

单词 性感的

See also:


sex appeal

感的 n

humorAE n

感性 adj

sensitive adj
sensual adj



External sources (not reviewed)

清新性感的水, 泛起的淡淡漣漪化成了波浪狀的瓶身和外包裝,獨具風格的瓶身捕捉了流水的動態美感,柔和的曲線凝聚著女人的嫵媚和潔淨。
Sexy and fresh water, the faint [...]
ripples of the surface became wavy and the bottle packaging, unique style of water bottle
to capture the dynamic beauty of the soft curves of the woman's charming pool and clean.
玫瑰花蕾,心的錶盤展現在無數的彩色藍寶石和鑽石的光束包圍的紅寶石表圈的長棍麵包,配上 性感的 一 個紫色的緞面錶帶。
As a rosebud, the heart of the dial unfolds in the beam of a myriad of colored
sapphires and diamonds encircled by a bezel of ruby ​​baguettes and topped with a
[...] violet satin strap pleated voluptuous.
假如您觉得拥有全智贤或碧昂丝(Beyonc e) 般 性感的 双 眉 是一种幸福,VYTAL mei可改善您的眉形,营造颜色调和的双眉。
If you would
[...] love to maintain sexy eyebrows like Jun [...]
Ji-hyun (全智賢) or Beyonce, VYTAL mei can correct their shape and color for a harmonized look.
他感動,難過,更加務實的製表,引導他們到振興鐘錶醉酒遊行的集合,愛撫的面料和 性感的 美 女 披著。
He moved and upset to the watchmakers more pragmatic,
guided them to revive a collection of timepieces drunkenness parades, the caress of
[...] fabric and more voluptuous beauty draped.
在所有关于妇女人权和对性别问的 敏 感性的 培 训材料中,包括有关 《消除对妇女歧视公约》的活动。
Included activity on CEDAW in all training materials on
[...] women’s human rights and gender sensitivity.
香氛的中調,花朵漸漸盛開,激發了傳說中的女性能量:粉末 的性感 向 日 葵,莽撞的紫羅蘭和魅力超凡的鳶尾草。
At the heart of the fragrance, floral prints bloom generously and evoke an asserted feminine power: powdery sensual heliotrope, cheeky violet and charismatic orris.
重要的措施包括通过性别问感的预算,并性别角 度评估预算。
Important measures included the adoption of gender-sensitive budgets and the critical evaluation of budgets from gender perspectives.
[...] 体制的影响、政策和长远规划、生存技能教育、对性别与文化 感性的 课 程和培训计划以及 能力培养(即校内卫生方法)。
A wide range of issues has been dealt with: advocacy, impact of HIV/AIDS on education systems,
policies and strategies, life skills
[...] education, gender and culture sensitive curricula and [...]
training and capacitybuilding (namely in school health approaches).
苏斯洛娃女士的工作主要关注,在国际(《消除对妇女歧视公约》和《行 动纲要》)和国家文件的基础上倡导妇女人权,对性别问题 感性的培 训 (非政府组织、学生等)和性别平等主流化(议员和议会工作人员、各 个部门、政府官员等),对立法进行性别分析(平等机会法、家庭暴力法、 [...]
劳动法典、公共卫生体系、教育、监狱制度),就性别歧视的个别案件 提供咨询,出版关于妇女人权和两性平等的出版物。
The main attention of Ms. Suslova’s work addresses
women’s human rights
[...] advocacy at the international level (CEDAW, Platform for Action) and national documents, training on gender sensitivity (NGOs, students, [...]
etc.) and gender
mainstreaming (MPs and Parliament staff, ministries, governmental officials, etc.), gender analysis of legislation (equal opportunity law, domestic violence law, labour code, public health system, education, penitentiary system), consultations on individual cases of gender discrimination, preparing publications on women’s human rights and gender equality.
[...] 样重要的,是教育青年一代,并在社会上形成新的、更注重性别问题 感性的心 态,实现男女平权。
The vision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova in this sense is that paramount to eliminating this problem is
educating the younger generations and shaping a
[...] new, more gender-sensitive mentality [...]
in society, offering equal rights to men and to women.
儿童基金会继续支持落实机构间常设委员会(机构间常委会)的性别平等标 码,以跟踪全球和国家两级对具有性别 感性的 人 道 主义行动的资金分配情况。
UNICEF continues to support implementation of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Marker to track funding allocations to gender-responsive humanitarian action at global and country levels.
管理層相信上述主要假的任何 合理可見變動,將不會導致商譽之賬面值超出可收回數額,因此毋須進行 感性 分 析
Management believes that any reasonably foreseeable change in any of
the above key
[...] assumptions would not cause the carrying amount of goodwill to exceed the recoverable amount and therefore no sensitivity analysis was required.
[...] 则;就防止儿童由于提出申诉而遭报复的措施提出建议;采 性 别 敏 感的 方 法 ; 保障儿童在对影响到其本人的诉讼中发表意见的权利;补充委员会报告的职责, [...]
使它能够呼吁相关机构支持各国就其建议采取的后续行动,包括解决暴力侵害儿 童的根本原因。
While building on existing international norms and standards, that procedure would: contribute to the preservation of the holistic nature of the Convention; take into account the general principles of the Convention in the consideration of allegations; propose measures to prevent the child from being
subjected to reprisals for having submitted
[...] complaints; apply a gender-sensitive approach; [...]
guarantee the right of the child to be
