

单词 总统制



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选取美国作为研究对象,是因为该国实行典 型总统制体系,而政党在参众两院中担当相当不同的角色。
The US is chosen because it is a typical form of presidential government and political parties in the House of Representatives and the Senate have played very different roles.
美国总统制则倚赖法例条文 作出规管。
The presidential system of government in the US relies on statutory regulations.
郑教授表示,在草拟《基本法》时,许 多人认 为香港应采取美国 式总统 制为 该 政府体 制 既 有 效 亦稳定。
Prof CHENG said that when the Basic Law was drafted, many people were thinking about the American presidential system for Hong Kong because such a system of government was efficient and stable.
从 政权组织 形 式 来 看 , 可分为内总统制
In terms of the form of government, there are the cabinet system and the presidential system.
在政治制度方面,我不敢在黄宏发议员面前班门弄斧,但我知道有数个 主要的制度,第一,是美国总统制二,是英国的多数党组织内阁的制 度。
I do not dare to expose my shortcomings by pretending to be well-learned in political systems in front of people like Mr Andrew WONG.
如果政府不是推总统制便进行改选,它是被迫进行改 选;或可向该议会投不信任票;又或在一个推总统制家里,运用行政 权来摧毁立法会。
If a presidential system is not practised by the Government, it will be forced to hold a re-election; alternatively, a vote of no confidence on the Council can be cast; or, in a country practising a presidential system, one can use executive powers to destroy the Legislative Council.
卢博士认为,《基本法》某 些条文事实上倾 向 美 国总统 制
Dr LO opined that some provisions of the Basic Law actually leaned towards the American presidential system.
基本 法》是因 应 香港独 特 的 历史和 社 会
[...] 情况而建 立的民主制度 , 有别 於 议总 统 制归 前 的 总 督 制 或内地的人民代 [...]
表大会制,而 且 是 在“一 国 两 制 " 下 适 合 於香港的民主情况的 地方政 治体制 。
This system, unlike the parliamentary system,
[...] presidential system, the governor systemadopted before [...]
the reunification or the people's
congress system adopted in the Mainland, is a regional political system adopted in compliance with the "one country, two systems" principle that suits the situation of democracy in Hong Kong.
3.1.1 美 利坚合众国(下称“美国”)是 联邦制国家 ,政治总统 制
3.1.1 The United States of America (US) is a federal state with a presidential system of government.
At present, it seems that the system being practised by us is not a British system but a system that is somewhere between the British system and the presidential system and the Chief Executive is the president.
在此,我 要指出在香港的议会制(有别总统制治制度㆘,议会即立法局的角色是透过立 法和监察来制约政府,施政的主动通常是属於政府的,例如政府的提案应优先处理, 这并不表示议员不能有提案,更不表示政府的提案必定会获得通过,我们可以修改或 甚至不通过。
Here I must point out that under Hong Kong's parliamentary system of government (as distinguished from the presidential system of government) the role of Parliament, in our case the Legislative Council, is to function as a check and balance on the Administration through legislation and monitoring.
但是,按照《基本 法》,如果不作出修改,这便总统制行政主导,行政长官有绝 对的权力。
However, according to the Basic Law,barring amendments, this would be a presidential system and an executive-led system, so the Chief Executive will have absolute power.
大家看看英国和美 国,它们同样是西方国家,但其制度是完全不同的,一个是议会制,一 个总统制
If we look at the United Kingdom and the United States, they are both western countries but their systemsare entirely different, one being a parliamentary system and the other, a presidential system.
因为 在实总统制制度的法区,他们的部长和副部长往往都是委任产生的。
In jurisdictions practising the presidential elelction system, the ministers and deputy ministers are usually appointed.
我 认为即 使 在 未 能达致 整个立法机关是经 由 普 选 产 生 的情况,也仍然 有 需 要 在 行 政立法的关系上明明显显地 实 行一个真正 的 问 责 制 ;关於这个真正 的 问 责 制,我 认为我们应该看看世 界 各 地 的 政 治 制 度 , 我们不应该把 香港的 模 式 视之为美洲 式总 统制应 把 其视之为欧 洲 式 的一种 议会制:议会内 阁 制 。
In my opinion, even if we cannot achieve a situation whereby the entire legislature is returned by universal suffrage, there is still a need to put into practice a genuine accountability system in the executive-legislative relationship.
