单词 | 怨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 怨verb—blamev怨noun, plural—resentmentsplExamples:埋怨—grumble (about) 哀怨—plaintive 哀怨n—griefn
学校对打架、伤人、殴斗及一切因仇怨而产生之暴力行为抱零容忍的态度,绝不姑息。 sfusd.edu | The school has a zero tolerance policy for fighting, assault, battery, and hate violence. sfusd.edu |
女人还抱怨说,监狱当局没有向她们提 供足够的清洁用品来保持监舍清洁,尤其是木材燃烧产生大量黑烟和灰尘。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women also complainedthat the prison [...] authorities did not provide them with sufficient cleaning products to keep their quarters [...]clean, especially as the wood burners produced large amounts of black smoke and dust. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国坚称,在整个初步调查期间,提交人和他的同案者从未抱怨过非法讯 问手段,包括其在车臣共和国之外审前拘留设施期间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party contends that throughout the preliminary [...] investigation, neither the author nor his [...] co-accusedever complained aboutunlawful [...]methods of questioning, including during [...]their stay in pretrial detention facilities located outside the Chechen Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些红衫成员心怀怨愤,感到遭受不公正的待遇,而且认为和平手段已 然失败,因此他们认为需要自己作出抉择,并且采 用暴力手段来宣泄不满。 crisisgroup.org | Drivenby anger, a sense of injustice, and a feeling that peaceful options have failed, some Red Shirts have felt compelled to take matters into their own hands and resort to violence. crisisgroup.org |
同样,多国(和国别)办事处的负责人仍然强烈抱怨总部 工 作人员在他们所管辖国家内开展活动,既没有让他们参加也没有向他们通报。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Likewise, cluster (and national) office heads continued tocomplain strongly about activities carried out by Headquarters staff in the countries they cover without their involvement or information. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,委员会确实认为,关押 在Insein [...] 监狱的囚犯人数远远超过了其最大容量,监狱拥挤程度问题是“怨气冲天的重要因素,应及时地予以解决”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The commission did, however, observe that the number of prisoners held in Insein prison far exceeded its maximum holding capacity and [...] that the issue of prison congestion was “an [...] important source of grievancesthat should be [...]addressed in a timely fashion”. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还抱怨说,为仲裁当地争端而设立的地方 委员会削弱了警方作为司法系统一部分的作用,因为这种争端解决方案往往是以 [...] 金钱赔偿了事,让犯罪者逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | He also complainedthat local committees [...] set up to arbitrate local disputes weakened the role of the police as part of the [...]administration of justice system, as settlements of such disputes were often based on compensation in the form of money, allowing perpetrators to get away with impunity. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组在加尔波鲁见到一名持有(有效的)B 类许可证的人。他抱怨说,他的特 许经营区涌入了 500 多名非法采掘者,其中大部分来自塞拉利昂。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel met one Class B licence holder (with a valid licence) in [...] Gbarpoluwhocomplained thathis concession [...]had seen an influx of well over 500 [...]illegal diggers, most of whom were Sierra Leonean. daccess-ods.un.org |
与提交人的儿子关押在同一牢房的六个人写信解释或提供证词, 证实提交人的儿子没有向他们抱怨自己 健康问题或受到酷刑的事实,并说他没有 [...] 身体受到伤害的迹象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Six individuals who were detained in the same cell with the author’s son have either written explanatory letters or given [...] testimonies, attesting to the fact that the [...] author’s son had not complained to themabout [...]his health or about being subjected to torture [...]and that he had no signs of bodily injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
还有许多复员人员因“解决个人恩怨”或 拒绝加入这些团体而成为受害 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are also a number of demobilized persons among victims, due to a [...] “settling of personal scores”or for refusing [...]to join these groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
缅甸必须 处理这一苦果:除了在多年种族冲突后锻造持久和 平以及恢复瘫痪的国家经济以外,缅甸还必须就族 [...] 群暴力冲突达成让步,并解决因过去的怨怼和现在 的不满而日益紧张的社会局势。 crisisgroup.org | The country must deal with a bitter legacy: in addition to forging a sustainable peace after decades of ethnic conflict and rebuilding a dysfunctional economy, it [...] must come to terms with intercommunal violence and address rising social [...] tensions over grievances both past [...]and present. crisisgroup.org |
许多地道老板发现雇用儿童更加容易,他们不太会抱怨工作条件和工资。 unicef.org | Many tunnel owners find it easier to hire children, who are [...] less likely to complain about working [...]conditions or the pay. unicef.org |
学校对学生的行为和纪律要求甚高,我们对一切殴斗及因仇怨而产生之 暴力行为抱零容忍态度,绝不姑息。 sfusd.edu | We have very high behavior and discipline standards for our students which include a zero tolerance policy for fighting and hate violence. sfusd.edu |
