


long for
feel attached to








External sources (not reviewed)

发言还提到 缺乏关于保护女同男同 、双变性者的法律,这对事关重 大的艾滋病毒的预防工作产生了不利影响。
Reference was also made to the lack of legislation to protect lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people, with a negative impact on important HIV-prevention work.
现存的社会宗教和社会结构把同视为一种 罪过。
The prevailing religious and social fabric of the
[...] society takes homosexual relationships [...]
as a sin.
关于男女同变性人的权利,以及承认同居者和同性伴侣权 利的法律,乌拉圭报告制订了保障这些伴侣权利的收养法,以及性别认同法案。
With regard to the rights of gays, lesbians and transsexuals, and the legislation that recognized the rights of couples cohabiting and couples of the same sex, Uruguay reported on the new law on adoption guaranteeing this right for these couples and on the bill on gender identity.
此后,申诉人 以他所谓的双 提出了又一次上诉。
The author thereafter filed an additional application,
[...] based on his alleged bisexuality.
同次会议上,美国代表呼吁委员会立即采取行动,建议给予国际同权委员会咨商地位,强调委员会的成员已经花费充足的时间审议该组织对其首次 [...]
申请以来委员会所提 44 个问题的答复,并认为该组织在艾滋病毒/艾滋病研究领 域做出了重要贡献,完全达到了第
1996/31 号决议所规定的要求。
At the same meeting, the representative of the United States called on the Committee to take
immediate action to recommend granting the
[...] InternationalGay and Lesbian Human [...]
Rights Commission consultative status, emphasizing
that members of the Committee had had ample time to consider the responses of the organization to the 44 questions posed to it since it had first applied and arguing that the organization had made significant contributions to the field of HIV/AIDS research and had fully met the requirements set out in resolution 1996/31.
罗马尼亚代表表示,以任何方式拒绝或阻止对理事会和整个社会做出宝贵贡 献的非政府组织获得咨商地位,不仅违背了第 1996/31 号决议所规定的关于不歧 视和多样性的一般原则,违背了理事会 2006 年和 2007 年承认男女同双性性者非政府组织的重要性及其对联合国工作贡献的决定,还违背了《公民 及政治权利国际公约》第二条和第二十六条以及《联合国宪章》。
The representative of Romania stated that withholding or obstructing in any way the consultative status of non-governmental organizations with valuable contributions to the Council and to society in general ran contrary to the general principle of anti-discrimination and diversity as enshrined not only in resolution 1996/31 and the decisions of the Council in 2006 and 2007 that recognized the importance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender non-governmental organizations and their contribution to the work of the United Nations, but also to articles 2 and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and ultimately to the Charter of the United Nations.
规划提供照料及确保永久性的工作应特别基于下列几点,从而避免分离:儿 童对其家庭属何种,程度如何;家庭保障儿童福祉和协调发展的能力; 儿童感受身为家庭一员的需要或愿望;儿童留在所处社区和国家的必要性;儿童 的文化、语言和宗教背景及儿童与兄弟姐妹的关系等。
Planning for care provision and permanency should be based on, notably, the nature and quality of the child’s attachment to his/her family, the family’s capacity to safeguard the child’s well-being and harmonious development, the child’s need or desire to feel part of a family, the desirability of the child remaining within his/her community and country, the child’s cultural, linguistic and religious background, and the child’s relationships with siblings, with a view to avoiding their separation.
缔约国还应采取必要步骤,结束对同社会鄙视并 向社会发出明确的信息,表示不容忍基于个人性取向或性别认同的任何形式 的歧视。
The State party should also take the necessary steps to put an end to the social stigmatization of homosexualityand send a clear message that it does not tolerate any form of discrimination against persons based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
如果 不在同一个管理链中的路博润员工保系或亲密的个人关系,则不应从 事任何会使对方受益或可以被视为惠及对方的工作相关活动。
If Lubrizol employees who are not in the same management chain have a romantic or close personal relationship, neither may engage in any work-related activities that benefit or could be perceived as benefitting the other.
人权框架还为争取非异 的平等和社会公正提供了强有力的工具。
The human rights framework also provides a strong instrument to fight for the equality and social justice of non-heterosexualmen and women.
这将引导我们 摒弃对增长的使我们同时重视“充足经济”(停止过度消费,鼓励财富再 分配)。
This will lead us to end the obsession with growth and focus on the economy of sufficiency (namely, to stop overconsumption and encourage the redistribution of wealth).
