单词 | 怪人奥尔・扬科维奇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 怪人奥尔・扬科维奇 —"Weird Al" Yankovic (1959-), US singer and writer of parody |
此外,安全理事会还不妨 考虑塞尔维亚提出的两名候选人:奥 莉 薇 拉·安 杰 尔科维奇 女 士 和塔 季 扬 娜 ·武 科维奇女士。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council may also wish to [...] consider the [...] nomination by Serbia of Ms. Olivera Andjelkovic and Ms. Tatjana Vukovic, which was received [...]after the extended deadline. daccess-ods.un.org |
其后两天,乌罗舍瓦茨/费里扎伊、杰内 拉 尔扬 科维奇/Han i Elezit、佩奇、米特罗维察和 Srbica/Skenderaj 等地的一些科索 沃警察加入了抗议活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following two days, several other police officers in Uroševać/Ferizaj, Djeneral Janković/Han i Elezit, Peć/Pejë, Mitrovica/Mitrovice, and Srbica/Skenderaj joined the protests. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿姆娜·阿里·苏韦迪、穆罕默德·塔拉瓦奈、曼苏 尔·艾哈迈德·乔杜里、玛丽·索莱达·西斯特纳斯、特蕾西娅·德格纳、加博尔·贡布 [...] 斯、法谛哈·哈吉-萨拉赫、金亨植、卢特菲·本·拉拉霍姆、施蒂格·朗瓦德、埃达 赫·万盖奇·马伊纳、罗纳德·麦卡勒姆、安娜·佩莱斯·纳瓦埃斯、西尔维娅·朱迪 思·光-张、卡洛斯·里奥斯·埃 斯皮诺萨、达 米 扬 · 塔蒂 奇 , 赫 尔 曼 · 哈 维尔 · 托雷 斯·科雷亚和杨佳。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Amna Ali Al-Suwaidi, Mohammed Al-Tarawneh, Monsur Ahmed Chowdhury, Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes, Theresia Degener, Gábor Gombos, Fatiha [...] Hadj-Salah, Hyung Shik [...] Kim, Lofti ben Lallahom, Stig Langvald, Edah Wangechi Maina, Ronald McCallum, Ana Pelaez Narvaez, Silvia Judith Quan-Chang, [...]Carlos Rios Espinosa, Damjan Tatic, Germán Xavier Torres Correa and Jia Yang. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区,开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸分裂实体 ; 奇怪 的 是 ,亚美尼亚的宣传 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳 戈 尔 诺 -卡 拉巴 赫 人 民 和 平要求行使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on [...] the captured Azerbaijani territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
意外命名贝奥武夫 他的继任者为王,许多沮丧的是他的皇家顾问,Unferth(约翰 · 马 尔科维奇 ) ,希望登上王位后,洛斯加尔自杀。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After unexpectedly naming Beowulf his successor as king, much to the dismay of his royal advisor, Unferth (John Malkovich), who was hoping to take [...] the throne, Hrothgar commits suicide. seekcartoon.com |
已登记参加总统选举的 11 名候选人是:亚当·班博莱(独立候选人)、让·安 德卡·强巴(刚果信仰民族主义者联盟)、莱昂·肯戈·瓦东多(变革力量联盟)、 若苏埃·穆肯迪·卡马马(独立候选人) 、 维 塔 尔 · 卡 梅 雷(刚果国家联盟)、尼塞 福尔·卡科塞·马 莱拉(刚果复兴发展联盟 ) 、 奥 斯 卡·卢库穆埃纳·卡沙拉(重 建刚果联盟)、弗朗索瓦-约瑟夫·恩赞加·蒙博托·恩班加韦(蒙博托主义民主 人士联盟)、安提巴·姆布萨·尼扬维 西 (刚果民主联盟-基桑加尼解放运动)和艾 蒂安·齐塞凯迪(民主和社会进步联盟)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Eleven candidates have registered for the presidential elections, namely, Adam Bombole (independent); Jean Andeka Djamba (Alliance des nationalistes [...] croyants congolais); Léon Kengo wa [...] Dondo (Union des forces du changement); Josué Mukendi Kamama (independent); Vital Kamerhe (Union pour la nation congolaise); Nicéphore Kakese Malela (Union pour le réveil et le développement du Congo); Oscar Lukumuena Kashala (Union pour la reconstruction du Congo); François-Joseph Nzanga Mobutu Ngbangawe (Union des démocrates mobutistes); [...] [...]Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi (Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie-Kisangani mouvement de libération); and Etienne Tshisekedi (Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social). daccess-ods.un.org |
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那赞扬科索沃特派团在第 1244(1999)号决议框架内开展行动,在科索沃发挥了 维护和平、安全、稳定以及尊重人权 的 作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bosnia and Herzegovina commends UNMIK, operating within the framework of resolution 1244 (1999) in its role of maintaining peace, security, stability and respect for human rights in Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |
