

单词 性欲高潮

See also:



性欲 n

libido n


high tide
high water
chorus (part of a song)

External sources (not reviewed)

問:既然調查的可性和科學性不是 問題,我們應該如何解讀公投支持低而投票 欲高 的 結 果?
Q: Since the
[...] scientific standard and reliability of the survey is not a problem, how should we interpret the contradictory findings of low support of referendum but high voting propensity?
这么做的最好方法就是在我们关系 高潮 和 低 潮中,在各个层面都维持一 性 的 对 话。
And the best way to do this is to maintain a
[...] consistent dialogue at all levels throughout the highs and lows in our relationship.
環境承載力取決於多個 因素,包括有關地點潮流交 換沖洩率、養魚場產生的有機污 染物、適用於本港水域的法定/指 性 水 質 指標等。
It is governed by
[...] factors such as tidal flushing rate of the site, organic loading from fish farms, and the statutory / indicative water quality objectives applicable to the local waters.
生产粘力强、潮性能高及涂 布性能良好的标签。
Produce labels with high tack, humidity resistance [...]
and good coating performance.
2010 年 10 月,国际生物多性年的后续活动在日本名古屋达高 潮,总 干事宣布了一项教科文组织生物多 性 倡 议 ,这项倡议将开展协调一致的全球生物多 样性保护努力,把教科文组织主管的所有领域都结合起来。
As a follow-up to the activities of the Year which culminated in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010, the Director-General announced a UNESCO Biodiversity Initiative which would draw together all of UNESCO’s fields of competence in a coordinated global biodiversity conservation effort.
Rajapaksha 先生最后说,高质量 教育的投资包括确保学校成为安全场所, 确保所有年轻人在校内外都有机会获得全面的性教育,其中包括预防感染艾滋病 毒、人权、性别平等以及性欲和福 祉的理解。
Mr. Rajapaksha concluded that investing in quality education involves
ensuring that schools are safe
[...] spaces, and that all young people have the opportunity, both in and out of school, for accessing comprehensive sexuality education which integrates HIV prevention, human rights, gender equity and an understanding of sexuality and well-being.
The higher this temperature is, the better the bricks are protected against moisture.
[...] 情况下使用,驱动工作人员离职趋势看来主要是包括维持和平行动在内的这些组 织的业务需要,而不是最大限度地 高 付 款 水平 欲 望。
The arrangement was utilized on a limited basis and the staff separation trends appeared to be driven by the operational needs of the
organizations, including those of the peacekeeping operations, and not by the
[...] desire to maximize the levels of payments.
关于土著民族 教育的工作进展良好,该主题的一个专家工作组会议将使该主题在本双年度达 高潮。
Work on education for indigenous peoples has proceeded well and will culminate this biennium with an expert group meeting on this subject.
有 中 國 IBM 之 稱 的 聯 想 集 團 主席兼 總 裁柳傳 志 就直截 了當地 指 出 , 香欲 走 高 科技之 路 , 其 中一個障 礙 是 政 府領 導 班子的 看 法 不一致 。
The chairman and president of the Legend Holdings, nicknamed the IBM of China, Mr LIU Chuanzhi, pointed out bluntly that for Hong Kong to go hi-tech, one of the obstacles was the lack of agreement among the leadership in the Government.
由于容纳能力有限,货 物只能被延误短短几天,之后危机将达到一个危高潮,因为生产可能不得不停止。
Given limited holding capacity, shipments could only be delayed for a matter of days, after which the crisis would reach a dangerous climax, as production might have to be stopped.
这些电阻器在 +85°C 时的额定功率为 150mW,并具有出色高温性能和高达 0.5% 的潮性,因 而符合 AEC-Q200 标准,能在苛刻的工作环境下实现高可靠性。
The power rating is specified to 150mW at
+85°C which, combined
[...] with the device's high-temperature performance and excellent moisture resistivity of up to 0.5%, allows these AEC-Q200-compliant resistors to provide high reliability in harsh environments.
