单词 | 恩典 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 恩典 —grace恩典 noun —favorAE nSee also:恩—grace 恩 n—favorAE n • kindness n 典—ceremony • canon • be in charge of • mortgage or pawn • literary quotation or allusion • standard work of scholarship 典 n —law
由于这两项 决议,蒙我主恩典,我们得以保护和拯救这些平民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thanks to those two resolutions, we — with God’s grace — have been able to protect and save those civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
女人若要成为“才德的”妇 人,她就要明白神对妻子的设计,并且因着神 的 恩典 、 在 神的帮助之下遵守这种设计。 sallee.info | For a woman to be an 'excellent' wife is for her to understand God's design for a wife and, by His grace, to be conformed by Him to that design. sallee.info |
在神的家中我們一起歡欣,祈求這些年青人在主耶 穌基督的知識和恩典上長進。 leedsccc.org.uk | We rejoiced in the Lord as a family of God together and prayed that these youths will grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. leedsccc.org.uk |
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿),刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,杰罗姆,繁荣,狮子座,西里尔(“每一丝一毫的”到弗拉维安托梅是根据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神 的 恩典 , 直 到他们在她的共融生活的结束,也是法令的信件,其中最幸运教皇在不同时代赋予不同的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。 mb-soft.com | In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration". mb-soft.com |
2011 年共有 19 位弟兄姊妹受洗,他們一個個生命改變的見證,叫人看見神 的恩 典和大 能,信靠順服祂的人是有福的,另外,歡迎 1 位姊妹轉會。 sfefc.org | 19 people were baptized in 2011 to witness to the grace and power of our lifechanging God and His blessings to people who commit to Him. sfefc.org |
为了controvert它,奥古斯丁指出,宽限期前面必须有一个信念,加强内部启蒙,而词宣扬的上帝不能,硬朗,做到这一点,因此在植入 的 恩典 上 帝 的灵魂,是必要的,因为一个真正的信仰初步的生产条件不信,因为否则的习惯转换为祈祷的教会 的 恩典 是 多 余的。 mb-soft.com | To controvert it, Augustine pointed out that the grace preceding faith must be an interior enlightenment and strengthening, and that the preaching of the Word of God could not, unassisted, accomplish this; consequently the implanting of grace in the soul by God is necessary as a preliminary condition for the production of real faith, since otherwise the customary prayer of the Church for the grace of conversion for unbelievers would be superfluous. mb-soft.com |
神是爱,但若把爱给犯罪的,不洁净的 ,背逆的罪人,那就是恩典。 bbnradio.org | God is love; but when bestows that love on guilty, [...] unclean, rebellious sinners, then it is grace. bbnradio.org |
求神让我们有能力抵抗仇敌魔鬼的引诱及 有 恩典 / 力 量去断绝那些令我们 沉溺的嗜好。 ccineurope.org | Pray for power to resist the enemy and grace/strength to break off addictions. ccineurope.org |
现在,当天父开始个别地提醒我们注意这些人,而且我们开始成为一个为他们祷告的团体之时,我们开始深切感受到祂对他们的爱 和 恩典。 amccsm.org | Now, as Father started to speak to us individually about them and as we started to pray together as a group, we began to have a deep sense of His immense love and grace for them. amccsm.org |
我們展望將高質的基督教禮品、書籍與影音產品,透過批發零售的網絡,能夠藉本地市場的經驗,全球市場的策略思維,及主要靠著上帝 的 恩典 與 同 在,將耶穌基督的福音、祂的大愛和好信息,傳到世界每一角落,及幫助已經得著救恩神的兒女,生命更豐盛的成長。 elim-hk.com | As we look to high-quality Christian gifts, books and audio-visual products through the wholesale and retail network, be able to borrow the experience of the local market, the global market, strategic thinking, and the main relied on the grace of God with the same at will of Jesus Christ Gospel, His great love and good information, spread to every corner of the world, and help has been the salvation of God were the sons and daughters, life more abundant growth. elim-hk.com |
上帝以他永恒 睿智和无限恩典织成的同一顶斗篷保护我们所有人, 并免除我们的罪恶,使我们配进天国。 daccess-ods.un.org | God protects all of us under the same mantle of His eternal wisdom and His infinite grace, and sanctifies us, making us worthy of His estate. daccess-ods.un.org |
在罗马书15:15-16中,保罗说:「但我稍微放胆写信给你们,是要提醒你们的记性,特因神所给我 的 恩典 , 使 我为外邦人作基督耶稣的僕役,作神福音的祭司,叫所献上的外邦人,因著圣灵成为圣洁,可蒙悦纳。 amccsm.org | In Romans 15:15-16, Paul states: "Because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the Gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. amccsm.org |
噢,這是何等艱 難啊!但神給我能力去寬恕,祂也開始打開天上的倉庫, 把 恩典 傾 注在我的生命中。 magdalenatoday.com | But as God enabled me to forgive, He began to open the floodgates of His grace upon my life. magdalenatoday.com |
