

单词 总监

总监 ()

(police) commissioner
director (of an organizational unit)
rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration


区总监 n

district commissioner n
Regional Commissioner n


PRC State Administration of Quality Supervision and Quarantine

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

他是“无定形机器人作品” (ARW)团体的艺总监,该 团体成立于1991年,由艺术家和工程师组成,这些人帮助他实现作品。
He is the Artistic Director of Amorphic Robot Works (ARW), a
[...] collective he founded in 1991, that [...]
consists of artists and engineers who help
in the realization of his work.
(c) 把石刑作为一种处决手段,而且被关押在监狱中的人继续面临石砸死 刑,尽管司总监已发出通知禁止石刑
(c) Stoning as a method of execution and persons in prison who continue to face sentences of execution by stoning, notwithstanding a circular from the head of the judiciary prohibiting stoning
缔约国应该授予司总监更大的权力,以便遵照《巴黎原则》,更充分地促进和 保护所有人权,或通过其他手段实现这一目标,并考虑到《禁止酷刑和其他残 忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》对国家预防机制的要求。
The State party should either provide the Chancellor of Justice with a broader mandate to more fully promote and protect all human rights or achieve that aim by some other means, in full compliance with the Paris Principles, and take into account in this regard the requirements for the national preventive mechanism under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
委员会的成员还包 括文总监、博物馆部门主管、文化部防御问 题办公室主管、以及委员会主席任命的其他成 员。
Other members of the Committee include the General Conservator of Monuments, Director of the Department of Museums, Director of the Office of Defensive Issues at the Culture Ministry, as well as persons appointed by the head of the Committee.
技术评估团听取了联刚特派团和联合国国家工作队的详细通报,并与刚果民 主共和国政府进行了协商,参加协商的包括:主管内政和安全的副总理、国防部 参谋长、警总监;外交、国防、司法和人权、国际和区域合作及规划等各部部 长;以及独立选举委员会主席,他同时以《3 月 23 日协定》全国后续工作委员会 副主席的身份参加了协商。
The technical assessment mission received detailed briefings from MONUC and the United Nations country team, and consulted with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including the Vice Prime Minister for the Interior and Security, the FARDC Chief of Defence Staff, the Inspector General of the Police and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Defence, Justice and Human Rights, International and Regional Cooperation, and Planning, as well as the President of the Independent Electoral Commission, including in his capacity as Vice-President of the National Follow-up Committee of the Agreements of 23 March.
从全球范围来看,像亚洲太平洋地区,拉丁美洲和印度等地区,未来小吃和烘焙产品销量将呈现最好的增长势头,”PMMI商业智 总监 P a u la Feldman说。
From a global perspective, as in Asia Pacific, Latin America and India and other regions, the future food
and baking products sales will present the best growth momentum, " PMMI business
[...] intelligence director Paula Feldman said.
在 2009 年加入 Blackstone 之前,Skero 女士在 Merrill
[...] Lynch 工作过 29 年,从事过各种职位,包括全球财富管理部门首席财务官和全 总监 , 她 的职责包括监督公司的簿册及记录、SEC 报表、会计政策和遵守薩班斯-奥克斯法 [...]
Prior to joining Blackstone in 2009, Ms. Skero worked at Merrill Lynch for 29 years in a variety of positions, including CFO of its Global
Wealth Management division
[...] and Global Controller, where her responsibilities included oversight of the firm’s [...]
books and records,
SEC reporting, accounting policy, and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
如果这个国家就是一 个公司的话,那么那个人力资源 总监 恐 怕 就要被撵到大街上去 了。
If this nation were a company, the human resources director would be kicked out onto the street.
互动数据公司欧洲、中东和非洲价格及参考数据 总监 A n t hony Belcher评论说:“投资组合报告及新会计标准对透明度要求日益提高,为了更好地管理投资组合和评估过程,越来越需要高品质的固定收益评估数据。
Anthony Belcher, director, EMEA Pricing and Reference Data at Interactive Data, comments: "Increased demand for transparency from portfolio reporting and new accounting standards are driving demand for high quality, fixed income evaluations to better manage portfolios and the valuation process.
那是在父亲50岁出头的时候,我敢肯定质 总监 认 为 他会选择别克或凯迪拉克车型,但Dorian一直梦想克尔维特。
Since he was in his early 50s, I'm sure the quality director thought he would order a Buick or a Cadillac, but Dorian had always dreamed of driving a Corvette.
在《第一财经周刊》刊登的题为“找个好名字”的文章中,朗标副总裁及创 总监 A m a nd a Liu女士评论道“事实上,在命名里,创意只占到20%,余下的都是各种约束。
In the article “Find a Good Name” in CBN Weekly, Labbrand’s VP & Creative Director Amanda Liu commented that “in Chinese brand naming, creativity is only about 20%.
