

单词 总归

See also:

belong to
go back to
surname Gui
gather together
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
marry (of a woman) (old)
(used between two identical verbs) despite
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by
give back to

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,照搬来的这些东西如何使用,这最 总归 是 要 受到那些要生活在 其中或对其加以利用的人们带有偏向的感情、信仰,好恶及思维习惯的影响。
But their use is invariably modulated by the prism of feelings, beliefs and customs in the hearts and minds of those who are required to live in them or operate them.
央行炼金术——借用美国记者尼尔·埃尔文(Neil Irwin)新著的用词—总归有限
Central bank alchemy, to borrow a term from the US journalist Neil Irwin’s new book, has its limits.
了解Wicket用户中流行的做总归是件 好事儿。
It is always good to know the popular practices among Wicket users.
忽略国际组织为缔约方的条约,将会 捅出一个相当大的法律漏洞:这些条 总归 要 予以处置,但问题是,何时与如何 处置。
To ignore treaties to which international organizations were parties would create a sizeable legal lacuna: they would have to be dealt with somehow, but the question was when and how.
针对这 一提议,有人指出,不将个人送回其可能面临这类风险的国家的义 总归 是 存 在 的,而不论是否对驱逐决定提出申诉或申诉是否具有暂缓效力。
In response to this proposal, it was pointed out that the obligation not to return a person to a State where he or she was exposed to such a risk existed in any event, irrespective of whether or not an appeal had been made against the expulsion decision and of whether or not the appeal had suspensive effect.
他作为这一高级别讨论的主持人概 总 结 归 纳 了若干项意见,供 委员会审议。
As moderator of the high-level panel discussion, he summarized a number of observations for consideration by the Committee.
1)最好的假设是说服雇主,让他知道解雇你比他将你的工作合法化花的钱更多,最好你有 别人的协助—如果有的话—公司里的工会委派人员, 总归 找 一个市里的工会人员帮助你 (在每一个城市,都有意大利总工会的地方工会可以帮助你)。
1) The best solution would be to convince your employer that dismissing you would cost him much more than making your situation legal, maybe with the help of the union representative in the company – if there is one – and in any case with the assistance of the trade union of your town (in every town there is a Cgil “Camera del Lavoro” where you can find help).
知识产权资产组总归要包 括机密信息/商业秘密、厂商名称和商标,往往还有域名、工业品外观设计以及版权和相关权,有时还会有实用新型和发明专利。
This invariably includes confidential [...]
information/trade secrets, trade name(s), and trademark(s), often also domain names,
industrial designs and copyright and related rights, and sometimes utility models and patents for inventions.
文件总结归纳了 秘书处在 努力实现经社会关于建立一套国际综合多式联运和物流系统的长远构 想而正在采取的和拟采取的行动这一长远构想同时亦把亚洲公路 网和泛亚铁路网列为主要构件、把陆港作为用以支持这两个网络的发 展的新增重要构成部分。
It summarizes the ongoing and proposed responses of the secretariat in moving towards the Commission’s long-term vision of an international integrated intermodal transport and logistics system, with the Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway networks as the major building blocks and dry ports as an additional important component that would support the development of the two networks.
此外,根据经社会以一份决议的方式作出的授权,秘书处对各 项评估报告作总结归纳, 作为独立的会前文件提交。若评估以跨部 门主题、方式方法或服务为重点,则将之纳入有关管理事项的议程项 目中;若评估直接涉及某一具体次级方案的工作,则将之纳入相关次 级方案的议程项目。
Additionally, the secretariat provides a summary of evaluation reports mandated by the Commission, through a resolution, as separate pre-session documents either under the agenda item on Management issues if the evaluation focuses on a cross-cutting theme, modality or service, or under the agenda item of a relevant subprogramme if the evaluation relates directly to the work of a particular subprogramme.
经此评价,使 委员会得以就此机制向大会提出若干修改调整建议,同时亦为今后继续开展这项合 总 结归 纳出若干大的指导性原则。
On the basis of this assessment, the Committee proposed to the General Conference several necessary adjustments to the current arrangements and identify some general lines of approach for future cooperation.
今后,所有总部外办事处主任、国际行政管理官员和当地的工作人员 归总 部外 协调局管,但计划专家仍由计划部门管。
All heads of field offices, international administrative officers and local staff are henceforth administered by BFC, programme specialists continuing to be administered by the programme sectors.
培养终身学习的技能,使学生能够去搜寻并找到信息,分拣出相关的信息,提出 问题并加归纳总结, 从而学会如何成为独立的学习者。
Foster life-long learning skills in that students search for and find information, sort it for relevance, ask questions and synthesize, thus learning to be independent learners.
第 I 部分(B)归纳总结了会员国和准会员在对征求意见文件的书面答复中 所表达的意见。
Part I (B) presents a synthesis of the views expressed by Member States and Associate Members in their written replies to the consultation document.
第 I 部分(B)归纳总结了 会员国和准会员对调查表的书面答复的意见。
Part I (B) presents a synthesis of the views expressed by Member States and Associate Members in their written replies to the questionnaire.
[...] 物或因公经办之活动而课征之税捐,可根据该组织与法兰西共 和国协归总偿还
Nevertheless, any such taxes levied in respect of purchases made or activities
undertaken officially by the Organization may be
