单词 | 怦 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 怦—impulsive怦怦—faithful and upright be eager and anxious (to do sth) thumping sound (onom.) Examples:心怦怦跳—The heart thumps wildly. [idiom.] 怦然—with a sudden shock, bang etc 怦然心动—palpitating with eagerness do sth [idiom.]
车侧采用密封且优雅的造型,加上经典跑车比例,不仅令人怦然心动,还预示着一种跑车快感与驾驶乐趣。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The closed, elegant shape of the side view with the classic roadster proportions quickens the pulse and is a visual promise of the sportiness and driving pleasure in store. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
U-Boat 手表不断推陈出新,先进的技术与激进的造型完美融合,令全世界的手表鉴赏家们怦然心动。 hk.ashford.com | U-Boat Watches has consistently produced technically advanced watches with aggressive styling and has captured the hearts of watch connoisseurs worldwide. ashford.com |
随着MRI扫描仪开始运行,它将发出持续数分钟的怦怦的嗡嗡声,这是由打开和关闭场梯度导致生成巨大噪声的振动。 bksv.cn | This is caused by the switching on and off of field gradients resulting in vibration that produces loud noises. bksv.com |
这款最具跑车风格的 Panamera 还以其令人怦然心动的引擎声浪向车室内的乘客和车外的世界传达着这讯息。 pap.porsche.com | The sportiest of all Panameras also conveys this to occupants and the outside world by its striking sound. pap.porsche.com |
我的心怦怦直跳。 peaceoneday.org | Myheart’s pounding. peaceoneday.org |
2012年11月2日 - 全新的A系列为平治汽车於小型轿车上揭开新一页,令人怦然心动的设计,精巧细致的车厢用料,配置强劲的引擎,非凡的燃油效益与及同级中最出色的风阻系数。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | November 2, 2012 – With the new A-Class, Mercedes-Benz is opening up a new chapter in the compact segment: emotive design, high quality interior, powerful engines, extremely efficient emissions and a best-in-class drag coefficient. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
无论是跑车化的车身设计到车厢内饰用料,CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake 都充满动感,不禁令人怦然心动,而LED 高性能头灯亦已设定为标准配备。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | In terms of appearance, the CLS 63 AMG cuts an impressive figure with its athletic lines and its distinctive exterior and interior design. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司营运总裁魏德博士表示﹕「全新平治CLS 系列不但拥有令人怦然心动的设计及极致动感的魅力,我们更於四门轿车汽车类别上领先一代。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer of Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited says “With its exciting design and refined sportiness, the new edition of the CLS also benefits from the fact that we are a whole generation ahead of the competition with our four-door Coupé. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
全新A系列的车身比上一代降低了160毫米,更显其动感的车身设计,亦印证了平治全新设计策略,亦即是个性独特的两箱式设计,动感的外型与精巧的内饰细节,令人怦然心动。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The appearance of the new A-Class reflects this new Mercedes-Benz design strategy. The result is what is known as a two-box design with a distinct character of its own, a sportily emotive exterior and an exceptionally high-quality feel to the interior. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
其低重心、力量十足的车肩和纤巧的C柱均令人怦然心动,而短小悬挂、修长引擎罩、大弧度挡风玻璃以及延伸式车顶亦令人叹为观止。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | This compact two-door Coupé excites with its low profile, powerful-looking shoulder line and slim line C-pillar. The short overhang, long engine cover, steeply sloping windscreen and long, stretched-out roof are also striking elements of its overall style. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
今年,LEXUS雷克萨斯将通过在产品设计,个性化配置,前瞻智能科技和品牌服务等多方面积极改变,为中国消费者带来“翘首期待,怦然心动”的全方位品质体验,以赢得客户满意的笑容。 lexus.com.cn | This year, Lexus aims to provide a Total Value experience that "meets expectations and touches the hearts" of Chinese consumers with a series of positive changes in product design, personalized configurations, future-oriented intelligent technologies and services, to win satisfied smiles from more customers. lexus.com.cn |
即日起,LEXUS雷克萨斯中国敬请您莅临位于全国65个城市的99家LEXUS雷克萨斯授权经销商处,进一步了解CT200h花语花忆版和暗夜骑士版相关详情,翘首以待这令人怦然心动的都市新生代专属座驾。 lexus.com.cn | Lexus cordially invites you to visit any Lexus authorized dealership at each of the 99 Lexus dealerships in 65 cities across China to learn more about CT200h L’amour EDITION and MIDNIGHT EDITION and to await the unveiling of these wakudoki models tailored for new and young generation. lexus.com.cn |