1988年加入我们公司,担任比利时办事处SGS公司质量检 总监 后 , Dirk曾在许多不同岗位工作过,积累了各业务领域的广泛经验。
After joining us in 1988 as Director for SGS Qualitest in our Belgium office Dirk worked in various roles gaining experience across a broad range of our businesses.
烟草行业工商安全管理系统解决方案,基于国家《数据烟草发展纲要》对烟草行业信息化建设的总体规划,按照“统一标准、统一平台、统一数据库、统一网络”的要求,实现烟草全行业日常的各项安全管理工作,发挥行业垂直管理体制优势,实现统一管理流程、分级管理、逐级 总 、 监 督 检 查的管理机制,最终实现系统集成、资源整合、信息共享,实现行业安全信息的集中宏观调控管理,提高应对安全生产突发事件的应急和指挥决策能力。
Based on general planning for IT construction in the tobacco industry in Digital Tobacco Development Outline by the government, and according to the requirements of “uniform standard, platform, database and network”, the solution can realize routine safety management in the tobacco industry, utilize vertical management system advantage of the industry, realize
uniform management flow, level
[...] management, stage summarizing, supervision and checking management [...]
mechanism, so as to finally
realize system integration, resource integration, information sharing, realize concentrated macro control management for industrial safety information, improving abilities of handling emergency, directing and decision making during safe production.
这场活动由瑞典常驻联合国代表团和妇女署共同主办,由一组发言者为主 导,其中包括瑞典常驻联合国代表、副秘书长/妇女署执行主任、阿富汗常驻联 合国副代表、阿富汗妇女网总监和 妇 女署阿富汗国家主任。
The event was co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations and UN-Women, led by a panel of speakers that included the Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations, the Under-Secretary-General/ Executive Director of UN-Women, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations, the General Director of the Afghan Women’s Network and the UN-Women Country Director for Afghanistan.
委员 会还建议缔约国提供详细资料,说明定期采取哪些具体行动,包括对于有精神障 碍的被拘留者,以实施剥夺自由场 总监 察 员 访问后提出的建议。
The Committee further recommends that the State party provide details about specific action taken regularly to implement the recommendations issued by the Inspector-General of places of deprivation of liberty following visits, including in the case of detainees suffering from psychiatric disorders.
在本报告所述期间,苏丹南方政府采取了令人鼓舞的措施,以重组、改革和 改组苏丹南方警察局,所采取的手段包括通过新的警察法、任命新的警 总监以 及征聘 6 000 名高中毕业生来取代苏丹南方警察局年老体弱人员。
During the reporting period, the Government of Southern Sudan took encouraging steps to reorganize, reform and restructure the Southern Sudan Police Service, including through the passage of the new Police Act, the appointment of a new Inspector General of Police, and the recruitment of 6,000 high school graduates to replace the elderly and infirm personnel of the Police Service.
Addameer囚犯支援和人权协总监 Sahar Francis指出,逮捕儿童是为了恐吓和吓倒年轻人,以阻遏“更普遍的政 [...]
治活动”,40 引起了关于以色列在具体方面不承认大会对抵抗非法占领政策的权 利的肯定。
According to Sahar Francis, General-Director of Addameer [...]
Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, the arrests of children
are intended to intimidate and scare youth so as to discourage “political activism more generally”,40 raising questions as to a specific denial by Israel of the affirmation by the General Assembly of a right of resistance to unlawful occupation policies.
如果您需要明确自己或他人对公司资产的使用权,请与所在单位或 所在部门的财总监联系
If you need to clarify your or another individual’s authority to commit the Company, you should contact your unit or Division financial director.
出席当天下午颁奖仪式的有耀中的行政人员和部门主管,以及CIE代表,包括行政总裁Ann Puntis女士、传讯及客户关总监Janet Morris女士、亚太区总裁Ben Schmidt博士、中国高等学校发展经理Stella Jiang女士,及中国学校发展经理Lina Li女士。
Attending the afternoon ceremony were YCIS administrators and division heads, and CIE representatives,
including Ms. Ann
[...] Puntis, CIE CEO, Ms. Janet Morris, CIE Director of Communications and Customer Relationships, Dr. Ben Schmidt, CIE Regional Director Asia [...]
Pacific, Ms. Stella
Jiang, CIE Senior Schools Development Manager for China, and Ms. Lina Li, CIE Schools Development Manager for China.
挪威斯考根集团的LNG总监姚耸 先生从挪威运营商的角度介绍了中国的市场情况,并就中国市场上所存在的障碍与机遇进行了探讨。
The LNG Director of I.M. Skaugen, [...]
Mr. Yao Song, held a presentation about the market situation in China from the view of
a Norwegian operator, talking about obstacles and opportunities in the Chinese market.
这些低成本的系统,能大大节省主 管或培总监在协调管理人力绩效提升 项目上所花费的时间,使组织和个人得 [...]
These cost-efficient systems significantly reduce the time required by managers
[...] or training directors to coordinate [...]
Human Performance Improvement efforts, allowing
