单词 | 总苞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 总苞 noun —involucre nSee also:苞—profuse • luxuriant • flower calyx
花1-5,簇生; [...] 纤细的花序梗,5-10(-20)厘米; 每茎上具鞘状总苞片1- 3,间隔远,具条纹;花梗1-1.5厘米,带有2小苞片,上部多毛。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers 1--5, in fascicles; peduncle slender, 5--10(--20) cm; [...] sheathlike involucral bracts 1--3 on each [...]stem, distant, striate; pedicels 1--1.5 [...]cm, with 2 bracteoles, hirsute distally. flora.ac.cn |
花序线形, 10-25 * 0.8-1 厘米,黄的或带紫色; 在总苞下面的轴具角具敏锐的下延的翅,这些浓密包装,成熟时的在直角的通常speading; 有许多硬毛的总苞遮蔽 单个的小穗, 更低的颖片无的或一小的三角形的鳞片; 上面颖片倍于小穗,5-脉,钝,具短缘毛,; 中性的下部小花雄蕊花或,相似的外稃除了稍短,钝3浅裂; 上面小花2/3的小穗长度,成熟时软骨质,平滑,发亮,容易落叶; [...] 没有毛在顶部的花药。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence linear, 10–25 × 0.8–1 cm, [...] yellow or purplish; axis angular with sharp decurrent wings below the involucres, these densely packed, often speading at right angles at maturity; involucre with numerous bristles obscuring the single spikelet, densely ciliate in lower half with crinkled matted hairs, longest bristle 1–2 cm. [...] flora.ac.cn |
雄花 单生 花梗到0.6毫米; 苞片和小苞片形成小总苞在花被周围,苞片心形,约1.5毫米,花被擦干深,后脱落,长圆状卵形的外部裂片,在2毫米,比外部有点小的内部的; 雄蕊3; 退化雄蕊长于雄蕊。 flora.ac.cn | Male flowers: solitary; pedicel to 0.6 mm; bract and bracteoles forming involucel around perianth, bract cordate, ca. 1.5 mm, longer than perianth, bracteoles ovate, equaling perianth, tomentose, apex caudate; perianth drying dark, glabrescent, outer lobes oblong-ovate, to 2 mm, inner ones slightly smaller than outer; stamens 3; staminodes longer than stamens. flora.ac.cn |
拉长的硬无梗小穗,端部的总苞在有花梗小穗下降的长芒之后秆,一明显这草的特征。 flora.ac.cn | The elongate involucres of hard sessile [...] spikelets, tipping the culms after the long-awned pedicellate spikelets have fallen, [...]are an unmistakable feature of this grass. flora.ac.cn |
总苞片叶柄平, 10-20(-30) * 3-5 毫米,具翅,疏生柔毛或近无毛; [...] 三出,比叶的大的苞片, 3-6 * 4-8 厘米,被微柔毛; 小叶柄5-10(-20)毫米; 3浅裂的中心裂片,狭菱形到椭圆形,基部楔形,边缘不规则具牙齿或有锯齿,先端渐尖; [...] 侧裂片歪,小于中间一枚,末级小裂片钝。 flora.ac.cn | Involucral bract petiole flat, [...] 10--20(--30) × 3--5 mm, winged, sparsely puberulent or subglabrous; bract blade ternate, [...]larger than that of leaves, 3--6 × 4--8 cm, puberulent; petiolules 5--10(--20) mm; central segment 3-lobed, narrowly rhombic to elliptic, base cuneate, margin irregularly dentate or serrate, apex acuminate; lateral segments oblique, smaller than central one, ultimate lobules obtuse. flora.ac.cn |
榕果生在下垂,最终匍匐,无叶的小枝上,多少在地下成熟时,单生,多少梨形,具瘤,具鳞片状毛;花序梗8-10毫米; 卵形的总苞片,不规则渐尖的先端; 侧苞片宿存。 flora.ac.cn | Figs on pendulous, eventually prostrate, leafless branchlets, ± underground at maturity, solitary, ± pear-shaped, [...] tuberculate, with scale-like hairs; [...] peduncle 8-10 mm; involucral bracts ovate, apex irregularly acuminate; lateral bracts present. flora.ac.cn |
