

单词 息率

息率 noun, plural ()

interest rates pl



interest rate

派息率 n

crediting rate n

孳息率 n

yield rate n

External sources (not reviewed)

(B) 董事會如認為本公司利潤情況適合,亦可決定每半年或每隔其 他若干時間段按固息率派發 以本公司利潤支付之任何股息。
(B) The Board may also pay half-yearly or at other suitable
intervals to be settled
[...] by them any dividend which may be payable at a fixed rate if the Board is [...]
of the opinion that the profits justify the payment.
(B) 倘董事會認為溢利可支持派付股息,董事會亦可每半年或於其將予 釐定的其他適當時間間隔按固息率 派 付 可予支付的任何股息。
(B) The Board may also pay half-yearly or at other suitable
intervals to be settled
[...] by them any dividend which may be payable at a fixed rate if the Board is [...]
of the opinion that the profits justify the payment.
本集團之政策為 保留其已抵押銀行存款及按浮息率 持 有 銀行借貸,以將公平值利率風險降至最低。
It is the Group’s policy to keep its
pledged bank deposits and bank borrowings at floating rate of interests so as to minimise
[...] the fair value interest rate risk.
(b) 董事會如認為溢利情況適合派付股息,亦可決定每半年或每隔若干時間按固息率派付股息。
(b) The Board may also pay half-yearly or at other suitable intervals to be
settled by it any dividend which may be
[...] payable at a fixed rate if the Board is [...]
of the opinion that the profits justify the payment.
除政 府的保證外,實際決息率時,貸款機構會按相關因素而對每間借款 [...]
企業進行個別評估,包括借款企業的商業、營運及財政能力;信貸類 別及性質;貸款金額及還款期;銀行的資金成本;抵押品的類別質素 和可銷售性及是否有個人擔保,以及借貸人與銀行的關係等。
Government guarantee aside, in practice, in
[...] determining the interest levels, each [...]
borrower would be assessed individually
against various relevant factors, including the borrower’s business, its operational and financial strength, the type and nature of credit facility, the loan amount and repayment tenor, the cost of funds to the bank, the type, quality and marketability of any security pledged and availability of personal guarantees, the borrower’s relationship with the bank, etc.
由於不能反映日後將分派息的息率 ,故 並無呈列有關股息的每息率。
The rate of dividend per share is not presented for such dividend as it is not indicative of the rate at which future dividends will be declared.
在 “信貸收緊”之前加上“可能因為經濟下行而出現”;在“中小企 的融資需要”之前刪除“滿足”,並 以 “回應”代 替;在 “讓銀行放心”
之前刪除“;擔保計劃”,並以“,以”代替;在“銀行體系;”之後 刪除“截至今年11月底,擔保計劃已批准4 672宗申請,涉及信貸
[...] 擔保金額達169億元,幫助不少”,並 以 “但貸息率仍高踞不下, 未能真正幫助”代 替;及 在 [...]
“需要和力度,”之後刪除“以及適時推 出更多措施”,並 以 “或接納工商界一直爭取的方案,適時重推‘特
To add "probably resulting from economic downturn" after "tightening of credit"; to delete "satisfy" before "their financing needs" and substitute with "respond to"; to delete "; the Scheme enables" before "banks to grant loans" and substitute with ", which enables"; to delete "as at late November this year, 4 672 applications had already been approved under the Scheme, with the guarantee coverage amount reaching $16.9 billion, thus helping many" after "banking
system;" and substitute with "yet, the
[...] persistently high interest rates of loans are unable [...]
to really help"; and to delete "and
introduce more measures" before "in a timely manner," and substitute with "or accept the proposal long advocated by the industrial and commercial sector to re-launch the Special Loan Guarantee Scheme".
預計息率及利息 支出減少之情況將持續至下半年,惟此期間租賃市場之需求難見回升。
We expect the low interest rates, and our low interest [...]
expense, to continue for the rest of the year although we do not
foresee a rise in demand in the rental market during this period.
息 率 轉 換 的 公 平 值 根 據 可 觀 察 的 收 益 曲 線 估 計 [...]
未 來 現 金 流 量 的 現 值 計 算。
The fair
[...] value of interest rate swaps is calculated [...]
as the present value of the estimated future cash flows based on observable yield curves.
生」 有權按每日之結欠收取息,息率得 由 「「生」酌情決定,並由「專用卡」暫時停止或終止或(如適用)由有關欠款產生或發現當 [...]
Hang Seng shall be entitled to charge
[...] interest at such rate as Hang Seng may from time to time [...]
at its discretion specify on any unpaid
sums on a daily basis from the date of suspension or termination of the Card or (where applicable) from the date of incurrence or discovery of the relevant indebtedness until Hang Seng shall have actually received payment (whether before or after judgment).