主席认 为,各 国采取不同做法,可 能 是 因 两 种 主要 制度(总统制於国会制政府模式) 之间有基本分 别 所 致 。
The Chairman opined that the reason for adopting different practices could possibly be attributed to the fundamental differences between the two major systems, i.e. presidential versus parliamentary system of government.
政治体制(例总统制於议 会制、联邦制相对於中央集权 制 )、选举制度 (例 如多数票制相对於比 例代表制),以及筹 组政府模式 (例 如 政党在过程中有其角色相对於政党在过程中没 有角色),都 对政党 的发展有不同的影响。
Political institutionsrelevant to the growth of political parties vary widely in terms of the general political system (e.g. presidential vs. parliamentary, federal vs. unitary), election (e.g. plurality vs. proportional representation), and the relational pattern government formation (party’s role vs. no role).
我说,在香港现行制度下 如果两者均由直选产生便总统制不是内阁制;将来便会出现一 个问题,普选产生的行政长官有民意支持,例如有过半数的市民投票 给他,而立法会内所有议席均由分区直选产生,那麽,大家认为行政 长官是否需要有政党背景?
In the future, a problem would arise. Since a Chief Executive returned through universal suffrage has popular mandate, for example, if a majority of the public voted for him, whereas the seats in the Legislative Council are returned by geographical constituencies through direct elections, in that case, would Members consider it necessary for the Chief Executive to have political affiliation?
因此, 如 果 我们希 望行政立 法的关 系 磨 合 , 或是想推行不论 是部总统制何 一 种 政制,其实 均 须 建 基於普 及 而 平 等 的 选 举 。
This is by no means any permanent mechanism and would never last long. Therefore, regardless of whether our hope is to see rapport
between the
[...] executive and thelegislature,or our political system develops into either a ministerial system ora presidential system, election [...]
by universal and
equal suffrage is still the cornerstone on which things could develop.
The initial round of collaboration focused on three general themes: the impact of electoral institutions on citizens' political
cognition and behavior (parliamentary
[...] versus presidential systems of government, [...]
the electoral rules that govern the casting
and counting of ballots; and political parties); the nature of political and social cleavages and alignments; and the evaluation of democratic institution and processes.
这也将使我们总统全 世界其他民主体看齐。
It will also bring us into line with the way democracies all over the world elect their presidents.
在一宗 近 期弹总统案作 出的裁 决 中 订明总统因严 重 违法行为及在任期间 的行为而被 弹劾,以 及只有在基本严 重 受 损,以致只 能以免除其职务的方式 弥补所 造 成的损害这种 情 况 下 才 能被弹劾。
A ruling on a recent presidential
[...] impeachment case specifies that the President can be impeached only for serious violations of law, for conduct only while in office, and only when the damage inflicted on the fundamentalconstitutional order isso grave [...]
that only his removal can repair the damage.
然而 包括俄罗总统的政治领袖也 体认到 影响目前俄罗斯经济前景最大的关键 仍在於如何改善投资环境 这包括如何促进金 融秩序稳定与降低保障 税务与劳 工等问题 以利吸引更多的民间投资 但在达 到这样难度相当高的目标之前 目前俄罗斯对 外资的态度还是以较大规模且有外国政府参与 的投资计画为主 目 前 俄 罗 斯 希 望 在 年 底 能 够 与 东 协 ASEAN 洽签一项自由贸易区的相关协定 内容大部分系以核能 太空 交通 教育 奈 米 生物科技 保障食品安全等方面的合作 目前虽然不清楚俄罗斯强化与南亚与东南亚的 经济合作 会有助於俄罗斯经济摆脱明後年欧 盟经济不振带给俄罗斯经济本身的影响 然而 就长期而言 逐步融入世界经济与贸易体系 还是符合俄罗斯整体利益 并稳定刚结束的国 会大选与即将举行总统大选的俄罗斯政局
Now Russia hopes to sign an agreement with ASEAN related to free trade area by the end of the year, including cooperation in terms of nuclear power, outer space, transportation, education, nano, biotechnology, and food safety. Although it is still unclear now whether Russia’s strengthened economic cooperation with South Asia and Southeast Asia will help its own economy get rid of the influences brought by the weak economy of Europe in the next two years, the gradual integration into the world economy and trading system is in line with Russia’s national interests in the long term.
