

单词 总收入

总收入 ()

gross income


总收入为... v

gross v

See also:

总收 n

total revenue n

收入 n

income n
revenues pl
coming n
earnings pl
incomes pl


take in

External sources (not reviewed)

为此,除履行官方发展 援助承诺外,发达国家应承诺提供国 总收入的 1 % 用于发展中国家的适应和缓解项目,并分享先进的 [...]
Therefore, in addition to honouring the official development assistance (ODA) pledges made, developed countries
should commit to providing 1 per cent of
[...] their gross national income to developing [...]
countries for adaptation and mitigation
projects, and share advanced technologies for renewable energy and adaptation.
一个代表团问及能否看到分列的认捐、企业、直接反应以 及现金赠款总收入的百 分比,以表明筹资实践中的变化,并说明新战略下的筹 [...]
One delegation asked to see the breakdown of percentages for
pledge, corporate, direct response and
[...] cash giving to total income, to illustrate [...]
changes in fundraising practice and to
illuminate fundraising principles based on the new strategy.
发展援助委员会(发援会)成员的官方发展援助占国 总收入 的总比例从 1997-1998 年的 0.05%增至 [...]
2008 年的 0.09%,但仍远低于 0.15%-0.20% 的目标。
The aggregate ratio of official development assistance
[...] (ODA) to gross national income (GNI) for Development [...]
Assistance Committee (DAC) members
increased from 0.05 per cent in 1997-1998 to 0.09 per cent in 2008, but remained well below the 0.15-0.20 per cent target.
(c) 对于基于国总收入的混 合收入资格标准选项下的简化模式,低收入国 家的分配额在初步模拟中低于执行局认可的 85-91%幅度。
(c) Initial simulation of the streamlined model under the Hybrid GNI income-based eligibility option yielded an allocation to LICs below the range of 85-91 percent endorsed by the Executive Board.
包括现金支付、期票、双边合作信贷、利息收入和杂项 入 的 基 金 总收 入额为 2,334,964,959 美元。
The total income to the Fund including the cash payments, promissory notes, bilateral cooperation, interest income and miscellaneous [...]
income amounted to US $2,334,964,959.
总收入发生实际增长的家庭中有 4%的家庭户主为被 雇佣者,2.7%的家庭户主为自营职业者。
A 4% actual increase of
[...] the gross monthly income occurred regarding [...]
households headed by an employee, and a 2.7% actual
increase regarding households headed by a self-employed person.
在这方 面,他们强调现行经费分摊比额表方法的核心要素,例如基准期间、国 总收 入、汇 率、低人均收入调整、会费梯度、最低比率、最不发达国家最高比率和 债务存量调整都不得更改且不可谈判。
In this regard, they emphasized that the core elements of the current methodology of the scale of assessments, such as base period, Gross National Income, conversion rates, low per capita income adjustment, gradient, floor, ceiling for Least Developed Countries and debt stock adjustment must be kept intact and are not negotiable.
国际社会不应依赖人均国总收入或其 他以货币为基础的变量,而应当确认 衡量贫穷的替代性方法,以便考虑到这一现象的多 [...]
The international community should
[...] not rely on per capita GNI or other money-based [...]
variables but should identify alternative
methods of measuring poverty in order to take into account the multidimensional nature of the phenomenon.
实现所有的官方发展援助承诺至关重要,其中包括许多发达国家所做的承 诺,即到 2015 年实现把国民生产总值 0.7%用于给发展中国家的官方发展援助, 到 2010 年至少把 0.5%的国总收入用作 官方发展援助,以及将 0.15%至 0.20% 的国总收入分配 给最不发达国家的指标。
The fulfilment of all ODA commitments is crucial, including the commitments by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of GNP for ODA to developing countries by 2015 and to reach the level of at least 0.5 per cent of GNP for ODA by 2010, as well as a target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of GNP for ODA to least developed countries.
[...] 般都提供了更多的官方发展援助,但其中大部分,尤其是主要捐助者,尚未达 到占其国总收入的 0.7%的目标。
Since the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals, donors have generally been providing more ODA, even
though most of them, the large ones in particular, have yet to reach the target of
[...] 0.7 per cent of gross national income.
在 2012/13 两年期,收费收入的份额 预计略有增加,达总收入的 9 2.1%,其主要原因是预计利息收入下降。
