

单词 总督


副总督 n

Lieutenant Governor n


Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi


Japanese colonial administration of Korea 1910-1945


PRC State Administration of Quality Supervision and Quarantine

See also:

army title (archaic)
supervise and direct

External sources (not reviewed)

按照惯 例,只有总理才能建总督解散议会和进行选举,或接受部长的辞职。
By convention, the Prime Minister alone can advise the Governor-General to dissolve [...]
Parliament and call an election, or
accept the resignation of Ministers.
维多利亚总督Davidde KretserAC 教授以及中华人民共和国驻墨尔本总领事沈伟廉为澳大利亚中国工商业委员会提供了无价的支持。
Our two State Patrons, Prof. David de Kretser AC, Governor of Victoria and Consul General Shen [...]
Weilian for the People’s
Republic of China in Melbourne, provide invaluable support to ACBC.
根据 《宪法》总督经立法会议建议和同意,可以就领土的和平、秩序和善治问题制 定法律,但就领土的和平、秩序和善治问题制定法律的绝对权力由英国王室掌 握。
By the terms of the
[...] Constitution, the Governor, with the advice and [...]
consent of the Legislative Assembly, may make laws for
the peace, order and good government of the Territory, while full power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Territory is reserved for the British Crown.
毫不拖延地系统执行零容忍政策,鼓励现有机构继续执行这一政策,努力通 过主管机构(国总督察办 公室、反腐败大队和反腐败法院)建设机构能力。
Systematically implement without delay the policy of zero tolerance and encourage the existing institutions to continue implementation of the policy and build the capacity of the institutions making
efforts through the structures in charge (Office
[...] of the State Inspector General, Anti-Corruption [...]
Brigade and Anti-Corruption Court).
他的职业生涯大部份时间都在海外度过(1962年至1970年期间,先后在安哥拉、几内亚及帝汶等地服务;于1974年至1976年,抵澳担 总督 ) , 是一位国际性的指挥家(于1987年至1990年间,在北大西洋公约组织(NATO)担任葡萄牙军事顾问代表;于1996年,担任联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(Minurso [...] [...]
/ ONU)的军事指挥官、高级军事研究学院和国防研究学院院长及陆军副参谋长),除此之外,亦是位高等教育机构人员(分別於高级军事研究学院、里斯本技术大学社会与政治科学高等学院及葡萄牙天主教大学政治学院,担任专家导师)。
His professional life was divided between the ancient colonies (Angola from 1962 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1972,
Guinea-Bissau from 1965 to 1967 and Timor from
[...] 1968 to 1970, and was Governor of Macau between 1974 and [...]
1979), the command and international
roles (Military Counselor of the Portuguese Delegation of NATO between 1987 and 1990, Commanding Officer of Minurso/ONU-1996 Military Component, director of the High Military Studies Institute and of the National Defense Institute, and Vice-Chief of the Army Staff), and the universitary teaching (IAEM and masters degrees from the Superior Institute of Social and Political Sciences, IEP/UCP).
此外,我欣见加拿总督米夏 埃尔·让女士被任 命为教科文组织海地问题特使以及她将很快开始她 [...]
In addition, I welcome the
[...] appointment of the Governor-General of Canada, [...]
Ms. Michaëlle Jean, as Special Envoy for Haiti
for UNESCO, and the fact that she will start her work in that role soon.
为了避免这种做法持续下去,海地政府努 力开展国际合作,加强海地国家警 总督 察 的 能力,并提高警察对该问题的认 识,包括将人权必修课程纳入警察学院的培训方案。
In order to prevent the continuation of such practices, the Haitian State worked together with international cooperation agencies to strengthen the capacities of the Office of the Inspector-General of the National Police of Haiti and to sensitize its officers to the issue, in particular by incorporating compulsory courses on human rights into the training programme of the Police Academy.
Undy 总督在白 沙瓦认为一切平静时, Afridi 部落的“虔诚军”突然现身袭击白沙瓦。
And when Commissioner Undy in Peshawar spoke of the calm, tribal Afridi Lashkars came out of nowhere to attack Peshawar.
这幅非洲西海岸部分的地图为尊敬的耶胡迪·阿什蒙牧师所作,他是卫理公会部长、一名出色的制图师以及美国殖民协会(ACS)代表,1824-1828 年还担任了利比里总督。
