

单词 恢复原状

See also:



复原 n

recovery n
resilience n


recover (from illness)
return to former state

External sources (not reviewed)

如果我们当初没有受到阻止,那么塞尔维亚共和国本来会强调我们对必恢 复原状所持的坚定信念。
Had we not been prevented from doing so, the Republic of Serbia would have emphasized our firm
[...] belief that the status quo ante must be reinstated.
会议还认识到,察觉并迅速有效地应对据 称使用生物或毒素武器的情况 恢复原状 的 能力必须在有此需要前已经到位。
The Conference also recognises that
capabilities to detect, quickly and effectively
[...] respond to, and recover from, the alleged [...]
use of a biological or toxin weapon need
to be in place before they are required.
规约》第 75
[...] 条规定,法院可以直接向被定罪人发布命令,具体列明应向 受害者或向受害者方面作出的适当赔偿,包括归还、补偿 恢复原状。
Article 75 of the Statute provides that the Court may make an order directly against a convicted person
specifying appropriate reparations to, or in respect of, victims, including
[...] restitution, compensation and rehabilitation.
在存在这些因素的时候恢复原状可 能 涉及使被贩运者融入到当地社区或在第三 国定居。
Where these
[...] factors exist, restitution may involve reintegration [...]
of the trafficked person into the host community or resettlement in a third country.
[...] 诉的情况和法院对有关刑事、民事或行政诉讼的判决以及国家人权机构作出的裁 决,包括对这类行为的受害者提供 恢复原状 措 施或其他补救办法。
The Committee requests the State party to provide in next report updated information on complaints about acts of racial discrimination and on relevant decisions in penal, civil or administrative court proceedings
and by State human rights institutions,
[...] including on any restitution or other remedies [...]
provided to victims of such acts.
[...] 的问题往往避而不谈。在处理这些问题的地方,重点都是按照联合国关于难民和 流离失所者住房和财产归还原则,为流离失所 恢复原状 , 尽管也有必要保障使 用权和获得住房、土地和财产。
In humanitarian and post-conflict settings, land-related issues have often been avoided and, where engagement exists, efforts are focused on
restitution for the displaced in line
[...] with the United Nations Principles on Housing and Property [...]
Restitution for Refugees and Displaced
Persons, although it is also necessary to address tenure security and access to housing, land and property.
(b) 从恢复原状而非 补偿中得到的利益与所引起的负担不致完全不成比 例。
(b) does not involve a burden out of all proportion to the benefit deriving from restitution instead of compensation.
撤出和行政清理结束工作包含:(a) 结束实务方案并关闭实务 部门;( b) 将部署在任务区内的军事人员和特遣队所属装备送回本国或调到南苏 丹特派团;(c) 与联合国总部协商敲定资产处置计划,包括移交给其他维持和平
行动的非消耗性和消耗性资产的目的地;(d) 开展支持酌情使工作人员任满回
[...] 国、将其调到南苏丹特派团和联阿安全部队或使其离职的行政工作,并在撤出和 行政清理结束工作期间对人员进行管理;(e) 使房恢复原状并将 之移交;(f) 完 成行政、采购、人事和财务行动以及剩余的清理结束任务。
The withdrawal and liquidation plan encompasses: (a) conclusion of substantive programmes and closure of substantive offices; (b) repatriation or transfer to UNMISS of military personnel and contingent-owned equipment deployed in the Mission area; (c) finalization, in consultation with United Nations Headquarters, of the assets disposal plan, including the destination of non-expendable and expendable assets to be transferred to other peacekeeping operations; (d) implementation of administrative actions in support of staff repatriation, transfer to UNMISS and UNISFA, or separation, as applicable, and management of personnel during the withdrawal
and administrative
[...] liquidation period; (e) restoration to their original condition and handover of [...]
premises; and (f) completion
of administrative, procurement, personnel and financial actions, and residual liquidation tasks.
(1) 恢复原状是这 样一种赔偿方式,即尽可能地恢复责任国际组织实施国际不 [...]
(1) Restitution is a form of reparation [...]
that involves the re-establishment as far as possible of the situation which existed
before the internationally wrongful act was committed by the responsible international organization.
就科索沃委员会而言,只有在科索沃特派团第 2000/60 号条例第 3.3 和第 4 节规定的具体情况 下才能命令作出赔偿,即占用权或财产权由于族裔原因被撤销的持有人要 恢复原状 , 而与此 同时,所涉财产的所有权已被一个自然人合法取得。
In the case of the Commission for Kosovo, compensation could be ordered only in the specific situation described in sections 3.3 and 4 of UNMIK regulation 2000/60, whereby a holder of occupancy or property rights revoked on an ethnic basis claimed restitution while the ownership of the property had in the meantime been legally acquired by a natural person.
实质上,被贩运者应因其所受到的伤害,获得充分的赔偿,包 恢复原状、 补 偿、康复、抵偿和不再被贩运的保障。
In substance, trafficked persons should be provided with adequate reparations for
the harms suffered, which may include restitution,
