

单词 恢复名誉

See also:



名誉 n

honourBE n
honorAE n

名誉 adj

reputational adj

External sources (not reviewed)

其他措施包括建立麻风病国家博物馆,作为提高对麻风病人的认识 恢复其 名誉的机制。
Other measures included the creation of the
National Hansen’s Disease Museum as a mechanism for
[...] raising awareness and restoring the honour of persons [...]
affected by leprosy.
全面解决冲突的根本原因,这包括种族、宗教和基于性别的歧视、国 家各地区之间社会经济不平衡以及土地纠纷和族群间冲突,并执行一项国家和解 方案; (g) 通过具有针对性的具体行动,审查和执行由人权理事会授权设立的国 际科特迪瓦调查委员会提出的建议,以解决有罪不罚问题,将罪犯绳之以法,并 在权利和尊严方面让受害恢复名誉
(f) Comprehensively address the root causes of the conflict, including ethnic, religious and gender-based discrimination, the socio-economic imbalance between different parts of the country, as well as land disputes and inter-communal conflicts, and implement a national reconciliation programme
(b) 向被非法逮捕或非法拘留或由于审判不公而得到法庭终局判决的人提 供法律援助,目的是使其在重新审判、包括赔偿等补偿 恢复名誉 和 保 证不予 重犯上的权利得到执行
(b) To provide legal aid to persons who have been unlawfully arrested or detained or who have received a final judgement of the court as a result of a miscarriage of justice, in
order to enforce their right to retrial, reparation, including
[...] compensation, rehabilitation and guarantees of non-repetition
[...] 补救,并且能够具有得到公平和充分补偿的权利,并且对所有受害者在一切情况 下都能够充分恢复名誉。
CAT recommended that Finland ensure in its legal system that the victim of an act of torture obtains redress and has an enforceable
right to fair and adequate
[...] compensation and that full rehabilitation be made available [...]
to all those victims, in all settings.89 47.
敦促白俄罗斯政府立即无条件释放所有政治犯 恢复 其 名誉 , 通 过全 面、透明和可信的调查,处理有关酷刑和虐待问题的报告,执行高级专员报告中 所载的所有其他各项建议,立即停止任意拘留人权维护者,停止使用越来越多的 [...]
任意短期拘留和任意旅行禁令,其目的是恫吓政治反对派和媒体、以及人权维护 者和民间社会的代表
Urges the Government of Belarus to
immediately and
[...] unconditionally release and rehabilitate all political prisoners, to address, through [...]
comprehensive, transparent
and credible investigations, reports of torture and ill-treatment, to implement all other recommendations contained in the report of the High Commissioner, and to put an immediate end to arbitrary detention of human rights defenders, the increased use of shortterm arbitrary detention and arbitrary travel bans aimed at intimidating representatives of the political opposition and the media, as well as human rights defenders and civil society
然而,对于诽谤的民事惩罚不应严厉到禁止表达自由的程度,而应 旨恢复受损名誉,而 非赔偿原告或惩罚被告;尤其是应严格地使金钱补偿与实 [...]
际造成的伤害相当,法律应优先考虑使用非金钱补救措施,包括例如道歉、纠正 和澄清在内的措施”。
However, civil penalties for defamation should not be so heavy as to
block freedom of expression and
[...] should be designed to restore the reputation harmed, not [...]
to compensate the plaintiff or to
punish the defendant; in particular, pecuniary awards should be strictly proportionate to the actual harm caused, and the law should give preference to the use of non-pecuniary remedies, including, for example, apology, rectification and clarification”.
(c) 释放所有政治犯恢复其名誉,包 括因2010年12月19 日示威而被拘 留的人
(c) To release and rehabilitate all political prisoners, [...]
including those detained in connection with the demonstrations of 19 December 2010
过渡时期司法是一项不能回避的流程,旨在揭露暴行真相,追究当事人责 任,将犯罪者绳之以法恢复受害者 名誉 , 以 及保证此类罪行不再重演。
Transitional justice is an unavoidable process that seeks to uncover the truth about the abuses, identify those responsible, bring the guilty to account and make reparation to victims, as well as provide
guarantees that such
[...] abuses will not be repeated, by means of a set of institutional and legal reforms aimed at building a state of [...]
law and institutions.