[...] reimbursed by lump sums to be agreed [...]
between the Organization and the French Republic.
年行政长官及立法会产生办法的公众咨询中,我们亦收集了有关普选的意 见,并已作归纳和总结, 建议下届政府积极跟进,认真研究相关建议。
We have also recommended the next-term Government to follow up actively and consider the relevant proposals seriously.
行预咨委会经要求获得关于预算报告(A/66/721,第 488 段至 491 段)所述 维和记归档总成本的补充信息。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was provided with additional
[...] information on the overall cost of archiving [...]
peacekeeping records, referred to in the budget
report (A/66/721, paras. 488-491).
对于前者,总部外机构发生了根本改变,需 要精总部内的归口单 位;重新审核已经存在的各部门对总部外的职能(如地区教育办事 处);需要一套完全不同的人力资源管理理念和管理方式;加强地区和分地区规划和自我管 理能力;更好地激发国家能力,包括但不限于新兴中等收入国家;以新的方式与伙伴合作。
For the former, fundamental change in field structures requires streamlined interfaces within Headquarters; a reconsideration of already-existing sector-specific field capacities (such as Regional Education Bureaux); a very different HR philosophy and management style; strengthened regional and subregional capacities of planning and self-management; greater mobilization of national capacities including emerging middle-income countries; and new ways of working with partners.
结合总干事关于在 2011 年重新研究此问题的建议,对总干事的如下口头确认表 示感谢,即他将重新考虑按照 35 C/5 文件草案第 01022 段的设想,将“提高能力 的扫盲行动”(LIFE)的协调工作从教科文组织终身学习研究所 归总 部 , 并对 该扫盲行动保留在该研究所的现址问题进行磋商和评估
Expresses its appreciation to the Director-General for his verbal confirmation that he will reconsider the reassignment of the coordination of the Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE) from the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) to Headquarters, as envisaged in paragraph 01022 of draft document 35 C/5, and conduct consultations and an assessment of LIFE in its current location at UIL, taking into account the Director-General’s suggestion that this issue be revisited in 2011
(c) 集中:所有信息、文件和出版物方面的活动都 归总 到 一个统一的单位。
(c) Concentration: All information, documentation and publication activities ought to be assembled into one coherent unit.
为此,建议将所有这类问题全归到 “ 总 干 事关于执行局前几届会议通过的决定 的落实情况的报告”这一项目下。
To this end, it is proposed that all questions falling in this category should henceforth be grouped under one item, i.e. the “Report by the Director-General on the follow-up of decisions adopted by the Executive Board at its previous sessions”.
You can group objects together to form more complex objects.
对组输出进归总后, 便有对通过子午线的每一个源追踪大约 20 个脉 冲星的跟踪能力。
The group outputs are added together with a tracking capability of about 20 pulsars for a source transiting at meridian.
附表 1.4 和 2.4 中归总的职工福利基金或工作人员托管基金目前仅包括工作人员拥有部 分剩余所有权(医疗保险基金的 50%)或全部剩余所有权的那些基金。
The Employee Benefit or Staff Fiduciary Funds that are grouped together in Schedules 1.4 and 2.4 now only include those funds in which the staff have part (50% for the Medical Benefits Fund) or complete residual right of ownership.
要开展的速效项目包括建造地方法院、派出所和补给站、医疗诊所、消防 站、社区资源中心、移民边境站、州缉毒办公室、拘留所,以及翻修移民 归化 局总部并 向一个技能培训中心提供工具与设备。
The quick-impact projects to be undertaken include the construction of magisterial courts, police stations and depots, health clinics, fire services buildings, community resource centres, immigration border post, drug enforcement county offices and detention facilities as well
as the renovation of
[...] the regional headquarters of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and the provision [...]
of tools and equipment to a skills training centre.
统计司的任务规定归总为四个主要领域:制订国际统计标准和方法导引; 收集和散发国际可比统计,支持国家统计机构改善统计能力;向作为国际统计系 [...]
The mandate of the Statistics
[...] Division may be summarized into four main [...]
areas: developing international statistical standards
and methodological guidelines; collecting and disseminating internationally comparable statistics; providing support to national statistical agencies in terms of improving statistical capacity; and servicing the United Nations Statistical Commission as the apex of the international statistical system.
而 2001 年归总部外办事处管的顾问属第 I 组国家之国民的占 21.6% (2000 年占 25.7%),属非洲地区国家国民的占 32.0%(2000 年占 13.5%)。
However, in the case of consultants administered by field offices, nationals from Group I accounted for 21.6% in 2001 (against 25.7% in 2000), nationals from Africa represented 32.0% (against 13.5% in 2000).
约解释中的一般意义;演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间的起点和
[...] 终点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行 归 于 国 家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可能手段。
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by the parties,
including the potential role of
[...] silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the [...]
State; as well as subsequent agreements
and practice as a possible means of treaty modification.




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