有時候,一位基督徒提醒他們要記得神 的 恩典 和供應,就正是他們最需要的鼓勵。 cbcwla.org | Sometimes just a reminder from an experienced Christian of God’s grace and provision is the encouraging nudge a new Christian needs. cbcwla.org |
美国国会图书馆馆藏的 Chasanoff/Elozua 《奇异恩典》集 包括 3000 多部由不同音乐家创作的风格各异的已出版录制的圣歌,其中风格包括大型爵士乐队、蓝调、古典、乡村、轻音乐、电子、民俗、福音、爵士乐、歌剧、说唱、摇滚、节奏蓝调、灵魂以及各种民族风格。 wdl.org | The Chasanoff/Elozua "Amazing Grace" Collection at the Library of Congress is comprised of more than 3,000 published recorded performances of the hymn by different musicians in styles that include big band, blues, classical, country, easy listening, electronic, folk, gospel, jazz, operatic, rap, rock, rhythm and blues, soul, and various ethnic styles. wdl.org |
你感受到了一股深邃的,意義深遠的,充滿了不可思 議的恩典的感覺──將自己貢獻給開悟的地球文明。 avatarepc.com | You feel it and are sustained by its profound and amazing grace—to contribute to the creation of an enlightened planetary civilization. avatarepc.com |
嗎哪,何等的神蹟!何等的恩典!今天你是否察覺到 神在你身上同樣的恩典呢? totalgrowth.org | Again, what might be the equivalent of such grace in your life? totalgrowth.org |
奇异恩典》是 最知名的颇具争议的基督教赞美诗。 wdl.org | Amazing Grace” is arguably the best-known Christian hymn. wdl.org |
的确,我们与神的关系还有其它的方面,但它们都包括神 的 恩典。 bcbsr.com | True, there are other aspects of our relationship with God, but they all [...] include God's graciousness. bcbsr.com |
我们靠着恩典得 救,也只能靠着恩典生活。 sallee.info | We have been saved by grace, and we can only live by grace. sallee.info |
是的,他之所以被描绘成为一个有信心的 人,是因为神的恩典。 liangyou.net | Ah, the reason he is described as a man of faith is because of the grace of God. liangyou.net |
基督教的救恩论里面,不只是说救恩是免费而白白赐给我们的,最伟大之处,是当我 们还不知道什么是恩典、甚 至是明着顶撞神、犯法、犯罪、做出伤天害理的事情时, 主就已经定意为我们上十字架了!这表示我们是在最不配得的光景里面,白白领受这 份无价的恩典的!这是神至高的爱,也是我们基督徒所传扬的信息。 ccineurope.org | In the Christian doctrine of salvation, not only is salvation the free gift from God, the greatest thing about it is that while we do not yet understand what grace is, and even when we are still offending God by committing some unlawful, criminal or even atrocious acts, our Lord Jesus is determined to die for us on the cross! ccineurope.org |
在1998年,我們把祈禱石 由舊院搬到新院其中一個花園,又設計了一個雕塑象 徵著打開的聖經,為的是紀念主的 恩典 和 祂 對貧病者 的愛 。 hohcs.org.hk | It reminds us to listen to the Lord and remember to pray and give thanks in all circumstances. hohcs.org.hk |
我奉聖父,聖子,聖靈的名,及台福基督教會總會(及______教會)的權 柄開設這間教會,做為宣揚耶穌救贖 恩典 , 敬 拜上帝,承受主耶穌的教訓, 與聖靈的團契,並執行聖禮典的所在,成為本地之福音燈台。 efcga.org | In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by the authority of the Evangelical Formosan Church General Assembly, I proclaim ______(name of new church) to be a church of our denomination in the fellowship period. efcga.org |
1997 年, [...] 小兒患奇症,(詳情登在使者 1998 年 11 月感恩月刊—恩典的記號)在紐澤西看了五個醫生, 無效之後 [...] 轉診賓州兒童醫院,一些姊妹冒著風雪為他禱告,從這些姊妹 身上, 深深感受主的愛,這樣的愛永銘不忘,願主厚厚的獎賞 她們的愛。 mccc.org | Our younger son came down with a [...] mysterious ailment in 1997 (we detailed the [...] incident in the 1998 Thanksgiving issue of Ambassador [...]Monthly, “The Scar of Grace”), [...]and we went through five different doctors in New Jersey who couldn't diagnose the problem, we then transferred him to the Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia (CHOP), and many sisters prayed for him during a snow storm. mccc.org |
親愛的主,當我們弟兄姊妹聚集參加這個洗禮時,求你的聖靈再一次叫 醒我們這些已經受洗歸入你名下的人,使我們反省自己是否已經偏離你的正 道,以致失去你的同在與恩典,求 你幫助我們回轉歸向你,求你再一次用耶 穌基督的寶血洗清我們的罪,讓我們能夠與他們手牽手,心連心,相扶持, 相勸勉來奔跑這屬天的道路,若有未信慕道的親友在場。 efcga.org | Dear Lord: When our brothers and sisters join this baptism, we pray your Holy Spirit wake up us these who have been baptized into your name, so We can rethink ourselves that do we leave your way, or not, so that we loose your grace and without you. efcga.org |
在楊腓利(Philip Yancey)所著的「恩典多奇異」一書 中,有這麼一段話:「恩典意即 我們不能作任何事,叫神 愛我們更多;也意即我們不能作任何事,叫神少愛我們一 些。 mccc.org | In the book “What's so Amazing about Grace” by Philip Yancey is this passage: “Grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us more; it means we cannot do anything to make Him love us less. mccc.org |