[...] compensation, recovery, satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition.
恢复原状、补 偿、重建和恢复方案承认那些没有个人或正式登记 财产所有权的人的保有权,特别考虑处于最弱势地位的人,采取措施支持他们收 [...]
(f) To ensure that the tenure rights [...]
of those without individual or formally registered property ownership are recognized
in restitution, compensation, reconstruction and recovery programmes, giving particular consideration to the most vulnerable persons and by taking measures to support their repossession of or alternative access to adequate housing or land
如损害没有恢复原状或补 偿的方式得到赔偿,一国际不法行为的责任 国际组织有义务对该行为造成的损失给予抵偿。
The international organization responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to give satisfaction for the injury caused by that act insofar as it cannot be made good by restitution or compensation.
(e) 侵犯阿塞拜疆境内流离失所者的权利所引起的后果,包 恢复原状 和 补 偿。
(e) The consequences flowing from the violation of the rights of the Azerbaijani internally displaced
[...] persons, including restitution and compensation.
因此,2011 年拟议预算 请求为与这些设恢复原状有关 的改建和翻新费用以及与处置联布办事处需求 [...]
Accordingly, provisions are requested in the 2011 budget proposals for alteration and renovation costs
associated with the return of those
[...] facilities to their original state, as well [...]
as the costs associated with the disposal
of assets in excess of the need of BNUB.
包括以下内容恢复原状(恢复到发 生违反行为之前的原有状态);满足(涵盖构成对受害国或 受害人侮辱的非物质伤害);康复(医疗/心理护理、社会服务);保证不再发生。
They include the following:
[...] restitution (restoration of the original situation before the [...]
violation occurred); satisfaction
(covers non-material injury that amounts to an affront to the injured State or person); rehabilitation (medical/psychological care, social services); and guarantees of non-repetition.
为了能够向前推进,必恢复原状, 以 便重启对话,并使对话 再次成为唯一可以接受的消除分歧论坛。
To be able to move
[...] forward, the status quo ante must be restored, so that the dialogue [...]
can recommence and once more become
the sole acceptable forum for overcoming disagreements.
从过渡时 期司法的角度而言,恢复原状之外 ,缺乏替代办法导致不公平状况,即只有财产 未遭损坏或破坏的受害者才能获得赔偿。33 从人道主义角度而言,任恢复原状 机制 本身都不足以实现让流离失所者大规模回返至原籍地的政治目标;不仅需要解 决其他关键问题,如和解、提供基本服务和恢复有利于回返的安全条件,还需要考 虑全面的持久解决办法,一致的财政补偿办法可促进持久解决办法的实现。
From a transitional justice perspective, the absence of an
[...] alternative to restitution leads to an unfair situation whereby reparation is granted only to those victims whose property was not damaged or destroyed.33 From a humanitarian perspective, no restitution mechanism is sufficient in itself to achieve the political objective of mass returns of displaced persons to their place of origin; there is a [...]
need, not only to address
other critical issues — such as reconciliation, the provision of basic services and the restoration of security conditions conducive to return — but also to consider the full range of durable solutions, the achievement of which could be facilitated by a consistent financial compensation scheme.34 Assessing the Commissions’ achievements more narrowly — exclusively against their mandate — leads to more positive conclusions.
[...] 所有成员都应该在联合国和教科文组织的框架内继 续合作,以便加大动员与行动力度倡导遗产价值观, 并确保文化财产返还原主国 恢复原状。
Lastly, in addition to cooperation among States, it is important for all members of the international community to continue to cooperate within the framework of the United Nations and UNESCO in order to achieve increased mobilization and action to
promote heritage values and to ensure the return of cultural
[...] property to the countries of origin, or restitution for it.
与会者 强调赔偿的其他一系列可能的广泛形式,包 恢复原状 和 康 复。
Participants emphasized the broad range of other possible forms of reparations
[...] including restitution and rehabilitation.
这种补救应 包括不同的补偿形式,如货币补偿 恢复原状 、 复 原 和赔偿;精神补偿措施,如 公开道歉、公开纪念和保证歧视不重演;改变有关法律和做法,并将侵犯妇女人 [...]
Such remedies should include different forms of
reparation, such as monetary
[...] compensation, restitution, rehabilitation and reinstatement; measures [...]
of satisfaction, such as public
apologies, public memorials and guarantees of non-repetition; changes in relevant laws and practices; and bringing to justice the perpetrators of violations of human rights of women.
[...] 意到,在其关于“隔离墙”的咨询意见中,法院宣布,如果没 恢复原状 的可 能,那么以色列有义务对所有因在巴勒斯坦被占领土上修建隔离墙而受到任何形 [...]
Finally, in relation to the obligation to pay reparations for international human rights and international humanitarian law violations, experts noted that in the Wall advisory opinion the