21.1 若任何股東未能在指定付款日期或之前支付任何催繳股款或分期催繳股款的全部或任何 部分款項,董事可於其後催繳股款或其任何部分仍未支付的期間,隨時向該股東送達通 知,要求他支付該筆催繳股款或分期催繳股款或其未付部分,連同按 息率 10%計 算的 利息及因為尚未付款而可能應計的任何開支。
21. 21.1 If any member fails to pay the whole or any part of any call or instalment on or before the day appointed for the payment thereof, the Directors may at any time thereafter during such time as the call or any part thereof remains unpaid serve a notice on him requiring him to pay such call or instalment or such part thereof as remains unpaid together with interest at 10 per cent per annum and any expenses that may have accrued by reason of such non-payment.
由於槓桿比率偏低,加上息率高企,故 上述收益率應可持續(預期2011年為86%,而2012年為88%)。
These yields are sustainable due to low leverage and high pay-out ratios (86% expected in 2011 and 88% in 2012).
金融資產的利息收入乃經參考尚未償還本金額及適用之實 息率 ( 即 可將預計於金融資產的預期壽命內的未 來現金收入完全折現為該資產的賬面淨值 息率 ) 後 按時間比例基準累計。
interest income from a financial asset is accrued on a
time basis, by
[...] reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash receipts [...]
through the expected
life of the financial asset to that asset’s net carrying amount.
[...] 之其他日期,連同就於完成後仍未支付之代價(或當中任何部分)按 息率 8 厘 累 計之利 息,以現金支付。
The total consideration shall be a sum of HK$1,645,530,000 to be satisfied in cash within eighteen months upon Completion or any other date to be mutually agreed by Sino-i and the Company together with
interest accrued on the Consideration (or any part thereof) remains unpaid following
[...] Completion at a rate of 8% per annum.
於二零一二年七月,Glencore發行450百萬瑞士 法郎(473百萬美元)二零一八年十二月到期 息率 為 2. 625%之債券,而於十月份,已承諾的364日17億美元金屬流動資金融資已透過一項新的等 同融資進行再融資,融資金額增加22.2億美元。
In July 2012, Glencore issued CHF 450 million ($ 473 million) 2.625% interest bearing bonds due December 2018, while in October, the 364-day committed $ 1.7 billion metals’ working capital borrowing base facility was refinanced with a new equivalent facility at an increased amount of $ 2.22 billion.
(b) 董事會如認為本公司利潤情況適合,亦可決定每半年或每隔其他若干時間按 固息率派發 以本公司利潤支付之任何股息。
them any dividend which may be
[...] payable at a fixed rate if the Board is [...]
of the opinion that the profits justify the payment.
6.1 閣下同意對所有逾期未付的金額繳納利息(包括對閣下不利的判定債項), 息率 及 其他條款為吾等不時 通知閣下的息率和其他條款。
6.1 You agree to pay interest on all overdue balances (including interest arising after a judgment
debt has been obtained
[...] against you) at such rates and on such other terms as we have notified to you from time to time.
任何人士的股份如被沒收,其就被沒收的股份而言將不再為股東, 但即使如此,其仍須向本公司支付於沒收當日有關被沒收的股份而
[...] 自沒收日期起直至實際支付(包括支付有關利息)為止的 息 ,息 率按董事訂定,但不會超過每年百分之二十(20);董事可在其認為 [...]
任何扣減或減免,但倘若並且當本公司已全數收取有關該等股份所 支付的一切款項時,則該人士的付款責任即告終止。
A person whose shares have been forfeited shall cease to be a shareholder in respect of the forfeited shares, but shall, notwithstanding, remain liable to pay to the Company all moneys which, at the date of forfeiture, were payable by him to the Company in respect of the forfeited shares, together with (if the Directors shall in their discretion so require) interest thereon from the date of forfeiture until the date of
actual payment (including the payment of
[...] such interest) at such rate not exceeding twenty [...]
(20) per cent. per annum as the
Directors may prescribe, and the Directors may enforce the payment thereof if they think fit, and without any deduction or allowance for the value of the shares at the date of forfeiture, but his liability shall cease if and when the Company shall have received payment in full of all such moneys in respect of the shares.
(B) 如董事會認為股息金額相對本公司財務狀況及資產的淨 變現價值而言合理,董事會亦可以每半年或按其議定的 任何其他適當期間派付任何可以固定 息率 派 付 股息。
(B) The Directors may also pay half-yearly or at other suitable intervals to be settled by them any dividend which may be payable at a fixed rate if the Directors are of the opinion that the financial conditions and the net realisable value of the assets of the Company justify the payment.
黄金现时所扮演的角色看来正处于两难局 面, 一方面受到经济及金融危机所困扰, 另一方面, 却受惠于疲弱的股票市场和息率的环境。
