

单词 性犯


性侵犯 n

sexual assault n

冒犯性 n

offensive n

性罪犯 n

sex offender n


violate sexually
harass sexually

See also:

make a mistake
recurrence (of mistake or sth. bad)

External sources (not reviewed)

一些关性犯罪和 儿童保护的法律,也可以用于起诉色情贩运和儿童贩运 罪行。
Some laws covering sexual offences and child protection [...]
can also be used to prosecute sex trafficking and child trafficking offences.
有证据 表明,经济趋势与侵性犯罪有 着密切的联系,在经济紧张的情况下,这类犯 罪的犯罪率可能会上升。
There is evidence suggesting that economic trends have a close link with acquisitive crimes, whose levels can increase in situations of economic stress.
法庭和其他机构应尽量使强迫失踪作为侵犯人权的延 性犯 罪 生效, 只要该犯罪或侵犯人权行为的所有要件还未结束。
As far as possible, tribunals and other institutions ought to give effect to enforced disappearance as a continuing crime or human right violation for as long as all elements of the crime or the violation are not complete.
规则 69 应作出努力,定期审查、评价和公布与 性犯 罪 行 为相关的趋势、问题和因 素,以及对性罪犯及其 子女重新融入社会的需要做出回应的效果,以期减少这 些妇女对抗刑事司法制度而给她们自身及其子女带来的耻辱和负面影响。
Efforts shall be made to review, evaluate and make public periodically the trends,
problems and factors
[...] associated with offending behaviour in women and the effectiveness in responding to the social reintegration needs of women offenders, as well as [...]
their children, in order
to reduce the stigmatization and negative impact of those women’s confrontation with the criminal justice system on them.
(g) 法院在处理对儿童性犯罪案件时,并不总把犯罪人故意对儿童实施 [...]
(g) A perpetrator’s intent to specifically [...]
target a child is not a factor that is consistently taken into account by courts
for cases concerning child victims of sex offences.
第三,卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问 题国际刑事法庭的后续机制为审查从起 性犯 罪和性别的犯罪方 面学到的经验教训提供了机会;这 些经验教训可以适用于未来的国际法庭和国内司法 [...]
Thirdly, the follow-up mechanism for the International Criminal Tribunals in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia offers the opportunity for a
review of lessons learned
[...] from the prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes; these [...]
lessons can be applied to future international
tribunals and domestic judicial processes.
由聽證人員,紀律審理小組,特別法庭認證犯下 以下某種罪行,或已犯有下列罪行之一,得到處
罰並被改變安置去處。如:威脅,打架,或造成 老師或其他員工的身體傷害,在校區內,或在學 校主辦的活動中攜帶或販賣毒品或酒精,在校區
[...] 內,或在學校主辦的活動中攜帶或使用武器,任性犯罪, 或對他人,包括另一名學生,造成大 面積或明顯的人體傷害或嚴重毀容。
Has been found in violation by a hearing officer, discipline panel, or tribunal of one of the following offenses; or has received a change in placement for committing one of the following offenses: threatening, striking, or causing bodily harm to a teacher or school employee; possession or selling drugs or alcohol on school property or at a school-sponsored event; possessing or using a weapon on
school property or at a
[...] school-sponsored event; committing any sexual offense or causing [...]
substantial physical or visible bodily
harm to or seriously disfiguring another person, including another student.
[...] 题:关于在拘押、监禁和非监禁情况下对待妇女情况的全球概况并共享各国在 执行《曼谷规则》上的最佳做法和经验;关于 性 囚 犯 的 立 法、程序、政策和 惯例等相关问题的实际解决办法,有关 性犯 罪 人的非监禁措施及其重返社会 问题;为执行《曼谷规则》提供技术援助和咨询服务及联合国相关实体、政府 [...]
The proposed workshop could examine and discuss, for example, the following issues: a global overview of the state of the treatment of women in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings and sharing of national best practices and experiences in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules; practical solutions for issues related to
[...] procedures, policies and practices for women prisoners, alternatives to imprisonment for women offenders, and their reintegration into [...]
society; the provision
of technical assistance and advisory services in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules, as well as cooperation among relevant United Nations entities, intergovernmental and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations in that regard; and the dissemination of the Bangkok Rules and related training and awareness-raising activities and the promotion of research and programmed evaluation in that field.
[...] 专员办事处合作加 强 与 家 庭 、土地 和 针 对 儿童性犯 罪 有关的立法、根据《巴黎 原 则》建立 [...]
国 家 人权委员会的建议。
Amnesty International welcomed many of the recommendations made by States to Tuvalu, including on cooperating with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
to strengthen legislation related to
[...] family, land and sexual offences against children, [...]
and to establish a national human