下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利 、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得 、 科 摩 罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和 尼维 斯、 萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, [...] San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, [...]Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu. daccess-ods.un.org |
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无视大量的普遍定期审议建议,特别是 与结束 对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯 坦 人 民 有 权自 决、 有权建立 一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷为首都 的 独立的主权国家 、巴勒斯坦难 民有权回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有权收 复财产的建议,这 一 点 也不奇 怪 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack against the Gaza strip and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since 1948 and so it is not surprising that it will ignore the largest number of UPR recommendations, specially those related to putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and to the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and their right to compensation and restitution of their properties. daccess-ods.un.org |
在结束发言之前,我要像向其他人那 样 赞 扬奥比 亚科将军 ,感谢他在担任军事厅主管期间所做的工 作,并祝愿他在今后工作中万事如意。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before I [...] conclude, I would like to commend General Obiakor, as others [...]have, thank him for his work at the head of the Office [...]of Military Affairs, and wish him every success as he continues his career. daccess-ods.un.org |
沃伊斯拉 夫·舍舍利案比原先向安理会报告的时间又拖延 20 个月;米乔·斯塔尼希奇和斯托扬·茹 普 利亚宁案又 拖延 14 个月;约维察·斯塔尼希奇和弗兰科· 西马 托维奇案又拖延 13 个月;兹德拉夫科·托利米尔案 又拖延 12 个月。 daccess-ods.un.org | The case of Vojislav Sešelj is being drawn out for an additional 20 months beyond the information previously reported to the Council; that of Mićo Stanišić and Stojan Župljanin for an additional 14 months; that of Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović for an additional 13 months; and that of Zdravko Tolimir for an additional 12 months. daccess-ods.un.org |
第三,我们赞扬科索沃和塞尔维亚作 出努力,解 决影响流离失所者的问题,包括制定他们安全回返在 科索沃家园的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, we commend the efforts of Kosovo and Serbia to resolve [...] issues affecting displaced persons, including setting the [...]conditions for safe return to their homes in Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于这种事件,无国界医师组织和儿基会最近指出患有应激障碍的儿童的数 字猛增,也就无甚奇怪了。 41 联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(其报告通常被称为“戈 德斯通报告”)的成员Desmond Travers上校在最近一次访谈中指出:“如果英国 在对待向他们投掷石块的儿童时采用成为以色列安全部队在西岸的规范行为的 方式,即在傍晚把儿童赶到一起并带往拘留所,被蒙面、殴打并在某些情况下受 到酷刑,那么北爱尔兰问 题今天就不会得到解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is little wonder in view of such incidents that both Médecins Sans Frontières and UNICEF have recently said that the number of children suffering from stress disorder has greatly increased.41 Colonel Desmond Travers, a [...] member of the United Nations Fact-Finding [...] Mission on the Gaza Conflict (whose report is generally known as the “Goldstone Report”) said in a recent interview: “If the British had behaved toward children who threw stones at them in the manner that is the norm on the West Bank for Israeli security forces — whereby children are rounded up in the evening and taken to places of detention, hooded, beaten, and in some cases tortured — the Northern Ireland problem would not be resolved today. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊 拉克提到为使移民融合和确保文明间对话而采取的措施, 赞 扬奥 地 利 采取步骤打 击贩运人口行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Iraq referred to the measures taken to integrate [...] migrants and to ensure dialogue [...] between civilizations, and commended Austria for having taken steps to [...]fight human trafficking. daccess-ods.un.org |