(a) 按刑事罪论处并切实惩治包括所行为在内的对儿童的一切形 式性剥削和性凌虐,包括在家庭内部或为商业目的进行的性剥削和性凌虐、儿童 色情制品和儿童卖淫、儿童色情旅游业、贩运儿童、买卖儿童以及利用因特网及 其他信息和通信技术从事此种活动,并采取有效措施避免将受剥削之害的儿童当 作罪犯处理
(a) To criminalize and penalize effectively all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, including all acts of paedophilia, including within the family or for commercial purposes, child pornography and child prostitution, child sex tourism, trafficking in children, the sale of children and the use of the Internet and other information and communications technologies for these purposes, and to take effective measures against the criminalization of children who are victims of exploitation
(b) 加强其提高对禁止歧视的认识和其他防止歧视的活动,必要时应采取 平权行动,保护弱势儿童的利益,例如毛利人和太平洋地区族裔儿童、难民儿 童、移民儿童、残疾儿童,以及女同 男同 ,还 有与属于上述人群的父母共同生活的儿童
(b) Strengthening its awareness-raising and other preventive activities against discrimination and, if necessary, taking affirmative action for the benefit of children in vulnerable situations, such as Maori and Pacific children, refugee children, migrant children, children with disabilities and lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender children and children living with persons from these groups
您涉及损害您的独立性或判断力的关系(不论 系还是其他个人关 系)。
You engage in relationships (whether romantic or personal) that impair your independence or judgment.
但委员会关注的是,某些儿童群体如罗姆人子女和爱尔流浪者子女,移民、 寻求庇护者和难民的子女,女同 男同性儿童,以及属于 少数群体的儿童,在实践中依然遭受歧视和社会的鄙视。
However, the Committee is concerned that in practice certain groups of children, such as: Roma and Irish Travellers’ children; migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children; lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender children (LBGT) and children belonging to minority groups continue to experience discrimination and social stigmatization.
联合主席在这方面强调,“[定居者]留在被占领土的时间越长,他们在目 前居住地扎的根就越深,对其更加而且“这种情况长期继续下去,则可 能导致既成事实,进而使和平进程严重复杂化“(见 A/59/747-S/2005/187,附件 一)。
The Co-chairs emphasized in this regard that “the longer [settlers] remain in the occupied territories, the deeper their roots and attachments to their present places of residence will become” and that “prolonged continuation of this situation could lead to a fait accompli that would seriously complicate the peace process” (see A/59/747-S/2005/187, annex I).
(i) 进一步努力扩大对人权的尊重和保护,特别是确定建立符合国际规范和
[...] 巴黎原则的全国独立人权委员会,并为其提供必要的资源;重新审议刑法将同定为犯罪行为的要件;对施暴者,尤其是暴力侵害妇女、儿童和白化病患 [...]
步努力结束有罪不罚的风气,并尽快对所有未了案件进行透明调查,包括第三次 进度报告中提到的那些案件。
(i) Increase efforts to broaden the respect for and protection of human rights, in particular through finalizing the establishment of the National Independent Human Rights Commission in line with international norms and the Paris Principles and provide it with the necessary resources;
reconsider those elements in the Penal Code that
[...] criminalize same-sex relations; take [...]
decisive action against the perpetrators of
violent acts, especially against women, children and albinos; enforce the rule of law, including through measures to improve the performance and independence of the judiciary; improve efforts to end impunity and expeditiously pursue transparent investigations of all open cases, including those referred to in the third progress report.
Basically no, and you wouldn't want to use your favorite editor when you realize you're only editing 5 to 10 lines of code at once anyway, and you really want an editor that is sensitive to the current environment.
对罗姆人、残疾人、 同、无家可归者、失业者、难民等各种弱势群体,这一方案十 分有效。2001 年,妇女信息咨询中心得到科学与教育部颁发的许可证, 得以为教师提供关于性别问题的创新培训课程。
The programme is very effective for different vulnerable groups like Roma, disabled people, lesbians, homeless, unemployed, refugees; 2001: WICC received a licence from the Ministry of Science and Education to do innovative courses for teachers on gender issues.
实施了严格监督,确保被定 罪者服刑期满,总统最近提出的《刑法典》 修订案加重了者的惩罚。
There was rigorous oversight to ensure that convicted
paedophiles served out their
[...] sentences and the President had recently proposed amendments to the Criminal Code that increased penalties for paedophilia.
