

单词 恩慈

恩慈 noun ()

kindness n
goodness n

恩慈 ()

bestowed kindness



Daci'en Buddhist temple in Xi'an

See also:



favorAE n
kindness n



humane adj

External sources (not reviewed)

正如他在这个寓言里所显示出的,这样的行为示非同寻常的,是过 恩慈 的。
And as he reveals in this parable, such a behavior was out of the ordinary, being overly gracious.
一年一度為資助澳門鏡湖醫院癌症支援工作 恩慈 院 兒 童之家的兒童照顧服務而舉辦的慈善跑步及步行活動 – 四季樂善行,將於2012 年11月4日 (星期日) 於澳門四季酒店前地再度舉行。
Similar to previous years, events include a 5.4 km individual run, a 3 km friendly walk, plus some pre and post event fund-raising activities to support the cancer program at Kiang Wu Hospital and the Evangelize China Fellowship orphanage in Macau.
训练的一部份是供应我们和同学一起生活所需的智慧 恩慈 , 以及预备我们进行属灵争战,让我们明白仇敌可能使用的攻击形式,并且站立得住
Part of that training was to provide us with the wisdom and grace needed to co-exist with our fellow students and to prepare us for spiritual warfare, to recognise the forms of attack the enemy may use, and to stand!
我上星期曾跟教育局的一羣官員傾談,其中一所收錄嚴重智障朋友慈 恩學校 ,校舍已建成四十多年,座落在山邊。
Last week, I talked to a group of officials from the Education
[...] Bureau about Chi Yan School, a school [...]
for the severely mental-handicapped.
(41) 支持及認捐任何慈善或公眾目標,以及對可能是有利於本公司或其僱員或可能 與本公司營業所在之任何地方有關連之任何機構、會社或會所;向可能服務於 本公司之人士,或向該等人士之妻子、子女或其他親屬或受養人給予退休金恩恤金或慈善援助;以及為本公司所僱用之任何人士或該等人士之妻子、子女 或其他親屬或受養人之利益支付保險金、設立公積金及福利基金並作出供款。
(41) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object, and any institution, society, or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its employees, or may be connected with any place where the Company carries on business; to give pensions gratuities, or charitable aid to any person or persons who may have served the Company, or to the wives, children, or other relatives or dependents of such persons, to make payments towards insurances; and to form and contribute to provident and benefit funds for the benefit of any persons employed by the Company or of the wives, children, or other relatives or dependents of such persons.
721 200 美元的经费用于支付培训活动方面的差旅费,尤其是:驻地审计 工作人员和总部审计员参加恩德培举行的年度内部审计大会的差旅费(321 200 美元);咨询人在年度内部审计大会期间前 恩 德 培举行各种培训所需差旅费 (32 800 美元);首席驻地审计员到纽约参加年度规划会议的差旅费(90 400 美元); [...]
来自内罗毕、纽约和维也纳以及维持和平行动的 12 名调查员参加的面试技巧基 本和高级外部课程的差旅费(89
600 美元)以及所有调查员前往纽约参加务虚会, 接受培训的差旅费,以期改善对可能不当行为进行的调查(167 500 美元);检查 与评价司工作人员参与关于维持和平行动方案评价的高级培训课程(19 700 美 元)。
The provision of $721,200 would cover travel requirements in connection with training activities, specifically: travel of resident audit staff and Headquarters-based auditors to participate in the
annual internal audit
[...] conference in Entebbe ($321,200); travel of consultants to conduct various training courses during the annual internal audit conference in Entebbe ($32,800); and [...]
travel of the chief
resident auditors to New York for the annual work-planning conference ($90,400); the travel of 12 investigators from Nairobi, New York, Vienna and peacekeeping operations to participate in external courses on basic and advanced interview techniques ($89,600), as well as travel for a retreat in New York to train all investigators with a view to improving the conduct of investigations of possible misconduct ($167,500); and participation of Inspection and Evaluation Division staff in advanced training courses on programme evaluation of peacekeeping operations ($19,700).
这名财务和预算干事向高级方案干事报告,负责以下事务:支持作为全球 外勤支助战略四大支柱之一的综合资源框架;协助修改特派团经费筹措安排,以
[...] 题;监测特派团预算和维持和平行动支助账户,以确保总部、维持和平特派团恩德培 区域服务中心和位于后勤基地的全球服务中心之间员额和非员额资源调 [...]
Reporting to the Senior Programme Officer, the Finance and Budget Officer would be responsible for: supporting the integrated resources framework that represents one of the four pillars of the global field support strategy; assisting with the modification of mission financing arrangements so as to expedite the timely deployment of material and human resources to missions; analysing budgetary implications of the strategy; monitoring mission budgets and the support account for peacekeeping operations to ensure alignment of the transfer of posts and
non-post resources between Headquarters,
[...] peacekeeping missions, the Regional Service [...]
Centre at Entebbe and the Global Service
Centre at UNLB; providing substantive support to relevant intergovernmental, expert and legislative bodies in their budgetary review; and assisting in securing the approval of the General Assembly.
[...] 法区域课程,确保联合国国际法视听图书馆能继续办下去;定期邀请会员国、大 学慈善基 金会和关心此事的其他国家与国际机构和组织以及个人,对协助方案 [...]
同协助方案咨询委员会协商后,提出关于其后各年执行协助方案的建议(第 66/97 号决议)。
Also at that session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to provide to the programme budget for the following and future bienniums the resources necessary to ensure the continued effectiveness and further development of the Programme of Assistance, in particular the organization of regional courses in international law on a regular basis and the viability of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International