For the 2012/13 biennium, a slight increase in the share of fee income is foreseen, to 92.1 per cent of total income, as a result of the decline projected in interest income primarily.
委员会在 2005 年规定,人均国总收入达到 可持续的高水平(至少是毕业 阈值的两倍),就足以使一国有资格毕业,即使该国在其他两项标准的任何一项 都达不到阈值。
The Committee established, in 2005, that a sustainable high level of GNI per capita — at least twice the graduation threshold — is sufficient to make a country eligible for graduation, even if it does not meet the threshold for either of the other two criteria.
自 2006 年以来,紧急情况其他资源总收入 的 平 均比例一直 是三分之一。
The average share of other ORE
[...] in relation to total other resources income has been one [...]
third since 2006.
a) 国家和地方政府应按照教育拨款的指示性标准筹集充足的国内资源(国 总收入 的 6%/政府预算的 15-20%),优先重视基础教育(>国 总收入的 3 %/政府预算 的 10%); b) 提供外资的合作伙伴应提高对整个教育,尤其是对基础教育的长期、可预测的供 资水平。
(a) National and local governments should mobilize sufficient domestic resources in accordance with indicative standards (~6% of GNI / 15-20% of government budget) in allocations to education, with a prioritization of basic education (>3% of GNI / 10% of government budget).
(c) 人类发展指数模式反映按购买力平价计算的人均国 总收入 , 以 及衡量 人类发展所必不可少的其他两个方面:教育和卫生。
(c) The HDI model incorporates GNI per capita income (PPP terms), with two other dimensions essential in measuring human development: education and health.
要有资格脱离名单,一国必须满足上述三个标准中至少两个标准的阈值,或是人 均国总收入必须 至少超过阈值的两倍,而且这一人均国 总收入 被 认 为很有可 能得以持续。
To become eligible for graduation, a country must reach threshold levels for graduation for at least two of the
[...] [...] aforementioned three criteria, or its gross national income per capita must exceed at least twice the threshold [...]
level, and the likelihood that the level of GNI per capita is sustainable must be deemed high.
工发组织出版物的销总收入为 181,198 欧元,其中一半(90,620 [...]
欧元)在创收活动项下报告,另一半 转入销售性出版物循环基金(参见说明 3.13㈠)。
Gross revenue from the sale of UNIDO [...]
publications was €181,198, one-half of which (€90,620) is reported under revenue producing
activities and the other half is transferred to the sales publications revolving fund (Note 3.13(i) refers).
监察组了解到,这些金矿已通过空运出口到欧洲和北美,45 此外 还向中东和南亚空运了一定吨位的金矿产品。46 虽然Nevsun记录的 2011
[...] 年其在 厄立特里亚的业务收入为 5.48 亿美元,但厄立特里亚政府累积 总收入 却 未 知。
The Monitoring Group has learned that the gold ore was exported by airfreight to Europe and North America45 and that additional tonnage of ore products was also shipped by air to the Middle East and South Asia.46While Nevsun recorded revenues of
$548 million from its Eritrean
[...] operations in 2011, the total revenues accruing to the [...]
Government of Eritrea are unknown.
截至 2009
[...] 年,泰国政府通过泰国国际开发 合作署,将其国总收入的 1 1%用于南南合作活动,重点放在备灾、农村卫生和 [...]
As of 2009, through the Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency, the Government
of Thailand was spending 11 per cent of
[...] its gross national income on South-South [...]
cooperation activities, focusing on disaster
preparedness, rural health and irrigation, and combating malaria.
[...] 千年首脑会议上重申的那样,努力将官方发展援助捐款额提高至国 总收入的 0.7%。
Donors should therefore continue to aim to
increase ODA contributions to the 0.7 per cent of
[...] gross national income target, as reaffirmed [...]
at the Millennium Summit.
2008和2009 年之间用于官方发展援助的国 总收入 百 分比有所下降,主要 原因是实际国总收入针对 预测有所增加,政府决定绝对增加新元开支,而不是 增加国总收入的比例。
The percentage of GNI spent on ODA went down between 2008 and 2009 primarily because of an increase in actual GNI against forecast, and a Government decision to make an absolute dollar expenditure increase, rather than a proportion of GNI.
如古巴代表所指出的那样,自 2000 年以来,卢
[...] 森堡一直是遵守以下目标的国家中的一员:将其国总收入中的 0.7%划拨为官方发展援助。
Since 2000, Luxembourg has been among the countries that respect
