

单词 总报告

See also:

报告 n

recommendations pl
Committee n
reporting n
presentation n
speech n
lecture n


make known

External sources (not reviewed)

每家机构的详细总报告以及 分析报告将发布在内部监督办公室的网站上。
Detailed summary reports for each institute, as well as the synthesis report, will be posted on the IOS website.
[...] 和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题 总报告 ( A / 65/743)中提出了在此方面的 意见和建议。
The Committee’s comments and
recommendations in this regard are contained
[...] in its general report on the administrative [...]
and budgetary aspects of the financing
of United Nations peacekeeping operations (A/65/743).
[...] 部分国家都是欧洲国家,她询问将如何散发问卷回复,是否准备撰写一份 总报告。
The member recognized that half of the replies were from
European countries and inquired about how the replies would be distributed and whether
[...] a summary of the reports was planned.
在 2008 年 12 月 2 日第 7 次会议上总报告员介 绍了会议报告(A/CONF.212/ L.2)。
At the 7th meeting, on 2 December 2008, the Rapporteur-General introduced the report of the Conference (A/CONF.212/L.2).
总报告中收 入了关于社会安全的一章。他们还在2009 年开始进行一项 关于社会安全的全面调查。
They also commenced a general survey on social security in 2009.
[...] 国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算方面问题 总报告 (见 A /65/743,第 49 段)所指出的,行预咨委会认为,对于达尔富尔混合行动这样的特派团(大批候选 [...]
Furthermore, as indicated in its general report on the administrative and budgetary
aspects of the financing of the United Nations
[...] peacekeeping operations (see A/65/743, [...]
para. 49), the Advisory Committee believes
that consideration should also be given to introducing targeted recruitment for missions like UNAMID, where large numbers of candidates continue to turn down offers of appointment.
会议还接受了国际教育局理事会关于委托国际教育局理事会主席Pieter de
[...] Meijer先生担任起草小组主席的建议,并接受了向会议主席团提出的建议,即由理事会负 责协助国际教育局筹备国际教育大会的工作组与会 总报告 人 和 专题讨论小组报告人合 作,组成会议起草小组。
The Conference also agreed to the IBE Council’s proposal that Mr Pieter de Meijer, President of the Council, should chair the drafting group and recommended to the Bureau of the ICE that the Council’s working group set up to assist the IBE in making preparations for the 46th
session of the ICE should constitute the drafting group in
[...] cooperation with the Rapporteur and the workshop rapporteurs.
在 7 月 31 日第 45 次会议上,理事会根据副主席 Hamidon Ali(马来西亚)的 提议,决定表示注意到秘书长关于经济及社会理事会根据大会第 61/16 号决议等 各项相关决议在联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行 动方面的作用的最新报告(A/64/87-E/2009/89)和理事会主席对理事会与布雷顿 森林机构、世界贸易组织和联合国贸易和发展会议举行的高级别特别会议情况的总报告(A/64/76-E/2009/60)。
At its 45th meeting, on 31 July, on the proposal of the Vice-President, Hamidon Ali (Malaysia), the Council decided to take note of the updated report of the Secretary-General on the role of the Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16 (A/64/87-E/2009/89) and the summary by the President of the Council of the special high-level meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (A/64/76-E/2009/60).
在 4 月12 日第 10 次全体会议上总报告员介 绍并口头修正了大会的报告草 稿(A/CONF.197/L.2)。
At its 10th plenary meeting, on 12 April 2002, the Rapporteur-General introduced and orally amended the draft report of the Assembly (A/CONF.197/L.2).
为审议项目 6(a), 理事会面前有理事会主席对理事会与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织和联合国贸 易和发展会议举行的高级别特别会议情况的 总报告 ( A / 64/76-E/2009/60)。
For its consideration of item 6 (a), the Council had before it the summary by the President of the Council of the special high-level meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (A/64/76-E/2009/60).
世界银行聘请的一位顾问指出,世界银行在这一领域始于2009 年中期的一总报告,该报告对亚美尼亚的经济状况作了评估。
A consultant engaged by the World Bank noted
that the Bank’s work in this area
[...] started with a general report in the middle of 2009 [...]
which assessed the economic circumstances in Armenia.
数据中央(Data Central)可以轻松地生成并显示诸多报 告,包括整合了关键印刷属性数据和影调数值曲线在内的 颜色印刷曲线总报告等。
Data Central makes it easy to create and display a wide
range of reports – including
[...] reports like the Color Print Curve Summary, which combines key print [...]
attribute data with tone value curves.
空间法委员会主席总报告员、国际法协会会议空间法会议报告员和空间 法委员会法国分会的成员 Armel Kerrest,以及国际法协会的其他成员,代表国 际法协会出席了法律小组委员会第五十届会议。
ILA was represented at the fiftieth session of the Legal Subcommittee by the Chair of the Space Law Committee, the General Rapporteur, the ILA conference session reporter for space law and a member of the French Branch of the Committee, Armel Kerrest, among other ILA members.
九五”大洋矿产资源勘查与研究(02 项目)总报告(主编)
General report on the ocean mineral resources exploration and research project under the ninth five-year plan (item 02) (lead author)
国际法协会空间法委员会主席 总报告 员 和 其他成员,包括国际空间法研 究所理事会成员,参加了 10 月 3 日至 7 日在南非开普敦举行的国际空间法研究 所第 54 次外层空间法专题讨论会。
The 54th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, held in Cape Town, South Africa from 3 to 7 October, was attended by the Chair of the ILA Space Law Committee, its General Rapporteur and other Committee members, some of whom are IISL Board members.
颜色生产总报告显示 流程和特殊颜色的作业汇总统 计数据。
The Color