heard in proceedings affecting him or her; and complement the reporting function of the Committee, which would thus be in a position to call on relevant bodies to support countries in any follow-up to its recommendations, including by addressing root causes of violence against children.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行 性 别 问感的安全 部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 [...]
下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提供熟悉性别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程;
The Special Committee recognizes the positive
role that peacekeeping operations can
[...] play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector [...]
reform and the development of security
services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
您一旦使用 3D ContentCentral® 网站,即表示您认同以下事项:(i) DS SolidWorks 可能不会对资料进行筛选,因此 SolidWorks
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[...] reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such Data; (iii) you may be exposed to content that is indecent, offensive, or otherwise [...]
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[...] 权、尤其是对性别和儿童问题具有 感性的 非 歧视性方法,同时矛头直指贩运人 [...]
Similarly, OSCE’s anti-trafficking work conducted by its Special Representative has always striven to incorporate an approach
that is human rights-based, specifically
[...] genderand child-sensitive and non-discriminatory, [...]
taking as a starting point that
trafficking is a grave violation of human rights and human dignity.
我们的 Application Performance
[...] Node(应用程序性能节点)架构使您能将您的时延 感性的 内 容 及应用程序放置在更贴近员工、客户及终端用户的地方,可提高性能达 [...]
15% 或以上。
Our Application Performance Node architecture lets you
[...] locate latency-sensitive content and applications [...]
in proximity to employees, customers
and end users to improve performance by 15% or more.
取得的成果包括:实现全民教育的综合国家承诺;广泛宣传波斯语版本的《全民教育 全球监测报告》,以激发关于素质教育的公共意识和政策辩论;建立起有关教育和科学的国 民议会对话机制;用波斯语为教师编制和宣传包 性 教 育 的学习培训资料;就滥用药物与艾 滋病毒/艾滋病问题进行磋商;就文化多样性和人权进行高级别政策对话、交流和培训;在 新闻行业开展能力建设,以及报告 性 别 、环境恶化、防灾减灾以及艾滋病毒和艾滋病有的敏感问题
Achievements include: consolidated national commitment toward EFA; wide dissemination of EFA Global Monitoring Reports (Farsi version) to stimulate public awareness and policy debates on quality education; establishment of a dialogue mechanism with the national parliament on education and sciences; production and dissemination of learning and training
materials in Farsi for
[...] teachers on inclusive education; consultation on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS; high-level policy dialogue, exchanges and training on cultural diversity and human rights; capacity-building in journalism and reporting on sensitive issues related to gender, environmental degradation, disaster preparedness and mitigation, and HIV/AIDS.
情况通报之后,由于问的敏感性, 安 理会举行了全体磋商,安理会成员与 副秘书长进行了互动式对话。
After the
[...] briefing, owing to the sensitivity of the issue, [...]
the Council held consultations of the whole, where members of
the Council held an interactive dialogue with the Under-Secretary-General.
这些计划包括对公共网站适应性的分析及支持;在公共部门 及私人部门的专业培训,包括对所涉及网站内容的改进和更新;推动实施新型技 术方案以发展用于维护信息社会接入水平的工具及服务,以及对于通用设计作为 保障信息社会无歧视服务的入口,提升对其重 性 认 识 的 社 会 敏 感 度。
The projects include analysis of and support for the adaptation of public websites, the training of both public- and private-sector professionals involved in the development and updating of those websites, the launching of innovative technological projects designed to develop tools and services facilitating maintenance of the level of accessibility required by law and the promotion of awareness in society of the importance of universal design as a means of guaranteeing nondiscriminatory access to the services of the information society.
由於該病毒是具潛在危的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流性感冒(H 1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous
pathogen, it is
[...] important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be [...]
subject to the statutory
notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
应对警察、边防警卫、法官、律师和其他有关人员进 行培训,提高他们对人口贩运问题和受害者权利问题 感性的 认 识
Training for police officers, border guards, judges, lawyers and other relevant personnel
should be provided, in order to raise
[...] awareness of the sensitivity of the issue [...]
of trafficking and the rights of victims.
因此,如果进行有关于国家 认同的辩论,在任何时候都应铭记下列问题:如何以鼓励包容而非排斥的方式界