organizations and learners to spend more time on improving performance and less on administering or managing such efforts.
在 Battery 之前,Barlow 先生是美国银行另类投资总监,领 导该部门第三方产品的开发和分销,其中包括一个由数个私募基金组成的单一经理人项目、一个注册的多经理人基金中的对冲基金以及一个分层顾问管理的私募多战略房地产基金。
Prior to Battery, Mr. Barlow was a Director in Bank of America’s Alternative Investment Group where he led the development and distribution of the Group’s third-party products, which included a single manager program consisting of several privately-offered funds, a registered multi-manager hedge fund of funds, and a sub-advised private multi-strategy real estate fund.
他在 1993 年至 1997 年之间为戴尔公司担任首席销售官,在 1997 年至 2001 年之间为 UUNET 担任销总监,最 初负责法国业务部,随后扩展至欧洲南部。
He worked for Dell, Inc. from 1993 to 1997 as Chief of Sales and for UUNET as a Sales Director from 1997 to 2001, initially working for the France business unit and then operating across South of Europe.
我们的战略定位是为光伏和锂电池等终端市场制造高端产品,确保中国的原始设备制造商能满足迅速增长的国内和地区需求,并确保我们能满足更广泛的全球需求”,苏威特种聚合物亚太区业务拓 总监 M a u ri zio Gastaldi先生说道。
Our strategically located manufacturing facilities of high-class products for end use markets such as photovoltaic and lithium batteries ensure China’s OEMs meet the rapidly growing domestic and
regional needs and contribute to wider
[...] global demands,” comments Maurizio Gastaldi, Head [...]
of Asia Growth & Development, Solvay Specialty Polymers.
我衷心感谢IMG Worldwide主席兼首席执行官Mike Dolan先生和中国中央电视台(CCTV)体育频 总监 、 CCTV-IMG体育管理公司董事长江和平先生给予的大力支持。
I wholeheartedly thank Mr. Mike Dolan, Chairman and CEO of IMG Worldwide, and Mr. Jiang Heping, Managing Director, CCTV Sports and Chairman, CCTV-IMG Sports Management Company, for their unrivalled support.
在加入 Equinix 之前,Oates 先生是 Pacific Gateway Exchange 的电信运营商服总监,他帮助建立该公司在澳大利亚的批发业务,其中包括与电信运营​商就多个互联设施进行谈判,并建立该公司的业务基础。
Before joining Equinix, Mr. Oates was Carrier Services Director at Pacific Gateway Exchange, he helped establish the company’s wholesale operations in Australia, which included negotiating multiple interconnect facilities with carriers and building the company’s business base.
为了履行上述的角色和责任,海关服 务和国家的其他服务部门合作,比如警 署、边境控制部门、海总监察部 门和税 务当局,其中还包括其他国家的海关和调 查服务部门、商业组织、科研机构、高 校,以及相关组织。
In order to discharge the above-described roles and responsibilities, the Customs Service co-operates with other services in the country, such as the police, border control, general customs inspectorate and tax authorities.
经执行局批准之后,总干事批准任命艺术品咨询委员会 6 名专家成员进入第二任期: Marie-France
[...] Calas 女士,法国博物馆董事会,博物 总监 ; Li êu Cao Thi 女士,集美博物馆 (法国亚洲艺术博物馆);Cyrille [...]
Cohen 先生,法国苏富比国际副总裁;Carlos
Cruz-Diez 先 生,委内瑞拉艺术家;Clio Karageorghis 女士,卢浮宫艺术馆建筑、展览设计和商标部主 任;Georges Zouain 先生,GAIA-Heritage 总干事。
Following the approval given by the Executive Board, the Director-General approved the appointment of six experts as members
of the ACWA for its second term: Ms
[...] Marie-France Calas, Inspectorate General of Museums, [...]
French Museum Board; Ms Liêu Cao
Thi, Guimet Museum (French museum of Asian arts); Mr Cyrille Cohen, Vice-President for France of Sotheby’s International; Mr Carlos Cruz-Diez, Venezuelan artist; Ms Clio Karageorghis, Head of the department of architecture, exhibition design and labelling at the Louvre Museum; Mr Georges Zouain, Director-General of GAIA-Heritage.
Nowotny 的演讲之后是第一天的专家小组讨论会,带来了一长串有意思也有启发的讨论:奥地利国际银行董事会顾问、SWIFT 监事会成员 Günther Gall、德意志联邦银行支付与结算系 总监 Joch en Metzger、德国商业银行首席信息官、德国 SWIFT 全国会员组主席 Stephan Müller 以及奥地利国民银行行长、欧洲中央银行 (ECB) 治理委员会成员 Ewald Nowotny 参加了由 SWIFT 欧中非地区中东总监 Chri stian Kothe 主持的一项讨论,议题为“新金融格局”。
The panel discussion that followed Nowotny’s speech on the first day opened up a long string of interesting and informative discussions: Günther Gall, Advisor to the Board of Raiffeisenbank International and Supervisory Board Member of SWIFT, Jochen Metzger, Head of
Payments and
[...] Settlement Systems at Deutsche Bundesbank, Stephan Müller, Chief Information Officer of Commerzbank AG and Chairman of the SWIFT National Member Group for Germany, as well as Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Member of the Governing Council of the ECB, participated in a discussion moderated by Christian Kothe, Head of Central [...]
and Eastern Europe
EMEA at SWIFT, on the topic, “The new financial landscape.




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