花序腋生或一些聚伞花序簇生在节周围,3花,中心的花雌性,侧的花雄性 ; 总苞 舟 形 约1毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences axillary or some cymes fascicled around nodes, 3-flowered, central flower female, lateral flowers [...] male; navicular involucre ca. 1 mm. flora.ac.cn |
榕果腋生在正常的具叶的茎上,配对或单生,成熟时黄,梨形椭圆形, 1.2-2.5 * 1-1.5 [...] 厘米,短柔毛但是后脱落,基部渐狭成为一根1厘米梗,顶孔平; 花序梗1-1.2厘米; 总苞片披针形卵形,约2毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Figs axillary on normal leafy stem, paired or solitary, yellow when mature, pear-shaped-ellipsoid, 1.2-2.5 × 1-1.5 cm, pubescent but [...] glabrescent, base attenuate into a 1 cm stalk, apical pore flat; [...] peduncle 1-1.2 cm; involucral bracts lanceolate-ovate, [...]ca. 2 mm. flora.ac.cn |
花序一顶生假伞形花序,侧聚伞花序通常无;初 级 总苞 叶 2或 3,比正常的叶大, 1.5-2 [...] * 0.4-0.5 厘米; 聚伞花序很多分叉;苞叶2,与正常的叶子一样。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence a terminal pseudumbel, lateral cymes usually [...] absent; primary involucral leaves 2 or [...]3, larger than normal leaves, 1.5-2 × 0.4-0.5 [...]cm; cymes laxly many forked; cyathophylls 2, same as normal leaves. flora.ac.cn |
叶对生,近无柄; 托叶短三角形,撕裂状;叶片圆形卵形到倒卵形, 8-12 * 6-8 [...] 毫米,革质,边缘有锯齿,先端圆形 ; 总苞 叶 无 梗,卵形,约3×2.5毫米,稀疏具圆齿。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves opposite, subsessile; stipules shortly triangular, lacerate; leaf blade rounded-ovate to obovate, [...] 8-12 × 6-8 mm, coriaceous, margin serrate, [...] apex rounded; involucral leaves sessile, [...]ovate, ca. 3 × 2.5 mm, remotely crenate. flora.ac.cn |
花序长于上部叶; [...] 下部花序分枝具花序梗到超出20厘米的,浓密棕色黄具钩具长硬毛;与否蝎尾状聚伞花序多数,约2厘米,在轮,棕色黄的浓密钩住多毛; 下部的总苞片叶 状,近与叶等大,上部的非常小,对5毫米,浓密棕色黄具长硬毛;苞片膜质。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence longer than distal leaves; proximal inflorescence branches with peduncle to more than 20 cm, densely brown-yellow hooked hirsute; cincinni numerous, ca. 2 cm, in whorls or [...] not, densely brown-yellow hooked [...] hirsute; proximal involucral bracts leaflike, nearly [...]as large as leaves, distal ones much [...]smaller, to 5 mm, densely brown-yellow hirsute; bracts membranous. flora.ac.cn |
花序花密集根状茎,花密集穗状花序或总状花序或圆锥花序; [...] 花序梗短或相当长,覆盖具覆瓦状,鳞片状鞘 ; 总苞 缺 席; 苞片覆瓦状,宿存,有时不久瓦解; 小苞片通常管状。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence arising from rhizomes, a densely flowered spike or spikelike raceme or panicle; peduncle short or rather [...] long, clothed with imbricate, [...] scalelike sheaths; involucre absent; bracts imbricate, [...]persistent, sometimes soon disintegrating; bracteoles usually tubular. flora.ac.cn |
