimization are just the latest [...]
of these technologies, developed by the world’s leading hands-free
communications company, with more than 150 years of experience in business communication.
拼贴始终有一个特点,不是它的画面有多明显多有力量, 恰好 相 反,拼贴是最隐藏‘叙述式内容’的一个艺术形式。
Rather, it’s the other way around: collage is the form that conceals the most “narrative”.
與政治團體及藥劑業團體㆒直所說 恰好 相 反,法例規定執業醫生 在購入及供應「危險藥物」時,必須填報,填寫的表格與藥劑師所須填寫的完全相 同。
Unlike what the political groups and pharmaceutical bodies have been saying, medical practitioners are required by law to fill in exactly the same form as pharmacists when it comes to the procurement and supply of “dangerous drugs”.
所以先外接一个电源(例如一个9V的电池)用电压表量一下,确信你在微控制器插座的针脚上得 恰好 5 V 的 电 压。
Therefore connect external power (e.g a 9V battery) and verify with a voltmeter that you get exactly 5V on the socket pin of the microcontroller.
即使犯罪现恰好在视 频摄像 机监控之下并因此获得了攻击者的图像,也可能最终用处不大,因为这些攻击者 可能已在进行攻击之后自杀。
Even when, by chance, the crime site has been under video surveillance, and therefore the images of the attackers can be obtained, this may prove to be of little help, because the perpetrators may have killed themselves in carrying out the attack.
格利维采位于上西里亚西都市圈的西部地区 恰好 是 在 南北 向A1 高速公路(在建)和东西向A4 高速公路的交汇点上, 这意味着它的位置非常适合进入国外市场。
Located in the western district of the Upper Silesian Metropolis, Gliwice is situated at the junction of the (under-construction) north-south A1 highway and the east-west A4 highway, which means the city is ideally located in terms of access to foreign markets.
麦卡蒂香格里拉酒恰好坐落 于麦卡蒂大都市的黄金地段,周围有马尼拉最完善的购物中心之一。
The Makati Shangri-La Hotel is surrounded by one of the country's most complete shopping centres, and is located right in the heart of cosmopolitan Makati.
尽管他们尚未声称对此举正式负责—— 恰好 说明 那些卷入者的本性——众所周知,责任人正是目 前的军队领导人,具体来说是以武装部队参谋长 Antonio Indjai 中将为首的军队领导人。
Although they have not claimed official responsibility for this action — a perfect illustration of the nature of those involved — as is well known to all, the current military leadership are the perpetrators, headed specifically by the Chief of Staff of the armed forces, Lieutenant General Antonio Indjai.
總督(譯文):主席先生,我感謝議員給我機會,讓我匯報布魯塞爾和倫敦之行,由於 今恰好也是我與本局議員定期會晤的日子,我亦趁此機會簡述今早在北京展開的會 談。
GOVERNOR: Mr president, I am grateful to Honourable Members for this opportunity to make a statement on my visit to Brussels and to London and also to take this opportunity, which is the result of a coincidence in the timing of one of my regular visits to the Council, to say a few brief words about the talks which have started in Peking this morning.
从实际角度来看,我们在执行包括保护平民内容 在内的维持和平行动任务时,必须考虑到各种挑战, 而这次研讨恰好提供 了一个机会,可借以分析这些 挑战,同时也使各方能够对主要部队派遣国和秘书处 的经验有所了解。
It will also be an opportunity to analyze the challenges that must be kept in mind from a practical point of view in implementing the mandates of peacekeeping operations that include protection of civilian components, as well as to become aware of the experiences of the main troop contributors and of the Secretariat.
恰好 相反 :經由 ICD 所釋出微弱、不具痛感的脈衝或者 是規律性的節律往往能夠抑止心臟發生心室顫動。
On the contrary, weak impulses that are not perceived as painful or regular stimulation by the ICD often prevent the heart from going into ventricular fibrillation.
今日为大家介绍的便是BEAMS于2011秋冬季度推出的日常小物,一顶羊毛内胆军帽 恰好 适 合 在当下这个季节佩戴,同时后方的羊毛部分亦可翻折,呈现另一种款式,形似爱斯基摩人所佩戴的Eskimohat,更难得是日牌所出,帽沿较短,更适于亚洲人脸型,另有一款无羊毛版本,均可作casualwear之用。
Today is for everybody introduction BEAMS in 2011 autumn and winter quarter
promotes the daily little thing, a top wool
[...] bladder service cap, just for in the present [...]
this season to wear, and at the same time,
the rear part wool can also fold, present another kind of style, similar to the eskimos worn by Eskimohat, more rare is the brand, brim is shorter, more suitable for the Asian face, another one without wool version, all can be casualwear with.
当每个妇恰好有一个女儿替代她 时,生育率处于更替水平。
Fertility rates are at the replacement level when every woman has exactly one daughter to replace her.
让我感到作为视觉艺术家的骄傲,也感到作为视觉艺术家的危险:简单到如:插画和纯粹的艺术作品的界限在哪里这样的问题,让自己不断地考虑,到底谁在利用形式,可能都是自己的主观态度而已,但是,审美的一种魅惑的东西, 恰好 跨 越 了行业。
It makes me proud to be a visual artist, and also aware of the dangers of visual art: something as simple as the distinction between illustration and pure artwork can push me into endless questioning: who exactly is making use of form?
通过持续监控生产,您能合理利用原材料来得到脂肪含 恰好 符 合 要求的样品,避免超出产品标准而产出废品。
By continuously monitoring production, you can make optimal use of raw materials to get the fat content exactly right all the time and avoid the wastage of out-of-specification products.
