单词 | 总统府 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 总统府 —presidential palaceExamples:政府机关开放系统互连总则—Government Open system Interconnection Profile • GOSIP See also:总统 pl—presidents pl 总统—president (of a country) 府—presidential palace • official residence • mansion • seat of government • (honorific) Your home • government repository (archive) • prefecture (from Tang Qing times)
在本任务期间,专家组得以获得可信资料和证词,表 明 总统府 办 公室 直接获得的资金也来自各国有机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | During its current mandate, the Group was able to obtain credible information and testimony [...] indicating that funds obtained directly by the [...] office of the Presidency also came from [...]a variety of State-owned agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据专家组的信息,几笔重要的付款被列 入 总统府的 预算,而不受国家金融机构的控制。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Group’s information, important payments were charged to the Presidency’s budget outside the control of the State’s financial bodies. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些研讨班是与总统府行政管理部门、 劳动与社会发展部、教育和文化部、国家“新一代”计划合作举办的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The seminars were organized in [...] cooperation with the President’s Administration, the Ministry [...]of Labour, Social Development, the [...]Ministry of Education and Culture and the State Programme “New Generation”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
专家组认为,因为联科行动和专家组一直被拒绝进 入 总统府 和共 和国卫队部队检查,在前总统巴博掌控下,违反制裁已成为家常便饭(见 S/2011/271)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group believes that there was a consistent pattern [...] of sanctions [...] violations under the administration of former President Gbagbo because UNOCI and the Group of Experts were systematically refused access [...]to the Presidency and [...]the Republican Guard units (see S/2011/271). daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告中财务问题 一节表明,在上届行政当局执政期间,相当多的石油收入 由 总统府 直 接 控制并被 用于购买武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | As illustrated in the finance section of the present report, during the previous administration, considerable amounts of oil revenue were directly handled by the Presidency and used to purchase arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,每年科特迪瓦国家石油公司派付的一些股利被划拨给巴 博 总统府办 公室。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each year, for example, some of the dividends paid out by PETROCI were [...] diverted to the office of the Gbagbo Presidency. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作 组还调查了对指称的雇佣军 2009 年 2 月 17 日攻击总统府一事 进行的审判,尤其 是调查国际人权文书中所载的正当法律程序保障是否得到遵守。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group also inquired about the trials [...] conducted in relation to the 17 February 2009 [...] attack on the presidential palace by alleged [...]mercenaries, and in particular whether [...]the due process guarantees as contained in international human rights instruments were respected. daccess-ods.un.org |
同日,联科行动在独角兽部 队的协助下,对总统府和总统住所 周围地区及几个军营内的重型武器开展了进一 [...] 步的军事行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the same day, UNOCI, with the support of the Licorne force, conducted further [...] military operations targeting heavy weapons in [...] areas around the presidential palace and residence, [...]and several military camps. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府所做的是制订补 充 条例,这 些条例造成了处理对受害者赔偿问题的拖延,如:第 3275 号法律,该法为提交申 请规定了一个新的限 期,但 也 使 在新限 期 之前已 经 提 出赔偿申 请 的 受害者的 赔偿 程序被拖延;第 3449 号法律,该法规定,原受总统府部领 导的 CONREVIP 现在改 为受司法部领导,立法机关的两名成员成为 CONREVIP 的成员,这使得向受害者 提供赔偿被进一步拖延;第 29214 号法令,其中为 CONREVIP 规定了新的限期, 因而造成了更多拖延。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rather, the Government enacted complementary rules that are causing delays in the processing of compensation to victims, such as: Law 3275, which determines a new deadline for the submission of requests but also determines a delay in the procedure of compensating victims who had already applied for reparation before the new deadline; Law 3449, which determines that the CONREVIP Presidency, which was under the Ministry for Presidency, is now under the Ministry for Justice, and that two members from the legislative power become members of CONREVIP, which involves further delays in providing the victims with reparation; and Statutory Decree 29214, which establishes new deadlines to CONREVIP causing further delays. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组指出,总统府财务 处所要求且实际获得的资金超过了这一期间所分配 预算的 [...] 50%至 140%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group notes that the funds [...] requested and effectively paid to the Finance [...] Service of the Presidency exceeded the [...]assigned budget from 50 to 140 per cent during the period. daccess-ods.un.org |