[...] 系列司法和非司法措施,如恢复原状、赔偿、康复和保证不重犯;以及补偿措 施,如公开道歉、纪念仪式以及作 恢复 尊 严 和 名誉 的 司 法决定等
Noting that remedies for women and girls who have been subjected to violence may include a range of judicial and non-judicial measures that can result in reparations, such as restitution, compensation, rehabilitation and guarantees of non-repetition, and
measures of satisfaction, such as public apologies, commemorations and
[...] judicial decisions restoring dignity and reputation
正如 解释性立法备忘录中指出的那样,这一概括性声明以及该法第 4 条所规定的获得 补偿恢复人身名誉声明 的具体程序,赋予了所有受害者要求赔偿的权利,受害 [...]
This generic declaration is supplemented, as indicated in the explanatory introduction to the Act, by a specific procedure
for obtaining a personal statement for
[...] the purposes of rehabilitation and redress, as [...]
provided for in article 4 of the Act.
历史记忆。2007 年 12 月 26 日颁布的第 52/2007 号法承认并扩展了在内战 和独裁统治期间遭受迫害和暴力的受害者的权利,规定弗朗哥政权的受害者(包 括酷刑的受害者)在接受赔偿时,有权获得补偿 恢复 人 身 名誉 的 声 明。
The Historical Memory Act (No. 52/2007 of 26 December) acknowledges and broadens rights, and establishes measures, for those who suffered persecution or violence during the civil war and the period of dictatorship, including the right to obtain a declaration of redress and personal acknowledgement as a form of redress for the victims of the Franco regime (including victims of torture).
这会恢复安理会的誉 以及它及其在维护国际和平与安全方面的作用地位。
That would restore the Council’s credibility and [...]
its role in the maintenance of international peace and security.
(c) 在法律中规定强迫或非自愿失踪受害人及其亲属可寻求公正、迅速和 充分的赔偿,并酌情考虑采取象征性措施,承认受害人遭受的痛苦恢复其尊严和名誉
(c) To make provision in their legal systems for victims of enforced or involuntary disappearances or their families to seek fair, prompt and adequate reparation and in addition, where
appropriate, to consider symbolic measures recognizing the
[...] suffering of victims and restoring their dignity and reputation
勒斯坦基本法》和《公务员法》(1998 年)的规定的违反,因为后者第 24 条详尽
[...] 地规定了聘任条件,即聘任的候选人须为年龄不低于 18 岁,享有充分公民权利, 未被巴勒斯坦主管法庭判定犯有重罪或有 名誉 或 失 信的轻罪(除非其道 名声 得以恢复)的巴勒斯坦或阿拉伯人。
The Commission is of the view that this measure is unlawful and, moreover, represents a clear violation by Government bodies of the provisions of the Palestinian Basic Law and the Civil Service Law (1998), given that article 24 of the latter exhaustively stipulates the conditions for appointment, namely, that the candidate for appointment should be Palestinian or Arab, no less than 18 years of age, enjoy full civil rights, and not have been found guilty in a competent
Palestinian court of a felony or a
[...] misdemeanour involving dishonour or breach of trust, unless his moral standing has been restored.
如果对相同的磁盘名进行恢复,就 不需要重新创建或编辑先前创建的任务。
If you recover the same disc signature, you [...]
don't need to re-create or edit the tasks created previously.
通过审理可对 申请人的最重要权利进行司法保护 恢复了 250 名被非 法解雇者的工作,满足了 4 000 多份违反住房权的诉讼,174 个公民关于生命和健康损失的赔偿要求,908 起关于消费者权利保护的诉讼,89 份关于保护誉、尊严和商业誉的 诉 讼请 求。
As a result of these hearings, the courts secured the protection of the
most important rights of
[...] applicants: 250 people who had been unlawfully dismissed were reinstated, satisfaction was given to 4,000 claims regarding breaches of housing rights, 174 applications for compensation for harm to the life and health of citizens, 908 claims regarding the protection of consumers’ rights and 89 claims regarding the protection of applicants’ honour, dignity and business reputation.
由法名誉建筑 师 J.贝尔蒙先生设计,大会第三十届会议(决议 30C/76)批准的丰 特努瓦大楼的复和改造工程计划由单独并按现有基金可予实施的三期工程组成:第一期为 根据防火安全标准而实施的紧急工程;第二期工程涉及办公室及技术设备现代化;第三期工 程建议在重新改造丰特努瓦大楼的框架内,寻求解决关于提升教科文组织大楼建筑结构的办 法。