国际移徙引发的各种政策挑战中,最需要深 入认识并迫切需要应对的包括:人权问题,特别是涉及被偷运和被贩运人口和非正常移徙者 的人权问题;移徙劳工在全球化经济中发挥的作用;全球环境变化对移 潮 的 影响;移民的 社会融入问题,特别是在城市环境下;移徙儿童面临的教育挑战;学生的流 性 加 大 ,学历 认证常常存在困难;尊重移民的文化多 性 ; 移徙 女 性 化 以 及人口流动 性 别 问题;移徙对 发展的影响;媒体在正确、真实地反映移徙问题方面发挥的作用;移徙在地区一体化进程中 发挥的作用。
The most pressing policy challenges raised by international migration to be understood and managed include: concerns over human rights, especially as far as victims of smuggling and trafficking and irregular migrants are concerned; the role of migrant labour in a globalizing economy; the impact of global environmental
change on migration
[...] flows; the social inclusion of migrants, especially in urban settings; the education challenges faced by migrant children; the growing mobility of students and the sometimes difficult recognition of their qualifications; the respect for migrants’ cultural diversity; the feminization [...]
of migration
and the gender dimension of human mobility; the impact of migration on development; the role of the media in properly documenting migration issues; and the role of migration in regional integration processes.
但是,一般而言,室內發霉的現象是季 性潮 濕 天 氣所 致,與物料的質量及標準無關,房署因而不會為公屋居民安 [...]
Generally speaking, since mould growth inside flats was
[...] mainly caused by seasonal humid weather and was [...]
unrelated to the quality or standard of
materials, the HD would not arrange inflate redecoration work.
这包括将有性欲 的法 律与人权协调起来,例如在性取向、性别特征、相对于强迫和胁迫的自愿性 交方面加以协调;根据儿童不断增强的能力、而不是仅仅根据年龄提供服务;取 [...]
消只有得到父母或配偶同意才能获得服务和商品的要求,例如艾滋病毒检测、避 孕套、避孕和人工流产。
This includes the harmonization of
[...] laws governing sexuality with human rights, for example, on sexual orientation, [...]
gender identity, consensual
versus forcible and coerced sexual intercourse; the provision of services according to the evolving capacity of the child rather than simply on the basis of age; and rescinding the requirements for parental and spousal consent for services and commodities, such as HIV testing, condoms, contraception and abortion.
是次發放包括候選人支持程度和選民投票意欲的頻數分析,以及候選人支持率與選民政治取向、投票 欲 、 性 別 、 年齡、教育程度、職業背景及家庭所屬階級交叉分析。
The release includes frequency analyses of candidate strength and voters' propensity to vote, and cross-tabulation analyses of candidate
support rates by voters' political alignment,
[...] propensity to vote, gender, age, education [...]
level, occupation and family class.
分析顯示,雖然調查的樣本偏低,抽樣誤差偏高,但是在選民的投票 欲 不 高 的 情 況下,五個選區的形勢都可謂強弱懸殊。
From our analysis, although our sample size is small and sampling errors are high, because voting propensity is low, candidate strengths are quite lopsided across all five constituencies.
該等團體提出假如調高最低工資會令整個市場的低薪工作 減少,或使僱主聘用已失業一段時日的人士的 欲 減 低, 調 高 最 低薪 金整體而言將令國內的失業問題加劇。
These organizations opined that if increases in minimum wages led to the reduction of the overall availability of low-paid jobs or the willingness of employers to offer jobs to people who had been out of work for some time, the overall result would exacerbate unemployment in the country.
此外,由於法定 最低工資的部分影響有些不能量化,其他則須待有關政策實施後才 可進行評估,我們亦考慮了其他相關因素,例如促進社會和諧、高工作意欲、提升生活質素、高購 買 力及其他潛在連鎖效應。
In addition, as some implications of SMW would be either qualitative or could be measured only after SMW implementation, we also factored into account a number of other relevant considerations, such as enhancing social harmony, enhancing work incentive, enhancing quality of life, raising purchasing power and other potential chain effects.
投票欲高於贊 成變相公投的比率,顯示有些選民雖然不贊成變相公投,但卻會在補選當日投票。
