

单词 性状

性状 ()

nature (i.e. properties of sth)



persistent vegetative state (medicine)


persistent vegetative state



See also:


state n


great adj


External sources (not reviewed)

最 常见的表现是有节律的抽动,但是也可能是全 身肌体的僵硬、单侧肢体的震颤或者无反性 状态。
The most common pattern is rhythmic jerking, but there may be stiffening of the body, single twitches or
[...] episodes of unresponsiveness.
由于护罩(可动罩)采用立性状,切屑不会堆积到护罩上,无需护罩内的滚动引导,可防止切屑浸入 滚珠丝杠部。
The protector (movable cover) is vertical, so chips do not accumulate on top of it, and do not penetrate into the linear guide and ball screws
理事会旨在促进建立起一个网络,将科技领域中的成年和未成年女性联系 起来,作为联络点传达与科学中女性角色相关的问题,收集有关加强女性在科学 中角色的方案的信息,提出并落实有助于推动女性在科学中角色的方案,提高公 众对科学领域性状况的 关注,协调公私活动,进一步推动妇女参与到科学领域 中来。
The Council’s goals are to serve as a network facilitator linking adult and adolescent women in the field of science and technology, to serve as a contact point for voicing problems related to women’s roles in science, to collect information regarding programs promoting women’s role in science, to propose and implement programs that will promote women in science, to raise public awareness regarding the state of women in science and to coordinate between public and private initiatives for the advancement of women’s involvement in science.
不过,(a) 科学委员会已定期向大会报告马绍尔 群岛的辐射等级和影响;(b) 应马绍尔群岛政府的请求,对比基尼环礁的放性 状况已 经作了国际评估;(c) 许多公认专家已在经过同行审查的科学文献中发布 有关马绍尔群岛的放射性数据。
However: (a) the Scientific Committee has reported routinely to the General Assembly on the radiation levels and effects in the Marshall Islands; (b) an international assessment of the radiological conditions in Bikini Atoll was performed at the request of the Government of the Marshall Islands; and (c) many recognized experts have published radiological data relating to the Marshall Islands in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.
在本文档中性状纯度 是指对植物材料中预 性状 留 存 程度和非预 性状 缺 失 程度的度量。
This document defines trait purity as a measure of the extent to which the desired trait is present and unintended traits are absent in [...]
a material.
要求此类计划和相关活动生成或获得按性别分类的统计资料(不仅在项目和/ 或计划受益人层面,还包括中层和宏观层面的政策和治理)以及相关人口中 女性和性状况的定量信息。
disaggregated statistics (not only at the level of project and/or programme beneficiary, but also at both middle and macro levels of policy and governance) and qualitative information on the situation of women and men for the population in question.
Nemko可靠性试验室具有一系列气候/温度试验室和试验小室,可在不同的极端气候条件下对产品和材 性状 进 行 测试。
The Nemko reliability laboratory has a series of
climatic/temperature rooms and chambers for testing products
[...] and material behavior under different [...]
extreme climatic conditions.
40.1 一位专家要求了解关于试办项目的最新情况,该项目选择 4 个拉丁美洲及加勒比 地区(GRULAC)未占名额的国家与人力资源管理局 (HRM)合作,改善其在教科 文组织的地理代性状况。
40.1. One Expert asked for an update on the pilot project with the four (4) GRULAC nonrepresented countries chosen to work with the Bureau of Human Resources (HRM) to improve their geographical representation in UNESCO.
在发言的最后,我想提出日本对于这一长期目标 的建议:“在世界各地加强人与大自然的和谐,从而 在目前水平基础上改进生物多性状 况 , 可持续地增 加生态系统服务的效益”。
I would like to conclude my remarks by introducing the Japanese proposal for the long-term target: “Enhancing the harmony between human beings and nature all around the world to improve the state of biodiversity from the current level as well as to sustainably increase the benefits of ecosystem services”.
其第1 条明确限制罪刑法定原则,事实可受 刑事处罚,以作出事实之时,其之前之法律已叙述该事实且表明其为可科刑者为 限;事实可受刑事处罚,以作出事实之时,其之前之法律已叙述该事实且表明其 为可科刑者为限;不容许以类推将一事实定为犯罪或订定一危 性状 态 , 亦不容 许以类推确定与一犯罪或危性状态 相 应之刑罚或保安处分。
These principles are also enshrined in the CCM, which article 1, on the principle of legality, explicitly entails (a) the principle of nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege in its both aspects of ex post fact prohibition: no fact, either by action or by omission, may be deemed to constitute a criminal offence unless provided for and punished by a preexisting law; and no security measure shall be applied to cases of
perilousness, unless its