[...] 系;如何灌输维系一个国家的共同价值观和原则,但这些价值观和原则并非完全 是基于种族或宗教原因;如何说服不同人口群体,尽管他们有分歧,但可以共享 一个构成集体利益基础的身份;以及如何培养一种民族团 的感 情 , 同时鼓励个 人接受并赞美他的多样性。
Therefore, in cases where there is a debate on national identity, the following questions should be borne in mind at all times: how to define national identity in a way which encourages inclusion rather than exclusion; how to ensure that individuals who feel that they belong to the country may freely associate themselves with the national identity of that country; how to instil common values and principles which hold a nation together, but which are not exclusively based on ethnic or religious grounds; how to convince disparate population groups that, despite their differences, they can share an identity which constitutes the basis for a
collective interest; and how to
[...] inculcate a feeling of national unity, while encouraging individuals to assume and celebrate their diversity.
[...] 成果包括:提高地方一级的国家制度和改善冲突局势的能力;提高国家教育系统管理文化和 种族多样性的能力;以及,促进跨文 的 敏 感性 和 公 民意识。
The three key expected outcomes of the programme are: national systems and capacities for conflict transformation at local level enhanced; capacity of national
education system to manage cultural and ethnic
[...] diversity enhanced; and inter-cultural sensitivity and civic awareness [...]
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领的工作 :不感 爆炸物和氧性固体的分类 ;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 [...]
C.1 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全球统一制度》的标准以 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行文字修订;
水引发毒性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 1、2 和 3;编 制小包装标签的进一步指导。
The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be
continued in the
[...] biennium 2011-2012: classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; [...]
issues related to dust
explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model Regulations; editorial revision of the chapters addressing skin corrosion/irritation; assessment of water-activated toxicity; implementation issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additional guidance for the labelling of small packagings.
上述感性分析乃假設匯率變動於資產負債表結算日發生,並應用於本集團每一實體 於當日已存的金融工具所面的貨 幣 風險,而所有其他可變動因素特別是利率則 保持不變。
The sensitivity analysis has been determined assuming that the change in foreign exchange rates had occurred at the balance sheet date and had been applied to each of the [...]
Group entities’ exposure
to currency risk for financial instruments in existence at that date; and that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant.
以下表格顯示在資產負債表日其他變量保持固定的情況下,美元滙率的合理可能變化導致本集團稅前利潤(由 於 貨 幣 型 資 產 ╱ 負 債 公 允 價 值 的 變 動 )和 權 益 變的 敏 感 性。
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity at the balance sheet date to a reasonably possible change in the US$ exchange rate, with all other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit before tax (due to change in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities) and the Group’s owners’ equity.
[...] 表明,制止新闻编辑发表被认为对国家的稳定具有 感性的 问 题 ,其中包括联合 团结和发展党发表的有关竞选违法行为的报告,以及有关军方在族裔冲突领域内 [...]
Also, there are reports that news editors were prevented from publishing
[...] issues deemed sensitive to the stability [...]
of the State, including reports of campaign
irregularities by the Union Solidarity and Development Party and allegations of abuse committed by the military in ethnic conflict areas.
為確切地指明世衞就化驗室 生物安全水平建議中所指的病毒,及避免無意中把沒有證 據顯示會如現時一般感染人的其他 豬型甲型流 性感 冒病毒( 即如動物化驗室所處的豬型流行 性感 冒 病 毒) 包括在內,因此建議修訂該條例附表2,加 入 "人類豬型甲 型流行性感冒病毒(H1亞型)"。
In order to specifically identify the current virus referred to in the WHO's recommendation on laboratory biosafety and also to avoid catching inadvertently other swine influenza A viruses with no evidence of causing human infections as in the current situation, such as those handled by veterinary laboratories, "human swine influenza virus type A (subtype H1)" is proposed to be added as an amendment to Schedule 2 to the Ordinance.
[...] 国家趋势的监测和确认进行了研究,并制订了多种工具,从而以有效且注意文化 感性的方 式进行触及侮辱和歧视问题的性教育。
This is complemented by research on the monitoring and identification of global, regional and national trends, as well as by the
development of tools for the effective and
[...] culturally-sensitive delivery of sexuality education [...]
that addresses stigma and discrimination.




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