This map of part of Africa’s west coast is by the Reverend Jehudi Ashmun, a Methodist
minister, skilled cartographer, agent of the American Colonization
[...] Society (ACS), and governor of Liberia from 1824 [...]
to 1828.
这次事件后,提交人和她的丈夫就受 总督 察 和 尼甘布 派出所在场警官的死亡威胁向副总监办公室提出投诉,要求予以调查。
After this incident, the author and
her husband filed a further complaint
[...] against the Chief Inspector and the accompanying [...]
officer of the Negombo police station
before the Office of the Deputy Inspector General in relation to the death threats received, asking for an investigation.
这个计划是准备在IPhone显示波多黎各 总督 驻 地 专员和圣胡安市市长政党候选人的资料。
This program was prepared to show in the
IPhone the information of the Puerto Rico political
[...] candidates for Governor, Resident Commissioner [...]
and Mayor of San Juan.
意识到未来政治地位研究委员会 2006 年完成的工作及该委员会于 2007 年 1
[...] 月发表的报告及提出的建议,以及 2009 年总督宣布将于 2009 年某个时候将该 委员会的报告和建议提交制宪会议
Aware of the work of the Future Political Status Study Commission, completed in 2006, and the release of
its report, with recommendations, in
[...] January 2007, and the Governor’s announcement early [...]
in 2009 that the report and recommendations
of the Commission would be laid before a constitutional convention sometime in 2009
这其中包括天津墨尔本友好城市关系30 周年庆、江苏省维多利亚州友好省州关系30
[...] 周年庆,上海世博会期间举办的维多利亚 总督 / 澳 大利亚中国工商业委员会维多利亚州分会特别活动,吸引了100 [...]
These included the 30th anniversary of the Tianjin Melbourne sister city relationship, the 30th anniversary of the Jiangsu
Victoria sister state relationship, and a
[...] special Victorian Governor/ACBC Victoria [...]
event at the Shanghai Expo attended by over
100 senior Chinese business leaders, and many others.
意识到未来政治地位研究委员会 2006 年完成的工作及该委员会于 2007 年 1 月发表的报告及提出的建议,在领土设立的美属萨摩亚宪法审查委员会以及 2010 年 6 月举行的美属萨摩亚第四次制宪会议, 注意到在此方面美属萨摩总督在 2010 年 5 月 18 日至 20 日于努美阿举行 的太平洋区域讨论会上的发言和先前提交给特别委员会的政策文件,其中他表 示,虽然领土的地位类似自治,但现在应在领土与管理国之间制定合作性更强 的办法
Aware of the work of the Future Political Status Stud y Commission, completed in 2006, the release of its report, with recommendations, in January 2007, and the creation of the American Samoa Constitutional Review Committee in the Territory, as well as the holding in June 2010 of American Samoa’s fourth Constitutional Convention
成立于1859年,福康宁公园曾经是军火库,军营和医院,而也是前满者伯夷(Majapahit)国王的度假皇宫以及殖民 总督 如 史 丹福莱佛士爵士的居所。
Established in 1859 as an arms store, barracks and hospital, Fort Canning Park was the site
for the palatial resort of former Majapahit kings and the
[...] residence of colonial governors such as Sir Stamford [...]
总督、省 长、法官、市政议员们来这里不是为了治理殖民地,也不是为了谋 求有人民代表的政治生活,反而是由市政会、公社政府或市政府来供奉他们。
It was not the viceroys, governors, judges, aldermen or high courts that prepared the colonies for self-government and still less for a political life with “popular representation”.
这份多卷本制作于 1871-72
[...] 年间,是在俄罗斯陆军将军兼俄罗斯驻土耳其斯坦首 总督 康 斯 坦丁·P·凡·考夫曼的赞助下完成的。
This multi-volume work was produced in 1871-72 under the patronage of
Konstantin P. von Kaufman, a Russian army general
[...] and the first governor-general of Turkestan, [...]
as the Russian Empire's Central Asian holdings were called.
之前的Pride系列腕表包括纪念阿根廷独立200周年的Pride of Argentina,表背镌刻布宜诺斯艾利 总督 府。
Previous Prides include the Pride of Argentina - a tribute to the Bicentenary of Argentina bearing the engraving of the Cabildo de Bueno Aires.
他猛烈的“广告Scapulam”是写给一个迫害地 总督 警 告
His fierce "Ad Scapulam" is a warning addressed to a persecuting proconsul.
所有死刑判决 必须获得上级法院的批准,被判死刑者有权向高等 法庭或最高法庭提起上诉,可以向相关邦 总督或 院长请求特赦。
Any death sentence must be confirmed by a superior court and the accused had a right of appeal to the High Court, or to