[...] conditions were determined by law previous to its fulfilment, as well as (b) its corollary principle, i.e., the prohibition of using analogy to qualify [...]
an act as criminal,
to define a case of perilousness, or to determine a penalty or a corresponding security measure.
联盟在区域和国家一级开展 类似的活动,包括在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那巴尼亚卢卡召开的一次有关妇女回归 者在权力和公共部门地方职位中的就业和代 性状 况 的 区域会议。
The Union carries out similar activities at the regional and State levels, which have included a regional conference on the employment and presence of women returnees in local positions of authority and the public sector, held in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
为了 加快制定将性状况问 题纳入考虑的社会计划和卫 生计划,这些国家采取了各项措施,但由于文化、 生活方式以及社会中两性角色的分工不同,艾滋病 毒/艾滋病仍继续在该地区蔓延。
Measures had been adopted to promote the development of the social and health programmes that took into account problems linked to the situation of women, but as a result of culture, lifestyle and gender roles in society, HIV/AIDS continued to spread in the region.
这款淡雅的快速吸收型柔肤水采用了Noveon®消费品特种化工多功能PSN——聚合物乳液体系进行稳定,因此感 性状 极 佳
A light, fast absorbing emulsion
[...] toner stabilized with using Noveon® Consumer Specialties’ versatile PSN - Polymeric Emulsion System, which provides excellent sensory properties.
根据贸发会议编写的最新贸易和发展指数,白俄罗斯的综合指标在 110 个 国家中占第 44 位,这些指标包括人均国内生产总值,国家在保健、教育方面的 开支,教育质量,成人识字率,平均寿命,管理质量,反腐败和卫生水平,净水 供应率,性状况等
According to the most recent trade and development index prepared by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Belarus ranks 44th out of 110 States for the combined indicators of per capita GDP, expenditure on health and education, the quality of education and adult literacy, life expectancy, good governance, the level of corruption, sanitation, clean water supplies, gender development, etc. As far as these indicators are concerned, Belarus is ahead of all the CIS countries and some European Union States.
既评 估了生物多性状态, 又评估了变化的直接与间 接动因。
Both the status of biodiversity as well as [...]
direct and indirect drivers of change are assessed.
公司拥有全套不锈钢生物液体发酵设备和精密的检测仪器,技术力量雄厚,结合发酵经验进行技术优化和改良生产工艺,经液体深层发酵或双态多次发酵培养、过滤、干燥、粉碎制成的各种药用真菌菌丝粉,严格按制药标准组织生产,并不断优化产品结构,提高品质,有系统的质量保证体系,年产生物发酵产品300吨,产品广泛用于药品及保健食品的开发生产和植物提取上,产 性状 稳 定 ,主要质量指标高于其它同类产品。
The company has a full set of stainless steel and  biological fluid fermentation equipment and sophisticated testing instruments, strong technical force, combined with fermentation experience to optimize the technology and improve production craft, the various medicinal powder which is cultivated, separated filtration、drying、crushed through the submerged liquid fermentation or two-state fermentation for many times, are strictly according to pharmaceutical standards to organize production, and optimize the product structure, improve the quality, and also it has systematic quality assurance system, the annual output of fermentation products are 300 tons, the products are widely used in development and production of medicine and healthcare foods, and also
in plant extract field, the
[...] character of product is stable, the main quality indicators are than other similar products.
性状:黑 色粉末,溶于热盐酸放出氯气,溶于热硫酸或硝酸放出氧气,不溶于水,在600 ℃分解为NiO,防潮,密封保存。
PROPERTY:black powder,giving off chlorine gas [...]
when dissolved in hot muriatic acid,not dissovled in water,decomposed into
NiO at 600 centigrade,stored sealed and protected against the tide.
当证实过性状态出现有暂时的不良反应时,是不准许在有症状的时期 内进行疫苗接种。
Temporary contraindications are when there are transitory conditions that do not permit the vaccination to be done while these conditions exist.
委员会注意到,Njamba 女士提出的医务证据指出,她属于 艾滋病毒呈性状况, 而刚果提供艾滋病方面治疗并不方便。
7.3 Concerning the claim relating to Ms Njamba’s expulsion in light of her condition as HIV-positive, the Committee recalled its prior jurisprudence that the aggravation of the condition of an individual's physical or mental health by virtue of a deportation is generally insufficient, in the absence of additional factors, to amount to degrading treatment in violation of article 16.10 The Committee noted the medical evidence presented by Ms. Njamba, stating that she was HIV-positive and that AIDS treatment was not readily available in the DRC.