The Plan for the Restoration and Improvement of UNESCO Headquarters (Fontenoy site), drawn up by the honorary architect of France, Mr J. Belmont, and approved by the General Conference at its 30th session (30 C/Resolution 76), is made up of three separate phases of work to be implemented as and when funding is available: the first phase concerned urgent work to bring the buildings into line with fire safety regulations; the second phase concerns the modernization of offices and technical installations, and the third proposes the architectural improvements to UNESCO House in the context of redevelopment of the Place de Fontenoy.
[...] 要合作伙伴的关切,特别是了解关于德赖平原地区儿童的保护以及与武装团体有 关联或遭受冲突的其他影响的成千上 名 儿 童 在 恢复 正 常 生活方面的长期需求。
The delegation was also briefed on the concerns of key partners, specifically on the protection
of children in the Terai region and
[...] the longer-term rehabilitation needs of the thousands [...]
of children associated with armed
groups or otherwise affected by the conflict.
支助基地的人员编制包括 9 名工作人员,其中包括 1 名安保干事(外勤人员)、1
[...] 名行政干事(国际联合国志愿人员)、1 名恢复、重 返社会和稳定方案干事(国际联 合国志愿人员)、2 [...]
名民政干事(1 个国际联合国志愿人员和 1 个本国联合国志愿
人员)、1 名人权干事(国际联合国志愿人员)、1 名设施管理助理(本国一般事务)、 1 名工程助理(本国一般事务)和 1 名司机/语文助理(本国一般事务)。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the staffing of the county support bases consisted of nine staff members, comprising one Security Officer (Field Service); one
Administrative Officer (international United Nations
[...] Volunteer); one Recovery, Reintegration [...]
and Stabilization Programme Officer (international
United Nations Volunteer); two Civil Affairs Officers (1 international and 1 national United Nations Volunteers); one Human Rights Officer (international United Nations Volunteer); one Facilities Management Assistant (national General Service); one Engineering Assistant (national General Service); and one Driver/Language Assistant (national General Service).
如果一名运动员在禁 赛期间退役并从赛外检查运动员注册库中被 名 , 而 后又 恢复 参 赛资格,则该运 动员必须通知相关的反兴奋剂组织并接受了一段时期——时间等同于从其退役之日 起所剩余的禁赛罚期——的赛外检查,否则不得恢复参赛资格。
If an Athlete subject to a period of Ineligibility
retires from sport and
[...] is removed from Out-of-Competition Testing pools and later seeks reinstatement, the Athlete shall not be eligible for reinstatement until the Athlete [...]
has notified relevant
Anti-Doping Organizations and has been subject to Out-of-Competition Testing for a period of time equal to the period of Ineligibility remaining as of the date the Athlete had retired.
Papi 教授将以考察为依据,向教科文组织提交关于下一步应采取的措施的综合建议 书,其中特别涉及以下一些方面:(i) 完成阿什拉菲亚(Al-Ashrafiya)学校的修复工作,为
建立修复实验室所需设备建立一份清单,列出详尽的费用估算;(ii) 在 Al Aqsa 图书馆内建
[...] 立一个临时的有配备的实验室,以便在永久性实验室建立之前为修复工作者提供一个基本的 工作场所;(iii) 根据历史重要性及保存状况为手稿建立目录清单;(iv) 继续定期为名巴勒 斯坦复专家提供在享有誉的修复 实 验 室实习的机会,以使他们的知识得到更新,更好地 帮助巴勒斯坦技术组的工作,加强实验室内部的能力建设。
On the basis of his mission, Professor Papi will submit to UNESCO an overall document with recommendations for the next steps to be undertaken concerning in particular: (i) the completion of the restoration works of the al-Ashrafîya Madrasa and a list of the required equipment for the setting-up of the restoration laboratory with a detailed cost estimate; (ii) the establishment of a temporary equipped laboratory inside the al-Aqsà library to ensure that the restorers have a viable space to work until the time that the permanent laboratory is established; (iii) the inventory of the manuscripts, on the basis of their historical importance and state of conservation; and (iv) the continuation of internships,
on a periodical basis, for the five Palestinian
