

单词 怪杰

See also:


strange adj
odd adj


blame v
seems v


peculiar n
devil n

outstanding person

External sources (not reviewed)

怪医黑杰克只 收不喜欢杰克·布莱克的字符。
Black Jack only charge for [...]
characters that do not like Jack Black.
同时杰里米和其怪物的 战斗停用塔,钵水母纲拥有的Aelita和她输入代码:XANA的方式塔,擦好,离开沙漠部门Lyoko有两个主要部门 - 山部门和冰部门。
Meanwhile, as Jeremy and the others are fighting monsters to deactivate the [...]
tower, the Scyphozoa possesses Aelita and has
her enter Code:XANA into the way tower, wiping out The Desert Sector for good and leaving Lyoko with two main Sectors – The Mountain Sector and The Ice Sector.
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无视大量的普遍定期审议建议,特别是 与结束 对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯坦人民有权自 决、 有权建立 一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷为首都 的 独立的主权国家 、巴勒斯坦难 民有权回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有权收 复财产的建议,这 一 点 也不怪 。
Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack against the Gaza strip and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since 1948 and so it is not surprising that it will ignore the largest number of UPR recommendations, specially those related to putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and to the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and their right to compensation and restitution of their properties.
塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32 个国家的 350 多名专家杰出科 学家、环境保护主义者和水资源管理专家,以及大约 30 个有 影响力的国际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机 构、世界水事理事会、全球水事伙伴关系、世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲经济 委员会、国际挽救咸海基金、美国国际开发署、国际排灌委员会、国际大坝委员 会和其他机构。
The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the preparations for the World Water Forum, was attended by more than 350 experts, prominent scientists, environmentalists and water management specialists from 32 countries, as well as representatives of some 30 influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Commission on Large Dams and other bodies.
通过系统化的使命以及通过或协 同国家对口机构执行各项活动或加强与国家委员会的沟通和协调,系统地参与所有多 国组四国的计划活动等实现了在此方面的进展。在文化领域,办事处在若干情况下制 定及调整了方法和战略,而这些方法和战略在多国组一级得到了测试,并可供其他多 国办事处复制,如教科杰出手 工艺品徽章、 “记忆之地”、建立活的人类瑰宝的国 家宣布系统等。
Progress has been made in this sense through systematic missions, implementation of activities through and with national counterparts, strengthened communication and coordination with National Commissions, systematic participation of all countries in cluster programme activities, etc. In the field of culture, in several cases the Office developed and adapted methodologies and strategies that were tested at the cluster level and will become available for replication by other cluster offices, e.g. the UNESCO Seal of Excellence for Handicrafts, the identification of Places of Memory, and the establishment of national systems for the proclamation of Living Human Treasures.
由於鄭海泉議員希望兩局有更佳的聯繫,而我亦敬重他為㆒個 表現出色,但有點怪的銀 行家(眾笑) ― 他的才幹毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成為 部長的潛質 ― 我會支持有關建議,即行政局及立法局所有議員每月㆒起舉行閉門 會議,在自然的情況㆘,大家暢所欲言,事後亦不會有投訴、誤解、歪曲事實或洩漏 消息的事情。
Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon.
鉴于这种事件,无国界医师组织和儿基会最近指出患有应激障碍的儿童的数 字猛增,也就无甚怪了。41 联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(其报告通常被称为“戈 德斯通报告”)的成员Desmond Travers上校在最近一次访谈中指出:“如果英国 在对待向他们投掷石块的儿童时采用成为以色列安全部队在西岸的规范行为的 方式,即在傍晚把儿童赶到一起并带往拘留所,被蒙面、殴打并在某些情况下受 到酷刑,那么北爱尔兰问题今天就不会得到解决。
It is little wonder in view of such incidents that both Médecins Sans Frontières and UNICEF have recently said that the number of children suffering from stress disorder has greatly increased.41 Colonel Desmond Travers, a member of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (whose report is generally known as the “Goldstone Report”) said in a recent interview: “If the British had behaved toward children who threw stones at them in the manner that is the norm on the West Bank for Israeli security forces — whereby children are rounded up in the evening and taken to places of detention, hooded, beaten, and in some cases tortured — the Northern Ireland problem would not be resolved today.
联合国人口奖委员会选出亚洲议员人口与发展论坛,是为了表彰其在下列各 方面取得杰出成 就:(a) 促进亚洲和太平洋地区各国议会的作用,以通过业已 成为全球性典范的各国人口与发展议会委员会,实现国际人口与发展会议的目 标;(b) 为非洲和欧洲设立地区议会论坛作出贡献;(c) 通过促进各国议会之间 的对话,推动议会就人口与发展问题采取行动;(d) 加强各国议员的知识和能力, 以宣传、倡导并颁布与人口和发展、生殖健康、计划生育、艾滋病毒和艾滋病、 贫困、青年问题、性别平等和消除暴力侵害妇女行为有关的立法。
The Committee for the United Nations Population Award selected the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in recognition of its pioneering achievements in: (a) developing the role of parliaments in the Asia and the Pacific region to achieve the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development through national parliamentary committees on population and development, which have become a worldwide model; (b) contributing to the establishment of regional parliamentary forums in Africa and Europe; (c) promoting parliamentary action on population and development issues by facilitating dialogue within and among parliaments; and (d) strengthening the knowledge and capacity of parliamentarians to advocate, initiate and adopt legislation on population and development, reproductive health, family planning, HIV and AIDS, poverty, youth issues, gender equality and the elimination of violence against women.
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿),刘汉铨,奥古斯丁 杰 罗 姆,繁荣,狮子座,西里尔(“每一丝一毫的”到弗拉维安托梅是根据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神的恩典,直到他们在她的共融生活的结束,也是法令的信件,其中最幸运教皇在不同时代赋予不同的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。
In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of
Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript),
[...] Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo [...]
("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to
be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration".
专家组有文件证明,2009 年塞尔日·梅尔·美杰被任 命为黑石物流公司和 乌阿兹-CI 公司总经理(见附件 21);不过,美杰的真 正角色是兑现科特迪瓦国 库开具的支票,同时保留支票金额的 0.05%-0.08%作为个人佣金(见附件 22)。
As documented by the Group, in 2009 Serge Mel Meledje was appointed Managing Director of Darkwood Logistics and UAZ-CI (see annex 21); however, Mr. Meledje’s real role was to cash cheques issued by the Treasury, keeping a personal commission of 0.05 to 0.08 per cent of the amount of the cheques (see annex 22).
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区,开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸分裂实体; 怪 的 是 ,亚美尼亚的宣传 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.




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