性状纯度 :在单一的转基因品系繁衍的植物种群中,对预 性状 表现 程度和非预性状缺失程度的测量。
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): An established, written method or set of methods that describes how to routinely perform a given task.
常见 API — 通过代性状态传输 (REST) 和简单对象访问协议 (SOAP) Web 服务 API 跨 EMC Atmos、Atmos Virtual Edition 和 Atmos 驱动的外部云立即访问存储资源。
Common APIs—Access instantly storage resources with representational state transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Web services APIs across EMC Atmos, Atmos Virtual Edition, and Atmos-powered external clouds.
可持续发展委员会在 2012 年和 2013 年的政策和审查会议上审视了森林管理 和生物多性状况,包括消除贫穷和两性平等方面。
The Commission on Sustainable Development will
review forest
[...] management and biodiversity at its policy and review sessions in 2012 and 2013, including aspects of poverty eradication and gender equality.
作为隆德大学生物化学及结构生物系的一部分,Peterson Årsköld博士 以及质子通道研究小组一直在研究甲型流感病毒产生的M2蛋白质,一种小型单跨横跨膜(TM)蛋白质 性状。
Part of Lund University’s Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Dr Peterson Årsköld and the proton channel
group have been
[...] studying the behavior of the M2 protein, a small, single-span transmembrane (TM) protein from the influenza A virus.
炸药在存储过程中性状不稳 定会造成危害,而且炸药必须在孔洞中爆炸才能发挥其价值。
Explosives present a hazard when they become unstable during storage, and they are useless if they don't explode in the borehole.
取得的显著成就包括:制定了《环境影响评估准则》,编写了环境和生物 多性状况报 告,编制了《水质量准则》和《工业废水标准》以及固体废物管理 预可行性研究报告。
Notable achievements include development of the Environmental
Impact Assessment
[...] Guidelines, the production of the State of the Environment and Bio-diversity Reports, [...]
the preparation of the
Water Quality Guidelines and the Industrial Affluent Standards, as well as the pre-feasibility studies on solid waste management.
该试验目的在于评估特定转基因品 种的种植农性状及其生物安全性。
The trial is designed to evaluate
[...] plantation agronomic properties and biosafety [...]
of a specific genetically modified event.
最近开展了 20 向产科和 新生儿紧急护理需求评估,目前正在一份报告,内容涉及
[...] 2012 年的紧急产科护 理服务的可性状态、 与人口动态有关的差距和成本核算。
Recently, 20 emergency obstetric and newborn care needs assessments have
been undertaken and a global report on the
[...] state of the availability of emergency [...]
obstetric care services, gaps in relation
to population dynamics and costing is being prepared for 2012.
关于第二个事项,厄瓜多尔领土上的危机属于突性状况, 这说明不是所有危机都可预见。
In the second matter, the crisis on Ecuadorian territory broke out suddenly, illustrating the fact that not all crises can be predicted.
发展一水多用和分质用水技术;发展非常规水与淡水 混合使用或交替使用技术;建立污水灌溉量化指标体系和咸水灌溉控制指标体系;发 展非常规水利用时地下水质、地表水质、农作物产量与品质、土壤理 性状 等 影 响监 测与评价技术;加强生活污水、微咸水等排泄与处理技术的研究;积极研究与开发经 济有效的非常规水处理设备与水质监测仪器。
Set up sewage water irrigation volume quota systems and salty water irrigation control quota systems. Develop supervision and appraisal techniques for determining ground water and surface water quality, crop output and quality, and the physical and chemical features of soil while using unconventional water.
PRTR 法(日本): 旨在立足于关于化学物质的科学见识及关于化学物质的制造、使用及其他处理的情况,通过采取
[...] 适当的措施,如关于掌握特定化学物质对环境的排放量等方面的措施以及关于由事业单位提供特 定化学物质性状及处 理的信息的措施等,促进由事业单位进行的化学物质的自主管理的改善, [...]
Based on scientific knowledge about chemical substances and their manufacture, use and other aspects of their handling status, the law requires that procedures be adopted to identify the emission quantity of specific chemical substance released into the environment,
and that information be made available
[...] concerning the properties and handling [...]
requirements of these chemical substances,
thereby promoting improvements in voluntary management by the business operators involved and avoiding, in advance, any obstacles to environmental preservation.




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