rights commission based on the Paris Principles.
面对性别暴力问题,政府通过性犯 罪 法 律, 在警察局设立了一个保护妇女和儿童的部门,建立 了“一站式”服务窗口,为性别暴力的受害者提供 全面的援助。
In the face of gender-based violence, the Government had adopted the Sexual Offences Act, set up [...]
a unit within the police
force for the protection of women and children, and created a “One Stop Centre” offering comprehensive support to victims of gender violence.
(c) 重新考虑其认为向未成年人购买性行为和对儿童进行剥削的行为属于 “对儿童实施的不太严重性犯罪” 的看法,并考虑取消对在境外实施的这类犯 罪规定的须是两国共认罪行的要求
(c) Reconsidering its evaluation of the purchase of a sexual act of a minor and exploitation of children for sexual purposes as “less serious sexual offenses against children” and consider removing the requirement of double criminality for such offences when they are committed outside its territory
国家当局目前正在努力 克服困难,争取在刑法体系中性犯 罪 提 起诉讼,但是性暴力和性别暴力肇事者 [...]
逍遥法外案件、特别是在肇事者为乍得国民军士兵的情况下,能否提起诉讼仍是 一个严峻挑战。
While some efforts are currently being made by the national authorities to
address the challenges surrounding the
[...] prosecution of sexual crimes in the criminal [...]
justice system, impunity related to
sexual and gender-based violence cases, particularly when the perpetrators are soldiers of the national army, remains a major concern.
我们不会调查、监控或检查此等第三方网站和第三方内容的准确性、适当性或完整性,并且我们不会对通过网站或张贴于网站的任何第三方内容访问的任何第三方网站承担任何责任,包括但不限于第三方网站或第三方内容的内容、准 性 、 冒 犯性 、 意 见、可靠性或政策。
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( 严重性罪犯) 法》与在Fardon 一案中参照的《危险犯 ( 性罪犯) 法》具有同样的实质性效果――在对社区的风险预测基础上不进行刑事 审判加以监禁,向高等法院上诉在客观上是无效的。
Considering that the CSSOA and the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act considered in Fardon have the same [...]
effect – imprisonment without a criminal trial on the basis of a prediction of risk to the community – the appeal to the High Court was objectively ineffective.
刑法典》的第二卷第一篇的“侵犯人身罪”包括侵犯生命罪、侵犯子宫 内生命罪、侵犯身体完性罪、侵犯 人 身 自由罪和 犯性 自 由及性自决罪等。
Book II, Title I of the CCM dedicated to “Crimes against Persons” includes
crimes against life, intrauterine life, physical
[...] integrity, personal freedom, freedom and sexual selfdetermination, etc.
例如,在犯性自主的犯罪案件中,对未成年人实施犯罪行为所受惩罚 要比对成人实施同样犯罪行为严厉。
For example, in the case
[...] of offences against sexual self-determination, [...]
commission of an offence against a minor involves
harsher punishments than commission of the same offence against an adult.
尊重应适用于责任国际组织的代理人、其财产、资金和资产的特权和 豁免,以及该组织的馆舍、档案和文件的不可 犯性 ”。
To respect the applicable privileges and immunities of agents of the responsible international
organization, its property, funds and assets
[...] as well as the inviolability of the premises, [...]
archives and documents of that organization”.
[...] 撒冷巴勒斯坦民众庆祝该市的 2009 年阿拉伯文化之 都节的正当权利,并继续在城市内外进行非法挖掘, 威胁伊斯兰和基督教圣地的不可 犯性 , 并 侵 犯 它们 作为教科文组织世界文化遗产的地位。
Also in this connection, the occupying Power uses military force to deny the Palestinian population of East Jerusalem their legitimate right to celebrate their city as the 2009 Capital of Arab Culture, and continues to pursue illegal excavations inside and
around the city,
[...] threatening the sanctity of the holy Islamic and Christian sites and violating their status [...]
as universal heritage sites.
尊重经济、社会和文化权利的不可 犯性 是 政 府可能实施的限制措施合法 并合理的必然结果。
Respect for the integrity of economic, social
and cultural rights is a prerequisite for
[...] the legality and legitimacy of any restrictions [...]
that the Government may impose.
规则 20 应当制定替代检查方法,例如扫描,以取代脱衣搜查和具有 犯性 的 人 身搜 查,避免犯性的人 身搜查所带来的心理伤害和可能的身体影响。
Alternative screening methods, such as scans, shall be developed to replace strip searches and invasive body searches, in order to avoid the harmful psychological and possible physical impact of invasive body searches.
(iii) 合理的人亦可體會受害 人的感受。例如,某些 行為對某一種族群體具犯性,相信已是眾所 周知;又或受害人可能 作出投訴,指過往發生 的類似事件均具犯 性。
(iii) the feeling of the victim
[...] could be shared by a reasonable person, e.g. it might be common knowledge that certain behaviour was offensive to a particular racial group or the victim might have complained that similar incidents in the past were offensive.
在 2010/11 年度期间,稳定团与海地政府、国家机构、非政府组织以及联合 国一道,致力于:(a) 提升民间社会团体通过参与重建工作倡导社会和经济权利的 能力;(b) 协助政府报告、预防和应对犯人权 ,特别是 犯 儿 童和妇女权利的行 为:(c) 确保在向受地震影响的脆弱人群提供人道主义援助时采用保护的原则和标 准,并在提供援助过程中与地方当局密切协调;以及(d) 向国家警察提供临时的后 勤和技术专家支持,以便向暴力行为和虐待行为的受害者,包括主要发生在流离失 所者营地性暴力和性别暴 力的儿童和妇女受害者提供援助。
During the 2010/11 period, the Mission worked with the Government of Haiti, State institutions, NGOs and the United Nations country team to: (a) promote the capacity of civil society groups to advocate social and economic rights through participation in the reconstruction process; (b) assist the Government to report,