[...] specialists in restoration in order to update their knowledge in well-respected restoration laboratories with [...]
a view to assisting
the Palestinian technical team and increasing capacity-building within the laboratory.
现已为主要源于下列领域的越来越多的项目确定了文化因素和文化发展目 标:(a) 城市发展,促进历名城和场址 恢复 , 改 善交通,增强保全,扩大宣 传;(b) 地方经济发展,力挺中小型企业,特别是非正规部门企业,因为这是手 [...]
社会发展,增进文化多样性,确保不同的社 会群体间的社会凝聚力,让土著人民、少数民族和移民融入社会结构;(d) 可持 续的旅游业发展,促进主要对与自然和文化景观相关的接待和服务业的经济投 资。
Cultural considerations and cultural development objectives have been set for an increasing number of projects that are primarily generated in the
following areas: (a) urban development,
[...] which promotes the rehabilitation of historic cities [...]
and sites, their accessibility, conservation
and presentation; (b) local economic development, as it relates to the activities of small and medium enterprises, especially of the informal sector, which lie at the core of handicrafts production and commerce; (c) social development, which promotes cultural diversity in order to ensure social cohesion among diverse social groups and the integration of indigenous peoples, minorities and migrants into the social fabric; and (d) sustainable tourism development, which promotes economic investments primarily in the hospitality business and services related to natural and cultural landscapes.
秘书长还指出,如果大会核准关恢复这三名官员 报酬相对比例的提案,那么自 2011 年 1 月 1 日起,两名主席的 应计养恤金薪酬将需要增至 287 827 美元,公务员制度委员会副主席的应计养恤 [...]
金薪酬将需要增至 273 224 美元。
The Secretary-General further indicates that, should the
General Assembly approve
[...] the proposal to restore the relativity of the compensation of the three officials, [...]
the pensionable remuneration
of the two Chairs would need to be increased to $287,827 and that of the Vice-Chair of ICSC to $273,224, effective 1 January 2011.
新的酒庄主人,一位有着波兰血统的波尔多 名 船 商 Louis Lipschitz 先生进驻了拉图嘉利堡,自此,也由他开始了一系 恢复 酒 庄 声 誉 的 工作 - 重建、整修,一切的目的都是为了让这个昔日的列级酒庄展现生机,恢复其旧日风采。
A new owner, Louis Lipschitz, a Bordeaux shipowner (owner of a towing company), undertook to renovate, rebuild and restore this grand cru classé.
如前文所述,萨尔瓦多已采取与土著人民有 关的具体行动,包括 2010 年 7 月社会包容事务秘书与国家登记处、萨尔瓦多共
[...] 和国城市协会和总检察长办公室签订协议,赋予土著人民以土著人民身份进行登 记恢复其土著姓名的权 利,而这一做法自 1932 年以来一直被制止。
As previously stated, El Salvador has implemented specific actions in relation to indigenous peoples, including an agreement signed in July 2010 between the Secretary of Social Inclusion and the National Registry, the Corporation of Municipalities of the Republic of El Salvador and the Attorney General’s Office, which grants indigenous peoples the right
to be registered as indigenous
[...] peoples and regain their indigenous names, a practice which [...]
had been repressed since 1932.
他同时担任多项义务公职:于2006及2007年获委任为香港特别行政区政府中央政策组非全职顾问;现任香港社会服务联会执行委员会委员、香港复康联会管理委员会委员、香港中文大学社会工作学系咨询委员会委员、香港理工大学康复治疗科学系咨询委员会委员、香港医院管理局沙田医院管治委员会委员,以及广州市义务工作者联合 名誉 理 事 等,积极参与推动香港以至中国内地的社会工 作及复服务发展。
He was a Part-time Member of the Central Policy Unit of the HKSAR Government (2006 & 2007) and is now a member of: The Executive Committee of Hong Kong Council of Social Service; The Management Committee of Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities; Advisory Committee of Social Work Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Departmental Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hospital Governing Committee, Shatin Hospital, Hong Kong Hospital Authority and etc. He is also an Honorary Council Member of the Guangzhou Volunteers’ Union.




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