提供给总统府办公室的其他非官方资金主要来自以下各方:科特迪瓦海关 署以“回扣”形式提供的在科特迪瓦海港阿比让和圣佩德罗港获得的关税“折扣”, [...] 国家官方彩票机构,科特迪瓦炼油公司( Société ivoirienne de raffinage)以 [...] 及科特迪瓦咖啡可可豆业管理委员会(Comité de Gestion de la Filière Café Cacao)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other unofficial funds [...] supplied to the office of the Presidency were derived [...]mainly from the Ivorian customs agency in the [...]form of “kickbacks” from customs tax “discounts” at the seaports of Abidjan and San Pedro, the official national lottery, the Ivorian oil refinery company (Société ivoirienne de raffinage), and the Ivorian management agency for cocoa and coffee (Comité de gestion de la filière café cacao). daccess-ods.un.org |
继 2011 年 4 月 11 [...] 日前总统巴博被捕之后,联科行动从 总统府 和 阿 比让其 他营房缴获了相当多的武器和弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the arrest of former President Gbagbo on 11 April [...] 2011, UNOCI seized considerable amounts of weapons and [...] ammunition from the Presidential site and other [...]barracks in Abidjan. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组建议,科特迪瓦政府继续与专家组进行高级别的合作和履行其合作 的承诺,以期对前行政当局使用的非法贩运网络开展进一步调查,尤其是调查前 总统府财务 办公室获得武器禁运生效以来收到的全部资金的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group recommends that the Government of Côte d’Ivoire continue its high level of commitment to cooperating with the Group, with a view to further investigating illicit trafficking networks used by the previous administration, in particular the access by the Financial Office of the former Presidency to all funds received since the commencement of the arms embargo. daccess-ods.un.org |
行政权属于总统府,立 法权属于人民议会,司法权属于新的最高法院,并 依法设立高等法院和初审法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | Judicial power is vested in the new Supreme Court, the High Court and such Trial Courts as are established by law. daccess-ods.un.org |
而今天,这里遍布着数不清不计其数的餐馆、咖啡馆和夜总会;同时,还驻着新加 坡 总统府 的 官邸亦坐落于此。 shangri-la.com | Today, the area contains numerous restaurants and nightclubs. It is also home to the official residence of the President of Singapore, the Istana. shangri-la.com |
乌拉圭总统府副秘 书长迭戈-卡内帕先生和莫桑比克外交与合作部副部长 恩里克·邦兹先生就两国作为“一体行动”举措的组成部分所获经验作了专题发 言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Presentations were made by Mr. Diego Canepa, Under-Secretary to the Presidency of Uruguay, [...] and Mr. Henrique Banze, Vice [...]Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique, on the experiences of the two countries as part of the Delivering as One initiative. daccess-ods.un.org |
2013年4月10日,孟加拉国总统府官员 GOLAM MOSHI先生访问了广州现代肿瘤医院,并就中孟两国的医疗合作前景进行了交流和探讨。 asiancancer.com | The president of NATIONAL PRESS CLUB Mr. BENNY ANTIPORDA arrived at Guangzhou in the afternoon of March, 1, 2013 and visited specially Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou in the next day. asiancancer.com |
同时,联科行动目前正 注重帮助努力重建安全环境和防止出现安全真空;收 [...] 缴武器和解除投降的前亲巴博部队的武装;确保机 场、海港、桥梁、总统府和总统官邸 等重要生命线和 战略设施的安全;保护包括巴博先生亲信在内的平民 [...]免遭报复;继续收集所犯侵犯人权罪行证据;以及协 [...]助提供人道主义援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the meantime, UNOCI is currently focusing on helping the efforts to re-establish a secure environment and prevent a security vacuum; collecting weapons and disarming surrendering former pro-Gbagbo forces; securing vital lifelines and strategic installations, [...] such as the airport, the seaport, [...] bridges, and the presidential palace and residence; [...]protecting civilians, including Mr. [...]Gbagbo’s entourage, against reprisals; continuing documentation of committed human rights violations; and facilitating the delivery of humanitarian assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
打击恐怖主义是安全部队的任务,在安全理事会第 1373(2001)号决议的框架 内,成立了一个中央反恐怖主义处,执行警察职责(内政公共安全部),以及一个 隶属共和国总统府的中 央情报处,该处在《东非国家打击恐怖主义区域战略协定 议定书》(2004 年 8 月 6 日在肯尼亚签署)框架内,特别设立一个打击恐怖主义特 别工作处。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pursuant to Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), a Central Counter-Terrorism Service operates within the police force (Ministry of the Interior and Public Security), and the Central Intelligence Service within the Office of the President of the Republic has set up a dedicated counter-terrorism unit in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding on the Regional Counter-Terrorism Strategy of the East African Countries, signed in Kenya on 6 August 2004. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席台左侧是为总统府、外 交使团、军事和行政首脑所设的包厢,主席台正对面是供新闻媒体、前议员及其家属和普通民众所设的包厢。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | Left to the Speaker’s Rostrum are the balconies allocated to the President of the Republic of Turkey and military and civilian bureucrats. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