The voting propensity rate is now higher than the referendum support rate, meaning that some voters would still vote despite their opposition to the de-facto referendum.
中低 收入国家都有共同的经历,领教过非传 性 疾 病 浪潮 不断 上升的滋味,过去三十年来尤其如此。
There is a common experience across low- and middle-income
[...] countries of a rising tide of NCDs, particularly [...]
over the past three decades.
高性能聚 合物具有粘度高、增稠效果优异、油膜厚度和粘着性更大、抗氧 性 和 防 潮性 更 强、颜色更浅、可用性优于某些重烃馏分等优点。
Performance polymers offer the benefits of high viscosity and excellent thickening; improved film thickness and cohesion; better [...]
resistance to oxidation and moisture; lighter color; and better availability than some heavy hydrocarbon fractions.
性还参与采潮间带 的贝类、海参和水生植物。
Women are also involved in gathering shells, sea cucumbers and aquatic plants in the intertidal zone.
分析顯示,雖然調查的樣本偏低,抽樣誤差偏高,但是在選民的投票 欲 不 高 的 情況下,五區形勢可謂強弱懸殊,但在九龍西和新界東就比較緊湊,因為在黃毓民和梁國雄在原始支持率中,只分別領先白韻琴和陳國強16和23個百分比,而推算誤差又有7和5個百分比。
From our analysis, although our sample size is small and sampling errors high, because voting propensity is low, candidate strengths are quite lopsided across all constituencies. The situation is a bit tighter in Kowloon West and NT East, because Wong Yuk-man and Leung Kwok-hung are only leading Peck Wan-kam and Chan Kwok-keung by 16 and 23 percentage points respectively in their raw support rates, with sampling errors standing at 7 and 5 percentage points.
Escorez™增粘树脂具有高性、高防 潮性 能 、 良好的涂布性能,以及和多种聚合物优异的兼容性。
[...] tackifying resins provide high tack, humidity resistance [...]
and good coating performance and excellent compatibility
with a wide range of polymers.
臨時最低工資委員會亦曾 考慮其他相關因素,包括促進社會和諧、 高 工 作 意 欲 、 提 升生活質 素、高購買 力及其他潛在的連鎖效應。
The PMWC has also taken into account other relevant considerations, such as promoting social harmony, enhancing work incentive, enhancing quality of life, raising purchasing power and other potential chain effects.
雖然這種“選擇不捐贈”的做法能增加可作移植用途的器官數目,但我們認 為捐贈器官應是一種出於自願的行為,而透過長期的宣傳及教育,培養社會 對器官捐贈的正面理解及態度,才是 高 器 官 捐贈 欲 的 最 好方法。
Although such an "opt-out" approach will increase the number of organs available for transplant, we think that organ donation should be a voluntary act and the best way to enhance the public's wish to donate organs is to nurture a positive understanding and attitude in society through long-term publicity and education.
這個發現,其實與一般選舉行為非常吻合,就是曾經參與投票選舉的人士,其投票 欲 往 往 較 高 , 而 實質再次參與投票的機會亦會比從來沒有投票者高出很多。
People who have voted before will always have a higher propensity to vote, and the actual turnout rate among this group of people will also be much higher than those who have never voted.
中國人民銀 行日前 發 布 的 統 計報告 表 明:內 地 居 民 儲蓄存 款 餘額已 達 7 萬 億 人民幣,而 且 外出旅 遊 消費的欲 很 高。
In a statistical report published recently by the People's Bank of China, it is pointed out clearly that while the total balance of mainland residents' savings deposit has amounted to RMB 7 trillion yuan, there is generally a strong consumer sentiment for outbound tours among the people.
在院士们的带领下,一批以博导、教授、骨干教师、研究生等组成的学科团队依托 自身学科优势,以技术成果作价入股,与社会投资合作,掀起了学校创新创业的 潮, 推动了“学性公司 制”的健康快速发展。
In one word, under the guidance of our academicians and on the basis of our academic discipline superiority, our group of academic discipline buys a share with technical fruit and cooperates with social investors, which raised an innovative upsurge and promoted the healthy development of “academic based company”.




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