the goal of allocating 0.7 per cent of their
[...] gross national income to official development [...]
assistance (ODA), as noted by the representative of Cuba.
研究涉及的 15 家公司里,五家公司有限的披露了其海外纳税情况,十家公司则披 露了其海外收入的部分信息,例如海 总收入 或 在 特定国家的收入、支付给资源出口国 的所得税总金额或者百分比。
Among the 15 companies covered in this study, five companies reported (limited) information about overseas tax payments and ten companies disclosed some
information linked to
[...] overseas revenues, such as aggregated or country specific revenue gained overseas, total amount or percentage of income tax paid [...]
to host government.
2009 年,希腊向发展中国家提供的官方发展援助占国 总收入 的 0. 19%。
In 2009, Greece allocated 0.19% of its
[...] Gross National Income to Official Development [...]
Assistance (ODA) to developing countries.
以最不发达国家的三个鉴别标准(人均国 总收入 、 人 力资产 指数、经济脆弱程度指数)作为援助分配标准有以下好处:分配给最不发达国家 [...]
群体的援助总量更大,因此整个该群体均会受益;将毕业国家特别是其中最脆弱 国家的过渡会更平稳;公平、有效、透明原则会获得实现。
The benefits of taking into account the three least
developed country identification criteria
[...] (gross national income per capita, human [...]
assets index and economic vulnerability
index) as aid allocation criteria included that the least developed country group would benefit as a whole since greater volumes of aid would be allocated to them; that the transition would be smoother for graduating countries, especially the most vulnerable; and that principles of equity, effectiveness and transparency would be met.
2009年8月6日—美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市—NVIDIA®(英伟达™)公司于今日正式公布,在截至2009年7月26日为止的2010财年第二季度中,公司实现7.765亿美元 总收入 , 与去年同期的8.927亿美元相比下降13%,与今年上一季度相比增长17%。
SANTA CLARA, CA — AUG. 6, 2009 — NVIDIA Corporation today reported revenue of $776.5 million for the second quarter of fiscal 2010 ended July 26, 2009, down 13 percent from $892.7 million a year earlier, and up 17 percent from the previous quarter.
虽然在近几年中对最不发达国家的官方发展援助大幅度增加,但 2008 年在经济合作与发展组织发展援助委员会的 22 个捐助国中,只有 9
[...] 个 捐助国对最不发达国家提供的官方发展援助达到了至少占其国 总收入 0.15%的目标。
Despite a significant increase in ODA to least developed countries in recent years, only 9 out of 22 donors of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development met
the target of providing at least 0.15 per cent of
[...] their gross national income in ODA to least [...]
developed countries in 2008.
在各种因素的作用下,该国的天然气行业已 经发生了改变,其不仅仅是国家的主要出口部门 (2006 年占总出口量的 43%),也成为政府的主要财 源 (2006年占财总收入的 27%)。
This combination of factors has transformed the Bolivian natural gas sector so that it now constitutes not only the main component of country’s exports (43% of
total exports in 2006) but also is a
[...] large source of revenues for the government (about 27% of total revenues in 2006).
目标 3. 为了促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力,该组织在 2009 年呼吁在外交和
[...] 国际贸易部恢复国际通用的语言;敦促加拿大政府将其官方发展援助增至其承 诺水平,即国总收入的 0.7%,并将其中较大部分分配给目标 [...]
3;在联邦政府 听证会上充当预算对妇女的重要意义的证人;2007 年通过了一项关于联邦女子
To promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, the organization called for the restoration of internationally used language in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 2009; urged the Government of Canada to increase official development assistance
(ODA) to its promised level of 0.7 per cent of
[...] gross national income (GNI) and designate [...]
a significant portion for Goal 3;
appeared as a witness at the hearings of the Federal Government on the relevance of the budget to women; and adopted a resolution on an oversight mechanism for Federal women’s prisons to achieve fair and equitable treatment and rehabilitation for women prisoners in 2007.




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