Court declared that in the event of the
[...] impossibility of restitution, Israel was under [...]
an obligation to make reparation to
all natural or legal persons who have suffered any form of material damage as a result of the wall’s construction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
2009 年 8 月至 11 月,清理结束阶段的人员设置考虑到以下因素:行政、技
[...] 术和后勤支助需要,以及预期由于回收、检查和维修资产造成的工作量,包括准 备用于这些资产的运送、核销和清理所需要的车辆、信息技术和通信设备;缩编 期间的人事管理,包括国际工作人员离职或者重新分配、职业管理咨询、本国工 作人员离职和本国工作人员能力建设培训方案;房舍和设 恢复原状 和 交 还物 主;拆除军营。
For the period August to November 2009, the staffing establishment for the liquidation phase takes into consideration the administrative, technical and logistical support requirements, as well as the projected workload attributable to the recall, inspection and servicing of assets, including vehicles and information technology and communications equipment in preparation for their shipment, write-off and disposal; management of personnel during the drawdown period, including the separation or reassignment of international staff, career management counselling, separation of
national staff, national
[...] staff capacity-building training programmes; return to original condition and handover of premises and facilities to owners; and dismantling [...]
of military camps.
又强调鉴于一项有效补救中各不同组成部分相互关联的性质,各国应根据各 具体案例的需要提供适当的援助和支助,以便作出赔偿 恢复原状 、 补 偿和抵 偿,并保证不重犯
Emphasizing also that, owing to the interrelated nature of the different components of an effective remedy, States should provide, as appropriate in each individual case,
assistance and support
[...] aimed at restitution, rehabilitation, compensation and satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition
大赦国际建议确保立即对 2009 年 6 月 28 日以来收到的所有有关侵犯人权
[...] 事件的报告展开独立、透明和全面的调查,将罪魁祸首绳之以法,送交符合国际 公正审判标准的诉讼程序;根据归还、补偿 恢复原状 、 赔 偿和保证不再犯的原 则,向虐待行为受害人提供赔偿;确保警察和军事当局全力配合对侵犯人权事件 [...]
AI recommended to ensure that immediate, independent, transparent and thorough investigations are conducted into all reports of human rights violations since 28 June 2009, bringing those responsible to justice in proceedings which meet
international fair trial standards; to provide reparation to the victims of
[...] abuses, based on the principles of restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and [...]
guarantees of non-repetition;
to ensure that police and military authorities cooperate fully with judicial investigations into human rights violations, including by providing full information and access to records and personnel.70 40.
还强调应考虑到被贩运者在原籍国、过境国和目的地国的具体保护需要,在 所有有关行为者的参与下,采取对性别和年龄敏感、综合全面和跨学科的方针, 制恢复原状、诉 诸司法和赔偿的政策和方案,关注受害者的安全并让他们充分 享有人权
Emphasizing further that policies and programmes for rehabilitation, access to justice and compensation should be developed through a gender- and age-sensitive, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, with concern for the security of the victims and respect for the full enjoyment of their human rights, and with the involvement of all relevant actors, taking into account the specific protection needs of trafficked persons in countries of origin, transit and destination
如果“人 民的拥护者”机构认为申诉有正当理由,的确存在人权侵犯,它会提请政府主管
[...] 部门修订或撤销有问题的政府法令,确保赔偿损失,并确 恢复原状 ( r e st itutio in integrum)。
If the AvP finds that a complaint is justified and a human rights violation has been committed, it requests the responsible public authority to revise or revoke the administrative act in
question, to ensure compensation for the damage
[...] and to ensure restoration to original situation [...]
(restitutio in integrum).
她仔细分析了这一权利的关键组成部分,包 恢复原状 、 恢复 、 补 偿、抵偿 和保证不重犯、获得信息、法律援助、居住身份合法化等。
She analyses key components of this right, including restitution, recovery, compensation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition, access to information, legal assistance, and regularization of residence status.
[...] 能在和平与正义的环境中生活;由于不可 恢复原状 , 科 索沃才于 2008 年 2 月 17 日宣布独立,才出现了科索沃国家。
In the view of Finland, the atrocities perpetrated in Kosovo render it necessary to create the conditions wherein Kosovo’s “communities” can live in peace and
justice; hence, with the impossibility of
[...] returning to the statu quo ante, the emergence [...]
of the State of Kosovo, with its declaration
of independence of 17.02.2008174 .




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