叶鞘松散,近无毛,圆形,覆瓦状的在基部; 叶片线形具一宽的白色的中脉, 3-25 * 0.2-1.2 厘米,无毛,渐尖; [...] 叶舌1-2毫米花序顶生以及从上面叶鞘有时腋生,线,直或者稍微曲折,松散对适中浓,5-18厘米; [...] 无毛,平滑的轴或,包围具短花序梗残干或痕; 附上1小穗的总苞(很少 2); 刚毛很多,通常苍绿色,偶有紫色微染,柔软,纤细,0.9-2厘米的长,很少内部稀疏羽状。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences terminal and also sometimes axillary from upper leaf sheaths, linear, straight or slightly flexuous, loose to moderately dense, 5–18 cm; axis glabrous, smooth or [...] scaberulous, beset with short peduncle [...] stumps or scars; involucres enclosing 1 spikelet [...](rarely 2); bristles many, usually [...]pale green, occasionally purple-tinged, soft, slender, longest 0.9–2 cm, rarely inner thinly plumose. flora.ac.cn |
花序一顶生假伞形花序,通常具生于下部腋处的侧生聚伞花序;聚伞花序主要两叉;初 级 总苞 叶 3- 8,类似于正常的叶到几乎圆形,初级伞辐3-8,2-4(-5)厘米的;苞叶2,有时重叠在基部,通常肾形,偶尔卵形或者三角状心形,一对经常形成完全的一圈, [...] [...] 0.4-1.2 * 0.4-1 厘米,基部近截形到浅心形,先端短渐尖的到圆形的。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence a terminal pseudumbel, often with lateral [...] cymes from axils below; cymes mostly [...] dichotomous; primary involucral leaves 3-8, [...]similar to normal leaves to almost orbicular, [...]primary rays 3-8, 2-4(-5) cm; cyathophylls 2, sometimes overlapping at base, usually reniform, occasionally ovate or triangular-ovate, pair often forming complete circle, 0.4-1.2 × 0.4-1 cm, base subtruncate to shallowly cordate, apex shortly acuminate to rounded. flora.ac.cn |
花序一顶生圆锥花序,总状花序,疏松的或穗状花序,紧密或疏松,未发育完全时被1-3匙 形 总苞 片 覆 盖;苞片 (当存在时)打开至基部,很少盔状,每苞片着生1花或蝎尾状聚伞花序的2到多数花;小苞片打开至基部或管状,很少盔状,有时无。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence a terminal panicle, [...] raceme, or spike, dense or lax, covered by 1--3 [...] spatulate involucral bracts when immature; [...]bracts (when present) open to base, [...]rarely hooded, each subtending 1 flower or a cincinnus of 2 to many flowers; bracteoles open to base or tubular, rarely hooded, sometimes absent. flora.ac.cn |
花上位,小,两性或者雄性(单性雄性),整齐,组成单一或者复合的伞形花序;小伞形花序有花少数至多花;舌状花通常被苞片(形成一 个 总苞 ) 包 着;小伞形花序通常被小苞片包着。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers epigynous, small, bisexual or staminate (unisexual male), regular, in simple or compound umbels; umbellules few to many-flowered; rays often subtended by bracts forming a involucre; umbellules (sometimes called umbellets) usually subtended by bracteoles forming an involucel. flora.ac.cn |
花序伞形葡萄状,3或4花; 总苞片棕色,椭圆状卵形, 6-7 * 4-5 毫米,具柔毛的在两面; [...] 花序梗非常短; 苞片棕色,匙形长圆形,5×2-3毫米,具腺的边缘的约。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences umbellate-racemose, 3- or [...] 4-flowered; involucral bracts brown, elliptic-ovate, [...]6–7 × 4–5 mm, pilose on both [...]surfaces; peduncle very short; bracts brown, spatulate-oblong, ca. 5 × 2–3 mm, margin glandular. flora.ac.cn |