在 7 月 19 日第 39
[...] 次会议上,美利坚合众国的代表介绍了一项决定草案, 题为“非政府组织国际同权委员会关于取得经济及社会理事会咨商地位 [...]
At the 39th meeting, on 19 July, the representative of the United States of America introduced a draft decision entitled
“Application of the non-governmental organization
[...] InternationalGay and Lesbian Human [...]
Rights Commission for consultative status
with the Economic and Social Council” (E/2010/L.19) and recommended the granting of special consultative status to this non-governmental organization.
In the town of Glipforg, Lem (Justin Long) is a teenage boy with a new part-time job at the local planetarium and a long-time crush on his neighbor Neera (Jessica Biel).
Shrek worries that he has lost his true love, particularly after finding the diary from her teenhood and reading that she was once infatuated with Prince Charming (voiced by Rupert Everett).
其主要行动方针如下:(a) 为地方、国家和国际各级的男同女同、双变性人争取人权;(b) 影响地方、国家和国际 各级的政治决策;(c) 通过杂志、通讯、网络服务和传单提供信息;(d) 提供 辅导服务;以及(e) 实施项目。
Its main courses of action are as follows: (a) to campaign for the human rights of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered persons at the local, national and international levels; (b) to influence political decision-making at the local, national and international levels; (c) to provide information through magazines, newsletters, web-based services and leaflets; (d) to provide counselling services; and (e) to implement projects.
小岛屿发 展中国家还是许多土着族群的家园,他们保持着有活力的文化、1 000 多种独特 的语言、以及强烈的对土地和海洋的传统
Small island developing States are also home to a large number of indigenous family groups, who have retained robust cultures, more than 1,000 distinct languages and strong traditional attachments to the land and the sea.
Connection)的相同街巷,还是安大略有组织犯罪的神经中枢,故事即在这样的背景下围绕我们的主人公Patrick Farley(又名Lucky
[...] 7)展开,讲述有关失去、赎的故事,Lucky7在漂泊异乡九年后返回家乡,然而却被诬陷犯有谋杀罪。
Taking place on the gritty, urban streets of Hamilton, the same streets that once hatched the real "French Connection," and the nerve centre for organized
crime in Ontario, is the backdrop for our story
[...] of loss, love, and redemption centered [...]
on our main character Patrick Farley,
aka Lucky 7, who returns to his home town after a nine year absence only to find himself being framed for murder.
供应商多样性计划”的目标是确保为少数族裔、妇女、退伍军人、伤残军人和同 有的企业以及传统欠发达地区 [...]
(HUBZone) 的企业提供机会,使他们在美联航广泛的供应链中开展竞争,提供产品和服务。
Our program objective is to ensure that certified
minority-, women-, veteran- and service
[...] disabled veteran-, LGBT-owned business [...]
enterprises small businesses, and historically
underdeveloped regions (HUBZone) businesses have the opportunity to compete to provide products and services within United’s extensive supply chain.
经济危机深深地修正了市场的心理 状态,区分了热爱胜于一时的, 取代急切的购买,深度的思考,有别于因随 着市场的走向而随波逐流。
The crisis profoundly modified the market’s psychology with modish considerations giving way to artistic judgement, prudence prevailing over impulsive buying and reflection overriding the herd instinct.
这 些友谊提供了应对压力的保护机制;安全的同创造渐进的不确定性提供了基础,也 为同情地理解其他儿童的情绪表达和共同努力保持平衡提供了基础。
These friendships provide protective mechanisms against stress; secure attachments establish the foundations for co-creating situations of graduated uncertainty, to empathise with the emotional expressions of others and work collectively to restore balance.
委员会还 感到严重关切的是,与酷刑相关的严重侵犯人权行为长期存在,如法外处决、强 迫失踪、被迫流离失所、性暴力和在武装冲突期间招募儿童等,委员会还对妇 女、儿童、少数民族、流离失所者、监狱囚犯、男女同 性者等 群体的艰难处境表示关切( 《公约》第2条)。
It also expresses grave concern at the persistence of serious violations linked to torture, such as extrajudicial execution, forced disappearance, forced displacement, sexual violation and the recruitment of children in the context of armed conflict, and at the vulnerable situation of certain groups such as women, children, ethnic minorities, displaced persons, the prison population and LGBT persons (art. 2 of the Convention).




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