虽然在实际容量 及其利用方面有明显的巨大扩展,但在许多国家依然存在着关于上网费用和接入 问题的抱怨。 daccess-ods.un.org | There clearly is an enormous expansion in physical capacity and its utilization, but complaints about the cost and availability of access continue in many countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府没有批准申请人的请求,所以他的权利受到了侵害。73 [...] 在盖拉案中,住在“高危险度”的化工厂附近的申请人抱怨说, 意大利地方当局没有向他们 提供信息告知他们污染的危险以及一旦发生重大事故该怎么办。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Since the government had not done so, the applicant’s rights had been breached.73 In Guerra, the [...] applicants, who lived near a “high risk” [...] chemical factory, complained that thelocal [...]authorities in Italy had failed to provide [...]them with information about the risks of pollution and how to proceed in event of a major accident. unesdoc.unesco.org |
主席 2006 年的说明(见 S/2006/507)是一个重要 起点,提出了具体的措施,如果得到实施,这些措施 [...] 很大程度上能够解决会员国所表达的关切和抱怨,与此同时提高对安理会处理事务的整体的满意程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President’s note of 2006 (see S/2006/507) was an important starting point that laid out concrete measures that, [...] if implemented, would largely address [...] the concerns and grievanceswidely voiced by [...]the membership, while simultaneously [...]raising overall satisfaction with the way in which the Council conducts its business. daccess-ods.un.org |
在提出这些抱怨的监狱,主任已被授权 安装公用电话,允许犯人与家人联系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In those prisons where such complaints had been made, directors had been authorised to install public telephones to allow prisoners to communicate with their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
第四,协调亚太区域各国为应对共同脆弱性采取的行动——这 [...] 些脆弱性包括社会不平等、社会包容性不足和社会民怨等发展挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Fourth, to coordinate a regional response to shared [...] vulnerabilities, including development challenges, such as social inequalities, social [...] inclusion and social grievances. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果当会议中的其 他人抱怨你的声音品质,你可以减少你的 上传频宽 降低对其他人的视讯传输。 w1.iproom.com | If other people in the same meeting complaining your audio quality, you can reduce your up-stream bandwidth that slow down your video transmission to others. w1.iproom.com |
中心自开办 以来,发生过两次“企图”自杀,五次火灾(其中三次有文件证明);中心虽存在不 久,但已关闭过两次,以进行管理改革,但关于条件恶劣的怨言没有减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since its inception, there have been two “suicides” and five cases of arson (three of them documented). Despite the shortness of its existence, it has had to close twice for improvements to be made, but there has been no reduction in the number of complaints about poor conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这些抱怨被证明是真实时,将协助政策制定者实施正确的措施,或采取预防性行动。 fao.org | It will assist policy-makers in implementing corrective measures where these claims are proved well founded or in taking preventive action otherwise. fao.org |
马尔代夫政府明白建立一个投诉标准的重要性,这将使在拘留场所的人在 没有障碍或害怕遭受报复的情况下,发表意见或抱怨。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Maldives understands the importance of establishing a [...] complaints standard that would allow people in detention facilities [...] to comment orcomplain without hindrance [...]or fear of reprisal. daccess-ods.un.org |
但谁也想到了这一战略,而最负盛名的制造商做同样的抱怨吗? zh.horloger-paris.com | But who would think to complain about this [...] strategy while most prestigious manufacturers do the same? en.horloger-paris.com |
各成员国尚未就“一体化行动”进程达成政治上的一致,而各国也未得 以在本国的政府间 (往往在不同机构内发出各自不同声音)的辩论中树立起同样程 度的协调一致,也有弊无利地酿成了现今的埋怨情绪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fact that Member States have not yet reached a political agreement on “Delivery as One” process and that they have not yet managed to inject an equal measure of coherence into their own intergovernmental deliberations (often speaking with different voices in different bodies) also adversely contributes to the existing misgivings. daccess-ods.un.org |
相对於2003年七一游行巿民给予特首董建华13.8分,2004年游行巿民给他25.9分、特区政府32.8分、中央政府43.6分,和2005年七一游行巿民给予特区政府44.0分,和中央政府35.8分,今年参与七一游行的巿民,怨气明显减少。 hkupop.hku.hk | Compared to CE Tung Chee-hwa's 13.8 marks in 2003, 25.9 marks in 2004, 32.8 for the SAR Government and 43.6 for the Central Government also in 2004, and SAR Government's 44.0 and Central Government's 35.8 in 2005, the anger of this year's protestors has obviously subsided. hkupop.hku.hk |
当我之前看到Synology 线上讨论区中有许许多多的新功能要求(虽然有些很不实际,有些彼此矛盾)、些许抱怨、还有很多很多的要求,我就知道Synology 一直用心在聆听客户的心声,而且为了追求完美表现,愿意谦卑地听取客户建议。 synology.com | When I read the Synology forum and see all the new feature requests (some of the ridiculous, some conflicting with others), the security complaints, and the demands for more, I know that Synology always hears from those people and doesn't hear enough compliments for a job well done. synology.com.tw |