On one side it is the stability-anchor in times of economic and financial crisis, on the other hand there are increasing signs in recent days that gold is in wake of the equity and interest markets.
除在建工程以外,融資租賃類別之租賃土地折舊及其他物業、廠房及設備折舊於其估計可使用年期內以直線法計 算,並按下列息率將成 本值分配至其剩餘價值
Amortisation on leasehold land classified as finance lease and depreciation of other properties, plant and equipment, other than construction in progress is calculated using the
straight-line method to allocate the cost to their residual values over their estimated useful
[...] lives at the following annual rates
这些行动避免了一场迫在眉睫的信贷紧 缩危机,并降低息率;当 时西班牙和意大利主权债务 息率 已 达 到不可持续的 水平。
These actions averted an impending credit crunch and also resulted in lowering the yields, which had reached unsustainable levels, on Spanish and Italian sovereign debt.
於 二 零 一 零 年 六 月 三 十 日,本 集 團 之 以 美 元 及 人 民 幣 為 單 位 的 總 借 貸 約12.81億 港 元,其中以美元為單位的借貸約7.66億港元, 息率 為 倫敦銀行同業拆息加1.85%, 並於二零一零年九月至二零一三年九月期間分十三期償還;以人民幣為單位的借貸 約4.6億港元,按中國人民銀行採用之浮動 率 計 息 , 並 於二零一二年三月償還;餘 下約5,500萬港元借貸則按固息率計 息 , 並 自二零一零年六月三十日起一至三年內 償還。
The remaining balances of borrowings of approximately HK$55 million are subject to fixed interest rates and are repayable from 1 to 3 years from 30 June 2010.
如有任何股東願意就其所持有的任何股份,提前繳付該等股份所涉及 的全部或部分未催繳及未繳付的款項,則董事會如認為適合,可收取此等款項;在
[...] 次提前繳付,該等款項本會到期應繳付的時間 ) , 息率 為 董 事會及提前繳付該款項的 股東所議定者,但不得超過年息 [...]
15 釐(但如本公司透過普通決議案另有指示,則不在 此限)。
The Board may, if it thinks fit, receive from any Member willing to advance the same all or any part of the money uncalled and unpaid upon any shares held by him and upon all or any of the money so advanced may (until the same would, but for
such advance, become presently payable) pay
[...] interest at such rate, not exceeding [...]
(unless the Company by ordinary resolution
shall otherwise direct) 15 per cent. per annum, as may be agreed upon between the Board and the Member paying such sum in advance.
6.9 倘被催繳的股款或分期款項並未於指定的繳付日期之前或當日繳付,欠下 該款項的人士須就該款項支付利息,利息由指定的繳付日期起計算至實際 繳付當日息率為董 事會所決定的不超過年息 15 厘者,但董事會可免除全 部或部分利息。
6.9 If the sum or any instalment payable in respect of any call is unpaid on or before the day appointed for payment thereof, the person or persons from whom the sum is due
shall pay interest on
[...] the same at such rate not exceeding 15% per annum as the Board shall determine from the day appointed for the payment thereof to the time of actual payment, [...]
but the Board
may waive payment of such interest wholly or in part.
就股份所催繳的股款,如並未於指定的繳付日期之前或當日獲繳付,欠下 該款項的人士須就該款項支付利息,利息由指定的繳付日期起計算至實際繳付當日息率為董 事會所決定的不超過年息二十厘(20%)者,但董事會可全權酌情免除全部或部 分利息。
If a sum called in respect of a share is not paid before or on the day appointed for payment thereof, the person from whom the sum is due shall pay interest on the amount unpaid from the day appointed for payment thereof to the time of actual payment at such rate (not exceeding twenty per cent.
标题可以被主要划分成后,固定的(对于那些谁想要,例如,保持高于通胀率或较高的 息率 ) 和 前 - 组(适合那些谁想要确切地知道多少将获利的投资年末)。
Titles can be mainly divided into post-fixed (good for those who
want, for example, stay above inflation
[...] or higher interest rate) and pre-set (good [...]
for those who want to know exactly how
much will profit at the end of the investment).
市場風險指因為市場價格息率變動等不明朗因素而導致損失的風險,當中包括可觀察的變數,例如利 [...]
Market risk is the risk of loss arising
from uncertainty concerning movements in
[...] market prices and rates, including observable [...]
variables such as interest rates, credit
spreads, exchange rates, and others that may be only indirectly observable such as volatilities and correlations.
花旗分析員預期,2013年紐西蘭經濟或 增長2.6% (圖3),優於大部份主流國家。所以,紐西蘭 央行年內未必有需要作出息,息率 或 維持於2.5厘, 為主流貨幣中第二高,紐元或可受惠。
As Kuroda tends to maintain a highlyaccommodative policy stance, Citi analysts expect the BOJ to further expand its asset-purchase program by 20-30 trillion yen, which may weigh on the JPY.
为此,我们采用平均销售回率(息 税 前 利润(EBIT)占销售额的比率)为评价指标,将各业务部门的目标价值结合在一起。
To this end, we compute an average return on sales (EBIT as a ratio of sales) and agree upon binding target values for our business divisions.




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更新时间:2025/3/25 19:57:23