圆锥花序顶生,短于顶端的叶,疏松的数个疏松蝎尾状聚伞花序每一个达5厘米;花序梗近无或到2厘米; 圆锥花序的轴密被的具钩被微柔毛; 总苞 片 棕 色,不到10毫米; 苞片小,早落; 花梗3-5毫米,通常是稍弯曲,无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Panicle terminal, shorter than apical leaves, usually of several lax cincinni each to 5 cm; peduncle nearly absent or to 2 cm; [...] panicle axis densely hooked [...] puberulent; involucral bracts brown, less than 10 mm; bracts small, caducous; [...]pedicels 3--5 mm, [...]usually slightly curved, glabrous. flora.ac.cn |
花葶(1或)2或3,厚白色被微柔毛在花期,疏生白色微柔毛在果期 ; 总苞 片 3深裂,每裂片都羽状全裂,裂片狭线形,0.5-1毫米宽,背面厚厚白色被微柔毛,正面无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Scapes (1 or)2 or 3, thickly white [...] puberulent at anthesis, sparsely white [...] puberulent in fruit; involucral bracts deeply 3-lobed, [...]each lobe further pinnately divided, [...]lobes narrowly linear, 0.5--1 mm wide, abaxially thickly white puberulent, adaxially glabrous. flora.ac.cn |
蝎尾状聚伞花序数个,在顶生圆锥花序里,或者单生,带有几朵浓密排列的花;纤细的花序梗,在4厘米; 下部的总苞片叶 状但是比叶小,上部的不到10毫米;苞片早落 [...] 花梗纤细,直,3-5毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Cincinni several, in terminal panicles, or solitary, with several densely arranged flowers; [...] peduncle slender, to 4 [...] cm; proximal involucral bracts leaflike [...]but smaller than leaves, distal ones less than 10 mm; bracts caducous; pedicels slender, straight, 3--5 mm. flora.ac.cn |
最重要的农作物是 谷物,如小麦、黑麦和玉米(苞米)。 paiz.gov.pl | The most important crops are grains, like wheat, rye, and maize (corn). paiz.gov.pl |
嚴重牛皮癬的人仕需接受藥物,以抑制身體免疫反應,包括甲氨蝶呤或 環 苞 素 ,(患有牛皮癬關節炎也合用)。 lavedo.com | Persons with very severe Psoriasis may receive medicines to suppress the body's immune response. lavedo.com |
顶生的总状花序单的或更通常的在基部分枝,2-20厘米,花梗垂直 于 总 状 花 序的轴,没有,较不通常具,一小,刚毛状 小 苞 片 在 基部, 小苞片通常在果成熟前脱落。 flora.ac.cn | Terminal raceme simple or more commonly branched at base, 2-20 cm, flowering pedicel perpendicular to axis of raceme, without, [...] less commonly with, a minute, setaceous [...]bracteole at base, bracteole usually deciduous before maturation of fruit. flora.ac.cn |
花近无柄; [...] 花梗无到1(-2)毫米,密被短短柔毛;苞片和小苞片生于花梗上部,线状披针形,下部的短柔毛; 苞片4-8(-11)毫米,短于或等长花(有 时 苞 片 在 基部 的 总 状 花序达2倍花长度),先端锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers subsessile; pedicel absent to 1(--2) mm, pubescent; bract and bracteole borne on distal part of pedicel, linear-lanceolate, proximally pubescent; bract [...] 4--8(--11) mm, shorter than or equaling flower [...] (sometimes a few bracts at base of raceme to 2 × flower [...]length), apex acute. flora.ac.cn |
花序单的或具侧的总状花序在基部,无毛或被短柔毛,具短腺毛; 花梗上升或者发散的在花期垂直于总 状 花 序的轴,无毛或,很少,疏生短柔毛具短的腺毛;花开放 在 总 状 花序伸长或伸长后和多少稀疏排列,具一刚毛状的 小 苞 片 在 基部。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence simple or with lateral racemes at base, glabrous or pubescent, with short glandular hairs; pedicels ascending or [...] diverging [...] perpendicular to axis of raceme at anthesis, glabrous or, rarely, sparsely pubescent with short glandular hairs; flowers opening during or after elongation of raceme and ± widely spaced, with a setaceous bracteole at base. flora.ac.cn |