随后, 安道尔、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地 利 、比利时、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞 哥 维 那、 巴西、保加利亚、布隆迪、加拿大、哥伦比亚 、 科 摩 罗、刚果、克罗地亚、塞浦 路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、多米尼加共和国、埃及、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、 法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、以色 列、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、 马耳他、马里、蒙古、黑山、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、塞内加尔、塞尔 [...] [...] 维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、土耳其、联合王国、 美国和乌拉圭加入为决议草案提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Andorra, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Colombia, the Comoros, the Congo, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, [...] Denmark, the Dominican [...]Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mali, Mongolia, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and Uruguay joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |
39 尽管研究发现专利权的总体使用程度相对较低,但更 令 人奇怪 的 是,如果治疗率很低、市 场小、能够生产非专利复制品的国家少而又少,专利权的流行程度却不是更低。 iprcommission.org | The conclusion was drawn that, because the patenting rate was so small, patents “generally do not appear to be a substantial barrier to…treatment in Africa today”, although it was recognised that [...] there would be an issue when TRIPS came [...] into force for all WTO members.39 Although the overall [...]prevalence of patents found [...]in the study is relatively low in aggregate, it is perhaps surprising that it is not lower, given the very low treatment rates, small markets, and the fact that few countries are capable of producing generic copies. iprcommission.org |
我想首先感谢塞内加尔阿卜杜·萨拉姆·迪亚洛 大使阁下和马耳他萨维奥尔·博格大使阁下今天分别 以巴勒斯坦人民行 使不可剥夺权利委员会的主席和报 告员身份所做的全面发言并向我们介绍这个项目下的 [...] 四项决议草案(A/66/L.15、A/66/L.16、A/66/L.17 和 A/66/L.18)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to begin by [...] thanking Ambassadors Abdou Salam Diallo of Senegal and Saviour Borg of Malta, the Chair and [...]Rapporteur, respectively, [...]of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, for their comprehensive statements today and for introducing the four draft resolutions before us under this item (A/66/L.15, A/66/L.16, A/66/L.17, A/66/L.18). daccess-ods.un.org |
克罗地亚联合国教科文组织全国委员会 2005 年1月14日致函总干事,要求联合国教 科文组织参加 2006 年德拉古廷·戈尔扬诺维奇·克兰 贝格尔诞辰 150 周年的纪念活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In a letter of 14/01/2005, addressed to the Director-General, the Croatian Commission for UNESCO requested that UNESCO should be associated in 2006 with the 150th anniversary of the birth of Dragutin GORJANOVIC KRAMBERGER. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另一方面,虽然每天有数百个美国航空公司航班在前往中美洲和南美洲的路 上穿越古巴领空,但由于从加拿大飞往古巴中东部地 区 ( 科科 岛 、 谢戈德 阿 维 拉、 卡马圭、奥尔金和 圣地亚哥)的航班不能飞跃美国领土,古巴飞机被迫不能取直道, [...] 而要以高于建议飞行速度和夜航才能赶上加拿大机场的关闭时间,抵达古巴各目的 [...] 地需增加 14 至 47 分钟,而且提高了燃油消耗,从而降低航班的效益和竞争力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, although hundreds of flights by United States airlines pass through Cuban airspace each day on their way to Central and South America, owing to the limitations on flights from Canada flying through United States airspace en route to [...] the [...] central-eastern region of Cuba (Caya Coco, Ciego de Ávila, Camagüey, Holguín and Santiago de Cuba), [...]Cuban aircraft have [...]to use indirect routes, at greater than recommended speeds and at night, in order to comply with the closing times of Canadian airports, with the resulting increase in flight time of between 14 and 47 minutes, depending on the destination in Cuba, and increased fuel consumption, making those flights less efficient and less competitive. daccess-ods.un.org |