例如,三藩市 地区一家软体公司的创始人,早在1997年就通 过向朋友和同事发电子邮件的方式,敦促人们 向自己所在地区的民选官员呼吁总统顿的弹劾程序,向前推进(move on) 其他政治议程。
For example, the founders of a San Francisco-area software company began e-mailing friends and colleagues in 1997, asking them to urge their elected officials to end the impeachment process against then President BillClinton and to “move on” to other policyissues.
不 过 , 由於建议 受 到 国会的阻 力 , 袁 世 凯 於 是 停 止 国会的运 作 ,成立中 央 政 治 会 议,修 改
[...] 《 临 时约法》,彻底废 除制 总 统的条款,赋予总 统 至 高 [...]
无上 的权力 。
But since his proposal was met with objection from the then parliament, YUAN Shikai dissolved the parliament and set up a central political council to amend the Provisional
Constitution to confer absolute power on the President by abolishing completely all
[...] clauses imposingrestraints on his powers.
现正进行的措施包括设置远端存取机密电邮资訉系统,以及重建土力工程处雨量计系统的基本监控功能,2011-12 年度的总预算开支为 480 万元。
On-going initiatives of the latter include provision of remote access to confidential mails, development of the Greening Master Plans Information System, and the revamp of the basic module of the Raingauge System of the Geotechnical Engineering Office, with a total estimated expenditure of $4.8 million in 2011-12.
为 配 合 中 央 银
[...] 行 同 业 资 金 调 拨 清 算 作 业银 行 一 ○ 一 年 及 一 ○ ○ [...]
年 九 月 底 之 央 行 定 存 单 分 别 计 有 10,500,000 仟 元 及 10,000,000 仟 元 已 设 质 提 供 作 为 日 间 透 支 之
担 保 , 惟 该 担 保 额 度 可 随 时 变 更 。
To comply with the Central Bank’s
[...] clearing system requirementsfor real-time gross settlement (RTGS), the Bank [...]
pledged negotiable certificates of deposit aggregating $10,500,000 thousand
and $10,000,000 thousand as of September 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively, as collateral for day-term overdraft.
为积极落实「援外政策白皮书」揭櫫之各项原则,并厘 订我国援外工作之法制基础,外交部依据我国国情并参酌世 界潮流,研拟「国际合作发展法」(国合法)草案,於 99 年 5 月 18 日经立法院三读通过,并於同年 6 月 15 日总统施行,奠定我援外工作之法源,使我援外政策之目标、策 略及作法,更臻专业化、透明化及多元化。
To implement the principles specified in the White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy and establish a legal basis for Taiwan’s foreign aid efforts, MOFA took into account the situation in Taiwan as well as international trends in drafting the International Cooperation and Development Act (ICD Act), which was passed by the Legislative Yuan on May 18, 2010 and promulgated and entered into force on June 15 of that same year.
一般规例 内 12部涵盖的事宜包括规管本地船只到达和驶离有关的程序规定、本
[...] 地船只在香港水域内航行、停泊和使用浮标及码头、乘客登船和离船、 处理货物的安全规定、使用及展示灯光及讯号、对某些在中国内地或 澳门注册的船只的规管及透过高频无线电话通讯运作的报告只航行监察服务及对香港水域内某些活动(例如赛事、滑水、 捕鱼及供给燃料活动)施加管制,以及提升本地船只航行安全的杂项规 定。
The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements governing the arrival and departure of local vessels, the navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the berthing of, and use of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of
lights and signals, the
[...] regulationand controlof certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the vessel traffic service permitting a report system operated through [...]
high frequency
radiotelephone communication, and the imposition of control over some activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and miscellaneous requirements enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels.
3.2.1 根据《美国宪法》第 II条 第 4款 , "美国总统总统有文职官员如因叛国、贿赂或其他重 [...]
刑罪行及非重刑罪行而受弹劾并 被 定罪,须予以 免职。
3.2.1 Under Article II, Section 4 of the US
[...] Constitution, "[t]he President, Vice President and all civil [...]
Officers of the United States, shall
be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.




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