叶单生;叶柄6-8厘米,疏生短柔毛到后脱落; [...] 叶片背面均匀的苍绿色或紫色,正面绿色的具白点,三角形的长圆形, 3.2-5.3 * 2.1-4.7 厘米,用腺体点缀的正面,到疏生短柔毛沿脉和边缘,基部心形,侧面裂片 1-2 [...] * 1.3-2.3 厘米,先端钝;卵形的芽苞叶, 约1×1厘米。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves solitary; petiole 6-8 cm, sparsely pubescent to glabrescent; leaf blade abaxially uniformly pale green or purple, adaxially green with white spots, triangular-oblong, 3.2-5.3 × 2.1-4.7 cm, adaxial surface dotted with glands, glabrescent to sparsely [...] pubescent along veins and margin, base cordate, lateral lobes 1-2 × 1.3-2.3 cm, [...] apex obtuse; cataphylls ovate, to [...]1 × 1 cm. flora.ac.cn |
叶基生,宽,硬,对开花期宿存; 叶柄离生; 叶片长圆状倒卵形, 椭圆形 通常的花序单生,大,伞房花序状的或圆锥状; 主轴圆筒状,擦亮; 轴3或4 X 分开; 小枝纤细和直立; 在分岔处上的不育枝通常无或单的和单生; 穗状花序具2-7小穗,浓密在小枝的上半部分上的簇生; 小穗1或2(或)花; 宽卵形的苞片, 1-1.5毫米,边缘狭膜质; 第1 小苞片2-2.5毫米,边缘膜质。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences usually solitary, large, corymbiform or paniculate; main axis cylindrical, polished; rachis 3 or 4 X branched; branchlets slender and erect; sterile branches usually absent or simple and solitary on forks; spikes with 2--7 spikelets, densely clustered on upper part of branchlets; spikelets 1- or 2(or 3)-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 1--1.5 mm, margin narrowly membranous; first bractlet 2--2.5 mm, margin membranous. flora.ac.cn |
通常的花序单生,圆锥状; 圆柱状的轴,通常3-5 X 分开,没有很少不育枝或者与很少不育枝一起; 穗状花序1,顶生,具(-)5-8(-10)小穗; 小穗2-4花; 宽卵形的苞片,1.5-2.5毫米,无毛; 长圆状卵形的小苞片, 4.5-5.5毫米,后脱落在部分短柔毛的首先。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences usually solitary, paniculate; rachis terete, generally 3--5 X branched, without or with few sterile branches; spike 1, terminal, with (2--)5--8(--10) spikelets; spikelets 2--4-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 1.5--2.5 mm, glabrous; first bractlet oblong ovate, 4.5--5.5 mm, glabrescent to partly pubescent. flora.ac.cn |
当这尊吸收有机和无机元素的机械结合体升至最大高度时,顶端的机械盖随即打开,充气饰柱最后开始慢慢膨胀,向上伸展,像一株有机雄性花蕊 含 苞 开 放 ,让人看得心醉神迷。 shanghaibiennale.org | Once the resulting half-breed reaches its full mechanical height, the inflatables finally bloom brightly into view in a moment of hybrid ecstasy, and the mechanized lid opens revealing the new growth of an organic stamen. shanghaibiennale.org |
每苞片内 雄花1到多数;萼片(2或者)3或4,镊合状,在芽中关闭; 花瓣无;雄蕊(10-)20-30(-200); [...] 花丝离生 花药基着,2室的,几乎离生,直立的囊;近雄蕊的的腺体很多,短,直立,顶具柔毛;无退化雌蕊。 flora.ac.cn | Male flowers [...] 1 to many per bract; sepals (2 or)3 [...]or 4, valvate, closed in bud; petals absent; stamens (10-)20-30(-200); [...]filaments free; anthers basifixed, 2-locular, theca almost free, erect; juxtastaminal glands many, short, erect, apex pilose; pistillode absent. flora.ac.cn |