Law; to periodically invite Member
[...] States, universities, philanthropic foundations and [...]
other interested national and international
institutions and organizations, as well as individuals, to make voluntary contributions towards the financing of the Programme of Assistance or otherwise to assist in its implementation and possible expansion; and, following consultations with the Advisory Committee on the Programme of Assistance, to submit recommendations regarding the execution of the Programme in subsequent years (resolution 66/97).
(d) 以信託方式作為全球任何地方的任何人士或多名人士、公司、法團或任慈善或 其他機構(不論是否註冊成立)的受託人或代名人持有,並管理、 [...]
處置及利用任何類別的任何房地產及私人財產,尤其是股份、股額、債 權證、債權股證、票據、證券、期權、保單、賬面負債、索償及據法權
產、土地、樓宇、可繼承產、商務及業務、按揭、質押、年金、專利、 執 照、任何房地產或私人財產的權益,以及就該財產或任何人士、商號 或 法團提出的任何索償。
(d) To hold in trust as trustees or nominees
of any person or persons, company,
[...] corporation, or any charitable or other institution [...]
in any part of the world and whether
incorporated or not and to manage, deal with and turn to account, any real and personal property of any kind, and in particular, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, notes, securities, options, policies, book debts, claims and choses-in-action, lands, buildings, hereditaments, business concerns and undertakings, mortgages, charges, annuities, patents, licences, and any interest in any real or personal property, and any claims against such property or against any person, firm or corporation.
自 從 亞洲地 區 相繼爆 發 禽 流 感之後, 市 民 對 食 用 鮮 活 家 禽 的 信 心 大 減 , 令 鮮 活 家 禽 及 相 關行業的從 業員生計大受打擊 ,本會促 請 政 府在 繼續採取嚴 謹的防 疫 措施之餘,也 應同時 設 法 恢復市 民 對 食 用 鮮 活 家 禽 的 信 心 , 並要為受影響的 攤 販 或 商 戶 作恩恤措施, 包括酌 情 減 免 租 用 政 府 物業的攤 檔 或 商 戶 的 租 金 , 以 及提供低息貸款 予 業 界 , 以 助 業 界度過 難 關 , 直 至 恢復正常營 業 為 止 。
That, as the successive outbreaks of avian flu in various parts of Asia has caused the public's confidence in consuming live poultry to sag drastically, dealing a severe blow to the livelihood of those engaged in the live poultry and other related trades, this Council urges the Government, while continuing to adopt rigorous measures to prevent the outbreak of the disease, to make every effort to restore the public's confidence in consuming live poultry, and provide compassionate measures for the affected stall or shop operators, including granting discretionary rent reduction or waiver to the tenants of stalls or shops in government premises and offering low interest loans to the trades concerned, so as to tide them over the difficult times until their normal business resumes.
(d) 从恩塔甘 达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的另一名前 M23 军官告诉专家组说, 他亲眼看到,在刚果(金)武装部队直升机轰炸兵变人员据点之后,卢旺达国防军 的一个营前来增援兵变人员。
(d) Another ex-M23 officer who surrendered from Ntaganda’s position at Runyoni told the Group that he personally witnessed how one RDF battalion came to reinforce the mutineers after a FARDC helicopter bombarded their positions.
阿布贾、恩、巴 林、布拉迪斯拉发、 开罗、伊斯兰堡、新德里、内罗毕、马拉维、马斯喀特、圣彼得堡、奥斯陆、拉巴特、圣地亚哥、 [...]
Launches/press conferences/workshops were also
[...] organized in Abuja, Bonn, Bahrain, Bratislava, [...]
Cairo, Islamabad, New Delhi, Nairobi,
Malawi, Muscat, St Petersburg, Oslo, Rabat, Santiago, Semarang, Stockholm, Toronto and Washington DC.
(i) 設立及支援或協助設立及支援旨在惠及本公司或其業務的前任人的僱員或前
[...] 僱員、或惠及該等人士的受養人或親屬的組織、機構、基金、信託及便利設 施;批給退休金及津貼;就保險作出付款; 慈 善 或 仁愛宗旨,或為任何獎 助宗旨或任何公衆、大衆或有用的宗旨而認捐款項或擔保支付款項。
(i) To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations institutions funds trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or its predecessors in business or the dependants or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and allowances and to make payments
towards insurance and to subscribe or
[...] guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects [...]
or for any exhibitions or for any
public general or useful object.
(ii) 本公司可按照當時生效並獲成員在股東大會上批准的任 何計劃,為或就購買或認購本公司或本公司任何控股公 司的繳足或部份繳款的股份直接或間接提供資金或其他
財務資助,即由受託人購買或認購本公司、其任何附屬 公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何該等控股公司的附屬 公司的股份,或購買或認購將由該等公司持有或為該等 公司僱員的利益而持有的股份,而有關僱員包括於任何
[...] 上述公司擔任受薪職務或職位的任何董事,任何此等信 託的其餘受益人可以是或包慈善對 象。
(ii) The Company may in accordance with any scheme for the time being in force and approved by the members in general meeting provide money or other financial assistance direct or indirect for the purpose of or in connection with the purchase of, or subscription for, fully or partly paid shares in the Company or any holding company of the Company, being a purchase or subscription by a trustee of or for shares to be held by or for the benefit of employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company, including any director holding a salaried employment or office
with or in any such company and so that the residual beneficiary of any such trust
[...] may be or include a charitable object.




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