[...] Production Summary Report displays important [...]
job summary statistics for both process and special colors.
在同次会议上,会议通过了报告草稿,并授 总报告 员 按 照联合国的惯例为 报告定稿,以期将报告提交大会第六十三届会议。
At the same meeting, the Conference adopted the draft report and authorized the Rapporteur-General to finalize the report, in conformity with the practice of the United Nations, with a view to its submission to the General Assembly at its sixtythird session.
(a) 秘书长关于理事会根据大会第 61/16 号决议等各项相关决议在联合国各次 主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动方面的作用的最新报告;67 (b) 经济及社会理事会主席对理事会与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织和 联合国贸易和发展会议举行的高级别特别会议情况的 总报告。
(a) Updated report of the Secretary-General on the role of the Economic and Social Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16;67 (b) Summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council of the special highlevel meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.68 2009/260.
委员会欢迎法国的第四至第六次合并定 报告 , 报告总 体 上 符合定期报告 的形式和内容准则的要求。
(2) The Committee welcomes the consolidated
[...] fourth to sixth periodic reports of France, which broadly [...]
comply with the guidelines on the
form and content of periodic reports.
根据RobertHoller所说,应用生命周期管理工具倾向于往两大类发展——一类主要支持独立团队,以牺牲PMO级 总报告 的 功 能为代价;一类主要为满足管理和报表需求,这常常增加团队协同能力的复杂性和管理开销,同时也给团队增加了不必要的负担和浪费。
According to Holler, Application Lifecycle Management tools tend to split into two broad categories - those that support individual teams well, at the
expense of PMO level
[...] consolidation and reporting, and those that service the governance and reporting needs, often [...]
at the cost of adding
complexity and overhead to the team functionality which adds unnecessary burden and waste at the team level.
11 月 23 日,全国监督委员总报告员在 戈 马会晤了已签署协定的武装团体代表以及民间社会和联刚稳定团的代表,以筹备 [...]
On 23 November, the rapporteur général of the [...]
Comité national de suivi met in Goma with representatives of armed group signatories,
as well as with civil society and MONUSCO, to prepare for the relaunching of the Comité.
(f) 2007 年项目完成情况综合报告:按照规定,应向执行委员会在每年召开的第 三次会议提交这报告,总结报告所 涉 期间收到的项目完成报告汇报的工作 成果和经验教训。
(f) Consolidated project completion report for 2007: this is a statutory report due to the third meeting of the Executive Committee in each year, summing up the results and lessons learned in the PCRs received during the reporting period.
中心获得了补贴,该中心是国家民主基金资助的一个埃及人权组织,据报总局报告,该 中心受美国国会控制。
According to the information received, the Syrian General Intelligence Service alleged that Mr. Al-Hassani had received a financial allowance from the Al-Andalus Centre, an Egyptian human rights organization funded by the
National Fund for Democracy, which the
[...] Intelligence Service reported was under the control [...]
of the United States Congress.
内部监督办公室章程》(《行政手册》320.E7 项)规定:内部监督办公室主任 向总干事提交年度问报告,总结监 督方面的重要成果、建议和采取的应对行 动。
IOS Charter (Administrative Manual
Item 320.E7): An annual
[...] accountability report is provided by the Director of IOS to the Director-General summarizing significant [...]
oversight findings,
recommendations and action taken in response.
(d) 请秘书处根据缔约方提交的材料、最不发达国家专家组 报告 、 总结 会报告和 其他有关资料,编写关于最不发达国家专家组工作进展、继续保持 的需要和职权范围的综合文件,作为对审查工作的投入,供附属履行机构第四十 二届会议审议。
(d) To request the secretariat to
[...] prepare a synthesis report on the progress, need for continuation and terms of reference of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, based on the submissions from Parties, reports of the Least [...]
Developed Countries
Expert Group, the report on the stocktaking meeting and other relevant information, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its forty-second session, as input to the review.
欧洲联盟还支持以下设想,即秘书长提 交最报告,总结其 2004 年报告(S /2004/616)所载 建议的执行情况并就进一步的行动提出建议。
The European Union also supports the idea
[...] of an update report by the Secretary-General taking stock of the implementation of the recommendations contained in his 2004 report (S/2004/616) [...]
and making proposals for further actions.
[...] 是在联合国系统行政首长协调理事会成员组织提供的意见基础上汇总的,这些组 织欢迎报告,总体上 支持其建议,并指出需要对报告中的某些方面加以澄清, [...]
The views of the system have been consolidated on the basis of inputs provided by member organizations of the United Nations System
Chief Executives Board for Coordination,
[...] which welcomed the report, generally supported [...]
its recommendations and noted the need
for clarification on specific aspects of the report and further discussion on proposals for system-wide medical response.
委员会满意地注意到缔约国报告总 体 上符合委员会的报告指南,但仍感到 遗憾的是,报告未提供充分的资料,说明《公约》的具体实施问题,尤其是说明 缔约国按种族分列的人口的经济和社会指标。
While the Committee notes with satisfaction that the State party’s report generally conforms to the reporting guidelines of the Committee, it regrets that the report contains insufficient information on the practical implementation of the Convention, particularly on economic and social indicators of the State Party’s population disaggregated by ethnicity.




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