该委员会由来自劳动和就业部, 规划、预算和管理部,社会福利部,民政部,社会发展部,共和 国 总统府 机 构关 系秘书处,总统府总秘书 处,各工会中心和企业联合会的代表,退休人员代表以 及各州/市公权力的特邀人员组成。 daccess-ods.un.org | The committee comprised representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, the Ministry of Social Welfare, the Civil Affairs Ministry, the Ministry of Social Development, the Secretariat of [...] Institutional [...] Relations of the Presidency of the Republic, the General Secretariat of the Presidency, various [...]trade union centres and [...]corporate confederations, representatives of retirees and guests of the State/ municipal public power. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,专家组无法证实巴博总统府支 付 款项的交易,原因是 国家资金的使用不透明以及无法获得相关文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Group was unable to document the transactions paid by the Gbagbo Presidency, as the use of State funds was opaque and the relevant documentation is not available. daccess-ods.un.org |
哥伦比亚政府通过总统府社会 活动和国际合作 署制定了一项支助恐怖主义受害者方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Colombia, through the Presidential Agency for Social [...] Action and International Cooperation, has developed [...]a programme of support for victims of terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组从总统府得知,科特迪瓦已购买了一些豁免的非致命物资,如制服、 作战鞋和军用皮带并把它们交给了共和国卫队。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group gathered [...] information from the Presidency that some exempted [...]non-lethal materiel, such as uniforms, combat shoes [...]and military belts, had been acquired and delivered to the Republican Guard. daccess-ods.un.org |
前科特迪瓦政府购买武器不仅采用付给有关公司的支票形式,由国库公共保 [...] 证金银行支付款项,而且根据科特迪瓦国库的材料,通 过 总统府 基 金 支付款项(见 下文第八节)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The payments for the purchase of arms by the former Government of Côte d’Ivoire were made by the Agence Comptable Centrale des Dépôts (ACCD), in the form of cheques addressed to the company [...] concerned, but also — according to the Treasury — payments were made through the [...] funds of the Presidency (see sect. VIII below). daccess-ods.un.org |
如今的印度总统府在英国统治时期是新德里的要塞。 shangri-la.com | Designed as the focal point of New Delhi during British rule, today this palace is the President of India’s official residence. shangri-la.com |
10 此人是霍比奥-哈拉尔代雷 海盗网络11 最臭名昭著和最具影响力的头目之一,当时正在持索马里外交护照 [...] 旅行,探望妻子和家人。12 回应有关其外交身份和旅行目的,Afweyne向当局出 [...] 示了一份显然是官方的文件,由过渡联邦 政 府总统府 主 任 (内阁首长)Mohamed Moalim Hassan签发,过渡联邦政府谢赫谢里夫·谢赫·艾哈迈德总统知道此事。 daccess-ods.un.org | In early April 2012, Malaysian immigration authorities identified Mohamed Abdi Hassan “Afweyne”,10 one of the most notorious and influential leaders of the Hobyo-Harardheere Piracy Network (HHPN),11 travelling on a Somali diplomatic passport to visit his wife and family living abroad.12 In response to questions about his diplomatic status and the purpose of his trip, Afweyne presented the authorities with an apparently official [...] document issued by the Director of the [...] Transitional Federal Government Presidency (Chief [...]of Cabinet), Mohamed Moalim Hassan, [...]with knowledge of Transitional Federal Government President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. daccess-ods.un.org |
曾在土耳其外交部历任驻斯图加特总领事馆助理领事、驻伊拉克大使馆一秘、常驻经合组织代表处参赞、驻纽约总领事、驻罗马尼亚大使、土耳其共和国常驻欧盟代表,曾任总理府外事顾问 、 总统府 办 公厅主任、外交部首席顾问、欧盟事务副秘书长、外交部负责欧盟事务的副次长和欧盟事务秘书长。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | Mr. Bozkır respectively served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Vice-Consul General, Consulate General in Stuttgart, First Secretary of Embassy in Baghdad, Counselor, Permanent Delegation to the OECD, Consul General in New York, Ambassador in Bucharest, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the European Union. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
第 29292 号最高法令设立了消除奴役、强迫劳动和类似做法部际委员会,组 成如下:总统府部、 司法部、发展规划部、生产和微型企业部、农村发展和土地 部和劳动、就业和社会保障部。 daccess-ods.un.org | Supreme Decree No. 29292 established the Inter-ministerial Council for the Eradication of Servitude, Forced Labour and Similar Practices, which comprises the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Development Planning, the Ministry of Production and Microenterprises, the Ministry of Rural Development and Lands and the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. daccess-ods.un.org |
该委员会由宪 [...] 法和议会事务国务秘书担任主席,其成员除 了 总统府 事 务部的代表之外,还包括 由致力于推进和保护人权工作的非政府组织和人权方面的高校研究机构提名的、 [...] 在这方面具有渊博知识和丰富经验的人士。 daccess-ods.un.org | This commission is chaired by the Secretary of State for Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, and includes, [...] in addition to representatives of the [...] Ministry of the Presidency, persons with [...]proven knowledge and experience in the promotion [...]and protection of human rights, on the proposal of non-governmental organizations dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights and of university human rights institutes. daccess-ods.un.org |