The Social and Human Sciences should provide the philosophical reflection that is much needed in a world in which technological developments raise questions with regard to, for example, bioethics and the ethics of science and technology.
恰好够用 的基础设施一直是虚拟桌面领域追求的目标,它有助于我们的客户将效率最大化并避免以前遇到的VDI问题。
This just-in-time infrastructure has been sought after in the virtual desktop space and helps our customers maximize efficiency and avoid previous VDI challenges faced," continued Lawler.
通过系恰好能满 足需要的空间来减少浪费
Reduce waste by specifying a system in a footprint that meets your needs
吉布提政府在国家方案中报告 2006 年氟氯化碳消费量为 3.1 ODP 吨,这一水恰好 是《蒙特利尔议定书》允许的消费量。
The 2006 CFC consumption reported by the Government of Djibouti as part of its country programme reporting of 3.1 ODP tonnes is already at the same level as the consumption allowed under the Montreal Protocol.
今天 是一个非常重要的日子,因为今 恰好 是 声 援巴勒斯 坦人民国际日,是一次加强国际社会实现巴勒斯坦人 民不可剥夺的合法权利的决心的机会,其中最重要的 权利就是巴勒斯坦人民根据“两国解决方案”、安全 理事会和大会相关决议、马德里原则和阿拉伯和平倡 议建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立、主权和有生 存能力的巴勒斯坦国的权利。
Today is a very important day in that it coincides with the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and represents an opportunity to solidify the international community’s resolve to achieve the legitimate inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, foremost of which is their right to establish an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the two-State solution, the relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, the Madrid principles and the Arab Peace Initiative.
每根干茎生叶10-20,(1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9)厘米 * (1.5-)4-14(-17)毫米; 叶柄无的或很少到2毫米; 顶生小叶狭倒卵形,长圆形,或很少宽卵形, ( 2-)3-8(-9) * (0.5-)1.5-5(-7)
毫米,小叶柄0.5-2毫米,钝的基部楔形或很少,边缘不明显1-3齿在每边,先端锐尖,近具短尖; 侧生小叶(6或)7-12(-15)对, 线形的或狭长圆形,不对称,稍小于顶生的裂片, 有对0.5毫米的一小叶柄的无梗或很少,
[...] 最近的对侧生小叶auriclelike,恰好在 节 上面附着在或,通常给抱茎叶基部的出现。
Cauline leaves 10-20 per stem, (1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9) cm × (1.5-)4-14(-17) mm; petiole absent or rarely to 2 mm; terminal leaflet narrowly obovate, oblong, or rarely broadly ovate, (2-)3-8(-9) × (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) mm, petiolule 0.5-2 mm, base cuneate or rarely obtuse, margin obscurely 1-3-toothed on each side, apex acute, submucronate; lateral leaflets (6 or)7-12(-15) pairs, linear or narrowly oblong, asymmetric, slightly smaller than terminal lobe, sessile or rarely with a petiolule to 0.5 mm, base oblique, proximal margin 1- or 2(or 3)-toothed, distal margin entire or rarely obscurely 1- or
2-toothed, apex acute; proximal pair of
[...] lateral leaflets auriclelike, attached at [...]
or just above node, often giving appearance of amplexicaul leaf base.
我在威廉姆斯车队的工作角恰好和 我 在DTM奔驰车队的工作形成互补。
This is a proper opportunity and my role with Williams F1 complements my commitments with Mercedes Benz in the DTM.
書中列舉的街道與社恰好既美 麗又快樂,適合生活與工作,其中大量運用街道攝影,說明人民為何喜歡在這些街道上步行,無法純粹以數據或分析反映。
The books extensive use of street photography helps to illustrate why people are so happy to walk in these streets, in ways that pure statistics and analysis can never do justice.
Then be prepared to pay £300 if you [...]
lose the bike, deducted from the debit or credit card used to hire the bike in the first place.
在甘肃省石羊河流域,一些地下水灌 恰好 位 于大型地表水灌区的下坡处,水的再利 用过程可能是不明显的,但却是相当重要的,因为,所抽取的地下水来自上游地表水 灌区损失水量的深层下渗。
In the Shiyang River Basin in Gansu, there are groundwater irrigation areas just down-slope from large surface irrigation areas. This is a less visible but equally important re-use process: the groundwater which is abstracted comes from deep infiltration of losses from the upstream surface water irrigation systems.
按照人权事务委员会关于少数民族权利的第 23 号一般性意见(《公约》第 27
[...] 条),特别报告员忆及,即使个人不是其所居住 恰好 所 处 的国家的公民,“缔 约国必须[…… ]确保其领土上并受其管辖的所有人都能享受《公约》所保护的权 [...]
利”(第 5.1 段)。
In accordance with general comment No. 23 of the Human Rights Committee on the rights of minorities (article 27 of the Covenant), the Special Rapporteur recalls that even when
individuals are not citizens of the State
[...] where they live or happen to be, “a State [...]
party is required […] to ensure that the
rights protected under the Covenant are available to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction” (para. 5.1).
阿瓜斯卡连特斯的主要竞争优势之一在于它优越的地理位置— 恰好 位 于 墨西哥共和国的中心。
One of the main competitive advantages that Aguascalientes has is its privileged geographical location, right in the center of the Republic, which facilitates quick communication toward the metropolitan areas of Monterrey, Mexico, and Guadalajara.




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