极为奇怪的是,在帕斯科先生 向安全理事会通报 中东局势时,联合国秘书处也采取了同样的主观做法,公然与那些敌视叙利亚的 各方的观点保持一致,而且是以毫无真相可言的媒体报道为依据,那些报道实际 是扭曲了实地的事实,把恐怖分子描绘成平民,而把国家依照叙利亚法律和国际 法履行保护本国人民及其安全的责任和义务解释为侵 犯 人 权。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is extremely strange that the United Nations Secretariat, in the briefing that Mr. Pascoe gave to the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, should adopt the same subjective approach, that is infamously aligned with the views of parties that are hostile towards Syria, and based on media reports that contain not the smallest grain of truth and that actually so distort the facts on the ground as to portray the terrorists as civilians and interpret the State’s performance of its responsibilities and duty to protect its people and their security, in accordance with Syrian and international law, as a violation of human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于善政和法治,我们可以提到目前正在执行 的全国善政和反腐战略;2010年举行的选举以及选 举产生的机构;有效执行对腐败和经济诈骗的零容 忍政策;建立并启动布隆迪税务总局;监察员办公 室的成立和运作;一个独立人权委员会的成立和启 动;妇女在各机构中的广泛代表性——在参院中占 50%、在政府中占43%以及在国民议会中占40%;有关 成立过渡期司法机制的全国协商报告的发表;监狱 人数的减少;以及修改刑法,包括在侵 犯 人 权 问题 我还愿欢迎未来的特别代表帕尔费· 奥 南 加-安 扬加先 生,我看到他今天在安理会大厅后排就座。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, the Burundi country-specific configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) has continued to support as best it can the work of the United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB), and the Landgren, for her excellent work during the time we worked together. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下与会者作了发言:大韩民国教育、科学和技术部第一副部长薛东健 (Dong-Kun Sul) 先生,喀麦隆科学研究和创新部部长玛德兰·春特女士阁下,埃 [...] [...] 及科学研究和技术部部长阿姆尔·伊扎特·萨拉姆先生阁下,马耳他科学和技术 理事会总裁尼古拉斯·萨马特先生,黑山科学部部长萨尼娅·维亚 霍 维奇 女 士阁 下,巴基斯坦联邦科学和技术部部长 厄 尔 凡 ·南 迪穆·赛义德先生,菲律宾科学 技术部副部长福图纳托·德拉佩尼亚先生,津巴布韦科学和技术发展部部长亨 [...] 利·季诺提维伊先生阁下,加纳环境、科学和技术部部长谢丽·阿伊泰女士。 daccess-ods.un.org | Presentations were made by the following participants: Mr. Dong-Kun Sul, First Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Ms. Madeleine Tchuinte, Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation of Cameroon; H.E. Mr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Minister of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt; Mr. Nicholas Sammut, CEO, Council for Science and Technology of Malta; H.E. [...] Ms. Sanja Viahović, [...] Minister of Science of Montenegro; Mr. Irfan Nadeem Sayeed, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology [...]of Pakistan; Mr. [...]Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines; H.E. Mr. Henry Dzinotyiweyi, Minister of Science and Technology Development of Zimbabwe; and Ms. Shery Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana. daccess-ods.un.org |
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥 法 利 郡的利普城堡(Leap Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪, 其 中最 吓 人 的 是 一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的腐烂尸体和硫磺味道。 discoverireland.com | For more dramatic history, [...] you could take a trip to Leap Castle in County Offaly, which is said to be haunted by a number of spectres, the most terrifying being [...]a small hunched [...]creature whose apparition is accompanied by a rotting stench of a decomposing corpse and the smell of sulphur. discoverireland.com |
看起来好玩又轻松——正如你希望看到的那样,在这样一个设计浸泡的城市里,就像是一个平台,汇集了许多芬兰当代艺术家和设计师的杰作,赫尔辛基刚又获得 了“2012年世界设计之都”的大奖,你可以看到,这里到处都有设计: 从 奇 亚 斯玛现代艺术画廊的咖啡厅内专门为孩子设计的 古 怪 高 椅 ,到伊 利 尔 • 沙里宁那儿,花岗岩雕刻的提灯 巨 人 静 静 守卫着的中央魔法火车站(第一部《蝙蝠侠》中,哥谭市(Gotham City)的灵感便来源于此)。 vantageshanghai.com | There’s good design everywhere in Helsinki, [...] from quirky high [...] chairs for cultured nippers in the cafe at the Kiasmamodern art gallery to Eliel Saarinen’s magical central train station, which is guarded by lamp-bearing giants carved from granite [...]that inspired Gotham [...]City in the first Batman film. vantageshanghai.com |
在斯特鲁加尔、布拉斯基奇、纳莱迪里奇 和马丁诺维奇及科尔迪奇 和切尔凯兹案件 中,审判厅不要求为确定这种犯罪要素的 存在而指称或证明武装冲突的性质。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the cases Strugar, Blaskic, Naletilic and Martinovic, and Kordic and Cerkez, the Trial Chamber did not require pleading or proof of the nature of the armed conflict to satisfy the elements of this crime. unesdoc.unesco.org |