the Supreme Court, and was entitled to file a mercy
[...] petition before the governor of the State concerned or the President.
因此,Mustière响应公司号召来到中国,并成为中 总督 的 客 人。
And so, Mustière travels to the foreign country and is a
[...] guest of the Vice King of the Middle [...]
(b) 提供 2006-2008 年关于警总督察署 、技术督察署、安全部 总督 察署 和警察局任务的更多信息;每年收到的投诉次数;每年处理投诉的次数、对何种 犯罪投诉、针对谁投诉;以及所有这些投诉的结果,包括对负责官员实施的处 罚
(b) Further information for 2006–2008 about the mandate of the Inspection Générale de la Police, the Inspection technique, the Inspection Générale des Forces de Sécurité, and the Direction de la Police; the number of complaints received per year; the number of complaints pursued per year, for which offences, and against whom; and the outcome of all such complaints, including sanctions imposed on the officers responsible
然而,1975年,澳大利总督以通 货膨胀和丑闻为由解散了该政府。
However by 1975, inflation and
[...] scandal led to the Governor-General dismissing [...]
the government.
我敦促美国各州州长、波多黎总督 、 美 国其他属地的官员和美国人民同我一道,参加相关的纪念活动和仪式,悼念被艾滋病夺去生命的人,支持并安慰那些患有此病的人。
I urge the Governors of the States [...]
and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials of the other territories subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States, and the American people to join me in appropriate activities to remember those who have lost their lives to AIDS and provide support and comfort to those living with this disease.
(h) 提供司法服总督察署编写的任何查访报告的副本、提出的任何建 议,以及关于在这些查访后采取的任何行动的资料; 提供过去三年司法部受权查访拘留地点的其他部门( 例如包括儿童和青 年司法保护司 ) 进行的查访报告副本、提出的任何建议以及关于在这些查访后所 采取的任何行动的资料
(i) Copies of any visit reports undertaken by other departments of the Ministry of Justice which are mandated to visit places of detention (including for example the Direction de la Protection Judiciaire de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse) for the past three years, any recommendations made, and any actions taken following these visits
On the top floor, which
[...] occupies the so-called Governor’s House, where they [...]
resided not only Galician figures such as Juana
de Vega and her husband General Mina, but also others like ancestors of Francisco Vazquez would become mayor of the city, recalls some milestones in the history of the city issuing the Armada and subsequent attack by Drake in 1589, with heroic intervention of Maria Pita, Captain Juan Varela, Captain Troncoso and many Coruña and neighbors of the upcoming locations; he suffered imprisonment in illustrious prisoners as Malaspina, Macanaz or Porlier.
财产管理和库存管理股目前有 1 个由经常预算供资的专业员额(P-2),该人负责 督总 部 的 财产管理并且提供家具、 资产跟踪和库存管理,但并没有由维持和平行动支助账户供资的工作人员。
The Property Management and Inventory Control Unit currently has one Professional post
(P-2) funded from
[...] regular budget, which oversees property management at Headquarters and is responsible [...]
for providing furniture,
tracking assets and controlling inventory whereas there are no staffing resources funded from the support account for peacekeeping operations.
部门间工作组督总部各计划部门、各地区办事处、各总部外办事处、各研究所之间 的合作,并确保可持续发展教育十年活动有助于加强全民教育的三项核心行动– 提高能力的 扫盲行动(LIFE)、非洲撒哈拉以南地区教师培训行动(TTISSA)和艾滋病毒/艾滋病教育 [...] [...]
The IWG oversees both intersectoral coordination among the programme sectors at Headquarters, [...]
the regional bureaux, field
offices and institutes, as well as ensuring that DESD contributes to reinforcing the three core EFA initiatives – the Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE), the Teacher Training Initiative for Sub-Saharan Africa (TTISSA) and the Global Initiative on HIV/AIDS and Education (EDUCAIDS).




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