prevent and respond to
[...] human rights violations, with particular regard to the rights of children and women; (c) ensure that humanitarian assistance to vulnerable persons affected by the earthquake incorporated the principles and standards on protection and was provided in close coordination with local authorities; and (d) provide temporary logistical and technical expert support to the national police to assist children and women victims of abuse and violence, including sexual and genderbased violence [...]
mainly in camps of displaced persons.
大会第六十三届会议请会员国继续与蒙古合作,采取必要措施巩固和加强蒙 古的独立、主权和领土完整、边界不可 犯性 、 独 立的外交政策、经济安全、生 态平衡以及其无核武器地位;并请秘书长就该决议的执行情况向大会第六十五届 [...]
会议提出报告(第 63/56 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly invited Member States to continue to cooperate with Mongolia in taking the necessary measures to consolidate and strengthen Mongolia’s
independence, sovereignty and territorial
[...] integrity, the inviolability of its borders, [...]
its independent foreign policy, its economic
security and its ecological balance, as well as its nuclear-weapon-free status; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 63/56).
(a) 其与责任国际组织之间任何可适用的争端解决程序项下的义务; (b) 尊重责任国际组织的机关或代理人以及该组织馆舍、档案和文件的不可犯性的义务。
(b) To respect any inviolability of organs or agents of the responsible international organization and of the premises, archives and documents of that organization.
議 事規則委員會主席曾鈺成議員表示,應
內務委員會的要求 ,議事規則委員會曾研究是否需 要明示授權事
[...] 務委員會主席,處 理在事 務委員會會 議上有 議員被指使用犯性或侮辱性 言詞的 情況, 以及有關立法會、 常 設 [...]
委員會及專責 委員會會議秩 序 的 《 議 事規則》I部的適 用 範圍,
應否擴 展至其他 委員會。
Mr Jasper TSANG, Chairman of CRoP, said that as requested by the House Committee, CRoP had studied whether it was necessary to provide express authority for a panel chairman to
deal with the situation where a
[...] Member was alleged to have used offensive or insulting [...]
language at a panel meeting, and
whether Part I of the Rules of Procedure (RoP) concerning order at Council meetings, standing committees and select committees should be extended to other committees.
目前应该在《不扩散条约》及其条款规定的不 可犯性、严 格遵守国际法准则,以及充分考虑各 国的合法安全和发展利益的基础上,应对核不扩散 [...]
Current challenges to the nuclear non-proliferation regime should be addressed
on the basis of the Non-Proliferation
[...] Treaty and the inviolability of its provisions, [...]
in strict compliance with the norms
of international law and with due regard for the legitimate security and development interests of States.
[...] 确保有充分的国家立法依据,使联合国人员能在其境内的境外法庭工作,其中包 括房地不可犯性和联 合国官员和工作人员享有的特权和豁免权等事项。
It would be for the host State to ensure that it has a national legislative basis sufficient for the presence in its territory of a United Nations component in the
extraterritorial court, including such
[...] matters as the inviolability of the premises [...]
and the privileges and immunities of
United Nations officials and staff.
您理解并同意,公司可以但无义务审查并根据其全权判断删除或移除(未经通知)任何用户内容,包括但不限于根据公司全权判断认为是违反本协议或可能是 犯性 的 、 非法的或可能违反用户或他人权利、伤害或威胁用户或他人安全的用户内容。
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不过,考虑到热核实验堆场址的建筑物 和房舍具有不可犯性,对此种监测的程序作了修改,这些程序载于 [...]
2009 年 1 月签署的一份《总部协定》附加议定书中。
However, taking
[...] into account the inviolability of the buildings [...]
and premises of the ITER site, the procedures for such monitoring
have been adapted and are set out in an additional protocol to the Headquarters Agreement signed in January 2009.
土库曼斯坦的 国家政权建立在如下原则基础上:人民的权力至高无上,人民是政权的惟一源泉
[...] 和载体;承认人是社会和国家最宝贵的东西;国家对人民负责并捍卫公民的生 命、尊严、人格、自由、个人不可 犯性 、 自 然和不可转让的权利;国家权力机 关分为立法权力机关、执行权力机关和司法权力机关;中央权力机关和地方自治 [...]
Turkmenistan is a democratic, law-based, secular State governed as a presidential republic. State power is based on the following principles: sovereignty of the people, from whom all power emanates and in whom all power resides; recognition of the human being as the most valuable asset of society and the State; responsibility of the State
towards the people, including protection of the life, honour, dignity,
[...] freedom, personal inviolability and natural and [...]
inalienable rights of
citizens; separation of State power into legislative, executive and judicial branches; and delimitation of the functions and powers of central authorities and local self-governance bodies.




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